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An experiment was conducted for 8 weeks at the Cantho University, Vietnam, to determine the acceptable level of mangrove leaf litter load and its effect on water quality, growth and survival rate of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Shrimps were cultured in plastic tanks containing 50 L of brackish water (salinity of 15‰). Leaf litter of Rhizophora apiculata, Avicennia officinalis, Excoecaria agallocha and Acacia auriculiformis were loaded to tanks at rates of 0.0 (control), 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 g L− 1 with and without aeration. Tiger shrimp post-larvae (PL; 0.05 ± 0.01 g) obtained from the shrimp hatchery of Cantho University were stocked at a density of 20 PL per tank and fed with pelleted feed containing 38% protein at a rate of 10% body weight (BW) day− 1.

The high leaf-loading rates significantly reduced dissolved oxygen (DO) and survival rates of shrimp in the non-aerated treatments, and all shrimps died after 2 days in the treatments with loading rates above 0.5 g L− 1. Leaf litter loads significantly increased tannin content, chemical oxygen demand (COD), H2S and pH in the aerated treatments. Stepwise regression analysis showed COD, tannin and H2S concentrations had negative effects on shrimp growth in the aerated treatments. Tannin concentration was found to be highest in the treatments with Excoecaria (32 mg L− 1) and Avicennia (24 mg L− 1) leaves. However, there were no significant differences in growth and survival rates of shrimp among the aerobic treatments loaded with different leaf types. The results of this study showed that moderate load of mangrove leaves could play an important role in promoting shrimp growth and survival in aerobic condition. Mangrove leaves at a loading rate of 1 g L− 1 positively influenced both the survival and growth rate of shrimps.  相似文献   

为研究亚硝态氮(NO2-N)对斑节对虾(非洲群体)氧化应激、能量代谢和渗透平衡的影响,实验选取体长(3.0±0.5) cm的斑节对虾,设置0 (对照组)、5、10和15 mg/L(3个胁迫组)的亚硝态氮浓度梯度,进行了为期72 h的急性胁迫。实验结果显示,肝胰腺氧化应激因子活性(或含量)随着胁迫时间发展而变化。超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)以及一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活性先升高后下降,24 h,SOD和GSH-Px、NOS活性达到最大值,10 mg/L胁迫组的SOD、GSH-Px活性和15 mg/L胁迫组的NOS活性显著高于其他3组;丙二醛(MDA)含量变化相反,24 h胁迫组的MDA含量最小,其中10 mg/L胁迫组显著低于其他3组;48 h,CAT活性达到最大值,10 mg/L胁迫组显著高于其他3组;一氧化氮(NO)含量随着胁迫时间的延长而逐渐升高,72 h,NO含量最高,15 mg/L胁迫组显著高于其他3组。血清能量代谢指标中脂肪酶(LPS)活性先上升后下降,48 h,LPS活性达到最大值,其中10 mg/L...  相似文献   

This study was carried out in farmers' fields to quantify the total water and consumptive water use in grow‐out culture of Penaeus monodon under recommended package of practice with two different water management protocols: T1, with no water exchange and T2, with regulated water exchange. Treatment‐wise estimated total water use, was 2.09 and 2.43 ha‐m 122 day?1, while the computed consumptive water use index (m3 kg?1 biomass) was 5.35 and 6.02 in T1 and T2 respectively. Lower rates of water exchange (T2) showed significantly improved (P < 0.05) crop performance in terms of performance index (19.75 ± 0.75), production‐size index (74.1 ± 3.4), survival rate (80.13 ± 1.7%) and productivity (2.44 ± 0.08 t) over the zero water exchange. The shrimp pond water quality suitability index (WQSI) infers that regulated water exchange (T2) improved the overall suitability of water quality for shrimp culture. WQSI up to 90 days of culture ranged between 7.5–9.0 in T2, needs little management while in the last month of rearing, it was good with moderate management requirements. Treatment‐wise sediment load ranged between 50.4–56.3 m3 t?1 shrimp biomass. High intensity of water exchange and low apparent feed conversion ratio influenced in lowering the sedimentation rate. Regulated water exchange protocol (T2) performed well (higher net total water productivity and net consumptive water productivity) against no water exchange (T1). A higher OV:CC ratio (ratio of the output value to the cost of cultivation) indicated that T2 had a distinct edge over the T1 protocol.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of rearing densities of Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei in three densities with three replicate treatments [T1: 0.4 million post-larvae (PL) ha−1, T2: 0.5 million PL ha−1, T3: 0.6 million PL ha−1] and water cutback approach on rearing environment, water use efficiency, water footprint and production performance. Conditional water exchange was carried out based on water quality parameters. Water quality suitability index was very good (7.5–9.0) up to 13th, 10th and 5th week of culture in T1, T2 and T3, respectively; which was attributed to rearing density, smaller-sized shrimp and low early feed input. Optimum rearing density of 50 PL m-2 (T2) led to total water use of 3.25 × 104 m3. It was seeming as a way to improve shrimp productivity (10.58 t ha−1 120 d−1), consumptive water use index (1.72 m3 kg-1 biomass), total water footprint (1229 m3 t−1 biomass) and net consumptive water productivity (USD 1.28 m-3). L. vannamei culture with low to moderate water exchange as in T2, helped uphold water quality suitable for the shrimp growth, improved water use efficiency (0.58 kg biomass m-3 water), minimized sediment load (45.3 m3 t-1 biomass), effluent outputs (0.63 × 104 m3), pumping cost (USD 30.1 t−1 biomass produced), and ratio of output value to the cost of cultivation (1.97). The findings and advancement in knowledge would offer the basis to augment shrimp rearing efforts and the water management approaches will help in preventing the production of waste and effluent while increasing water use efficiency and production performance.  相似文献   

Acid silage of shellfish processing waste has been reported to be a good and economical technique to protect these biomasses from bacterial decomposition. Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) by-products contain some value-added nutrients for the aquaculture industry such as carotenoid pigments (mainly astaxanthin) and n − 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of ensiling shrimp waste during a long period of time (more than 3 months) on some unstable components such as the astaxanthin forms (free, mono- and diesterified) and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Comparisons of astaxanthin forms and the fatty acid profiles were performed on defrosted shrimp waste and on a 14-week-old shrimp waste silage. No significant difference (P ≥ 0.05) in the total lipids extracted from the two forms of shrimp waste was observed. Nevertheless, a small quantity of the red pigment, presumably an astaxanthin portion, was observed to stay firmly bound to the shrimp carapace after the solvent extraction in shrimp waste compared to the full recovery obtained in ensiled shrimp waste. This may explain the significantly (P < 0.05) higher concentration of total astaxanthin (4.57 vs 3.99 mg/g) found in the crude oil extracted from shrimp waste silage. Higher percentages (P < 0.01) of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were found in esterified astaxanthin from shrimp waste silage (43.9% and 45.5%) in comparison with their shrimp waste (24.7% and 20.3%) counterparts. This suggests that EPA and DHA are the principal fatty acids esterified with the portion of astaxanthin linked to chitin in the shrimp carapace. The utilization of shrimp waste silage as a pigmenting component of salmonid feeds is also discussed.  相似文献   

本研究采用生理学和实验生态学方法探究了工厂化循环水养殖模式下,不同投喂频率对星康吉鳗(Conger myriaster)生长、生理指标以及水质因子的影响。选用初始体重为(150.64±5.43) g的星康吉鳗为研究对象,实验共设2组,分别为1次/天(T1组)、2次/天(T2组),每组3个重复,实验周期为70d。实验每14d检测各养殖池实验鱼平均体重和循环水系统水质指标;实验结束时,采集星康吉鳗血液、组织相关样品,用于生长、生理指标的测定与分析。结果显示,T2组终末体重(FBW)、终末体长(FBL)、增重率(WGR)、特定生长率(SGR)显著高于T1组(P<0.05),T1组饲料系数(FCR)显著高于T2组(P<0.05)。T1组血清丙二醛(MDA)显著高于T2组(P<0.05),T2组肝脏谷草转氨酶(AST)、肝脏谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、肠道胰蛋白酶(TPS)显著高于T1组(P<0.05)。T1组、T2组出口水NH4+-N、NO2--N 24 h变化中分别有1处(24:00)和...  相似文献   

A 60‐day indoor growth trial was conducted to study the effects of biofloc on the growth performance of a Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798), water quality and biological indicators including biofloc volume, chlorophyll‐a, heterotrophic bacteria and Bacillus quantity. Two concentrations of sucrose (0 and 75%) were added daily to the P. monodon culture systems (2.94 ± 0.11 g), which were conducted indoors in fibre‐glass tanks (500 L). Results showed that the final body weight and weight gain of the adding 75% sucrose group were significantly higher (< 0.05) than that of the control, as well as significantly (P < 0.05) improved specific growth rates and survival rates, and reduced feed coefficient. Adding 75% sucrose promoted heterotrophic bacteria, Bacillus and phytoplankton reproduction, and significantly (< 0.05) reduced the concentration of ammonia‐N (NH4‐N), nitrite‐N (NO2‐N) and nitrate‐N (NO3‐N). The changes of water quality indicators in the two groups showed the similar trend at the end of the experiment, and the ammonia‐N, nitrite‐N, nitrate‐N and phosphate‐P concentrations in the 75% sucrose group were significantly (< 0.05) lower than those of the control group, Chlorophyll‐a concentrations peaked at 389.12 μg/L in the biofloc sucrose group at 18:00 h, and heterotrophic bacteria peaked 8 h after sucrose was added. The addition of sucrose also reduced the pH of the water. Our research showed that adding sucrose promoted biofloc formation and shortened the formation time; increased the number of heterotrophic bacteria and algae which might play a role in improving water quality by assimilating ammonia‐N and other harmful substances in the water; supplemented food for P monodon growth; and reduced the feed coefficient.  相似文献   

为了研究3株异养硝化细菌对底部充氧尼罗罗非鱼养殖池塘水质的净化效果,选择初始体质量为(2.66±0.94) g的尼罗罗非鱼600尾,随机平均放入20个水泥池,实验设对照组1(普通曝气头)、对照组2(底部盘式微孔曝气器)、嗜吡啶红球菌(P1-2)实验组(底部盘式微孔曝气器)、粪产碱杆菌(P3-1)实验组(底部盘式微孔曝气器)、巨大芽孢杆菌(P5-2)实验组(底部盘式微孔曝气器),每组各4个重复,分别在养殖池塘定期泼洒终浓度为5×105 CFU/mL的异养硝化细菌菌液。测定了不同组中各项水质指标及鱼体生长、抗氧化能力指标的变化情况。结果显示,在实验过程中,所有组的总氮浓度均呈持续上升趋势,而加菌组的各指标积累量始终低于对照组,其中,P5-2对尼罗罗非鱼养殖水体的处理效果最为理想。P5-2组水体中的总氮累积量在整个养殖周期始终低于对照组1和对照组2。P3-1组水体中的总氮累积量在整个养殖周期始终低于对照组2。P1-2组水体中的总氮累积量在第8周和第10周显著低于对照组1和对照组2。P5-2、P3-1和P1-2组水体中的氨氮累积量在整个养殖周期始终低于对照组1和对照组2。...  相似文献   

The effects of pond fertilization and feeding rate on growth, economic returns and water quality were investigated to develop a low‐cost cage‐cum‐pond integrated system for production of Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Hand‐sexed male fingerlings averaging 19±0.39 and 32±0.69 g were stocked in cages and open ponds at 150 fish cage?1 and 2 fish m?2 respectively. Fish were cultured for 114 days in five triplicate treatments. Cages were installed into ponds and caged fish were fed a 24% protein diet at 3% (T1) and 6% (T2) body weight day?1 (BWD) without pond fertilization, and 6% BWD with pond fertilization (T3). The open water in the fourth treatment (T4) was not stocked but contained caged fish, which were fed 6% BWD for the first 57 days followed by 3% BWD for the remaining period. Ponds in the control (T5) had no cages and were neither fertilized nor open‐pond fish fed. Feeding rate and pond fertilization significantly (P<0.05) affected fish growth, profitability and water quality among treatments. Fish growth, feed utilization, fish yield, water quality and profits were significantly (P<0.05) better in T3 than the other treatments. It was concluded that fish production and economic returns were optimized at 6% BWD in fertilized ponds.  相似文献   

An 18‐week study was conducted in 12, 0.1 ha ponds to evaluate the impacts of cyclic feeding regimes on hybrid striped bass (HSB) foodfish production and pond water quality. Approximately 840 HSB [mean weight (std.); 91.08 g (8.18)] were stocked into each pond (8400 fish ha?1; 3360 fish acre?1) and fed according to one of three feeding regimes. The three feeding regimes included a control (fed twice daily to apparent satiation), and cycles of 3 weeks feed deprivation followed by 3 or 6 weeks of feeding to apparent satiation (3/3 and 3/6 respectively). Compensatory growth (CG) was observed in both cyclic feeding treatments; however, the response was insufficient for the fish to completely regain lost weight. Final mean weight of control fish (477.9 g) exceeded (P<0.05) that of fish receiving the two cyclic treatments: 3/6 (404.7 g) and 3/3 (353.8 g). Specific growth rate (SGR) of fish in the 3/3 treatment increased during all three refeeding periods, and was significantly greater than controls during weeks 9–12 and weeks 15–18, which represent the refeeding phase of the second and third feeding cycles. Specific growth rate for fish in the 3/6 treatment was significantly higher than controls only during the first 3 weeks of the first feeding cycle. Hepatosomatic index and condition factor were highly responsive measures that closely followed the metabolic state of fish on the feeding cycle. Of the water quality variables measured, total phosphorus was 32% lower in ponds receiving cyclic feeding versus control ponds. Soluble reactive phosphorus was 41% and 24% lower in ponds offered the 3/3 and 3/6 cyclic feeding treatments, respectively, although, significant differences (P<0.10) were only observed between control and 3/3 treatment ponds. Overall, CG was observed in HSB foodfish grown in ponds, although 3 weeks of feed deprivation was excessive and did not allow for complete growth compensation. Weight loss during feed deprivation was influenced by pond water temperatures. Early season feed deprivation did not cause as much weight loss as during the second cycle later in the season. Further studies on shorter deprivation periods applied during moderate to low water temperatures are needed to identify feeding regimes that minimize weight loss and result in a complete CG response.  相似文献   

Previous research showed that stocking 1.5 rohu (Labeo rohita) and 0.5 common carp (Cyprinus carpio) m−2 yields the highest production in small holder ponds in Bangladesh. The present study looked into the effects of additional stocking of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica) in fed or non‐fed ponds on water quality and fish production. A low, additional stocking density of 0.2 Nile tilapia m−2 was tested. All treatments were executed in triplicate in 100 m2 ponds and the duration of the experiment was 4.5 months. The results showed that tilapia addition increased nutrient concentrations and reduced total suspended solid concentration and phytoplankton biomass (P<0.05). Tilapia stocking resulted in additional production without affecting the growth and production of rohu and common carp. Supplemental feeding increased the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, phytoplankton availability and the growth and production of rohu and common carp (P<0.01). The combination of supplemental feeding and tilapia stocking resulted in a higher net yield than the other treatments (P<0.05). Stocking 1.5 rohu, 0.5 common carp and 0.2 tilapia m−2 in fed‐ponds is a good culture combination for polyculture farmers in South Asia.  相似文献   

The effect of carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio manipulation in feed supplements on Artemia production and water quality was investigated in solar salt ponds in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. It was assumed that development of bacterial bioflocs through C/N manipulation would improve Artemia production and water quality as demonstrated in freshwater and marine aquaculture. Twelve ponds were used for three treatments and the control, in triplicates. Green water (GW) was supplied to all ponds, with the standard Vietnamese procedure of supplying GW and chicken manure (CM) as the control (C/N 1.8). Treatment ponds were supplemented with tapioca (TAP) as carbon source, combined with either CM, pig manure (PM) or rice bran (RB), with C/N ratios of 7.4, 10.5 or 20.1 respectively. After 6 weeks of culture, no single treatment supported both improved water quality and enhanced Artemia production. Overall, improved water quality was observed at C/N 20.1 and higher Artemia production at C/N 7.4. Although external field factors could have interfered with the set‐up, this is the first study on the effect of C/N manipulation in feed supplements in Artemia pond production systems and provides the basis for development of bacterial bioflocs as a technology to improve water quality and Artemia production.  相似文献   

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