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Besides infection in humans, Salmonella enteritidis can also cause serious illness in young chickens. However, the genetic and immunological parameters important for the disease in chickens are not well characterized. In this study, processes in the chicken intestine in response to a Salmonella infection were investigated in two different chicken lines. One-day-old chickens were orally infected with Salmonella. T-cell subpopulations, phagocytic properties of intestinal mononuclear cells and RNA expression levels of the jejunum were investigated. The two chicken lines differed in the amount of cfu in the liver and growth retardation after the infection. Differences in phagocytic activity of intestinal mononuclear cells were found between control and Salmonella infected chickens. The number of CD4+ T-cells of the intestine decreased after the Salmonella infection in one chicken line, while the number of CD8+ T-cells increased in both chicken lines, but the time post infection of this increase differed between the lines. In one chicken line the expression levels of the genes carboxypeptidase M and similar to ORF2 decreased after the Salmonella infection, which might be related to a decrease in the amount of macrophages. With the microarray, ten genes were found that were regulated in only one of the chicken lines, while we found six genes regulated in response to the infection in both chicken lines. So differences in genetic background of the chickens influence the intestinal host response of the Salmonella infection as observed by phagocytic activity, gene expression and changes in the number of T-cell subpopulations and macrophages.  相似文献   

In this report, we show that chickens, infected with Salmonella enteritidis (SE) by oral gavage, produce secretory immunoglobulin As (sIgAs) that specifically bind to numerous SE antigens. Chickens infected with SE showed strong sIgA response against flagella in both bile and crop. The optical density values of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests in positive bile and crop were 1.17 and 0.38, respectively, and were significantly different from those of negative samples. Western immunoblotting revealed that approximately 13.5-, approximately 56-, approximately 62-, approximately 80-, and approximately 143-kD polypeptides were immunodominant proteins in bile, whereas approximately 56-, approximately 62-, and approximately 80-kD polypeptides were found to be strong antigens in crop. These results indicate that the crop may function as another site for mucosal immunity, and the SE flagella-based ELISA of crop samples can provide a useful screening test of SE exposure in chickens.  相似文献   

Poultry products are an important source of Salmonella enterica. An effective way to reduce food poisoning due to Salmonella would be to breed chickens more resistant to Salmonella. Unfortunately host responses to Salmonella are complex with many factors involved. To learn more about responses to Salmonella in young chickens, a cDNA microarray analysis was performed to compare gene expression profiles between two chicken lines under control and Salmonella infected conditions. Newly hatched chickens were orally infected with S. enterica serovar Enteritidis. Since the intestine is the first barrier the bacteria encounter after oral inoculation, intestinal gene expression was investigated at different timepoints. Differences in gene expression between the two chicken lines were found in control as well as Salmonella infected conditions. In response to the Salmonella infection a fast growing chicken broiler line induced genes that affect T-cell activation, whereas in a slow growing broiler line genes involved in macrophage activation seemed to be more affected at day 1 post-infection. At days 7 and 9 most gene expression differences between the two chicken lines were identified under control conditions, indicating a difference in the intestinal development between the two chicken lines which might be linked to the difference in Salmonella susceptibility. The findings in this study have lead to the identification of novel genes and possible cellular pathways, which are host dependent.  相似文献   

Various leukocytes are involved in the reaction to counter Salmonella infection in chicken. The various leukocyte types react differently after an infection, since some clear the infection while others may cause dissemination of Salmonella throughout the chicken. Therefore, we investigated in vitro the entry and survival of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis in chicken cell lines of various cell types, including two macrophage cell lines, HD11 and MQ-NCSU (NCSU), two B-cell lines LSCC-1104-X5 (1104) and LSCC-RP9 (RP9), and a T-cell line MDCC-MSB-1 (MSB-1). The macrophages were able to internalize high numbers of S. Enteritidis. In contrast and as expected, cells of the T-cell line MSB-1 and the B-cell line RP9 internalized bacteria at a much lower level. After S. Enteritidis entered the macrophages, the number of intracellular S. Enteritidis decreased over time, so that after 48h no more than 20% of the bacteria, which had entered, survived intracellularly. In contrast to macrophages, the number of S. Enteritidis in cells of the T-cell line MSB-1 and the B-cell line RP9 increased rapidly within 12h post-inoculation. Thereafter the number of intracellular S. Enteritidis decreased only slowly. In conclusion, all three different cell types were able to control and to start clearing S. Enteritidis, although macrophages were far more effective compared to T- and B-cells. However, none of the cell lines were able to clear S. Enteritidis fully within 48h. These results suggest that the three cell types play an important but different role in the dissemination and elimination of S. Enteritidis throughout the animal.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted to compare the natural resistance of an indigenous breed of local village chickens to Salmonella gallinarum with two commercial breeds: ISA Brown and ISA White layers under experimental conditions.

2. A total of 72 chickens from each of these breeds were randomly distributed to 4 pens to provide equal numbers of two replicate pens maintained as infected and control (uninfected). All chickens in infected groups were inoculated orally with 1 × 108 CFU (1 ml dose) of a field isolate of S. gallinarum, at the age of 8 and 16 weeks given over 5 consecutive days. Growth performance, clinical signs, gross pathological lesions and antibody responses were measured.

3. A significantly higher mortality was observed in the brown layers compared with the white layers, and clinical signs and mortality were absent in village chickens. However, a large number of birds with gross lesions and high antibody titres were detected in village chickens, indicating that birds had the disease subclinically. Commercial breeds had a significantly higher body weight, feed intake and feed conversion efficiency.

4. There was a significantly lower proportion of positive reactors in village chickens in the whole-blood agglutination test (35%) compared to brown (100%) and white (90%) layers even after the second inoculation. Uninfected birds were negative in all groups. The indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay confirmed these observations.

5. These results suggest that the indigenous breed had superior natural resistance to S. gallinarum than the commercial breeds.  相似文献   

鸡体内减毒鼠伤寒沙门氏菌的繁殖和免疫反应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
初步研究了cya和crp双基因突变减毒鼠伤寒沙门氏菌(Salmonella typhimurium)在鸡体内的繁殖和免疫反应。1、4或7日龄肉鸡分别经口感染10^8或10^9CFU减毒S.typhimurium X4550,接种后3—4周鸡体内特异性细胞和体液免疫达到最高峰。4日龄口服10^9CFu组免疫效果最佳,但1日龄高剂量组表现增重降低及免疫抑制。28日龄每鸡口服攻击10^10CFU强毒S.typhimurium 50333,各免疫组保护率为100%。同时免疫鸡还能全部或部分阻止沙门氏菌在肝脏和脾脏的繁殖。接种后病毒S.typhimurium在泄殖腔的检出时间为4周左右。  相似文献   

Establishment and characterization of a chicken mononuclear cell line   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new chicken mononuclear cell line (MQ-NCSU) has been established. The starting material used to initiate this cell line was a transformed spleen from a female Dekalb XL chicken which had been experimentally challenged with the JM/102W strain of the Marek's disease virus. After homogenization, a single cell suspension of splenic cells was cultured using L.M. Hahn medium supplemented with 10 microM 2-mercaptoethanol. Under these culture conditions, a rapidly proliferating cell was observed and then expanded after performing limiting dilution cultures. These cells were moderately adherent and phagocytic for sheep red blood cells and Salmonella typhimurium. When tested against a panel of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) using the flow cytometry, MQ-NCSU cells stained readily with anti-chicken monocyte specific (K-1) mAb but did not stain with mAb detecting T-helper, T-cytotoxic/suppressor, and NK cells. MQ-NCSU cells expressed very high levels of Ia antigens and transferrin receptors. In addition, cell-free supernatant obtained from MQ-NCSU culture contained a factor which exhibited cytolytic activity against tumor cell targets. Based on their cultural, morphological, and functional characteristics and mAb reactivity profile, we conclude that MQ-NCSU cell line represents a malignantly-transformed cell which shares features characteristic of cells of the mononuclear phagocyte lineage.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica remains one of the most important food-borne pathogens of humans and is often acquired through consumption of infected poultry meat or eggs. Control of Salmonella infections in chicken is therefore an important public health issue. Infection with S. enterica serovar Typhimurium results in a persistent enteric infection without clinical disease in chickens of more than 3 days of age, and represents a source for contamination of carcass at slaughter and entry into the human food chain. Data presented indicate a profound effect of age at initial exposure on the persistence of infection and a lesser effect on the development of effective immunity to re-challenge. The percentage of birds positive for Salmonella was high until 8–9 weeks of age, regardless of the age at which the birds were infected (1, 3 or 6 weeks). The birds infected at 3 and 6 weeks of age produced a more rapid and higher antibody response (IgY and IgA) than those infected at 1 week of age, but in all cases infection persisted for a considerable period despite the presence of high antibody levels. Following a re-challenge infection with S. Typhimurium, all three previously-infected groups had fewer bacteria in the gut, spleen and liver compared with age-matched birds receiving a parallel primary infection. However, the birds primary infected at 3 and 6 weeks of age cleared infection more rapidly than those infected at a younger age. Interestingly older-primed birds had higher specific T lymphocyte proliferative responses and specific circulating levels of IgY antibody at time of re-challenge. Although birds initially infected at 1 week of age and those that were previously uninfected produced a stronger antibody response following re-challenge, they were slower to clear Salmonella from the gut than the older-primed groups which expressed a stronger T lymphocyte response. The data presented indicate that clearance of Salmonella from the gut is age-dependent and we propose that this relates to the increased competence of the enteric T cell response. The findings that Salmonella persists beyond 8–9 weeks, irrespective of age at exposure, has implications for the broiler sector and indicates the need to remain Salmonella free throughout the rearing period. Moreover, the re-challenge data demonstrates that infection at a young age is less effective in producing protective immunity than in older chickens. This feature of the development of protective immunity needs to be considered when developing vaccines for the broiler sector of the poultry industry.  相似文献   

Distribution of maternally transmitted Salmonella antibodies and their protective effects were studied in the progeny of broiler breeder birds which had been vaccinated with live S. Typhimurium and inactivated S. Enteritidis vaccines. Vaccination resulted in a significant increase of the antibody concentration in yolk of hatching eggs and in serum and jejunum of the progeny of immunized breeder birds. Higher antibody titres for isotypes IgG and IgA were still seen on day 21 of age. Antibody production of isotypes IgA and IgM by the chickens themselves was found between 14 and 21 days of age. Two challenge models (10(2) cfu/bird on day 1 of age and a seeder bird model, respectively) were used to evaluate the efficacy of maternal antibodies against challenge with S. Enteritidis. Using both models numbers of challenge organisms were lower in the caeca of the progeny of immunized parent birds between day 7 and day 21 of age (maximum about 1.5 log10 units) compared with control chicks. The results indicate the efficacy of maternally transferred antibodies but it remains the question of their practical relevance. The effects of acquired maternal antibodies on an active immunization of the progeny of immunized breeder birds with live Salmonella vaccines are discussed.  相似文献   

The host cell-mediated immune response was examined following experimentally-induced infection of rats with Dermatophilus congolensis, the causal agent of the skin disease dermatophilosis. Mononuclear cells (MC) isolated from Wistar rats 10 days following the induction of a third infection underwent a strong and specific proliferative response, as assessed by a [3H]thymidine incorporation assay, when cultured with various concentrations of inactivated D. congolensis cocci. Using specific monoclonal antibodies in an indirect fluorescent antibody test, this in vitro response was found to be characterised by a large expansion of the W3/25 (T-helper phenotype) population to form 56% of the total. Finally, the primed and stimulated MC were assessed for their ability to produce factors capable of inhibiting macrophage migration. The culture supernatants of D. congolensis-stimulated MC from infected rats caused significant migration inhibition of normal rat peritoneal exudate cells, whilst the supernatants of similarly-stimulated MC from naive rats failed to cause significant inhibition. The results show that a MC subpopulation becomes primed following experimentally-induced infection with D. congolensis and becomes activated after subsequent, in vitro, exposure.  相似文献   

An indirect ELISA has been developed to detect Salmonella typhimurium antibodies in chicken sera, using whole bacterial cell protein, flagellar protein or lipopolysaccharide as antigens. In experimental infections high concentrations of S typhimurium-specific IgG persisted after the faecal excretion of S typhimurium had ceased, whereas the specific IgM response was transitory. Some uninfected chickens placed in contact with experimentally infected birds developed high IgG titres in the absence of detectable faecal excretion. Other S typhimurium strains, which varied in their invasive abilities, also induced high titres of IgG. The ELISA allowed chickens infected experimentally with S typhimurium to be differentiated from chickens infected with 10 other serotypes, including S enteritidis. The use of whole blood in place of serum in the ELISA reduced the titres slightly. The storage of serum dried on to filter paper strips for four weeks produced little change in ELISA antibody titre, and the treatment of such strips with phenol or chloroform vapour had little or no effect on the antibody titre.  相似文献   

The effect of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (N MAbs) on Hantaan virus infection of macrophages was investigated using P388D1 cells, a murine macrophage cell line. MAbs to the G1 protein (G1b) and the G2 protein (G2a and G2c) neutralized viral infectivity in P388D1 cells. N MAbs to G1b showed much higher neutralizing potency than those to G2a and G2c. With each N MAbs, two distinct effects were observed: neutralization of viral infectivity occurring at high concentrations and enhancement of that at low concentrations. Non-neutralizing MAbs, on the other hand, showed only enhancement of viral infectivity even at high concentrations without any inhibitory effects. The Fab fragments of N MAbs showed neither neutralizing nor enhancing activities. However, when the virus-Fab complexes were reacted with the anti-Fab antibodies, both neutralization and enhancement of viral infectivity were restored depending on the dose of Fab fragments. These results indicate that Hantaan virus infection of P388D1 cells is mediated by the Fc portion of the antibodies and neutralization is dependent on the concentration of N antibodies bound bivalently to the neutralization site on the virion.  相似文献   

This preliminary study assessed the presence of Salmonella spp. in a bones and raw food (BARF) diet and in the stools of dogs consuming it. Salmonella was isolated from 80% of the BARF diet samples (P < 0.001) and from 30% of the stool samples from dogs fed the diet (P = 0.105). Dogs fed raw chicken may therefore be a source of environmental contamination.  相似文献   

Stimulation of different T-cell subsets during antigen presentation influences the antibody isotype response to an antigen. Salmonella infection and Salmonella bacterin vaccination are likely to stimulate different T-cell subtypes. The objective of this study was to determine whether there are differences in the isotype response of cattle to Salmonella antigens following Salmonella infection and Salmonella bacterin vaccination. Sera from Salmonella bacterin-vaccinated, experimentally infected, and chronically infected (carrier) adult cattle collected during previous studies was used to evaluate the IgG1, IgG2, and IgM isotype responses of cows to Salmonella serotype Dublin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and porin. Following vaccination and experimental oral infection, IgG1 titers to LPS and porin rose more quickly and persisted longer than did IgG2 titers. In contrast to Salmonella infection, bacterin vaccination stimulated a weak response to Salmonella porin. Salmonella infection also induced a higher IgG2:IgG1 titer ratio to LPS than did bacterin vaccination. Chronic Salmonella infection induced the highest LPS and porin IgG2:IgG1 titer ratios and the highest correlation between LPS and porin titers. Response operating characteristic curves for each isotype-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were determined to evaluate the effect of isotype on the sensitivity and specificity of Salmonella ELISA serology for distinguishing sera of Salmonella carriers from those of vaccinated and acutely infected cows. IgG2 titers to LPS and porin provide a more specific indicator of chronic Salmonella infection status than do IgG1 titers to the same antigens with little to no loss in sensitivity.  相似文献   

Humoral and cellular immune responses to Fasciola gigantica experimental infection in buffaloes were studied. The results showed that 33.4+/-9.1% of the infection dose was recovered as adult flukes from infected animals at necropsy. Significant differences of weight gain between infected and non-infected buffaloes was observed at 4 MPI (months post-infection). Anti F. gigantica excretory-secretory products (FgESP)-IgG levels increased significantly from 3 WPI (weeks post-infection) and displayed a peak at 13 WPI. Western blot indicated that in FgESP six major bands of 11.5, 19.0, 23.4, 29.8, 47.5 and 53.2kDa were recognized by F. gigantica-infected buffaloes sera after 0 WPI. Eosinophil numbers increased significantly from 3 WPI in F. gigantica-infected buffaloes and displayed a peak at 8 WPI. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) proliferation induced by FgESP increased from 2 WPI with a peak at 5 WPI. IFNgamma secretion by FgESP-stimulated PBMC appeared early from 1 WPI with three peaks at 2, 5 and 8 WPI, respectively. IL-10 production was observed from 2 WPI with two peaks at 4 and 9 WPI, respectively. Our results suggested that buffaloes were highly susceptible to F. gigantica infection, and this susceptibility could be associated with the late and weak cellular immune response in the early phase of infection and the Th0-like response throughout the infection.  相似文献   

Oxidative metabolism of the bovine alveolar macrophage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oxidative respiratory burst activity was examined in lavage-procured bovine pulmonary alveolar macrophages. Nonstimulated alveolar macrophages released a minimal quantity of superoxide anion and had small amounts of glucose flux through the pathways of energy metabolism. Nonstimulated cells metabolized substantial amounts of glucose through the hexose monophosphate shunt. Stimulation with opsonized zymosan particles induced a tenfold increase in the release of superoxide anion and a twofold increase in the flux of glucose through the hexose monophosphate shunt and the pathways of energy metabolism. Preliminary observations also indicated that the magnitude of the burst varied between sets of bronchoalveolar cells obtained from the same calf over time.  相似文献   

Intestinal epithelial cells represent the first line of defence against pathogenic bacteria in the lumen of the gut. Besides acting as a physical barrier, epithelial cells orchestrate the immune response through the production of several innate immune mediator molecules including beta-defensins. Here, we establish the porcine intestinal cell line IPI-2I as a new model system to test the regulation of porcine beta-defensins 1 and 2. Gene expression of both defensins was highly upregulated by foetal calf serum components in normal growth medium. In serum-free medium, baseline expression remained low, but pBD-2 gene expression was increased 10-fold upon infection with Salmonella Typhimurium. Arcobacter cryaerophilus and Salmonella Enteritidis, pathogenic bacteria with comparable adhesion and invasion characteristics, failed to increase pBD-2 mRNA levels. Heat killed or colistin-treated Salmonella Typhimurium had no effect, showing that the upregulation of pBD-2 was dependent on the viability of the Salmonella Typhimurium. Gene expression of pBD-1 was regulated differently since an increase in pBD-1 mRNA was observed by Salmonella Enteritidis infection. We conclude that the IPI-2I cells can serve as a new model to study porcine beta-defensin regulation and that pBD-1 and pBD-2 are differentially regulated in this cell line.  相似文献   

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