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动脉血压(以下简称血压,blood Pressure)是动物最为重要的生理指标之一,是临床工作中判断循环系统功能状态的重要指征,它能在一定程度上反映动物整个机体的功能状态。动物血压的测量对于心血管系统疾病、血液病、肾脏疾病、  相似文献   

Bloodpressure measurements are of interest for todays veterinary practice. It can be used for screening of incoming patients, the emergency case, the intensive care patient and sedated animal. Furthermore, like in human medicine, blood pressure can be influenced by several diseases. The most reliable method of arterial blood pressure measurement is the direct or invasive method. Only the non-invasive methods doppler and oscillometric methods are used in veterinary medicine. The article describes the method of measurement, and provides a review of the literature. The oscillometric method especially in dogs. Both methods measure a lower bloodpressure if compared with an invasive method. The difference in bloodpressure is for the oscillometric method in cats greater then in dogs and appears to increase at higher blood pressures. Keeping these facts in focus, and if one is able to work in a quiet environment, repeat the measurements and maintain a critical attitude, blood pressure measurements can be performed in veterinary practice.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess, in anesthetized neonatal foals, the accuracy of 2 automated indirect oscillometric monitors for measurement of mean arterial pressure (MAP), to determine the optimal site of cuff placement for MAP monitoring, and to determine the relationship between arterial blood pressure and cardiac output. Ten neonatal foals were anesthetized and instrumented with a catheter in the metatarsal artery for direct MAP monitoring and measurement of cardiac output by lithium dilution. Concurrent MAP measurements were obtained with Cardell and Dinamap oscillometric monitors with cuffs placed at 3 different sites (coccygeal, metatarsal, and median arteries). Blood pressure was manipulated by varying the depth of anesthesia and by administration of dobutamine or phenylephrine. A statistically significant (P = .025) interaction was found between the type of monitor and cuff placement site. With the Cardell monitor, placement of the cuff over the coccygeal artery resulted in a significantly lower bias than placement over the median or dorsal metatarsal artery (P < .0001 and P = .0149, respectively). No significant difference in bias was found with cuff placement site when using the Dinamap monitor. The correlation coefficient (r) between MAP and cardiac output was 0.47. Indirect oscillometry with a cuff placed over the coccygeal artery or dorsal metatarsal artery is an acceptable method for measuring MAP in foals. Blood pressure does not correlate well with cardiac output in anesthetized foals.  相似文献   

Seventeen horses were used to determine the variances associated with blood pressure cuff application (Sp2) and with other inherent errors (So2). Systolic pressure values had Sp2 = 3.9 mmHg and So2 = 5.6 mmHg, while diastolic pressure values had Sp2 = 1.1 mmHg and So2 = 4.4 mmHg. Thus, to be considered different, two blood pressure means (in mmHg), each derived from three readings, had to differ by at least 3.9 for systolic pressure and 3.4 for diastolic pressure when all readings were made without cuff displacement; 6.8 for systolic pressure and 4.6 for diastolic pressure when the cuff was reapplied between, but not during, measurement of each mean; and 5.0 for systolic pressure and 3.8 for diastolic pressure when the cuff was reapplied between all readings. It was concluded that uniform cuff application is readily achieved.  相似文献   

The precision and accuracy of an indirect oscillometric blood pressure measurement technique (Dinamap 8100) was assessed in 11 anesthetized Beagle dogs weighing 8 to 11.5 kg. Direct blood pressure measurements were made by catheterization of the lingual artery, and simultaneous indirect measurements were determined by placing a cuff over the median artery (midradial area). Blood pressure measurements at 2 different planes of anesthesia (light and deep) were recorded in triplicate. At a light plane of anesthesia, the Dinamap 8100 underestimated diastolic and mean arterial pressure, and at a deep anesthetic plane overestimated systolic pressure. The indirect technique had good repeatability of systolic pressures. Regression analysis for the 2 techniques showed excellent correlation (r = 0.93). The results indicate that the indirect oscillometric blood pressure measurement technique provides a good estimate of systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressure in dogs weighing 8-11.5 kg.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate healthy geriatric dogs for the presence of systemic hypertension. Thirty-three geriatric dogs (i.e., dogs exceeding the geriatric age range for their weight group) and 22 control dogs (i.e., dogs less than six years of age) were evaluated by measuring blood pressure with an oscillometric monitor. Five consecutive blood pressure measurements were taken in each dog, averaged, and compared. Diastolic and mean blood pressure measurements were significantly lower in the geriatric group as compared to the control group. Systolic blood pressure measurements were not significantly different between the two groups. Systemic hypertension does not appear to be a common clinical problem in the healthy geriatric dog.  相似文献   

Although temporary occlusion of the carotid arteries is commonly done to reduce blood loss during nasal surgery in the dog, data supporting its use are mostly anecdotal and subjective. Twelve dogs were placed under general inhalation anesthesia and mechanically ventilated to maintain normocapnea and an end-tidal halothane concentration equivalent to 1.3 times the minimum alveolar concentration. Tourniquets were placed around both carotid arteries of each dog. Both lingual arteries were cannulated in each dog and their heart rate and blood pressure were measured bilaterally. During unilateral carotid artery occlusion, the blood pressures in the ipsilateral lingual artery were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than the preocclusion control pressures and pressures recorded in the contralateral vessel. Bilateral carotid artery occlusion resulted in a further significant (P < 0.05) fall in all lingual arterial pressures. The recorded heart rates only varied significantly from preocclusion control values when they increased during bilateral carotid occlusion (P < 0.05). The results of this study confirm that carotid artery occlusion has the potential to reduce intraoperative blood loss during oronasal surgery in the dog.  相似文献   

In a series of 3 studies, indirect blood pressure measurements were obtained to define normal variance, identify hypertension, and estimate the prevalence of hypertension in apparently healthy dogs. In part 1, we measured values in 5 clinically normal dogs twice weekly for 5 weeks in a home setting. Mean +/- SD systolic arterial pressure (SAP) and diastolic arterial pressure (DAP) was 150 +/- 16 and 86 +/- 13 mm of Hg, respectively. The DAP significantly (P less than 0.01) decreased with repeated measurements over the 5-week period. In part 2, we assessed the variation between blood pressures measured in a clinic vs those measured in the home. Within a 2-week period, measurements were obtained from 10 clinically normal dogs in a private veterinary clinic and again in their home. Significant differences were not observed between clinic and home measurements of SAP and DAP; however, heart rate was significantly (P less than 0.05) higher in the clinic. In part 3, SD about the SAP and DAP mean values were determined in 102 clinically normal dogs. Canine hypertensive status was determined, using statistical methods and data from 102 clinically normal dogs. Values of SAP greater than 202 mm of Hg and DAP greater than 116 mm of Hg were determined to be 2 SD beyond the mean and, therefore, were interpreted to be hypertensive. Approximately 10% of the 102 apparently healthy dogs measured in this study were considered hypertensive on the basis of these criteria. In addition, a border zone of suspected hypertension was estimated, using the mean + 1.282 SD. The SAP border zone was between 183 and 202 mm of Hg, whereas the DAP border zone was between 102 and 113 mm of Hg. Of the 102 dogs, 12 had values within these zones of suspected hypertension.  相似文献   

Objective – To determine the accuracy and precision of an oscillometric noninvasive blood pressure device as a predictor of invasive direct blood pressure in healthy anesthetized hypotensive and normotensive dogs. Design – Prospective observational study. Setting – University teaching hospital. Animals – Eight crossbred adult dogs. Interventions – Anesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with isoflurane. A catheter was placed in the dorsal pedal artery to record systolic, mean, and diastolic arterial blood pressures (aSAP, aMAP, and aDAP, respectively). The noninvasive blood pressure device cuff was placed around the contralateral front limb to record noninvasive systolic, mean, and diastolic blood pressure (nSAP, nMAP, and nDAP). Two states of blood pressure (BP) were studied: baseline state was established by keeping end‐tidal isoflurane concentration at 1.2±0.1%. The hypotensive state was achieved by maintaining the same isoflurane concentration while withdrawing approximately 40% of the animal's blood volume until aMAP was stable at approximately 40 mm Hg. At the end of the study, blood was returned to the animal and it was allowed to recover from anesthesia. Measurements and Main Results – Agreement between the direct and indirect BP measurements was determined by the Bland‐Altman method. The SAP and MAP but not DAP bias varied significantly between each BP state. Normotensive absolute biases (mean [SD]) for SAP, MAP, and DAP were ?14.7 mm Hg (15.5 mm Hg), ?16.4 mm Hg (12.1 mm Hg), and ?14.1 mm Hg (15.8 mm Hg), respectively. Absolute biases during the hypotensive state for SAP, MAP, and DAP were ?32 mm Hg (22.6 mm Hg), ?24.2 mm Hg (19.5 mm Hg), and ?16.8 mm Hg (17.2 mm Hg), respectively. Conclusion – The oscillometric device was not reliably predictive of intra‐arterial BP during hypotension associated with acute hemorrhage.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To obtain reference arterial blood pressure values from Kangal dogs, a local giant breed found in Turkey. METHODS: Arterial blood pressure measurements were obtained from 48 healthy Kangal dogs using oscillometric and Doppler techniques. The ages of the dogs ranged from two to 96 months, with a mean (sd) age of 36 (16) months. RESULTS: The effect of age on systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressures determined by the oscillometric technique and on systolic pressure determined by the Doppler technique was significant (P<0.001). Blood pressure was found to be higher in mature dogs compared with that in immature dogs. The effect of sex and the interaction between age and sex were not significant (P>0.05). There was a direct relationship between age and oscillometric systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressures and Doppler systolic arterial blood pressure both in the whole group and the immature group (P<0.05). Correlation between age and systolic arterial blood pressure measured either by oscillometric or Doppler techniques was not significant in the mature group. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The Kangal dog is bred in various countries including Turkey. It is known that giant breed dogs, such as the Kangal dog, are predisposed to cardiovascular disease. Canine arterial blood pressure values are highly breed and age dependent, so a reference value for any other breed is inappropriate for Kangal dogs. Therefore, it is important to measure arterial blood pressure of Kangal dogs.  相似文献   

To assess the accuracy and precision of indirect measurements of systemic arterial blood pressure (BP), results obtained with an oscillometric device (BPo) and a Doppler ultrasonic device (BPud) were compared with those obtained by direct radiotelemetry (BPrt) in 12 conscious beagles. The correlation between indirectly obtained and directly measured values for BP parameters ranged widely for the different indirect methods and sites of cuff placement, with R2 between 0.001 and 0.901. Both indirect methods underestimated all BP parameters, the degree of underestimation increasing at higher values for the BP. The highest correlation occurred when estimates were the average of 5 values consecutively obtained with the oscillometric device and cuff placement at the coccygeal artery (R2 = 0.854 for mean BPo, 0.886 for systolic BPo, and 0.901 for diastolic BPo; P < 0.0001 for all parameters) or with the ultrasonic Doppler device at the metatarsal arteries (R2 = 0.810 for systolic BPud; P < 0.0001). Multiple consecutively obtained values are advised, as this approach improves the reliability of indirect BP measurements. The strong correlation between directly measured values and estimates derived as the average of 5 consecutive indirectly obtained values indicates that the latter approach provides a useful estimate of BP in conscious dogs and is likely to be useful in monitoring disease progress and treatment in dogs with abnormal BP.  相似文献   

The present study compared 2 indirect methods, Doppler sphygmomanometry and oscillometry, for measurement of the systemic blood pressure level in 100 conscious, client-owned dogs in a clinical setting on 2 separate occasions. The mean systemic blood pressure values, measured by Doppler sphygmomanometry on 2 separate occasions, were 156 +/- 38.2 mmHg and 150 +/- 34.1 mmHg, respectively. Using oscillometry, the mean systolic blood pressure values were 138 +/- 36.9 mm Hg and 133 +/- 33.5 mm Hg on 2 separate occasions. There were significant differences between the systemic blood pressure readings for both methods on the same occasion (P<0.001). The coefficients of variance from 5 consecutive measurements in the same dog obtained by Doppler sphygmomanometry on the 2 separate occasions were 4.1 +/- 3.2% and 3.1 +/- 1.7%; that of the oscillometric method on the 2 separate occasions were 18.7 +/- 11.3% and 17.2 +/- 12.5%. The coefficients of variance of these 2 methods were statistically different on each occasion (P<0.001). Five consecutive systemic blood pressure readings were obtained for each dog within 6 min on both occasions using Doppler sphygmomanometry. More than 15 min was required to complete 5 consecutive systemic blood pressure readings by oscillometric sphygmomanometry for all dogs on each occasion. The results of this study indicate that Doppler sphygmomanometry provides more efficient and precise measurements of the systemic blood pressure level than oscillometric testing in conscious dogs in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess accuracy and reliability of open-flow indirect calorimetry in dogs. ANIMALS: 13 clinically normal dogs. PROCEDURE: In phase 1, oxygen consumption per kilogram of body weight (VO2/kg) was determined in 6 anesthetized dogs by use of open-flow indirect calorimetry before and after determination of VO2/kg by use of closed-circuit spirometry. In phase 2, four serial measurements of VO2 and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) were obtained in 7 awake dogs by use of indirect calorimetry on 2 consecutive days. Resting energy expenditure (REE) was calculated. RESULTS: Level of clinical agreement was acceptable between results of indirect calorimetry and spirometry. Mean VO2/kg determined by use of calorimetry before spirometry was significantly greater than that obtained after spirometry. In phase 2, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for REE and VO2 were 0.779 and 0.786, respectively, when data from all 4 series were combined. When the first series was discounted, ICC increased to 0.904 and 0.894 for REE and VO2, respectively. The most reliable and least variable measures of REE and VO2 were obtained when the first 2 series were discounted. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Open-flow indirect calorimetry may be used clinically to obtain a measure of VO2 and an estimate of REE in dogs. Serial measurements of REE and VO2 in clinically normal dogs are reliable, but a 10-minute adaption period should be allowed, the first series of observations should be discounted, multiple serial measurements should be obtained, and REE.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the accuracy of indirect blood pressure (BP) measurements obtained with a pulse oximeter as compared with direct measurements in dogs under isoflurane anesthesia. The Doppler and oscillometric BP monitors were included for comparison. Design: Prospective, experimental study. Animals: Twenty healthy dogs (23 ± 8 kg) anesthetized for research or teaching. Interventions: Dogs were anesthetized with propofol or thiopental and maintained using positive pressure ventilation with isoflurane in 100% O2. Random adjustment of BP was achieved by inhalant adjustment or dopamine infusion to achieve low (≤85 mmHg), normal (90–120 mmHg), or high systolic BP (≥125 mmHg). Triplicate measurements for BP were taken with direct (dorsal pedal artery), Doppler (forelimb), oscillometric (same forelimb), and plethysmographic (pulse oximeter on tongue) methods. Measurements and main results: Using regression analysis and a modified Bland–Altman's technique, the lowest bias was achieved with the Doppler. Systolic BP readings at low, normal, and high BP were within 10 mmHg of direct recordings 95%, 70%, and 30% of the time for pulse oximetry; 95%, 85%, and 55% of the time for Doppler; 42%, 65%, and 30% of the time for oscillometric determination, respectively. Oscillometric mean BP readings were within 10 mmHg of direct measurements 53%, 60%, and 45% of the time, respectively. Conclusions: The pulse oximeter is an acceptable method for measuring BP in anesthetized dogs if assessment of trends is sufficient. All indirect methods showed greater bias and poorer precision at high BP. The Doppler may be the preferred indirect method.  相似文献   

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