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Oort JH 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1970,170(3965):1363-1370
A brief review is given of what the study of galaxies has taught us about properties of the universe. It is assumed that the universe started from a general "explosion," and that the general expansion observed today, as well as the 3 degrees K blackbody radiation, are consequences of this explosion. The present average density in the universe is probably close to the critical value of 10(-29) g/cm(3). Only about 3 percent of this is contained in galaxies; the rest consists probably of intergalactic gas at a temperature between 10(5) and 10(6) degrees K. Observations in our own galaxy indicate that this intergalactic gas is still flowing into it.  相似文献   

Measurements of the composition, temperature, and diurnal variations of the major neutral constituents in the thermosphere of Venus are being made with a quadrupole mass spectrometer on the Pioneer Venus orbiter. Concentrations of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, molecular nitrogen, atomic oxygen, and helium are presented, in addition to an empirical model of the data. The concentrations of the heavy gases, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and molecular nitrogen, rapidly decrease from the evening terminator toward the nightside; the concentration of atomic oxygen remains nearly constant and the helium concentration increases, an indication of a nightside bulge. The kinetic temperature inferred from scale heights drops rapidly from 230 K at the terminator to 130 K at a solar zenith angle of 120 degrees , and to 112 K at the antisolar point.  相似文献   

不同播期对大蒜产量构成性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明不同播期对大蒜产量构成性状的影响,以茶陵地方品种平水三门蒜为试材,采用不同播期的处理,对大蒜的出苗率、结球率、叶片数,蒜薹单株质量、蒜球单株质量和蒜薹、蒜球的产量进行观察和比较。试验结果表明:茶陵大蒜在茶陵地区的播种期以9月下旬至10月10日为宜,表现为出苗快、齐,抽薹早,薹、球产量高。  相似文献   

Rogers HC 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1968,159(3819):1057-1064
Hydrogen interacts with many metals to reduce their ductility (2) and frequently their strength also. It enters metals in the atomic form, diffusing very rapidly even at normal temperatures. During melting and fabrication, as well as during use, there are various ways in which metals come in contact with hydrogen and absorb it. The absorbed hydrogen may react irreversibly with oxides or carbides in some metals to produce a permanently degraded structure. It may also recombine at internal surfaces of defects of various types to form gaseous molecular hydrogen under pressures sufficiently high to form metal blisters when the recombination occurs near the outer surface. In other metals, brittle hydrides that lower the mechanical properties of the metal are formed. Another type of embrittlement is reversible, depending on the presence of hydrogen in the metal lattice during deformation for its occurrence. Under some conditions the failure may be delayed for long periods. A number of different mechanisms have been postulated to explain reversible embrittlement. According to some theories hydrogen interferes with the processes of plastic deformation in metals, while according to others it enhances the tendency for cracking.  相似文献   

免耕对移栽杂交水稻生长特性及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黔南优2058为材料,通过田间试验研究免耕移栽对杂交水稻生长特性应产量的影响.结果表明,与翻耕移栽相比,免耕移栽水稻成穗率较高,生育后期干物质积累量较大,老化指数和根系氧化力较高,抗衰老能力较强.免耕移栽水稻的有效穗数、结实率和千粒重均比翻耕移栽水稻高,免耕移栽水稻的实收产量为11167.9 kg·hm-2,亦比翻耕高1.6%,但未达到5%的显著差异水平.  相似文献   

四川植烟土壤硼肥施用效应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
针对四川主要植烟土壤中硼的营养状况,采用基施方式,探讨了不同植烟区供试土壤硼肥施用对烤烟生长、产量和品质的影响,以期筛选出适宜的硼肥施用量.试验结果表明,供试土壤施硼效果明显,能显著改善烟草的农艺和经济性状.  相似文献   

Quilis V  Moore B  Bower R 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2000,288(5471):1617-1620
We present three-dimensional, high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations of the interaction between the hot ionized intracluster medium and the cold interstellar medium of spiral galaxies. Ram pressure and turbulent/viscous stripping remove 100% of the atomic hydrogen content of luminous galaxies like the Milky Way within 100 million years. These mechanisms naturally account for the morphology of S0 galaxies and the rapid truncation of star formation implied by spectroscopic observations, as well as a host of observational data on the neutral hydrogen (HI) morphology of galaxies in clusters.  相似文献   

Quantitative knowledge of the factors and interactions affecting yield is essential for site-specific crop management. One of the factors that frequently affects yield is topography. The aims of this study were to compare elevation data obtained from a combine harvester yield monitor and a hand RTK-GPS, and to evaluate the relationships between the spatial variation of cereal yield, selected crop nutrient concentration and topographic attributes derived from the two sources of elevation data. Simple models of elevation, slope and flow accumulation were created from the data of an experimental field in the Czech Republic, and the relations between yield and soil nitrogen and organic carbon contents and topography were determined over a four-year period. The models of elevation, slope and flow accumulation were compared with the yield, and soil nitrogen and organic carbon contents during the growing seasons of 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 in relation to total precipitation and temperature. The relationship between yield and topographic attributes was evaluated with the help of geostatistical methods. The results of correlation analysis among the variables were evaluated statistically by forward stepwise linear regression. No significant differences between elevation data from the combine harvester yield monitor and RTK-GPS were found. There was a significant relation between yield and crop nutrient concentration with topography. The correlation coefficients between flow accumulation and yield were weak for the wetter years and strong for the drier years.  相似文献   

对从黄海深海海底泥样中分离到的产纤维素酶活力较高的丝状真菌Penicillium sp.FS010441及其产酶条件和酶学性质进行了初步研究。该菌最适生长温度为15℃,最高生长温度为37℃,在4℃下可以生长,属于适冷菌。该菌所产纤维素酶的最适反应pH值为4.2,最适反应温度为50℃,在40~55℃之间有很强的酶活力。  相似文献   

地膜覆盖对西藏林芝土壤性质及玉米产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】研究地膜覆盖对西藏土壤性质及玉米生长和产量的影响效应,为提高玉米栽培效益提供科学依据。【方法】以西藏林芝为研究区,选择"正红211"为供试玉米品种,以未覆盖地膜为对照,采用田间试验研究地膜覆盖对土壤性质和玉米生长、产量的影响。【结果】与未覆盖地膜相比,地膜覆盖可以有效提高土壤温度和含水量,降低土壤体积质量,增加土壤孔隙度和土壤微生物数量,其中细菌、放线菌、固氮菌和真菌数量分别增加了28.0%,29.17%,118.68%和50.95%。地膜覆盖可有效促进土壤N、P、K的转化,土壤碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量明显提高,但有机质含量略有降低。地膜覆盖玉米生育进程提早,整个生育期缩短15d,实际产量显著增加。【结论】在西藏林芝地区采用地膜覆盖措施,可以改善土壤水热条件、营养条件和生物条件,使玉米显著增产。  相似文献   

稻麦秸秆全量还田对作物产量和土壤的影响   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
秸秆还田在农业生产中被普遍应用,对秸秆还田的作用已有不少研究[2~5 ].但较多报道论及的秸秆还田量一般较少,为秸秆总量的1/3~1/2.目前农作物秸秆作为燃料、垫料等应用在减少,秸秆焚烧、丢弃现象日益严重,既浪费有机肥资源,又污染环境.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨竹鼠粪便还田对牧草产量、土壤物理性质、土壤化学性质的影响。【方法】试验设5个处理:施用堆沤过的竹鼠粪便量(干重)7.5t/hm~2、15t/hm~2、22.5t/hm~2、30t/hm~2和对照不施肥五个水平,每个处理三个重复,随机区组排列。【结果】施用竹鼠粪便的牧草鲜重比对照增产了36.3%-92.4%,土壤有机质含量比对照增加了15.4%-41.2%;可以减少土壤小于0.25mm的水稳性团粒结构体,增加0.25mm的水稳性团粒结构体;【结论】竹鼠粪便还田能够显著提高桂牧一号的鲜草产量,施用量为22.5t/hm~2时,增产效果最显著;在0-30t/hm~2的施用竹鼠粪便还田的范围内,随着施肥量的增加,牧草地土壤有机质含量、水稳性土壤团粒结构体数量、土壤阳离子交换量明显增加,土壤容重明显降低;不同的施肥水平条件下,牧草地土壤的全氮、全磷、全钾以及速效氮、磷、钾的含量增加,且差异显著。这种清洁生产、低投入高产出的生产模式,是今后农业生产发展的方向。  相似文献   

以厚皮甜瓜品种鲁厚甜1号为试材,观察测定了不同节位打顶对日光温室厚皮甜瓜生理特性、产量和品质的影响。结果表明:与其它打顶处理比较,第27节打顶叶片光合速率高、根系活力强,果实单果重和果实营养成分(可溶性糖、游离氨基酸、维生素C)含量高。表明适宜打顶节位为第27节。  相似文献   

为探讨生物降解地膜的降解性能及其对南疆棉花产量形成的影响,以普通PE地膜为对照(CK),通过小区控制性试验研究了4种生物降解地膜天壮1号(T1)、天壮2号(T2)、金发(JF)和巴斯夫(BSF)的降解率及其对棉田土壤水分状况、干物质积累与产量构成、水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,4种降解地膜降解率表现为T2 > T1 > JF > BSF,至生育期结束,仅T2进入全降解期,其余3种地膜仍处于破碎期。BSF覆盖下耕层土壤含水率稳定性较强,蕾期、花期土壤平均含水率分别较PE地膜高17.9%和18.5%,而T2处理降解过早,土壤水分快速蒸发,深层水耗严重,干物质积累量减少。JF处理进入干物质快速积累时期最晚(覆膜后78 d),单株结铃数和单铃质量分别低于PE处理1.69个和0.14 g,导致减产40.82%。T1覆盖下棉田土壤水分含量、吐絮期生殖器官占比、籽棉产量及水分利用效率与PE处理相比均无显著下降。研究表明,T1地膜在南疆棉区应用可以保持较好的水分,确保产量不下降的同时有效降低残膜污染。  相似文献   

饼肥配施对烤烟产质量与土壤改良的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以云烟87为试验材料,通过田间试验,研究了不同比例饼肥和有机肥配施对烤烟生长与土壤改良的影响。结果表明:纯饼肥对烟株生长和土壤酶活性的促进效果最佳;施用饼肥能够促进烟株生育期提前1~3…d,并且有利于干物质积累;随着饼肥使用量的增加烟叶质体色素的含量逐渐增加,最高增加25.82%;饼肥(10%有机氮)与有机肥(10%有机氮)配施能够提高烟叶化学成分协调性,并适当降低烟碱含量,提高烟叶的内在质量。通过研究结果和经济成本两方面考虑,应该在江西推广饼肥和有机肥配施方案,提高烟叶质量,增加烟农经济收益。  相似文献   

【目的】研究实际生产中大型农业机械碾压对土壤物理特性及玉米生长和产量的影响程度,为改善耕作措施、实现作物壮根高产和土壤的可持续生产提供依据。【方法】选取小麦—玉米两熟制中前茬小麦收获时节受谷物联合收割机反复碾压的地块(JS处理)和常规收割未经反复碾压地块(CK),以玉米品种登海605(DH605)和登海3号(DH3)为试验材料,测定并分析玉米播种前的土壤容重和含水量及玉米的农艺性状、光合特性、干物质积累与分配、果穗性状及产量等指标。【结果】JS处理地块0~50 cm土层土壤容重和土壤含水量均较CK增加,其中0~10和10~20 cm土层土壤容重均显著大于CK(P<0.05,下同),即大型农机反复碾压对土壤容重的影响主要集中在0~20 cm耕层。耕层土壤紧实进一步造成玉米根系发根数量减少,根干质量降低,根冠发育失调,茎、叶分化受阻,单株叶片数量和茎节数量减少,叶面积指数下降,株高降低,光合速率降低,干物质积累量减少,穗粒数和百粒质量下降。2个品种比较,DH3根系生长受紧实胁迫影响较大,根层数、根条数、根干质量、根冠比较CK分别显著减少17.9%、26.9%、45.2%和32.9%,而DH605分别下降0、14.4%、31.7%和12.7%,仅根干质量达到显著差异;JS处理下DH605的叶面积指数和穗位叶SPAD较CK分别显著降低36.9%和14.4%,穗位系数显著增加,茎粗、百粒质量显著降低;虽然DH3根系生长受紧实胁迫影响较大,JS处理下DH3的叶面积指数较CK显著降低21.8%,但穗位叶SPAD值、穗位系数、茎粗、百粒质量则与CK差异不显著(P>0.05),且干物质向叶片、籽粒的分配比例增加,最终减产幅度(20.8%)与DH605(24.4%)差异不大。【结论】当前生产中大型农机反复碾压造成的耕层土壤紧实现象已十分严重,使免耕直播的玉米生长受到明显抑制,产量显著降低;不同玉米品种对土壤紧实胁迫的响应存在差异,生产中可通过深松深耕、秸秆还田、选用抗土壤紧实品种等措施消减土壤紧实对作物生长的不良影响。  相似文献   

[目的]研究稻田粉垄后第6季土壤及产量、品质状况,为粉垄技术的进一步推广应用提供依据.[方法]在粉垄后第6季水稻收获期测定耕层土壤深度、土壤容重、土壤全氮磷钾含量、土壤速效氮磷钾含量以及土壤有机质含量等指标,并进行水稻产量测定和品质分析,与常规耕作(对照)相比,分析粉垄耕作处理后对第6季稻田土壤状况和水稻产量、品质的影响.[结果]与对照相比,稻田粉垄耕作深度20~22 cm,至第6季时仍保持22 cm,耕作层加深7 cm,土壤容重降低10.56%,土壤速效氮、磷、钾含量每公顷分别增加48.46%、23.85%和32.89%,土壤全氮、磷、钾含量分别增加25.03%、31.12%和25.59%,有机质含量增加21.46%;第6季稻谷产量增产1832.7 kg/ha,增幅22.65%;粉垄第1~6季平均每季增产897.75 kg/ha,增幅11.10%,净效益平均每季增加21.82%;且品质改善,粉垄稻米整精米率提高4.35%;稻米垩白粒率降低25%,由二级升为一级;稻米垩白度下降43.75%;稻米蛋白质提高13.58%,由三级升为二级.[结论]稻田粉垄耕作一次后,至第6季时仍可有效加深土壤耕作层、改善土壤理化性质,对水稻具有持续增产增效的作用.  相似文献   

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