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Examination of the risk of contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the harvested crops of carrots and fungi after the application of composted municipal waste Investigations were conducted to determine if the often high, naturally-occuring concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) present in municipal waste composts could cause hazardous contamination of plants when the composts are used as soil conditioners in agriculture and gardening. Carrots (Daucus carota) and mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus), used as representatives of higher and lower plants, respectively, were cultivated on compost-free or compost-amended substrates. To determine concentrations of PAHs in soils and plants a gas-chromatographic method was employed which allowed benzo(a)pyrene and 12 other PAHs to be determined singly or as isomeric mixtures. In the experiments with Agaricus it was found that fruiting bodies, even though grown in a substrate with very high concentrations of PAHs (i- e., 1000 ppb benzo(a)pyrene), contained no detectible quantities of these compounds. In contrast to this, experiments with carrots showed that there was a direct correlation between PAH concentrations in the substrate and PAH concentrations in both below- and above-ground portions of the plants. The 25 to 40 fold increase of the PAH concentration in the substrate containing waste compost caused an increase of these compounds in the carrot roots by the same factor. The only 2 to 4 fold increment of the PAHs in the corresponding foliage was thought to be mainly due to a relatively great portion of air contamination by which the increase of the PAH quantities entering from below ground to the foliage was not so evident. The concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene used in the present series of experiments with composted waste are 7 to 10 times higher than those found in soil to which compost has been added as in practical agricultural application. Relating the result of the described experiments to actual practice, it could be suggested that the normally very low concentrations of PAHs in below ground plant parts would increase with the use of composted municipal waste, but they would not become greater than the concentrations in above ground plant as caused by contamination from naturally occuring PAHs in the air.  相似文献   

Influence of compost and Fe-compunds on the uptake of Fe, Zn and Mn by sunflower and maize in pot experiments The influence of compost and different iron compounds on the uptake of Fe, Zn and Mn from calcareous soils was investigated in a pot experiment using sunflower and maize. Regardless of the iron compounds applied, the addition of compost resulted in an increase of the Zn content in both plant species. The compost treatment without Fe, resulted in a lower Fe content in sunflower and maize. This effect was partly or completely counteracted by the addition of Fe compounds. Very high Zn contents were observed in the Fe – EDTA treatments. The Zn content was further increased when compost was also added. In treatments in which compost was omitted none of the Fe compounds applied increased the Fe content of the plants.  相似文献   

Phytotoxicity of Thallium (Tl) in Culture Solution Part 2: Effects of Tl(III) on the Growth and Heavy Metal Contents of Pea and Field Bean Plants The effects of Tl(NO3)3 and Tl(III)EDTA on growth and heavy metal contents of pea plants (Pisum sativum L. cv. Aromata) and field bean plants (Vicia faba L. cv. Hangdown) were compared in hydroponic culture experiments. In the presence of Tl(NO3)3, the essential heavy metals were available to the plants in their ionic forms. When Tl(III)EDTA was present the essential heavy metals were available as chelated complexes. Dry matter production of the pea plants was inhibited to a greater extent by TI(II1)EDTA than by Tl(NO3)3. The distribution of TI within the plant was unaffected by the accompanying anion, however an increase of the TI content of the stems and the leaves was observed in the presence of TI(II1)EDTA. The micronutrients exhibited different interactions with TI(II1). In the presence of increasing concentrations of Tl(NO3)3 the Mn content of each organ and the Zn content of the roots were lowered, but the Zn content of the stems was increased. Increasing concentrations of TI(II1)EDTA resulted only in a decrease of the Mn content of the roots, but in an increase of the contents of Fe and Mn within the stems, and Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu within the leaves. The increases may be due to concentration by growth inhibition. In contrast to pea plants, growth of field bean plants was inhibited only by TI(N03)). The field bean plants retained most of the TI within the roots independent of the TI compound in the solution. Chelation of TI(II1) resulted in higher TI contents of both the roots and the stems, but equal or reduced TI contents of the leaves. Whereas increasing concentrations of Tl(NO3)3 reduced the Mn content of each organ as well as the Zn content of the roots and the leaves, TI(II1)EDTA only reduced the Mn content of the roots.  相似文献   

Gradients of soil characteristics at fringe areas of small forest habitats of the Eastern Münsterland In four habitats of the Eastern Münsterland transects, perpendicular to south-western exposed forest fringes, were investigated. Subject of the investigation was to determine statistically detectable gradients of the following soil properties: C/N-ratio, pH- and pHKCl-value, ECEC standardized with respect to the Corg content and the EDTA-extractable fraction of Pb and Zn in the humic layers Of and Oh. Towards the inner forest, the C/N-ratio increasingly expands, the pH-values and ECEC decrease and the Pb-contents increase. Zinc does not show a trend concerning a gradient. Differences between the C/N-ratio of the Oh-layer and the Of-layer are obviously a consequence of the N-deposition. Higher pH-values at the forest fringe appear to be due to the deposition of dust from the field clod. The interception deposition caused by the coniferous trees in the inner part of the forest effects lower pH-values than that of the deciduous trees at the forest fringe. The Oh-layers have a higher Pb content than the Of-layers because of the specific kind of sorption concerning this heavy metal and the change of the situation of deposition during the last years. For the same reasons the Of-layers have a higher zinc content than the Oh-layers. The results show that the forest fringes of the investigated habitats, in a range of 5—10 m, work as a buffer zone for laterally deposited substances.  相似文献   

Heavy metal content of roots and shoots of vines (Vitis vinifera L.) after fertilization with garbage-sewage-sludge-compost The enrichment of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Co, Ni and Cr from garbage-sewage-sludge-compost in vineyard soils, vines and must was studied in field-and pot-experiments. The following results were obtained: 1. In a field experiment, in which garbage-sewage-sludge-compost was applied, a marked soil enrichment of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Cr was found. It was most evident at the 0–20 cm depth but also obvious at the 40–60 cm depth thus indicating downward migration. The soil was not enriched with Co and Ni. The heavy metal content of leaves, berries and must of riesling vines did not increase on the plots treated with garbage-sewage-sludge-compost. 2. In a pot trial, using an acid and an alkaline soil each mixed with garbage-sewage-sludge-compost, it was observed that only the uptake of Zn and Cu increased into the leaves, tendrils and wood of the riesling cuttings. In relation to the content of the substrate, the heavy metals were detected in the roots percentually in the following order: Cu, Cd > Zn > > Pb, Co, Ni, Cr The root contents were mostly substantially higher than those of the shoot. The migration from root to shoot decreased in the following percentual order: Zn > Cu > Cd, Pb 3. The heavy metal content decreased considerably from the roots to the upper plant organs. This was reflected in low concentrations of heavy metals in the vine must.  相似文献   

Phytotoxicity of Thallium (Tl) in Culture Solution Part 1: Effects of Tl(I) on the Growth and Heavy Metal Contents of Pea and Field Bean Plants The effects of TlNO3 and Tl(I)EDTA on growth and heavy metal contents of pea plants (Pisum sativum L. cv. Aromata) and field bean plants (Vicia faba L. cv. Hangdown) were compared in hydroponic culture experiments. In the presence of TlNO3, the essential heavy metals were available to the plants in their ionic forms. When Tl(I)EDTA was present the essential heavy metals were available as chelated complexes. TIN03 content of each organ was increased. The highest TI content was found within the stems. The increased TI contents were accompanied by depressed Mn, Zn, and Cu contents of the roots and depressed Mn contents of the stems, but increased Fe contents of the stems. Substitution of TIN03 by TI(1)EDTA resulted in a stronger growth inhibition of the pea plants, and higher TI contents of each organ. The highest TI content was found within the stems. TI(1)EDTA depressed Mn in the roots, but increased Fe and Mn in the stems, and Fe, Zn and Cu in the leaves. The increases may due to concentration by growth inhibition. The growth of the field bean was not effected by TIN03 nor by TI(1)EDTA. The field bean contained most of the TI within the roots and translocated only relatively small amounts to the shoots. This pattern was independent of the TI compound. Increasing concentrations of TIN03 resulted in depressed Mn and Zn contents of the roots, and Mn contents of the stems. Chelation of Tl(1) resulted in a decrease of the TI content of each organ. TI(1)EDTA depressed only the Mn content of the roots.  相似文献   

Heavy metal enrichment and mobility in the infiltration zone of stemflow from beech (Fagus sylvatica) in the Vienna woods Filtering action of beech crowns in a polluted atmosphere produces acidic stemflow enriched with heavy metals. Series of soil profiles through the infiltration zone of stemflow waters were analyzed in three old growth beech stands on pseudogley (aqualf) soils of the northeastern Vienna Woods to study soil acidification and heavy metal accumulation and mobility: + In the infiltration zone of stemflow soil pH can be less than pH 3 and thus more than 2 pH units lower than in profiles more distant from the stem base. + Heavy metal contents of the soil peaked near the stembase. Maximum values for lead were 500 to 1.200 mg·kg?1 soil, for copper 70 to 150 mg·kg?1 soil and for zinc 250 to 500 mg·kg?1 soil. + Manganese was not enriched but leached out from the soil profile. + The proportion of AED-complexable lead and copper to total lead and copper decreased under stemflow influence in the topsoil but increased in the subsoil. These results indicate that significant amounts of heavy metals are deposited with stemflow in beech stands of the Vienna Woods. Strong soil acidification enhances heavy metal solubility and thus promotes leaching into deeper soil strata.  相似文献   

Amount and distribution of nitrogen in fulvic-, humic- and silico humic acids from a garbage-sewage sludge compost During the course of composting for 106 days of a mixture of solid wastes and sewage sludge subsamples were taken at different time intervals. They were extracted for fulvic-, humic- and silico-humic acids which in turn were fractionated for different nitrogen fractions. Basic nitrogen fractions such as amino acids (AS), amino sugars (AZ), real amide nitrogen (ADe), pseudo amide nitrogen (ADp), remainder nitrogen of the hydrolysate (RNHY) and total nonhydrolyzable nitrogen (ΣNnhy) have been determined. The most pronounced transformations of nitrogen within the organic matter of the compost took place during the first 10–14 days of composting.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in precipitation and seepage water from forest sites in the Soiling: Determination of representative averages of heavy metal concentrations Concentrations of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were determined in open land precipitation, in precipitation below canopy and in seepage water in two different soil depths, over the period of 3 years, in monthly and half-yearly intervals, in a beech and a spruce forest of the Soiling mountains. The results of the concentration measurements and the element fluxes calculated from these data were treated statistically. The coefficients of variation of the concentrations and the fluxes within a given time period often exceeded 100%. It is proposed that, in order to determine meaningful average values, weighted samples are taken in half-year or year intervals, over the time span of several years, in a number of local replicates sufficient to reduce the error of the mean to less than 30%. For the investigation of time variations in the concentrations and fluxes the sampling of single rain events or of seepage water within short time periods (a few days) is suggested.  相似文献   

Calcium content in fruits of paprika, bean, quince and hip during fruit growth The Ca content and the Ca translocation into the fruits during their growth was determined in paprika and bean under controlled conditions (nutrient solution, growth room) and in quince and hip (Rosa rugosa Thumb.) under field conditions. Compared to leaves the Ca content in the fruits is very low in all 4 species and declines further during their growth. The K content, however, is similar in the leaves and in the fruits of all 4 species and remains nearly constant during fruit growth. The low Ca content of the fruits cannot directly be related to the cation exchange capacity (CEC) as there are no differences in the CEC between leaves and fruits. The generally low Ca content of the fruits and its decline during fruit growth is causally related in all 4 plant species to the low rate of Ca translocation compared to the rate of dry matter translocation into the fruits. There are, however, distinct differences between the 4 plant species in the course of the ratio Ca/dry matter translocation into the fruits: In paprika the Ca translocation into the fruits strongly declines during fruit growth and in bean the Ca translocation practically ceases with the onset of seed growth. In quince under field conditions the Ca translocation into the fruits rapidly declines at later stages and finally a translocation of Ca out of the fruit takes place (decrease in the amount of Ca/fruit). Only in hip the Ca translocation into the fruits remains constant during fruit growth. There is, however, a distinctly different distribution of Ca to the various parts within the hip fruits. The decline in Ca translocation during fruit growth can be explained in paprika and bean with a shift in water influx from the xylem (rich in Ca) to the phloem at the stage of high rates of dry matter influx into the fruit. In quince and hip, however, additional mechanisms (alternating water flux in the xylem, CEC) seem to be involved in the regulation of the Ca content of these fruits.  相似文献   

Validation of a 2-domain-model for the simulation of solute transfer in soils by laboratory and field experiments The simulation of water and solute transfer in the unsaturated zone on the basis of the classical convective dispersive model gives dissatisfactory results in many cases. Especially in the zone of evapotranspiration the observed penetration depths of surface-applied chemicals often exceed calculated values. This has been attributed to preferential flow in domains with accelerated flow. The aim of the investigations presented here was to extend the conventional theory of solute transfer in order to enable improved model predictions without introducing too much complexity to the model which might reduce its applicability. The mobile-immobile-concept of Coats and Smith (1964) was chosen to extend the model FLOTRA (Wagner et al., 1992), which is based on the convective dispersive approach. The model parameters additionally needed by the model are the immobile water content θim and the solute transfer coefficient α. The applicability of the model was tested on the basis of several laboratory and field experiments. It is shown, that with the mobile-immobile-approach modeling results of water and solute transfer in the top soil layers, which are most important in view of soil and groundwater protection, were improved compared to the calculations with the classical convective dispersive model.  相似文献   

Uptake and Translocation of Diethyl Phosphoric acid Ester in Comparison to the Orthophosphate. . The uptake of the diethyl phosphoric acid ester (DEP) through intact adventive roots of maize plants and its further translocation to the shoots was studied over a wide range of concentrations (0.001–50.0 mM P/L) in comparison to the orthophosphate (MP). The effect of the relative humidity (r.h.) and the metabolic inhibitor Na N3 on both processes, uptake and translocation, was also investigated. At low concentrations the plants tended to retain a greater part of the MP intaked in the absorbing roots. Depression of the transpiration streaming influenced relatively the phosphate translocation to the shoots. The higher the MP-outside-concentration was, the greater the effect of the transpiration streaming was on its translocation. Treatment with 10-4 MNaN3 inhibited MP-accumulation but not its translocation from the treated roots. The results showed that passive processes are mainly responsible for the DEP-uptake and translocation by the maize plants. Both processes were dependent to a great extent on the transpiration streaming. The r.h. affected the translocation patterns of both DEP and MP dissimilarly at low concentration, though, they come close to each other when their outside concentrations were increased. The results are discussed on the basis of the symplasm theory (2) and the dual mechanisms of ion uptake (28).  相似文献   

Nitrification of slurry N as dependent on application time, soil pH and addition of dicyandiamide Formation of nitrate after slurry application was investigated in relation to soil pH and dicyandiamide application in model trials at simulated outdoor temperatures of October or November till July. In the soil of pH 5.7, a supplement of 20 mg/kg DCD to slurry applied in October was sufficient to remarkably reduce nitrification which started not before March. In the soil of pH 7.2, formation of nitrate without DCD mainly occurred before winter, but was retarded by 20 mg/kg DCD till April/May. Higher amounts of DCD further delayed nitrification for about another month. After slurry application end of November (soil temperature 0°C), nitrification was retarded by dicyandiamide for up to 3 month.  相似文献   

Influence of K nutrition and mildew attack on N metabolism of spring barley during grain development Spring barley cv Aramir was grown in complete nutrient solutions containing 0,4 (K1) and 4 me K/l (K2) respectively. Half of the plants were sprayed regularly with a fungicide, the other half became naturally infected by mildew, Erysiphe graminis. Mildew attack was clearly visible in unsprayed plants, especially at K1. Accordingly also grain yield was depressed by 18% (K1) and 15% (K2) compared to the controls. Better K nutrition reduced symptoms of mildew infection drastically and increased grain yield from 87 g/pot (K1) to 169 g (K2). Similar yield increases (106 to 199 g/pot) were obtained in the control plants, revealing that under the experimental conditions better K supply stimulated growth in general rather than inducing specific defense mechanism against the pathogen. The latter was hoped to be detectable by applying 15N-nitrogen during 3 days at anthesis. Although K2 plants absorbed more 15N and incorporated more 15N into leaf protein, this cannot be considered as a K induced defense reaction. Instead due to lower grain yields in infected plants less proteolysis in the vegetative plant parts occured.  相似文献   

Heavy metal- and nutrient contents of plants and soil samples from metal liferous waste dumps in Bleiberg (Carinthia, Austria). I. herbaceous plants Lead and zinc concentration in the fine fraction (< 0,2 mm) of mine dump material were twice as high as in coarser fraction (2–0,2 mm) (table 1). Due to high metal levels in roots of several mine dump plants (table 3) interactions between plants and soil-microorganisms are assumed. Furthermore root originating exsudates (organic acids) are probably responsible for an increase in heavy metal availability in soil in spite of a general high pH of soil solution. The low mobility of lead within intact plants is caused by a selective affinity of this metal to cell wall pectines. On the other hand a physiological barrier (endodermis/pericycel) in primary roots of these plants is assumed, which partly prevents lead from upward transport into the shoots. Heavy metal compartmentation may be part of a tolerance mechanism diminishing a surplus of toxic metals within plant metabolism.  相似文献   

Cadmium, Manganese, Iron, Zinc and Magnesium content of Bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in relation to the duration and the amount of Cadmium supply In a long term experiment (8 weeks) on bean plants, the effect of different cadmium concentrations on the growth and the content of Cd, Fe, Mn, Zn and Mg was studied during the total growth period. The following results were obtained:
  • 1 Cd treated and non-treated plants clearly exhibit differences in their growth and their nutrient content.
  • 2 There are clear differences between early and late Cd effects. a) Early effects: Decrease of divalent cation content in roots; specially zinc and manganese. b) Late effects: Increase of Mn content in roots and heavy Mn deficiency in upper plant parts.
  • 3 In spite of a decrease of the magnesium content in most of the Cd treated plants, the values almost always stay above 1 % and do not seem to be deficient.
  • 4 The negative effect of Cd on the chlorophyll content observed in former studies, seems due to Mn deficiency rather than to the decrease of the Mg content.

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