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FGF21是一类具有重要糖脂代谢调节功能因子,是治疗2型糖尿病候选药物。但其在大肠杆菌中表达量低且主要以包涵体形式表达,为此根据FGF21与FGF家族同源序列差异,对FGF21进行定点突变以提高其表达量。以pSUMO-FGF21表达载体为模板,在突变位点两端设计引物,采用定点突变方法,将FGF21141位甘氨酸(G)突变为苯丙氨酸(F),构建突变FGF21表达载体pSUMO-mutFGF21;在大肠杆菌中进行表达,纯化mutFGF21蛋白。利用SDS-PAGE和Western blot鉴定分析突变蛋白,HepG2细胞糖吸收试验检测突变蛋白活性。结果成功对pSUMO-hFGF21进行突变,突变蛋白在大肠杆菌中成功表达,经SDS-PAGE分析,主要以可溶形式表达;与野生型FGF21(hFGF21)相比,表达量提高50%。Western blot表明mutFGF21可与FGF21抗体特异性反应。糖吸收试验显示mutFGF21具有与hFGF21一样生物活性并存在剂量依赖性,相比hFGF21,mutFGF21活性略有提高,说明定点突变FGF21(141位G突变为F)可显著提高FGF21表达量。  相似文献   

The catalytically essential amino acid in the active site of bacterial alkaline phosphatase (Ser-102) has been replaced with a cysteine by site-directed mutagenesis. The resulting thiol enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of a variety of phosphate monoesters. The rate-determining step of hydrolysis, however, is no longer the same for catalysis when the active protein nucleophile is changed from the hydroxyl of serine to the thiol of cysteine. Unlike the steady-state kinetics of native alkaline phosphatase, those of the mutant show sensitivity to the leaving group of the phosphate ester.  相似文献   

以PCR为基础的定点诱变技术是近年来得到极大发展的分子生物学方法,不仅用于基因和蛋白质的结构与功能的基础研究,还用于定点改造目的基因。综述了以PCR为基础的定点诱变的各种方法,并介绍了国内外最新的研究进展,重点介绍并分析了单管大引物法、一步重叠延伸PCR、多位点环状诱变PCR及TAMS定点诱变等新方法,比较了不同方法的优缺点,分析了存在的问题并提出解决对策。  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis is used extensively for probing gene function. In this paper we describe an improved megaprimer method to the site-directed mutagenesis of phytase from Aspergillus niger, which allowed the mutations to be performed more efficiently in less time than other traditional methods. Three rounds of PCR and two pairs of primers were required in this method, and additionally, the restriction enzyme Dpn I was used for the elimination of template instead of the gel purification in this process. The entire procedure was performed in one tube. Moreover, this method was easier for obtaining large mutant genes than other methods. We successfully carried out the site-directed mutagenesis of phytase by adopting this method.  相似文献   

A strategy, termed homolog-scanning mutagenesis, was used to identify the epitopes on human growth hormone (hGH) for binding to its cloned liver receptor and eight different monoclonal antibodies (Mab's). Segments of sequences (7 to 30 residues long) that were derived from homologous hormones known not to bind to the hGH receptor or Mab's, were systematically substituted throughout the hGH gene to produce a set of 17 chimeric hormones. Each Mab or receptor was categorized by a particular subset of mutant hormones was categorized by a particular subset of mutant hormones that disrupted binding. Each subset of the disruptive mutations mapped within close proximity on a three-dimensional model of hGH, even though the residues changed within each subset were usually distant in the primary sequence. The mapping analysis correctly predicted those Mab's which could or could not block binding of the receptor to hGH and further suggested (along with other data) that the folding of these chimeric hormones is like that of HGH. By this analysis, three discontinuous polypeptide determinants in hGH--the loop between residues 54 and 74, the central portion of helix 4 to the carboxyl terminus, and to a lesser extent the amino-terminal region of helix 1--modulate binding to the liver receptor. Homolog-scanning mutagenesis should be of general use in identifying sequences that cause functional variation among homologous proteins.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of an efficient Diels-Alder antibody catalyst at 1.9 angstrom resolution reveals almost perfect shape complementarity with its transition state analog. Comparison with highly related progesterone and Diels-Alderase antibodies that arose from the same primordial germ line template shows the relatively subtle mutational steps that were able to evolve both structural complementarity and catalytic efficiency.  相似文献   

利用重组PCR技术将猪瘟病毒兔化弱毒株(Hog cholera virus lapinized Chinese strain,HCLV)Erns编码区30位His残基密码子CAT突变为Pro残基密码子CCC,将突变后的基因克隆至原核表达载体pET-28a( )中,构建成重组质粒pETmErns,并将此重组子转入宿主菌BL21(DE3)plysS中,在IPTG的诱导下表达重组转化菌.结果:突变的mErns基因能在pET表达系统成功表达.用Western blotting检测表明,所表达的蛋白是猪瘟病毒特异性的,但克隆于pET-28a( )中未突变的Erns基因却不能表达,说明Erns基因的RNA酶活性是影响该基因在Escherichia coli中表达的因素之一.  相似文献   

A transition state analogue was used to produce a mouse antibody that catalyzes transesterification in water. The antibody behaves as a highly efficient catalyst with a covalent intermediate and the characteristic of induced fit. While some features of the catalytic pathway were programmed when the hapten was designed and reflect favorable substrate-antibody interactions, other features are a manifestation of the chemical potential of antibody diversity. The fact that antibodies recapitulate mechanisms and pathways previously thought to be a characteristic of highly evolved enzymes suggests that once an appropriate binding cavity is achieved, reaction pathways commensurate with the intrinsic chemical potential of proteins ensue.  相似文献   

The hairpin ribozyme catalyzes sequence-specific cleavage of RNA through transesterification of the scissile phosphate. Vanadate has previously been used as a transition state mimic of protein enzymes that catalyze the same reaction. Comparison of the 2.2 angstrom resolution structure of a vanadate-hairpin ribozyme complex with structures of precursor and product complexes reveals a rigid active site that makes more hydrogen bonds to the transition state than to the precursor or product. Because of the paucity of RNA functional groups capable of general acid-base or electrostatic catalysis, transition state stabilization is likely to be an important catalytic strategy for ribozymes.  相似文献   

应用紫外线与叠氮化钠对水稻种子进行诱变,在含有不同浓度草甘膦药液中进行水稻种子筛选。在20ml/L草甘膦筛选条件下,经过紫外线照射不同时间(0.5、1、1.5 h)诱变筛选出26粒水稻种子,经不同浓度(2.5、5.0、10.0 mmol/L)叠氮化钠浸泡不同时间(1、2、3h),筛选出113粒水稻种子,经紫外线与叠氮化钠复合诱变,筛选出40粒水稻种子。将所筛选出种子的进行苗期20 ml/L草甘膦药液筛选,筛选出15株抗草甘膦的水稻植株。  相似文献   

The aspartate receptor of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium is a cell surface sensory transducer that binds extracellular aspartate and sends a transmembrane signal to the inside of the bacterium. The flexibility and allostery of this receptor was examined by placing sulfhydryl groups as potential cross-linking sites at targeted locations in the protein. Seven different mutant receptors were constructed, each containing a single cysteine residue at a different position in the primary structure. Intramolecular disulfide bond formation within oligomers of these mutant receptors is shown to trap structural fluctuations and to detect ligand-induced changes in structure. The results indicate that the receptor oligomer has a flexible, dynamic structure which undergoes a global change upon aspartate binding.  相似文献   

Insertion mutagenesis of embryonal carcinoma cells by retroviruses   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Mutagenesis was studied in cultured F9 embryonal carcinoma cells infected with a variant of Moloney murine leukemia virus. Proviral insertion induced the inactivation of the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase locus, and the virus was used to isolate the mutated genes rapidly. Mutagenesis by these methods may be useful for the genetic dissection of the various mammalian cell phenotypes.  相似文献   

[目的]利用EMS诱变进行茄子种质资源创新,为茄子新品种选育及其相关基因功能研究提供良好材料.[方法]在25℃下利用不同浓度(0、0.5%、1.0%、1.5%和2.0%)的EMS溶液诱变处理茄子种子,筛选出适宜的EMS诱变浓度;然后以适宜浓度的EMS诱变液处理茄子种子,经过催芽后播种、定植,在植株的整个生育期进行相关性状调查.[结果]以1.0% EMS诱变处理18h后,茄子种子的发芽率可达80%,适宜构建茄子突变体库.209茄子种子经1.0% EMS诱变处理18h后催芽播种,最终获得984份M1代突变材料,且这些突变材料在长势、叶片形状、叶片颜色、分枝数、果实长度、果实颜色及雄性不育等方面表现出丰富的变异.[结论]经EMS诱变处理获得的M1代茄子表现出丰富的变异,可为其新品种选育及基因功能研究提供良好材料.  相似文献   

A strategy, called alanine-scanning mutagenesis, was used to identify specific side chains in human growth hormone (hGH) that strongly modulate binding to the hGH receptor cloned from human liver. Single alanine mutations (62 in total) were introduced at every residue contained within the three discontinuous segments of hGH (residues 2 to 19, 54 to 74, and 167 to 191) that have been implicated in receptor recognition. The alanine scan revealed a cluster of a dozen large side chains that when mutated to alanine each showed more than a four times lower binding affinity to the hGH receptor. Many of these residues that promote binding to the hGH receptor are altered in homologs of hGH (such as placental lactogens and prolactins) that do not bind tightly to the hGH receptor. The overall folding of these mutant proteins was indistinguishable from that of the wild-type hGH, as determined by strong cross-reactivities with seven different conformationally sensitive monoclonal antibodies. The alanine scan also identified at least one side chain, Glu174, that hindered binding because when it was mutated to alanine the receptor affinity increased by more than a factor of four.  相似文献   

Specific endocrine tissue marker defined by a monoclonal antibody   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
One of two mouse monoclonal antibodies (LK2H10) produced by hybridoma technology against a human endocrine tumor (pheochromocytoma) demonstrated specific immunoreactivity for 69 normal and neoplastic endocrine and tissues known to contain secretory granules. This immunoreactivity was specific, since other normal tissues, tumors from endocrine cells without granules, and tumors from other nonendocrine tissues were negative when tested with antibody LK2H10. The antibody reacted with human fetal adrenal medulla and human pancreatic endocrine cells and with adrenal medullary cells from monkeys and pigs. The antigen detected by antibody LK2H10 is associated with cytoplasmic secretory granules, has an estimated molecular weight of 68,000, and may be related to human chromogranin.  相似文献   

Stimulation of cells by antibody   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tumor cell lines exposed to immunoglobulins specific for cell surface antigens developed increased cellular incorporation of [(125)I]iododeoxyuridine and [(3)H]thymidine (up to 200-fold increases over cells treated with normal rabbit immunoglobulins). Antibody-stimulated cells multiplied more rapidly and lived longer than control cells in tissue culture. These observations were made both with cells substituted with 2,4,6-trinitrophenol and purified antibody against 2,4,6-trinitrophenol, and with several cell lines and their respective whole-cell antibodies. Antibodies that were stimulatory at low concentrations were cytotoxic at high concentrations. These observations may have significance in regard to enhancing effects of antibodies on tumor cell growth in vivo.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma genitalium with 517 genes has the smallest gene complement of any independently replicating cell so far identified. Global transposon mutagenesis was used to identify nonessential genes in an effort to learn whether the naturally occurring gene complement is a true minimal genome under laboratory growth conditions. The positions of 2209 transposon insertions in the completely sequenced genomes of M. genitalium and its close relative M. pneumoniae were determined by sequencing across the junction of the transposon and the genomic DNA. These junctions defined 1354 distinct sites of insertion that were not lethal. The analysis suggests that 265 to 350 of the 480 protein-coding genes of M. genitalium are essential under laboratory growth conditions, including about 100 genes of unknown function.  相似文献   

Hemophilia A: polymorphism detectable by a factor 8 antibody   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Plasma from 54 patients with hemophilia A was tested for neutralizing activity with a human antibody to factor VIII. The plasma from 52 patients had no demonstrable neutralizing activity. Two plasma samples had neutralizing activity equivalent to that of normal plasma despite the lack of factor VIII clotting activity. Apparently, most patients with hemophilia A do not synthesize factor VIII, whereas a few synthesize an inactive molecule with a presumed genetic structural mutation of the active site but with antigenic determinants in common with normal factor VIII. Thus, hemophilia A is a disease caused by more than a single genetic mechanism.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with heat-killed rough pneumococci (strain R36A) or spleen cells from normal mice immunized in vitro with the same antigen produce direct hemolytic plaques against sheep erythrocytes coated with pneumococcal C polysaccharide or conjugated with phosphorylcholine. Formation of plaques is specifically inhibited by phosphorylcholine or by antiserum to mouse immunoglobulin A myeloma protein which binds phosphorylcholine. Thus, the myeloma proteins and normal BALB/c antibodies share similar idiotypic determinants. This experimental system is suitable for probing the role of the antigen receptor in the immune response.  相似文献   

利用农杆菌介导转化的方法共得到1 114个稻瘟病菌转化子,经感病大麦和水稻离体叶片接种鉴定获得3个致病缺陷或下降突变体:A1-134、A1-452、和A2-1-8,其中A1-134和A1-452的致病性下降,而A2-1-8突变体的致病性丧失.对这些突变体的分生孢子形态、产孢、附着胞形成等表型分析的结果发现,A1-134突变体的产孢量显著下降,仅为野生菌株Guy11的7.7,分生孢子为圆球形,无隔膜或只有一个隔膜;A1-452产孢量明显增多,为Guy11的22倍;A2-1-8的分生孢子为长针形,产孢量略有下降;A1-134和A1-452在疏水表面的附着胞形成率与Guy11相近,而A2-1-8则不能形成附着胞.研究结果为进一步鉴定和分离这些突变体的T-DNA标记基因奠定了基础.  相似文献   

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