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Meat regulations also involve game inspection. This publication deals with the regulations concerning furred game intended for slaughter and furred game hunted for food. 相似文献
U Schmidt 《Tier?rztliche Praxis》1986,14(4):565-573
Pork and pork products which are consumed raw, e.g. mincemeat or fresh Bologna sausage, are relatively often contaminated with salmonellae. In the average of one year we detected salmonellae in about 5% of the samples investigated. Due to seasonal and local influences up to 45% of the minced meat samples can be positive for salmonellae. In minced meat salmonellae grow only at temperatures above 7 degrees C. During frozen storage of meat for several weeks, the salmonella count decreases on an average of about 50%. A damaging of surviving salmonellae by the freezing and thawing process was not observed. On the contrary, in thawed mincemeat stored at 8 degrees C the growth of salmonellae is stimulated, i.e. they grow better than in mincemeat not frozen before. Growth of salmonellae in Bologna sausage ("frische Mettwurst") can be inhibited by adding of at least 2.5% nitrit curing salt, 0.3% glucono-delta-lactone, and lactic acid starter cultures, even if the product is stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees C. Likewise in spreadible and sliceable fermented sausage ("streichf?hige und schnittfeste Rohwurst") no growth of salmonellae is to be expected, if a similar technology secures a sufficient microbiological stability during the ripening and smoking process. Therefore, the dissemination of salmonellae by pork and pork products can be avoided by technological measures, but also by a reasonable conduct of the consumer in the household. 相似文献
福建省渔业船舶检验人员配置及其管理的探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文根据当前福建省海洋渔业船舶规模和结构现状,分析福建省海洋渔业船舶检验工作、人员配置及其管理中所存在的问题,依据国家渔业船舶检验相关法律、法规的规定,提出强化检验人员配置、加强验船师队伍建设和船舶检验工作管理,提高渔船检验人员整体素质,建立健全检验工作机制,确保渔业船舶航行和生产安全,为船舶建造检验、营运检验营造良好的工作环境等建议,促进福建渔业船舶检验工作健康、有序运行。 相似文献
牛蛙肉质细嫩,丰腴爽口,营养丰 富,是一种高蛋白、低脂肪、低胞固醇的 美味食品。目前,牛蛙养殖已遍布我国 20几个省市,产量逐年增加。但牛蛙的 加工利用,大多数还停留在直接食用和 冷冻的初级加工阶段,深加工产品很 少。本试验利用牛蛙肉为原料,生产蛙 肉丸。该产品营养丰富,味道鲜美,口感 细腻,食用方便,能实现机械化、连续 化、工厂化生产。 一、材料与方法 1.材料 (1)原料:蛙体健壮,完整无损的鲜 活牛蛙。 (2)辅料:白糖、食盐、味精、淀粉 等,均符合食品卫生要求。 (3)香料:山萘、草寇、姜黄、小茴 香、… 相似文献
海产品甲醛的形成及其对鱼肉品质的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
海产品是我国重要的农副产品资源,其安全性逐渐受到关注。近年来,"甲醛问题"给海产品带来了巨大的的经济损失,也一直是全社会关注的热点。目前已证实,海产品在贮藏加工过程中,在内生酶作用下会生成甲醛。综述了海产品甲醛的存在形式、影响因素及对鱼肉品质的影响。 相似文献
渔船检验的各项工作在改革开放政策的正确指引下,在各级渔业行政主管部门领导和各有关部门的大力支持下,各级渔船检验部门的广大干部职工,按照法律法规赋予的神圣职责,积极开拓,扎实工作,遵照“依法严格检验,热情文明服务”的宗旨,各项工作都取得了新的进展:一是渔船检验立法工作取得重要成果;二是渔船法定检验、监督管理工作有所加强;三是机构建设进一步加强,人员素质不断提高;四是远洋渔船监督检验工作步入正规化;五是产品检验工作力度在逐步加大;六是整治沙滩造船,加强渔船修造企业管理工作。今年是世纪交替之年,也是做… 相似文献
Oyster processing sometimes requires determining if the shucking process has been completed. One application of this requirement is in the automated Wheaton oyster shucking machine where one oyster shell valve is removed and it is necessary to determine before the oyster proceeds through the remaining machine components whether the valve has been removed. Failure to remove the valve will cause the oyster meat to be destroyed downstream in the processing system. Thus, an automated sensor was developed to view the oyster and determine automatically if the valve was removed. The sensor is based on the difference in light absorption between the oyster meat and shell. Light reflected from the oyster passing beneath the sensor enters the sensor and passes through a beam splitter. Each light beam passes through a different narrow band filter and into a photocell. The output difference between the two photocells was used to determine if an oyster meat or shell was passing beneath the sensor. The sensor output for the 875 nm shell sensor varied from 0.143 to 0.305 mV and for the 975 nm shell sensor varied from 0.27 to 0.615 mV. When looking at meat the 875 nm sensor output varied from 0.157 to 0.305 mV and the 975 nm sensor varied from 0.307 to 0.622 mV. Results show the sensor will detect the difference between the oyster shell and the meat as long as there are readings for both sensing elements for both the meat and the shell. With the Wheaton shucking machine the design configuration will provide only a wavelength readings for either the meat or the shell but not both. Suggestions are presented to modify the system to allow the sensor to differentiate between the oyster meat and shell.
Because the study was designed to determine if the sensor would perform as designed data on the sensor speed was not available. However, the sensor was designed as part of a shucking machine with a design shucking rate of 60 oyster/min. With the electronic processing needed and the available computer processing power today the sensor should be able to meet the 60 oyster/min for which the shucking machine was designed. 相似文献
提高鱼肉凝胶强度的措施 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
利用淡水和海水产低值小杂鱼加工制作的鱼糜制品,是人们获取鱼肉型食物的重要来源,由于食用方便、味美形好、烹调简单等因素,深受消费者的喜爱。不过,目前鱼糜制品品种单调,制品质量有待提高,极大地限制了鱼糜制品的消费量。为此,国内外研究人员在增加鱼糜制品品种和提高鱼糜制品质量方面进行了研究,并取得了大量成果。衡量鱼糜制品质量的主要指标有弹性、口味、质地、形态等,其中制品弹性是鱼糜制品质量的重要指标。鱼肉肌肉中盐溶性蛋白质——肌原纤维蛋白质,是鱼肉形成弹性凝胶体的主要成分,是形成制品弹性的重要来源。鱼肉肌肉中肌原纤… 相似文献
渔船检验是一项具有较强的技术性、政策性、国际性,集技术监督与行政执法于一体的工作.随着我国渔业生产力及经营机制的变化,船检工作也面临许多新的问题和挑战.加强验船师队伍建设,促使其法律素质和业务能力的提高,是“十二五”期间各级船检机构的重要任务.本文通过对渔业船舶检验人员涉及典型案件的分析,对我国渔业船舶检验人员日常工作风险隐患的防控提出对策与建议. 相似文献
Fukuma Yasufumi Yamane Akihiko Itoh Tomohiro Tsukamasa Yasuyuki Ando Masashi 《Fisheries Science》2012,78(2):451-461
Fish meat was brought to a supercooled state through slow cooling, and changes in the texture, histology, and protein composition
of the meat were investigated. The groups whose storage temperature were lowered by 1.0°C per day (the 1.0°C group) and 0.5°C
per day (the 0.5°C group) began to freeze in the vicinity of −3.5 and −5.0°C, respectively. The freezing point depended on
the fish species; the lowest freezing point was −8.5°C, for the red sea bream in the 1.0°C group. The breaking strength tended
to decrease more slowly in the 1.0°C group, but the collagen fibers collapsed more rapidly in the 1.0°C group. In SDS electrophoresis,
a slight change in the banding patterns was observed, but the relationship between this observation and changes in histology
and physical properties was unclear. This study shows that it is possible to produce a supercooled state in fish meat, and
demonstrates that supercooling is a potential new storage method that lowers the temperature without generating ice crystals. 相似文献
实验选取半番鸭作为实验对象。选取1日龄的生长情况基本一致的健康半番鸭200只,随机分为5组,进行对照试验,采用单因子试验设计,在5组半番鸭的日粮中分别添加木聚糖酶50g/t、100g/t、150g/t、200g/t和0g/t,试验为期45d。结果表明:在半番鸭的日粮中添加合适的木聚糖酶剂量,满足其正常的生长发育所需要的环境条件,自由采食和自由饮水,并且搞好饲养管理,半番鸭就能够进行正常的生长发育。最后通过经济效益分析,在半番鸭的日粮中添加150g/t的木聚糖酶可明显的改善半番鸭的生产性能,从而提高饲料的利用率,降低饲养成本。 相似文献
高寒鲤含肉率及肌肉营养成份的分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本对高寒鲤含肉率、肌肉营养成份及氨基酸含量进行了测定,为制定出高寒鲤种质标准,提供参数。高寒鲤含肉率为61.70%,肌肉营养成份中水分为77.24%,蛋白质为17.59%,脂肪为2.58%,灰份为1.25%。用氨基酸自动分析仪测定了18种氨基酸含量,结果是:18种氨基酸总量为17.38%,8种必需氨基酸及2种半必需氨基酸总量为8.46%,4种鲜味氨基酸总量为7.03%。并与兴国红鲤、青鱼、青草、鲢鱼、鳙鱼、虹鳟的肌肉营养物质含量进行对比分析,结果表明:高寒鲤肌肉脂肪、灰份低于虹鳟鱼,高于其他几种鱼;水份高于虹鳟鱼,低于其他几种鱼。 相似文献
肉制品中脂肪氧化影响因素研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
肉中的脂肪氧化伴随着肉的整个成熟过程,脂肪的氧化对肉的产品品质造成双面影响,文章主要从影响水包油型乳浊液的几个方面:接触面的面积、接触面的相互作用、乳浊液电荷、接触面的厚度及接触面的通透性等几个影响脂肪氧化的因素,介绍了乳化液滴中抗氧化剂的作用及液滴中其他成分与脂肪氧化之间的关系,从而为生产中合理控制肉中脂肪氧化及寻找新的抗氧化剂、抗氧化技术提供依据。 相似文献