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对华北驼绒藜、驼绒藜和内蒙古驼绒藜染色体进行了研究。结果表明,3个种的染色体基数均为9,华北驼绒藜为二倍体,驼绒藜为四倍体,内蒙古驼绒藜为六倍体。这3种植物即使在同种植物内常因产地不同其核型也有差异。  相似文献   

对华北驼绒藜、驼绒藜和内蒙古驼绒藜染色体进行了研究.结果表明,3个种的染色体基数均为9,华北驼绒藜为二倍体,驼绒藜为四倍体,内蒙古驼绒藜为六倍体.这3种植物即使在同种植物内常因产地不同其核型也有差异.  相似文献   

为了探明我国紫苏属(Perilla Linn.)植物的染色体特点,本研究采用常规压片法对我国紫苏属的28份材料的染色体核型进行分析研究.结果表明:供试的28份紫苏属材料,染色体基数均为x = 20,其中3个为四倍体,2n= 80,其余25份皆为二倍体,2n=40;28份材料中均有发现至少一个随体,染色体类型包含m,sm...  相似文献   

刘鹏  王彦荣  刘志鹏 《草业科学》2015,32(6):908-926
野豌豆属(Vicia)牧草为自花授粉二倍体植物,具有很好的防风固沙及保水作用,适宜在高寒和高海拔地区种植,是我国高原牧区重要的蛋白饲料来源。本研究从中国、美国、德国、埃塞俄比亚等22个国家,收集了43份野豌豆属牧草种质,对其根尖细胞的有丝分裂中期染色体进行核型分析。结果表明,染色体数目有5种:10、12、14、16、24。核型分类有6种:2A、1B、2B、3B、2C、3C。本研究统计了野豌豆属43份种质的核型数据,为揭示野豌豆属细胞学特性和演化趋势奠定了基础。  相似文献   

以13份具有地理代表性的芒属(Miscanthus Andersson)植物为材料,分别以5,0,-5,-10,-15,-20和-25℃共7个温度梯度进行冷冻胁迫,通过电导法测定电解质外渗率来评价各材料的抗寒性,并对供试材料半致死温度(LT50)与其原产地地理因子进行回归分析。结果表明:半致死温度(LT50)的变化范围为-2.92~-23.85℃,抗寒性由强到弱依次为C0429(-23.85℃) >D0341(-14.10℃) >B0534(-9.60℃) >B0121(-6.97℃) >A0502(-6.77℃) >A0110(-6.51℃) >B0120(-6.34℃) >B0605(-5.39℃) >A0107(-5.00℃) >C0517(-4.27℃) >B0145(-3.26℃) >C0128(-3.08℃) >C0129(-2.92℃),回归分析表明,半致死温度(LT50)与纬度和海拔成极显著负相关,说明芒属植物抗寒性与地理因子具有一定的相关性。研究结果将为芒属植物抗寒种质资源的筛选提供理论基础。  相似文献   

芒属(Miscanthus)植物种质资源研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
芒属植物属禾本科多年生高大草类,多分布于热带非洲至亚洲东南部。近年来在欧美国家受到广泛的关注,被认为是一种开发潜力巨大的生物质能源。本文查阅近年国内外相关文献,对芒属植物的生境、分布、遗传多样性、光合特性、抗性生理生化、繁殖学、饲草利用以及作为能源植物的研究等方面做了综述,并展望了其研究前景,旨在推动芒属种质资源的研究。  相似文献   

三种驼绒藜属植物的染色体核型分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对华北驼绒藜、驼绒藜和内蒙驼绒藜染色体的研究结果表明,三个种的染色体基数均为9,华北驼绒藜为二倍体,驼绒藜为四倍体,内蒙驼绒藜为六倍体。这三种植物即使在同种植物内常因产地不同其核型也有差异。  相似文献   

抠图是计算机图形图像处理中最常用的技术。抠图的方法非常多,本文基于图像类型,深入研究Photoshop抠图技巧,综合利用这些技巧可以达到完美的艺术效果。  相似文献   

以五节芒02142(Miscanthus floridulus)和杂交种湘杂芒2号(M.sinensis×M.lutarioriparius)为材料,比较了3种催熟剂(农挞、乙烯利及二者的混合制剂)对芒属植物的催熟效果。结果表明,3种催熟剂均明显降低了芒属植物叶片的叶绿素相对含量(SPAD值),其中农挞与农挞 乙烯利混合制剂效果相当,而乙烯利效果最差;3种催熟剂均明显促进了芒属植物植株脱水,其中农挞 乙烯利混合制剂效果最好,乙烯利效果最差,但与农挞配制后有明显的增效作用;在对芒属植物植株氮、磷和钾含量的影响上,乙烯利多表现出增大作用,而农挞与农挞 乙烯利混合制剂则表现出明显降低作用,以农挞(10 mL·L-1)+乙烯利(2 mL·L-1)处理的效果最好。综合来看,农挞 乙烯利混合制剂催熟效果最佳,且最佳浓度为农挞(10 mL·L-1)+乙烯利(2 mL·L-1)。  相似文献   

对蜀黍属的苏丹草与两个高粱品种同杂Ⅱ号和314A杂交后所得的两个杂交种的F3代染色体核型分析结果表明F3(苏丹草×314A♀)核型类型为2A,核型公式为2n=4x=16m(2SAT)+4sm,与其亲本有较为明显的差异;F3(同杂Ⅱ号×苏丹草♀)核型类型为1A,核型公式为2n=4x=18m(2SAT)+2sm,与亲本无明显差异.  相似文献   

1. The objective of this study was to indicate the most informative chromosomal regions and candidate genes connected to body weight at 36 d, body weight at 39 d, body weight changes between 39 and 46 d, feed intake between 39 and 46 d and feed conversion ratio of meat-type chicken based on genomic data using entropy analysis.

2. Data contained information about 862 genotyped individuals from a Cobb commercial line using 60K Illumina iSelect chicken array and information from 42 770 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). Entropy analysis was employed to detect important chromosomal regions determining the target traits. Locations of genes within the designated regions on each chromosome and for each trait were verified using the Ensembl genome database.

3. The most informative SNPs were located on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and Z, whereas clusters of the most informative pairs of SNPs connected to all recorded traits were located on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 20 and Z. The identified chromosomal localisations overlap with genes functionally connected to the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Colorimetric pH strips (MColorpHast™) are very convenient to use, but the decision of pH is based on an individual's color perception and is, therefore, subjective. We developed a pH calculation program for the image of coloring strips on CIE1976 (L*a*b* color space), which slightly underestimated human judgment as the color of pH darker. This image analysis and three individuals' judgments were used for evaluating the strip's features for various qualities of meat from wild animals, and the results were compared with the assessments based on potentiometric pH. In both methods, dipping the strips in distilled water just before use improved the regression coefficient compared with that mentioned in the manual. The image analysis showed higher correlation than human judgments but slightly underestimate pH by a maximum of 0.13 unit from the regression line of the potentiometric pH. In addition, the image analysis revealed meat pigment changed pH higher on the color scale in the lower meat pH region. The strips must be used according to the manual, but dipping is effective when the meat surface is dry, and keeping the strips from touching the meat drip is important in lower pH region because the pigment affects the color of pH.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare abduction angles of shoulders with medial instability and unaffected shoulders in the same dogs and in age- and breed-matched dogs. STUDY DESIGN: Case-control study. ANIMALS: Dogs with medial instability of the shoulder (n=33) and 26 control dogs. METHODS: Dogs were sedated and positioned in lateral recumbency with both scapulas parallel to the table. With the elbow and shoulder in extension, the non-recumbent limb was maximally abducted and the angle between the scapular spine and lateral aspect of the brachium measured with a goniometer; a digital image was taken from the cranial aspect. Both techniques were performed in triplicate by 2 examiners. Mean abduction angles for each shoulder were determined from goniometric measurements and image analysis. Data were analyzed for significant differences between affected and unaffected shoulders, measurement techniques, and examiners. Strength of correlation between measurement techniques was determined. RESULTS: Mean abduction angles for shoulders with instability (53.7+/-4.7 degrees goniometric, 51.2+/-4.9 degrees image) were significantly (P<.001) larger than for all unaffected shoulders (32.6+/-2.0 degrees goniometric, 30.9+/-2.3 degrees image). In dogs diagnosed with instability, affected shoulders had significantly (P<.001) larger abduction angles than the contralateral (unaffected) shoulders. No significant differences were identified between right and left shoulders for control dogs, measurement techniques, or examiners. A strong (r=0.90) significant (P<.001) positive correlation between measurement techniques was noted. CONCLUSIONS: Shoulder abduction angles measured under sedation provide objective data for diagnosis of shoulder instability in dogs. Shoulders with clinical and arthroscopic evidence of medial instability have significantly higher abduction angles than shoulders that are considered normal. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Determination of shoulder abduction angles should be included in the diagnostic protocol for forelimb lameness assessment in dogs.  相似文献   

应用MATLAB图像处理技术评判原料乳细菌数的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文简要论述了MATLAB图像处理原理和方法以及原料乳自动分级系统的软硬件结构,重点研究了MATLAB图像域值化方法、图像面积提取技术以及图像均匀化处理和灰度值域处理方法在原料乳等级评判上的探索应用。实际验证,应用本系统对原料乳在线检测,细菌总数的识别率可达到95%以上,从而可以达到对原料乳快速分级的目的。  相似文献   

通过对酸性土壤地区的铝毒污染进行高效、无污染的生物治理,可为作物生长提供良好的生存基础。试验采用小盆钵土培法,设置铝质量浓度为0.2 g/kg,根据不同种禾本科和菊科植物的生物量、根冠比、叶面积和比叶面积评价了9种杂草植物对铝毒的响应,并对不同种类杂草植物对铝响应进行了筛选。结果表明:铝处理后,9种杂草植物中禾本科植物较菊科植物更耐铝。禾本科植物中牛筋草Eleusine indica和升马唐Digitaria ciliaris的相对根(干)鲜质量、相对地上部(干)鲜质量、相对叶(干)鲜质量较大,并且相对叶面积均较大。菊科植物旱莲草Eclipta prostrata的相对耐铝性较差,各相对耐性指标值均偏小。相关分析表明禾本科植物的相对根鲜质量、相对叶鲜质量和相对根干质量三者之间存在显著相关性。主成分分析结果显示,对禾本科和菊科植物进行耐铝性筛选时,均可用相对根鲜质量作为主要的筛选指标。  相似文献   

Diseases that are exotic to the pig industry in Australia were prioritised using a multi-criteria decision analysis framework that incorporated weights of importance for a range of criteria important to industry stakeholders. Measurements were collected for each disease for nine criteria that described potential disease impacts. A total score was calculated for each disease using a weighted sum value function that aggregated the nine disease criterion measurements and weights of importance for the criteria that were previously elicited from two groups of industry stakeholders. One stakeholder group placed most value on the impacts of disease on livestock, and one group placed more value on the zoonotic impacts of diseases. Prioritisation lists ordered by disease score were produced for both of these groups. Vesicular diseases were found to have the highest priority for the group valuing disease impacts on livestock, followed by acute forms of African and classical swine fever, then highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome. The group who valued zoonotic disease impacts prioritised rabies, followed by Japanese encephalitis, Eastern equine encephalitis and Nipah virus, interspersed with vesicular diseases. The multi-criteria framework used in this study systematically prioritised diseases using a multi-attribute theory based technique that provided transparency and repeatability in the process. Flexibility of the framework was demonstrated by aggregating the criterion weights from more than one stakeholder group with the disease measurements for the criteria. This technique allowed industry stakeholders to be active in resource allocation for their industry without the need to be disease experts. We believe it is the first prioritisation of livestock diseases using values provided by industry stakeholders. The prioritisation lists will be used by industry stakeholders to identify diseases for further risk analysis and disease spread modelling to understand biosecurity risks to this industry.  相似文献   

为了对异源抗体对接方法预测流感病毒血凝素B细胞构象表位的可行性进行分析,本研究基于蛋白质相互作用界面的形状互补理论,使用异源抗体(来自于抗原抗体复合物1G9M、1RVF、1TPX、1NCA、1A2Y)的晶体结构同流感病毒血凝素(A/Aichi/2/68(H3N2))的晶体结构进行刚性分子对接,通过计算B细胞表位的预测表面和实际表面C-α原子之间的RSMD以及表位氨基酸的准确率,分析用异源抗体探测出血凝素B细胞表位的可能性。结果表明,不同的异源抗体均可结合到A/Aichi/2/68(H3N2)的已知B细胞表位,最佳的对接构象与原晶体结构重叠后表位残基C-α原子的均方根偏差均小于0.6埃,表位氨基酸预测的准确性大于60%,说明异源抗体对接方法可以尝试用于B细胞构象表位的预测。  相似文献   

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