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Determinations on 20-to 80-milligram portions of the rock samples and the -150 mesh fraction of the lunar dust show pronounced Curie points between 680 degrees and 780 degrees C. Remanent intensities of five rock fragments vary from 8.4 x 10(-5) to 0.30 X J0(-5) emu/gram. Upon demagnetization, two of the samples had only viscous magnetization and two other samples had stable magnetizations with remanent coercivities in excess of 50 oersteds. Partial thermal demagnetization suggests that these apparently stable moments may have been acquired in a magnetic field in excess of 1500 gammas. xsxs.  相似文献   

Evidence for porphyrins was obtained in the Apollo 11 bulk sample of lunar dust by fluorescence spectrometry and analytical demetallation. The indicated porphyrins showed major fluorescence excitation at 390 nanometers. Abundance was about 10(-10) gram of porphyrin per gram of dust. Similar pigments were found in exhaust products from tests of a lunar descent engine. The similarity of results suggests that most if not all of the indicated porphyrin aggregate of the lunar sample probably was synthesized from rocket fuel during the landing of the lunar module. These compounds may be the product of a novel high-temperature synthesis of cosmochemical interest.  相似文献   

The exposure of a typical complex lunar breccia to hydrogen after a thorough outgassing produces a fully reduced surface state. Subsequent outgassing over a wide temperature range results in the production of water vapor formed from the chemisorbed hydrogen and oxygen from the lunar sample; the proposed mechanism has been confirmed in terms of the chemisorption of deuterium and the release of heavy water. Since the conditions of the experiments are consistent with those on the lunar surface, it is postulated that water vapor will be produced on the moon through the interaction of the solar wind with lunar soil. It is also proposed that such a process could play an important role in the early history of many planets where an oxygen-rich soil is exposed to a reducing atmosphere.  相似文献   

Ultrathin amorphous coatings on lunar dust grains   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
UItrathin amorphous coatings have been observed by high-voltage electron microscopy on micrometer-sized dust grains from the Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 14, and Luna 16 missions. Calibration experiments show that these coatings result from an "ancient" implantation of solar wind ions in the grains. This phenomenon has interdisciplinary applications concerning the past activity of the sun, the lunar albedo, the ancient lunar atmosphere and magnetic field, the carbon content of lunar soils, and lunar dynamic processes.  相似文献   

Diffusion of radon and thoron from the Ilunar surface provides a mechanism for production of a radioactive surface layer on the moon. If the radon and thoron flux from the lunar surface is equal to that measured at the earth's surface, the equilibrium activity of this surface layet is estimated as approximately 1 microcurie per square meter, due to radon and its decay products. This activity consists of alpha particles and gamnmna rays at well-defined energies and of beta rays.  相似文献   

The landing dynamics of and soil penetration by Surveyor I indicated that the lunar soil has a porosity in the range 0.35 to 0.45. Experiments with Surveyor III's surface sampler for soil mechanics show that the lunar soil is approximately incompressible (as the word is used in soil mechanics) and that it has an angle of internal friction of 35 to 37 degrees; these results likewise point to a porosity of 0.35 to 0.45 for the lunar soil. Combination of these porosity measurements with the already-determined radar reflectivity fixes limits to the dielectric constant of the grains of the lunar soil. The highest possible value is about 5.9, relative to vacuum; a more plausible value is near 4.3. Either figure is inconsistent with the idea that the lunar surface is covered by chondritic meteorites or other ultrabasic rocks. The data point to acid rocks, or possibly vesicular basalts; carbonaceous chondrites are not excluded.  相似文献   

Reflection spectra of lunar dust grains with amorphous coatings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hapke B 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1972,177(4048):535-536

The opaque minerals in the lunar rocks 10047, 10050, 10057, 10059, 10068 and in the dust were studied. Rock 10047 contains ilmenite as a main component besides Al-bearing chromian ulv?spinel, a new Ti, Fe, Zr, Y, Ca silicate, troilite, cobaltian alpha Fe, minor hafnian baddeleyite and dysanalyte. Dysanalyte contains Ca, Ti, and Fe as major elements and shows concentrations (rare earth elements together approximately 10 percent) of La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Hf, Y, and Zr plus traces of Nb, Ba, and Na. The chemistry of ilmenite in the igneous rocks shows no appreciable variations. A new mineral of the solid solution series MgTi(2)O(5)-FeTi(2)O(5) has also been encountered in the polymict breccias. The microbreccias and the fines contain meteorite debris indicating an impact origin.  相似文献   

Silicate grains from Tranquillity Base have shock-induced features ranging from internal fragmentation through complete disruption of the lattice to thermal melting. Half the crystalline grains with diameters less than 125 micrometers have features of shock equivalent to those produced in the laboratory at pressures greater than about 40 kilobars. One quarter have features indicative of pressures greater than 90 kilobars. These properties together with great quantities of melt glass and aluminum-26 in the fine-grained material are indicative of repeated shock-loading by meteoritic bombardment over long periods of time.  相似文献   

Elemental abundances, so far obtained, derived from the analysis of Apollo 11 lunar material are reported. Similarities and differences exist between lunar material, the eucritic achondrites, and the augite achondrite Angra dos Reis, the analysis of which is also reported.  相似文献   

The rare gas analysis of the lunar surface has lead to important conclusions concerning the moon. The large amounts of rare gases found in the lunar soil and breccia indicate that the solar atmosphere is trapped in the lunar soil as no other source of such large amounts of gas is known. The cosmogenic products indicate that the exposure ages of the 17 lunar rocks measured vary from 20 to 400 million years with some grouping of the ages. The most striking feature is the old potassium-argon age which for the 14 rocks analyzed varies from 2.5 to 3.8 billion years. It is concluded that Mare Tranquillitatis crystallized about 4 billion years ago from a molten state produced by a large meteorite impact or volcanic flow.  相似文献   

Cohen AJ  Hapke BW 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1968,161(3847):1237-1238
The thin, lighter-colored, upper layer of lunar soil shown in the television pictures from several Surveyor missions may be due to reversible bleaching by solar radiation. Of several possible bleaching reactions, the one considered most important is the photoreduction of Fe(+3) to Fe(+2).  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of the lunar soil at the Surveyor V landing site seem to be generally consistent with values determined for soils at the landing sites of Surveyor I and III. These three maria sites are hundreds of kilometers apart. However, the static bearing capability may be somewhat lower than that at the previous landing sites (2 x 10(5) to 6 x 10(5) dynes per square centimeter or 3 to 8 pounds per square inch). The results of the erosion experiment, the spacecraft landing effects, and other observations indicate that the soil has significant amounts of fine-grained material and a measurable cohesion.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive determination of spallogenic (53)Mn (T = 2 x 106 yr) was accomplished in 0.99 g of lunar soil. The chemical yield of Mn is determined with "carrier-free" (52)Mn tracer. During a 23-day reactor irradiation the (53)Mn is transformed into (54)Mn (T = 300 days). Appropriate chemical recycling was done by ion exchange and distillation. Interferences of the (n,p) and the (n,2n) nuclear reactions were carefully studied. A (53)Mn disintegration rate of 30.3 +/- 5.5 dpm/kg results. This extremely economic method is proposed for further detailed lunar profile measurements. The Re content, which is of possible cosmochemical interest, was determined to be 11 ppb. Appropriate separation techniques were used. The rather weak and complex thermoluminescence properties made a more basic study advisable. Thermogravimetric analysis, mass spectroscopy, and Moessbauer spectroscopy were applied. The presence of ilmenite, metallic Fe etc., and of an unidentified Fe(2+)-containing compound was deduced. Natural thermoluminescence could not be proved with certainty in our surface sample. However, the complexity of the artificial thermoluminescence demands better defined mineral fractions. The fission track method was used to measure U distribution in glass spherules etc.  相似文献   

Gravity: first measurement on the lunar surface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The gravity at the landing site of the first lunar-landing mission has been determined to be 162,821.680 milligals from data telemetered to earth by the lunar module on the lunar surface. The gravity was measured with a pulsed integrating pendulous accelerometer. These measurements were used to compute the gravity anomaly and radius at the landing site.  相似文献   

A sample of lunar dust was examined for organic compounds. Carbon detected in concentrations of 157 micrograms per gram had a delta(13)C per mil (PDB) value of + 20. Treatment with hydrochloric acid yielded hydrocarbons of low molecular weight, suggesting the presence of carbides. The gas chromatogram of the acylated and esterified derivatives of the hydrolyzate was similar to that obtained for the Pueblito de Allende meteorite. There were no detectable amounts of extractable high-molecular-weight alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons, isoprenoid hydrocarbons, normal alkanes, fatty acids, amino acids, sugars, or nucleic acid bases. Traces of porphyrins were found, perhaps arising from rocket exhaust materials.  相似文献   

The internal substructures of a type B sample have been examined at high magnification and compared with terrestrial rocks. Selected ultrathin sections were prepared from these multiphase materials by an ion-thinning technique and examined in a 1-Mev electron microscope, with complementary optical analyses. The structures in the ilmenite and plagioclase indicate that the lunar material has undergone plastic deformation by dislocation movement and possibly microtwinning, with subsequent recovery. The pyroxene exhibits complex lamellar structures of submicron spacing. These various observations are consistent with the optical microscopy evidence for distortion and recovery and identify the processes involved.  相似文献   

More precise and comprehensive analytical results for lunar material in Sinus Medii have been derived from the alpha-scattering experiment on Surveyor VI. The amounts of the principal constituents at this mare are approximately the same as those of constituents at Mare Tranquillitatis. The sodium contents of both maria are lower than those of terrestrial basalts. The titanium content at Sinus Medii is lower than that at Mare Tranquillitatis; this suggests important differences in detailed chemical composition at different mare areas on the moon.  相似文献   

More precise and comprehensive analytical results have been derived for lunar material at the Surveyor V landing site from alpha-scattering data. The composition is, in general, basaltic; the low sodium and high titanium contents, however, are distinctly different from the abundances in meteorites or common terrestrial rocks.  相似文献   

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