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苏军虎  南志标  纪维红 《草业学报》2016,25(11):136-148
本文综述了截止2015年国内外文献,分析了家畜放牧对啮齿动物的影响。放牧家畜的践踏和排泄物等引起土壤理化性质改变影响了啮齿类空间利用等,家畜采食影响了啮齿类食物资源及其丰度,采食还引起植物营养成分改变及次生防御化合物的产生,而植被高度变化导致了啮齿动物捕食风险的增加和生活史策略的改变。这些方面的影响与综合作用改变了啮齿动物的微栖息环境、分布、食性,以及领域、采食和挖掘等行为,繁殖和生活史特征;影响了啮齿动物的种群结构、种群数量消长及其调节过程;改变了啮齿动物的群落结构和种间相互作用,引起其群落演替。在综述上述各方面研究进展的基础上,提出放牧对啮齿动物影响的作用途径及其方式,放牧条件下草-畜-鼠耦合机制,不同放牧制度对啮齿动物的影响以及整合现代学科发展的相关探索是未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

选择鼠害频发的阿拉善荒漠区分布面积较大的红砂+泡泡刺生境、红砂+杂类草生境和白刺生境,以夹日法记录三种生境中啮齿动物种群相对数量,利用啮齿动物种群相对数量与荒漠区灌木和草本植物之间的依存关系建立专家模拟系统,分析三种生境的主要害鼠子午沙鼠、三趾跳鼠和小毛足鼠种群相对数量与植物群落因子间的动态关系,并以MapGIS为地理信息平台,借助VB程序语言设计工具,设计阿拉善荒漠区啮齿动物群落模拟专家系统,探索植物群落与啮齿动物群落的反馈动态变化,实现利用植物群落指标预测啮齿动物群落组分及其相对数量变化的目标,为鼠害防控提供依据。  相似文献   

高原鼢鼠是青藏高原地区主要的啮齿动物种类之一,了解其种群数量与气象因子的关系对高原鼢鼠种群消长规律及生物多样性的维持具有重要意义。2013-2016年对高原鼢鼠种群密度进行了研究,利用Pearson相关分析以及典范对应分析对高原鼢鼠种群密度以及扰动区草地生物量与7个气象因子的相关性进行了分析。结果表明,高原鼢鼠种群密度及草地生物量总体呈下降趋势,且高原鼢鼠种群密度与双子叶植物生物量呈显著正相关(P0.05)。温度和降水量对高原鼢鼠种群数量以及生物量有较大影响,其中年平均气温和年平均最低气温与高原鼢鼠种群密度显著相关(P0.05),另外,高原鼢鼠种群密度与日照时数关系密切。气象因子主要通过对高原鼢鼠食物的影响而对其产生间接影响。  相似文献   

啮齿动物是草地生态系统中的重要成分.监测啮齿动物种群动态对于草地生态系统小型哺乳动物的生态学研究及草地鼠害控制均具有重要的意义.目前国内外对啮齿动物的种群监测主要以铗捕法、笼捕法为主,既费时又费力.红外相机技术的应用可弥补这一缺点,然而关于红外相机技术测度荒漠小型啮齿动物种群数量的研究并不多见.本研究采用红外相机陷阱法...  相似文献   

高原鼢鼠是青藏高原地区主要的啮齿动物种类之一,了解其种群数量与气象因子的关系对高原鼢鼠种群消长规律及生物多样性的维持具有重要意义。2013-2016年对高原鼢鼠种群密度进行了研究,利用Pearson相关分析以及典范对应分析对高原鼢鼠种群密度以及扰动区草地生物量与7个气象因子的相关性进行了分析。结果表明,高原鼢鼠种群密度及草地生物量总体呈下降趋势,且高原鼢鼠种群密度与双子叶植物生物量呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。温度和降水量对高原鼢鼠种群数量以及生物量有较大影响,其中年平均气温和年平均最低气温与高原鼢鼠种群密度显著相关(P<0.05),另外,高原鼢鼠种群密度与日照时数关系密切。气象因子主要通过对高原鼢鼠食物的影响而对其产生间接影响。  相似文献   

本研究在前期研发阿拉善荒漠区啮齿动物群落专家系统的基础上,对开垦、轮牧和过牧3种不同类型生境中啮齿动物优势种子午沙鼠(Meriones meridianus)、三趾跳鼠(Dipus sagitta)和小毛足鼠(Phodopus roborovskii)相对数量与8个不同植物因子动态关系进行定量非线性分析,借助MapGIS平台,利用3种优势啮齿动物种群相对数量与8个不同植物因子组成的数据库系统、3种优势啮齿动物种的图像信息组成的知识库系统、3种不同生境下19种不同生态模型组成的模型库系统,构成啮齿动物群落中种群相对数量与植物因子动态关系的推理机,通过程序设计语言VB(Visual Basic)进行MapGIS二次开发,在专家系统中予以设计并实现.  相似文献   

本研究在前期研发阿拉善荒漠区啮齿动物群落专家系统的基础上,对开垦、轮牧和过牧3种不同类型生境中啮齿动物优势种子午沙鼠(Meriones meridianus)、三趾跳鼠(Dipus sagitta)和小毛足鼠(Phodopus roborovskii)相对数量与8个不同植物因子动态关系进行定量非线性分析,借助MapGIS平台,利用3种优势啮齿动物种群相对数量与8个不同植物因子组成的数据库系统、3种优势啮齿动物种的图像信息组成的知识库系统、3种不同生境下19种不同生态模型组成的模型库系统,构成啮齿动物群落中种群相对数量与植物因子动态关系的推理机,通过程序设计语言VB (Visual Basic)进行MapGIS二次开发,在专家系统中予以设计并实现。  相似文献   

周延山  花立民  纪维红  楚彬  刘丽 《草业科学》2015,32(6):1010-1016
繁殖是生物为延续种群所进行的生理过程,是影响生物种群数量和种群动态的一个重要因素。作为研究地下啮齿动物生活史的一个重要参数,繁殖一直是啮齿动物学研究的焦点之一。鼢鼠亚科动物是地下啮齿动物中重要的一类,栖息于草原、农田和森林,在这些生态系统中占据着重要的位置。但是,由于鼢鼠营地下栖息的生活特性,难以观察,导致繁殖研究难度相对较大,文献报道也相对较少。本文从目前已报道的鼢鼠亚科动物的性比、交配、繁殖强度、胎仔数等,概述了其繁殖研究的一些基本情况,并从研究动物种类、研究方法等进行了小结,以期为今后研究鼢鼠危害控制和草地生物多样性保护研究提供参考依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

扩散是动物生活史中的重要行为之一,影响个体的存活、繁殖、生长以及种群数量动态、分布和遗传结构等。随着分子生物学的发展,分子标记技术为研究小型啮齿动物扩散提供了有力的工具。本文综述微卫星标记、DNA指纹技术、线粒体D-loop序列在部分地下啮齿类动物扩散中的应用和研究成果,总结了不同分子标记技术的特点,同时对利用微卫星技术对我国独有的高原鼢鼠(Eospalax baileyi)开展扩散研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

在分析国内外大数据产生背景的基础上,结合近年来大数据应用于生态学研究领域的前沿性文献及研究成果,从草地啮齿动物个体与行为生态学、种群生态学、群落生态学以及全球变化与草地啮齿动物生态系统等方面,分析了将大数据应用于草地啮齿动物生态学研究所带来的机遇和面临的挑战。针对草地啮齿动物生态学研究提出"生态痛点"的观点,并对把握"生态痛点"开展草地啮齿动物生态学与鼠害控制的创新性研究进行了分析。  相似文献   

甘肃盐池湾自然保护区有蹄类动物资源变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
甘肃盐池湾自然保护区是野生动物类型自然保护区,主要保护高山有蹄类动物。为了解这个保护区10多年有蹄类动物资源的消长变化,2002年7~8月对保护区的有蹄类动物和当地环境进行调查,此次调查共记录到5种有蹄类动物:藏野驴(Equus kiang)、藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata)、鹅喉羚(Gazella subguturosa)、盘羊(Ovis ammon)和岩羊(Pseudois nayaur),其中岩羊的种群数量最高,0.894 6只/km2。与1987年相比,岩羊的数量明显下降,而鹅喉羚的数量明显增加,其它3种动物数量变化不大。水土流失、草场退化、虫鼠害猖獗、淘金与乱捕滥猎等是盐池湾自然保护区有蹄类动物数量变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

Re-emergence of human cases of plague after decades of silence does not necessarily mean that plague foci are re-emerging. Most often, Yersinia pestis bacteria have been maintained and circulating at low levels in the rodent populations. It seems therefore more appropriate to speak in terms of expansion or regression phases for sylvatic rodent plague foci and to reserve the term re-emergence for human cases. From the analysis of well-documented human plague cases in Madagascar, we underline the causes of re-emergence that can be generalized to most world foci, and can help define environments at risk where the threat of new emergence lurks. In all recent plague outbreaks, usually more than one risk factor was at the origin of the re-emergence. The reduction or discontinuance of surveillance and control, as well as poverty and insalubrity are the main factors in the re-emergence of human cases, allowing increased contacts with infected rodents and fleas. Environment changes (i.e. climatic changes, deforestation, urbanization) induce changes in flea and rodent populations by (i) extension of rodent habitats (for example by replacing forests by steppes or farmlands); (ii) modifications in population dynamics (possible outbreaks due to an increase of available food resources); but also, (iii) emergence of new vectors, reservoirs and new Y. pestis genotypes. Numerous and spontaneous genomic rearrangements occur at high frequencies in Y. pestis, which may confer selective advantages, enhancing the ability of Y. pestis to survive, to be transmitted to new hosts, and to colonize new environments. Therefore, any environmental change should be taken as a warning signal and active surveillance programs should be initiated.  相似文献   

Access to a diet that provides adequate nutrition is one of the most important environmental factors influencing the well-being of rodent colonies. The dietary ingredient and nutrient composition, as well as the potential biological and chemical contaminant concentrations, are factors for consideration in selecting diets for a specific rodent colony. Estimated nutrient requirements have been published for the rodent species that are commonly used in biomedical research. The nutrient concentrations in adequate diets for other captive rodent species that are not used in biomedical research are more difficult to obtain. However, reasonable estimates of their nutrient requirements can be obtained by extrapolation of data from rodent species of a similar metabolic weight and size or from nutrient concentrations of diets that have a history of acceptable performance in the species of interest. Captive rodent colonies should be provided with nutritionally balanced diets with only limited amounts of succulent foodstuffs. The practice of feeding rodent colonies specific cereal grains is discouraged, since no single grain provides a balanced rodent diet.  相似文献   

近年来由于气候变迁形成的温室效应和超载过牧等不合理利用,天祝县天然草原都不同程度地退化,草原生产能力下降,鼠害泛滥,水源锐减,局部地区草地沙化。草原沙化扩展的主要原因在于人们对草地资源的过度利用,表现在人口增长、牲畜量增加和对草地的过度开垦。草原沙化主要防治策略是控制人口增长,实行以草定畜、推行划区轮牧技术,并积极筹措资金,加大沙化草地的治理力度同时要加强教育宣传,增强农牧民的环保意识。  相似文献   

1. Seasonal variations in rodent infestations were studied at poultry farms in central Argentina as well as the environmental factors associated with rodent infestations at poultry farms. 2. During the summer and winter of 1998 rodent infestation was monitored at 10 poultry farms by means of tracking stations, and 21 environmental variables were selected that a priori could be related with the extent of rodent infestation. 3. There was a higher rodent infestation in winter than in summer. 4. Species detected by rodent sightings at the poultry farms included Akodon azarae, Calomys spp. (C. laucha and possibly C. musculinus) and Mus musculus. 5. In summer, rodent infestation was positively associated with the perimeter of the farm, whereas there was an inverse relationship with the maintenance conditions of the sheds. In winter, rodent infestation was positively associated with the percentage of the borders of the farm covered with vegetation, and with the amount of plant cover, especially the amount of plant cover which was above 20 cm in height. 6. There was no significant relationship between rodent infestation and the time lag since the last application of rodenticide (first-generation anticoagulant) at the farms. 7. These results suggest that strategies for controlling rodents based solely on chemical methods may not be good enough for efficient rodent control. Farms which are properly managed, with a better control of vegetation growth at both the perimeter and within the internal area, in addition to a higher maintenance of sheds have appreciably lower rodent infestations.  相似文献   

川西北高原鼠荒地危害程度分级及适应性管理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高原鼠兔和高原鼢鼠是青藏高原特有的食草型小动物,其啃食、掘洞、刈割、贮草行为对高寒草甸生态系统既具有破坏损伤系统的负面效应,也有利于维持和稳定系统的正面效应,这种益害转化完全取决于不同时间和空间尺度上的害鼠种群及其数量。通过对川西北的阿坝州、甘孜州和青海省果洛州的42个高寒草地样地的鼠类种群密度调查和已有文献的采集分析,明确了草原害鼠在高寒草地生态系统中的角色和作用,定义了鼠荒地的概念,对鼠荒地危害程度划分为轻度、中度、重度和极度4个等级;依据指标因子重要性排序,分级指标包含害鼠种群、植物群落和土壤养分3个主因子群;总洞穴数量、有效洞口数等11个单项因子;并对不同危害程度的鼠荒地提出了封育自然修复、人为干预修复、半人工草地改建和人工草地重建4种草原鼠害适应性管理策略,对于高寒草地生态系统草原害鼠适应性管理和害鼠灭除后二次发生防控具有指导意义。  相似文献   

为全面了解安南坝野骆驼国家级自然保护区鼠类群落结构和多样性,于2018-2019年采用铗日法对该区10种不同生境类型下的25个调查点进行鼠类调查,并对鼠类群落多样性进行分析。结果表明:捕获鼠类124只,分属3科6属9种;其中三趾跳鼠、子午沙鼠和柽柳沙鼠为保护区优势鼠种。聚类和PCA分析可知安南坝保护区鼠类主要分布于2个群落。荒漠耐旱群落广泛分布于保护区各生境,耐旱-喜湿混合群落主要分布在芦苇群系和水柏枝群系生境。在调查的10种生境中,芦苇群系生境丰富度指数和多样性指数均高于其他生境。除环境因素外,鼠类群落的多样性受群落内鼠种数目和物种分配的均匀程度2个因素影响。鼠类垂直分布表现出在1400~1800 m和2600~3000 m海拔分布的鼠种多,呈现出中间低两头高的趋势。由此可见,生境类型和海拔高度影响着安南坝保护区的鼠类群落结构。  相似文献   

通过测定不同退化程度草地鼠类种群数量的变化,鼠类分布对草地的破坏程度,鼠类不同密度区植被地上生物量、地被覆盖度、植株高度,分析了草地植被群落的变化对鼠类数量的影响及鼠类种群密度与植被的关系。结果表明:随着草地退化程度的加重,鼠类的种群数量相应升高,重度退化草地中鼠类的种群密度降低。在鼠类分布影响下,植被地上生物量、地被覆盖度、植株高度均表现为不均匀分布。  相似文献   

黄河上游甘肃段草地退化的现状及机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黄河上游甘肃段草地退化的现状和机理进行了系统分析,结果表明,区域环境脆弱、全球气候变化、过度放牧、鼠害严重、草地管理制度不完善等因素是导致黄河上游甘肃段草地退化的主要原因,在这些因素的相互作用下,该区域草地退化的趋势可能进一步加剧.  相似文献   

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is a severe cardio pulmonary disease transmitted to humans by sylvan rodents found in natural and rural environments. Disease transmission is closely linked to the ecology of animal reservoirs and abiotic factors such as habitat characteristics, season or climatic conditions. The main goals of this research were: to determine the biotic and abiotic factors affecting richness and abundance of rodent species at different spatial scales, to evaluate different methodologies for studying population of small rodents, and to describe and analyze an ecologically‐based rodent management experience in a highly touristic area. A 4‐year study of small rodent ecology was conducted between April 2007 and August 2011 in the most relevant habitats of El Palmar National Park, Argentina. Management involved a wide range of control and prevention measures, including poisoning, culling and habitat modification. A total of 172 individuals of 5 species were captured with a trapping effort of 13 860 traps‐nights (1.24 individuals/100 traps‐nights). Five rodent species were captured, including 2 hantavirus‐host species, Oligoryzomys nigripes and Akodon azarae. Oligoryzomys nigripes, host of a hantavirus that is pathogenic in humans, was the most abundant species and the only one found in all the studied habitats. Our results are inconsistent with the dilution effect hypothesis. The present study demonstrates that sylvan rodent species, including the hantavirus‐host species, have distinct local habitat selection and temporal variation patterns in abundance, which may influence the risk of human exposure to hantavirus and may have practical implications for disease transmission as well as for reservoir management.  相似文献   

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