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盗伐立木材积测算方法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了盗伐立木材积测算的4种方法——脏木测定法、标准木法、标准地法、查表法,并界定了适用条件。探讨了盗伐立木材积测算工作中二元立木材积表选用和地径一元材积表的编制与应用方法。  相似文献   

杉木断梢木立木材积测算方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在研究正常杉木任意横断面以下树干材积随着横断面高度升降而增减的规律的基础上,提出了一种根据杉木断梢木树高与其所在林分中同径阶正常杉木平均树高的比率来测算断梢木立木材积的方法。  相似文献   

单株立木材积测定方法的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
单株立木材积的测定对林业生产和科学研究工作有着重要的作用,主要的测定方法是通过胸径、树高、上部直径或上部直径的高度来计算干形指数,然后计算单株立木材积。而不同的方法所用上部直径不同。本文用5个树种的解析木,分别对较常见的5种测定方法的测定精度进行了研究。得出的结论为:3/4形点法、0 5形点法、胸高形率法精度较高,绝对形率法、望高法精度较低。建议对干形饱满的树种采用3/4形点法、0 5形点法;对干形尖削的树种采用0 5形点法、胸高形率法。  相似文献   

提出了在形点上、下一定区间内,任选一测点测定立木材积的方法,给出了计算公式,验证了测定结果,分析了误差机制,得出了立木干形指数r确定近似形点的许可区间△h。尖削的阔叶树种的许可区间为0~50cm。中庸的针叶树种的许可区间为0~100cm。  相似文献   

以正形数为基础,提出V=f0 1h·g0 1h·h的单株立木材积估测式,经6个树种944株样木试验,并与二元立木材积表法进行了比较,结果表明这个立木材积式取得了良好的估计效果,可以在立木材积估测中应用。  相似文献   

通过对多种二元立木材积方程的拟合和比较,以动态模型V=aDb+c(D+2.3H)Hd+e(D+2.3H)拟合杉木人工林二元立木材积效果最佳。  相似文献   

建立树木生长模型主要依赖于树干直径(胸高处)的数据。这出于下列原因:树干直径最容易测量,对环境变化和林分密度反应最灵敏,并与树冠大小、林木生物量、树干材积紧密相关。直径另一个固有的有利条件,可记录每年的直径生长变化(至少在温带气候是这样),这很便于数据的采集。本文的目的在于研究生长方程的结构,并用大量的直径生长数据比较不同形式的方程的精度。  相似文献   

通过对370株油松根径(D_o)和立木材积的相关分析,建立了回归方程,并运用加权最小二乘法估计了回归方程的参数,确定了最合理模型:  相似文献   

为了给森林资源经营、管理提供指导,利用3块编号固定标准地调查资料,对常用的均匀分布、Meyer修正数据、累积分布曲线法等几种未来直径分布预估法进行了分析。结果表明,各种方法适应性都很强,其中以累积分布曲线法的精度最高,其精度是82.7%。  相似文献   

杉木人工林为安福县重要的森林资源,本研究根据1526株样木数据,在分析其干形变化特点的基础上,建立了符合安福县实际的杉木人工林二元立木材积动态模型。经适用性检验,该模型精度高,其参数稳定可靠,能对样木客观规律作出解释。模型适合在安福县使用。  相似文献   

【目的】确保立木材积和树皮材积预测的一致性并提高预测精度。【方法】以大兴安岭兴安落叶松为研究对象,分别采用控制法和分解法研建了可加性模型系统。利用SAS统计软件模型模块proc model中的NSUR法进行拟合及参数估计。拟合结果采用确定系数(R2)和均方根误差(RMSE)进行评价;检验结果则通过确定系数(R2)、均方根误差(RMSE)、平均相对误差(MRE)、平均误差绝对值(MAB)和相对误差绝对值(MPB)进行评价。【结果】从模型的整体评价结果来看,两种方法的拟合和检验效果均很好,基于分解法构建的模型略优于基于控制法构建的模型;不同径阶的检验表明,对于中等径阶的树木(20≤D<36 cm),基于控制法的模型相对较好,而对于小径阶(5≤D<20 cm)和大径阶的树木(D≤36 cm),基于分解法的带皮、去皮、树皮材积模型的预测精度要比基于控制法的各立木材积模型要稍好。【结论】总的来说,两种可加性模型系统均能很好地预测单木带皮材积、去皮材积和树皮材积,并确保得到满足一致性的预测结果,在具体应用时可根据实际情况选择适合的可加性材积模型系统。  相似文献   

An improved technique, cheaper and less time-consuming, to measure standing wood volume by using an electronic theodolite was tested, by which greater information from the forest could be acquired accurately and non-destructively. This was achieved by recording the diameter at breast height and ground-level diameter of a tree as well as the included angle between the electronic theodolite and the left and right tangents of the stem at any point. The standing wood volume then was computed precisely by section. In addition, the factors that influence the precision of the method (observable distance and number of segments) were also analysed. In the study, 175 Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Kuzen. trees and 190 Populus tomentosa Carrière trees chosen randomly for sampling were measured with the electronic theodolite, and then were cut down for measurement of the average cross-section volume. Based on the data acquired from 100 sample trees, a standard volume table was compiled, and then the data for the remaining random 10 sample trees in each group were selected for a comparison test. The results indicated that the optimal distance for indirect observation should be as high as the sample tree, and the optimal visual distinguished section was about 2?m. The correlation coefficient between the value measured non-destructively and the value of the felled trees of L. gmelinii was 0.97, with an average relative error of 1.62%. With regard to P. tomentosa, the correlation coefficient between the two values obtained by the two methods was 0.905 with an average relative error of 8.40%. It was concluded that the standard volume model based on the non-destructive measurement technique meets the requirements for precision in forest surveys. The precision of the standard volume model for L. gmelinii (a coniferous tree) was superior to that of the model for P. tomentosa (a broad-leaved tree). The electronic theodolite method provides an alternative technique for measuring trees without destructive sampling and is widely applicable for forest surveys.  相似文献   

[目的]树高是森林经营决策中最重要的一个参量,常用于估计森林生长、年龄、材积、生物量和碳储量等立木参数,其精度对立木质量的评价及森林生长的预测分析影响重大.为解决传统的树高量测仪器移动不便,测量周期长,人力耗损大等问题.[方法]以近景摄影测量为基础,构建了一种以登山杖绑定安卓智能手机为测量平台的便携、快捷的树高测量装备...  相似文献   

The quality of wood in 47-year-old standing trees of Japanese cedar grown in five plantation sites with different spacing (A, 1×1m; B, 2×2m; C, 3×3m; D, 4×4m; E, 5×5m) was evaluated using stress-wave and ultrasonicwave propagation methods. The magnitude of the velocities of these waves and the calculated dynamic modulus of elasticity (MOE) were used as indexes for assessing wood quality in standing trees. Results indicated that plantation spacings had moderate influence on the stress-wave and ultrasonic-wave velocities, and the degree of influence varied with the wave-propagating direction. Regardless of the testing method used, the velocities of waves propagated parallel to the grain in the standing trees with medium and poor growth conditions were significantly greater than those with superior growth conditions. The dynamic MOE of the trunk of standing trees of Japanese cedar was calculated by adjusting the effective mobility of free water and effective density in the trunk at various moisture contents. Results indicated that the dynamic MOE of wood in the standing trees of Japanese cedar was affected somewhat by the testing methods used. Furthermore, the dynamic MOE of the wood in the standing trees varied with the growth conditions imposed.Part of this report was presented at the World Conference on Timber Engineering, Montreax-Lausanne, Switzerland, August 17–20, 1998  相似文献   

贵州省柏木立木一元地径材积表的编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了编制贵州省柏木立木一元地径材积表的方法、技术要点、结果表明:依据林业部部颁技术规定,依托贵州省省颁柏木一元材积式,采用多个数学模型比较、优选,用Richards方程建立的柏木立木一元地径材积式编表,各项指标均达到部颁标准,经检验样本对材积式的适用性检验,材积式系统误差均小于3%,适用于估测立木材积。  相似文献   

通过收集山东省不同林龄、立地、密度的松类(黑松、赤松、油松)的样木资料,采用多模型优选法研制松类二元立木材积表,并用相关指数、残差平方和作为评价指标,评价模型优劣。经检验,所编的材积表完全符合生产上的精度要求,且编表结果可靠,可在森林资源调查中推广应用。  相似文献   

【目的】无人机机载激光雷达能够准确地测定单木、林分乃至大尺度森林结构参数(树高和树冠因子)。为应用无人机激光雷达技术准确估测森林蓄积量、生物量和碳储量提供计量依据和技术支撑。【方法】以150株实测马尾松生物量样本数据为研究对象,采用非线性回归估计方法和度量误差联立方程组方法,分析立木材积和地上生物量与树高、树冠因子的相关性,并在此基础上研究建立基于树高和树冠因子的立木材积与地上生物量相容模型。【结果】单株材积和地上生物量与树高因子的相关性最为紧密,其次才是树冠因子;基于树高和冠幅因子的二元材积和地上生物量模型预估精度较高,达到92%以上,再考虑冠长因子的三元模型预估精度改进不大;基于树高和冠幅因子的二元立木材积与地上生物量相容模型估计效果更好,相对于一元相容模型系统而言,二元相容模型拟合效果有较大幅度提高,预估精度达到92%以上。【结论】采用度量误差联立方程组方法可以有效解决基于树高和树冠因子的立木材积与地上生物量相容问题,并且预估精度达到92%以上,所建二元立木材积与地上生物量相容模型可为应用激光雷达技术反演森林蓄积量和生物量提供计量依据。  相似文献   

以郁闭林分中11年生落叶阔叶用材树种亚美马褂木伐倒木带皮各分段圆盘为研究对象,圆盘处理后数码拍照,导入 SketchUp 软件进行模拟树干生长和不同干形曲线旋转体3D 模型建模及模型材积分析。建立了不同干形曲线旋转体树干模型,比较各模型材积,中央断面法模型材积适用性较好。该模型为树干3D 建模及其应用初探。它可作为构建整个树干生长基础构建和建模方法,为进一步构建动态3D 生长模型和数据分析应用,以及人工林林分3D 群体模型提供建模依据。  相似文献   

Forest volume, the major component of forest biomass, is an important issue in forest resource monitoring.It is estimated from tree volume tables or equations. Based on tree volume data of 1840 sample trees from Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantations in Guizhou Province in southwestern China, parallel one- and two-variable tree volume tables and tree height curves for central and other areas were constructed using an error-in-variable modeling method. The results show that, although the one-variable tree volume equations and height curves between the central and other areas were significantly different, the two-variable volume equations were sufficiently close, so that a generalized two-variable tree volume equation could be established for the entire province.  相似文献   

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