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Sediment cores were collected from six lakes (Moose, Stuart, Chilko, Kamloops, Nicola and Harrison Lakes) distributed throughout the Fraser River Basin, British Columbia. The cores were dated primarily from 210Pb profiles and dating was corroborated by counting laminae and by using 137Cs as a discrete time marker. The cores were analyzed for a suite of metals (Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Mn, Pb and Zn) and organic carbon. The data were evaluated in the context of post-1900 contamination by metals in the Fraser River basin. Overall, lake sediments from the Fraser Basin remain relatively pristine in terms of metal contamination, exhibiting only minor metal enrichments in layers dating from industrial times (post-1900). Stuart Lake, which received Hg contamination from a mine on Pinchi Lake, shows a clear contaminant Hg signal. Pb exhibits ubiquitous contamination in five of the six lakes studied. The Pb enrichments are minor (ranging from 8.4 to 30.9 μg g-1) and consistent with local automotive emissions from the use of leaded gasoline possibly augmented by long-range transport from industrial and municipal centers along the west coast. The largest Pb fluxes were observed in Kamloops, Moose and Harrison Lakes, each of which has either a highway or a large urban centre as a local source of Pb. This watershed-scale evaluation offers a unique opportunity to compare the relative importance of local and regional sources of contamination.  相似文献   

C.B. Crampton 《Geoderma》1982,28(1):57-61
On Burnaby Mountain in the coastal rainforest of British Columbia there are concentric, circular belts of podzolised soils around the stems of douglas fir and western hemlock trees. The most acid soils occur near each stem, and soils showing the greatest contrast in chroma between the eluvial and illuvial horizons occur beneath the periphery of the canopy of each tree. These circular belts of soils appear to be associated with limited flow of a very acid water from precipitation down a stem and much greater flow of less acid water from the periphery of the canopy.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of O3 on growth, yields and physiological characteristics of Thai Jasmine rice cultivars. Rice was exposed to O3 for 7 h day?1 in a closed chamber for 113 days, beginning from seedling until harvest. O3 concentration in each chambers was controlled at 0 ppb, 50 ppb, 100 ppb, 150 ppb and at the ambient level. Effects of O3 on leaf area index (LAI) became obvious at maturity when LAI significantly decreased in the treatments under elevated O3 concentrations. Results in shoot biomass indicated that shoot length was more affected by O3 than shoot dry weight. Root length rather than dry weight was significantly reduced in all cultivars. The most severe damage of O3 was found in photosynthetic components, namely chlorophyll and carotenoid contents, and rate of net photosynthesis. Yield components were also strongly affected by O3. The highest reduction in filled seed per ear was found in the Pathumthani 1 cultivar by 78% when it was exposed to 150 ppb O3 compared to the control (0 ppb). Similarly, 100-grain weight was also reduced as much as 12.3% in this cultivar.  相似文献   

C.B. Crampton 《Geoderma》1984,32(4):329-334
A study was undertaken of concentric zoning of imperfectly and poorly drained, medium-textured soils around the stems of western hemlock and western red cedar in the coastal rainforest of British Columbia. The most acid profiles occur near each stem, and those having the greatest contrast in chroma between mottles and matrix occur beneath the periphery of the canopy of each tree. These circular belts of gleyed soils appear to be associated with, respectively, a limited flow of very acid water from precipitation down the stem and a much greater flow of less acid water from the periphery of the canopy.  相似文献   

This study describes assemblages of predatory ground beetles in native birch forest and derived blueberry farms on the Lower Mainland of British Columbia and investigates their role in the successful biological control of winter moth (Operopthera brumata L.) by the parasitoid Cyzenis albicans Fallén. Pitfall traps at four sites in 1991 and 1992 indicated that natural birch forest was dominated by native carabid species, while open blueberry was dominated by introduced species and some native xerophilous species. Predation by generalist invertebrates was an important mortality factor for both winter moth and C. albicans at all sites and was greatest in the first 2 weeks after pupation. Ground beetles including Harpalus affinus (Schrank) and Pterostichus spp. consumed winter moth pupae in arenas but adult beetles rarely consumed C. albicans pupae. Much of the overall predation was due to smaller invertebrates including beetle larvae. Predators actively searched for buried pupae and selected among pupal types based on condition (dead, parasitised or healthy) and size. Prey-selection differed among sites but C. albicans pupae were preferred at three of the four sites. At the remaining site, an organic blueberry farm, over 90% of both parasitised and healthy pupae were consumed. High levels of predation did not affect the levels of parasitism by C. albicans at the sites. This herbivore–parasitoid–predator system demonstrates the importance of naturally occurring predatory invertebrates for successful integrated pest management, even where they prey upon a biological control agent.  相似文献   

A bacterial water quality model (BWQM) was developed and used to evaluate the impacts of cattle farming and climate change on the stream fecal coliform pollution in the Salmon River watershed in south-central British Columbia, Canada. The accuracy of the model simulation was evaluated using the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency (COE). The BWQM simulated the observed field data well, with the values of the COE ranging from 0.76 to 0.78 for the stream flow, from 0.55 to 0.60 for the fecal coliform (FC) concentration, and from 0.85 to 0.89 for the FC loading. The BWQM captured more than 79%, 66%, and 90% variation of the daily stream flow, FC concentration, and FC loading, respectively. The BWQM predicts that between 70% and 80% of the FC were transferred from the cattle farm to the Salmon River through the snowmelt-caused surface runoff during late winter and early spring, with the balance 20% to 30% coming from the soil-lateral flow and the groundwater return flow. The model also indicates that the stream FC concentration is sensitive to the distance of the cattle farm to the Salmon River. The model scenario analysis reveals that the climate change, at an assumed 1??C increment of daily air temperature, results in an increase in the stream FC concentration in the spring, fall, and winter, but there is also a decrease in the summer. The increased air temperature also changes the seasonal pattern of the stream FC concentration. Rainfall can reduce the stream FC concentration and mitigate the impact of the increased air temperature on the stream FC concentration as long as it does not result in a surface runoff or flooding event.  相似文献   

Population viability analyses (PVA) are frequently employed to develop recovery plans and inform management of endangered species. Translating results from PVA into meaningful management recommendations often depends on an understanding of how population parameters change with environmental conditions as well as population density. The decline of mountain caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in British Columbia, Canada, is believed to be caused by apparent competition with alternative prey species following changes to the forest age structure from timber harvest and wildfire. In addition, populations have been shown to decline at faster rates at low population density. To evaluate the potential effects of habitat change and population density on population persistence, we used stochastic projection models for 10 distinct populations varying in initial size from <10 to approximately 150 females. In an initial model, we used estimates of vital rates based on information sampled from >350 radiocollared caribou between 1984 and 2004. We then compared the results of the initial model to a set of models that evaluated the effects of habitat conditions and population density via their expected relationships to female adult survival. Assuming that vital rates remain constant over a 200-year time frame, only three populations have high probabilities (>0.95) of extinction. When models incorporate the declines in adult female survival know to occur with increasing proportions of young forest and declining population densities, all 10 populations are predicted to decline to extinction within <200 years. Based on our results, we suggest that PVA models that fail to incorporate the effects of changes in vital rates with habitat and population density may lead to overly optimistic assessments of the probability of population persistence in endangered species.  相似文献   

The atmospheric heavy metal pollution of the Fraser Valley, B.C., Canada was assessed in 1993 by analyzing 62 samples of the common woodland moss Isothecium stoloniferum for lead, cadmium, nickel, zinc, chromium, and manganese. The latter two metals did not show a distinct regional distribution, but lead, cadmium, nickel, and zinc showed distinct pattern along a west-east gradient. High values were found in the metropolitan Vancouver area, located in the west of the study region. Significantly lower values were recorded for mosses from the eastern more rural areas of the Fraser Valley. Metal pollutants are likely to be contained close to their emission sources by alternating south-east, north-west winds. Highest values overall were found in the North Shore Mountains, adjacent to Vancouver. This was related to higher precipitation and short range pollutant transport from the industrialized, heavily populated areas in the floodplain of the Fraser River.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》1985,33(3):209-228
Preliminary ecological relationships between a resident mountain goat Oreamnos americanus population and a proposed hydroelectric development were investigated in 1979 and 1980 along the Stikine river, in northwestern British Columbia. Population size was estimated at 316 animals, distributed along 54 km of the canyon. Steep canyon walls were utilized predominantly during summer. Adjacent forested areas became increasingly important during winter when icy conditions prevailed within the canyon. Spatial relationships of kidding and rutting areas, location of mineral licks, and utilization of plant life formations are also summarized. Localized goat mortality and possible temporary range abandonment observed in the proposed Site Z dam area may have resulted from 1978 and 1979 hydroelectric exploration activities. Proposed construction activities could similarly affect up to 56 goats. Proposed Tanzilla and Site Z reservoirs could reduce the 1979 study area population by about 17%, or 55 goats with the greatest flooding impact occurring in the Site Z reservoir. Major mitigation measures involve design and control of land and aerial access, and reduction of noise and related disturbances during critical biological periods. Examples are given for possible compensation measures including range enhancement, establishment of goast in vacant habitat, and development of viewing facilities. Resultant land and water access can provide long-term opportunities for increased hunter harvest and other non-consumptive uses of the animal resource, if properly regulated.  相似文献   

A multi-media monitoring field investigation, which included atmospheric, road sediment and soil samples, was carried out at two highway study sites to identify past and present Pb sources. Past Pb anthropogenic sources such as paint and leaded gasoline were linked to significant Pb accumulation in roadside soils at both sites through Pb isotopic analyses. This was achieved by identifying the distinct Pb isotopic composition in older versus newer Pb accumulation at different depths across the soil profile. Older Pb accumulations exhibited lower 206Pb/207Pb isotopic ratios, consistent with Canadian Pb-bearing ores, whereas newer Pb accumulations reflected a mixture of the 206Pb/207Pb ratios of road sediment samples, with the Pb isotopic signature of uncontaminated soil. Isotopic analyses were also helpful in identifying road sediment as an important current source of Pb in roadside soils, by comparing the isotopic signatures derived from road sediment and atmospheric dustfall. The known association of Pb with anthropogenic sources was used to indirectly relate other metals (Cu, Mn, Zn) to the same source by the Enrichment Ratio method. Significant positive correlations at the 90–95% confidence level were found between Cu, Zn and Pb Enrichment Ratios in roadside and dust deposition samples. Weaker correlations were found between Mn and Pb, at the highway study site with the least amount of traffic. However, correlations between these two metals were significant at the 90% confidence level for the busier highway site highlighting Mn potential anthropogenic source. An isotopic tracer study is suggested to further investigate the process of Mn redistribution in the environment due to exhaust fuel emissions. More research is needed regarding the potential impact from using a Mn-based fuel additive.  相似文献   

A comprehensive multi-media monitoring field investigation, which included: atmospheric, storm-water runoff, road sediment and soil samples, was carried out at two highway sites in Vancouver, Canada, focused on Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, and Zn, due to their prevalence in most highway environments, both locally and worldwide. Metal potential bioavailability was evaluated through sequential extraction in the case of particulates and via exchange with a chelating resin for highway runoff. Road sediment showed in most cases a close resemblance with runoff and atmospheric metal concentrations (Fe > Zn > Mn > Cu > Pb), suggesting that road sediment is a useful indicator of current metal loadings and a key factor influencing the quality of urban watersheds. Metals showed increasing bioavailability with decreasing particle size in all samples. Thus, bioavailability was low in roaddust and roadside soils, intermediate in dustfall, and highest in atmospheric suspended particulates and runoff. Speciation analyses in different environmental media suggested that Zn is a metal of future potential concern. Zinc was second in concentration to Fe in most dust, air and water samples, and exhibited the highest mobility and potential bioavailability.  相似文献   

Wetlands are ecologically and economically important ecosystems with high conservation value. Although wetland vegetation is strongly determined by abiotic factors, grazing disturbance may also be an important influence on this community. We evaluated the effects of livestock grazing on wetland vegetation in marsh and wet meadow zones in intermountain depressional wetlands in the southern interior of British Columbia, Canada. We sampled marshes and wet meadows in 36 wetlands along a grazing intensity gradient ranging from fully fenced and ungrazed wetlands to unfenced wetlands heavily grazed by livestock. The amount of bare ground was used as a surrogate measure of the intensity of livestock grazing. Vegetation community structure and composition was strongly associated with grazing intensity. Increased livestock grazing favored shorter-lived and smaller plants; conversely, the frequency of tall and rhizomatous species, which constitute the dominant plant species in these systems, declined with higher livestock use. The effects of grazing were more pronounced in the marsh than in the wet meadow. Associations between species richness and grazing differed between zones: native and exotic species richness showed a unimodal response in the marsh while in the wet meadow exotic richness increased and native richness showed no response. The relationship between exotic frequency and grazing was also inconsistent between zones, with a negative association in the marsh and a positive but weak association in the wet meadow. Grazing-related changes in vegetation along the grazing intensity gradient were substantial and may affect the habitat value of these wetlands for dependent wildlife such as breeding waterfowl.  相似文献   

采用开顶式气室(OTC),对水稻“3694繁”(Oryza sativa L.3694 Fan)进行田间原位臭氧(O3)熏气实验,研究了不同O3浓度熏气处理下水稻光合色素、气体交换参数以及产量的响应。实验设置分4个水平:过滤大气组(CF,10 nL.L^-1)、自然大气组(NF,40nL.L^-1)和两个不同浓度的O3处理组(O1:100 nL.L^-1;O2:150 nL.L^-1)。结果表明:(1)与CF组相比,两个不同浓度的O3处理均导致水稻叶片光合色素含量大幅度下降,加速水稻的衰老过程;(2)在实验进程中,O3处理导致水稻叶片气体交换参数发生显著变化,饱和CO2浓度的净光合速率(Psa)t、气孔导度(Gs)、水分利用效率(WUE)、气孔限制值(Ls)和羧化效率(CE)均呈现下降趋势,表明O3浓度的升高使水稻光合作用对CO2的利用效率降低,水稻在灌浆期对O3最为敏感;(3)O3处理使水稻产量损失明显,当AOT40值达到2.32μL.L^-1h时,就能导致水稻产量10%的减产。  相似文献   

Atmospheric emissions of metals have decreased in North America; yet, metals remain an environmental concern due to their environmental persistence and toxicity to biota. In this study, pools and mass budgets were calculated for 15 metals in an acidified forested catchment in Central Ontario. Metals that were enriched in bulk deposition over background average values (As, Cd, Pb, Zn) were generally enriched in the forest floor and upper lake sediment. While the metal pool in vegetation is small compared with the soil pool, internal cycling of metals via litterfall is comparable to atmospheric deposition, soil water, and stream fluxes. Partitioning coefficients calculated from metal concentrations in soil water and bulk soil suggest that Cd, Mn, Ni, and Zn are the most mobile. The mineral soil and lake sediments were sinks for most metals, while the wetland was a source of metals during the study year, which was a drought year. Overall, lithogenic metals (Al, Ba, Co, Fe, Mn, Rb, Sr, Zn) primarily from a weathering source generally exhibited net export from the catchment, while metals contained in atmospheric pollution (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V) exhibited net retention. Despite the acidified nature of the catchment, it functions to retain many pollutant metals.  相似文献   

Mercury concentrations in various horizons of British Columbia soils were determined to estimate natural background levels in soils from various geographical areas of the province. Highly enriched concentrations near the Pinchi Lake cinnibar deposit declined to background levels ranging from 10 to 310 ppb Hg in the district. In six other regions, concentrations in surface mineral horizons averaged 85 ppb and ranged to 490 ppb but surface horizons of peaty muck soils and those predominated by vegetative litter contained 164 ppb Hg on the average and as much as 741 ppb. Concentrations in subsurface horizons were lower than at the surface. A significant relationship between Hg concentration and organic matter content was observed. Comparison with soils from outside British Columbia indicated its location within a generalized mercuriferous belt accounted for the relatively high concentrations observed.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - The aim of the study was to compare the feeding activity of soil fauna in forest floor soil and in soil layer developing on dead cedar logs in temperate ancient...  相似文献   

Two cultivars of soybean (Pusa 9814 and Pusa 9712) were investigated to evaluate the impact of ambient and elevated concentrations of ozone (O3) in a suburban site of India with and without application of 400 ppm ethylenediurea (EDU) in open top chambers having filtered air (FCs), non-filtered air (NFCs), and non-filtered plus 20 ppb O3 (NFCs?+?20 ppb). Significant reductions were observed in various growth parameters, biomass accumulation, and yield attributes of soybean cultivars due to ambient O3 in NFCs and elevated concentration of O3 in NFCs?+?20 ppb. Reductions in all parameters were of lower magnitude in plants treated with EDU as compared to non-EDU treated plants. Yield (weight of seeds plant?1) increased by 29.8% and 33% in Pusa 9712 and by 28.2% and 29.0% in Pusa 9814 due to EDU treatment in plants grown at ambient and elevated levels of O3, respectively. The results clearly showed that (a) EDU can be effectively used to assess phytotoxicity of O3 by providing protection against its deleterious effects, (b) EDU can be used for biomonitoring of O3 in areas experiencing its higher concentrations, and (3) EDU is more effective against higher concentrations of O3.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the impacts of logging on landslide activity in Clayoquot Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. A total of 1004 landslides were documented in order to test the hypothesis that areas affected by logging activities show different density, frequency and magnitude characteristics of landsliding than areas unaffected by logging. The frequency of landslides in logged terrain was found to be nine times higher than in undisturbed forest. An exponential increase in landslide frequency within the area logged was observed on a large watershed scale. Failures in logged terrain occur on gentler slopes than in natural terrain, partly because fewer slopes steeper than 40° have been logged. Debris slides and debris flows are the most frequently occurring mass movements, initiating mostly from road fill failures and from within cutblocks. Most landslides initiated on SE-facing slopes, with the highest landslide frequency near the coast and diminishing exponentially further inland. This pattern of activity most likely reflects the greater impact of severe storms arriving from the Pacific with winds dominating from the southeast. Concave and straight slopes are most susceptible to landslide initiation. A preliminary examination of geologic control on the frequency of landslides suggests that the Quatsino Formation, the Island Plutonic Suite and the Sicker Group are significantly above the average rate. Further work is needed to identify and quantify factors confounding the trends and correlations identified in this overview study. Results obtained in this study will be used to implement changes in forest management.  相似文献   


Sediment dynamics in most large river basins are influenced by a variety of different natural and anthropogenic pressures, and disentangling these cumulative effects remains a challenge. This study determined the contemporary and historical sources of fine-grained (<?63-μm) sediment in a large, regulated river basin and linked changes in sources to activities in the basin. The river has seen declines in chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, and the endangered Nechako white sturgeon populations, and sediment (both fine-grained and sands) transport and deposition have been identified as potential causes of these declines.

Materials and methods

Samples of suspended sediment and potential source materials were collected from numerous sites distributed throughout the upper Nechako River Basin in British Columbia, Canada. A floodplain sediment core was also collected in order to reconstruct sediment sources over the last ~?70 years. Discriminating fingerprint properties were used within the MixSIAR model to apportion sources among sub-basins and land-use types. Results were compared to records of precipitation and Nechako River discharge trends, and to changes in landscape development.

Results and discussion

Contributions from the erosion of channel banks dominated the suspended sediment load at most sites. Changes in sediment sources during the 2015 field season reflected snowmelt and patterns of water release from the Nechako Reservoir that affected the sediment-carrying capacity of tributaries and the Nechako River main stem. Spatial variations in 2015 also reflected the distribution of land use (e.g., forested or agricultural land) as well as topography (e.g., slope steepness). Over the last ~?70 years, variations in sediment sources and the characteristics of the sediment (e.g., organic matter content and particle size composition) were linked to the construction of the Kenney Dam (operational in 1954) and the impacts of deforestation by the forestry and agricultural industries. Superimposed on these have been wildfires and a major mountain pine beetle infestation leading to higher erosion rates in the affected areas.


The sediment source fingerprinting technique, in combination with historical information on the hydrometeorology and the land use and river management in the basin, has provided valuable information with which to understand sediment dynamics in the Nechako River Basin. Such an approach can help to disentangle how large river systems respond to a combination of natural and anthropogenic pressures.


地形闭塞的山坡下部冬季气温特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据龙海站过去50a(1959-2009年)的低温历史资料分析,并没有达到荔枝树遭受冻害的标准,但1991/1992年度、1999/2000年度冬季位于该站西南偏南11km的双第华侨农场的荔枝树却遭受了较严重的冻害。为探寻冻害产生的真正原因,本文利用2008/2009年冬季在龙海气象站和龙海市境内的双第华侨农场自动站(位于地形闭塞的山坡地下部)观测的气温资料进行对比分析发现:与龙海站相比,双第站的平均气温和最低气温偏低、最高气温偏高、气温日较差偏大;两站日最低气温间呈极显著的正相关关系(r=0.9468r0.001,n=90),两站的日最低气温差值随着龙海站最低气温的降低呈增大的趋势,说明龙海站的最低气温较低时双第站的会更低。采用差值法对龙海迁站(2001年)前后的年度极端最低气温资料进行了均一性订正,采用线性回归关系式推算出1991/1992年度和1999/2000年度冬季双第站的最低气温为-4.9℃和-3.8℃,这就是双第华侨农场当年冬季荔枝树发生冻害的真正原因。  相似文献   

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