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Genetic improvement is one of the most effective strategies to prevent rice from blast and bacterial blight(BB) diseases,the two most prevalent diseases jeopardizing rice production.Rice hybrids with dural resistance to blast and BB are needed for sustainable production of food.An incomplete diallele design resulted in 25 crosses between five blast and five BB resistant germplasm accessions.Only one pair of parents,DH146 × TM487,showed polymorphism for all the markers to identify one blast resistance gene Pi25 and three BB resistance genes,Xa21,xa13 and xa5,thus it was used in the marker-assisted selection(MAS).F2 individuals of DH146 × TM487 were genotyped using flanking markers of RM3330 and sequence tagged site(STS) marker SA7 for Pi25.The resistant F2 plants with Pi25 were used for pyramiding BB resistance genes Xa21,xa13 and xa5 identified by the markers pTA248,RM264 and RM153,respectively in subsequent generations.Finally,after selection for agronomic traits and restoration ability among 12 pyramided lines,we acquired an elite restorer line,R8012 including all four target genes(Pi25+Xa21+xa13+xa5).Hybrid Zhong 9A/R8012 derived from the selected line showed stronger resistance to blast and BB,and higher grain yield than the commercial checks uniformally in experimental plots,2007 state-wide yield trial and 2008 nation-wide yield trial.This study provides a paradigmatic example to show that MAS is a practically feasible tool in effectively pyramiding multiple resistance genes.The resultant restoring line and its hybrid would play an important role in securing rice production in China.  相似文献   

分子标记辅助选择在水稻抗病虫基因聚合上的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 稻瘟病、白叶枯病、褐飞虱和白背飞虱是危害水稻生产的主要病虫害。实践证明,培育抗病虫品种是控制水稻病虫害最经济和有效的途径。总结了目前已报道和定位的抗病虫基因的研究和利用情况,指出利用分子标记辅助选择聚合不同类型抗病虫基因到同一品种,可以提高品种抗性、拓宽抗谱,是水稻抗病虫品种培育的发展方向。  相似文献   

以C101LAC和C101A51为稻瘟病抗性基因的供体亲本,金23B为受体亲本,通过杂交、复交及一次回交,在分离世代,利用分子标记辅助选择技术结合特异稻瘟病菌株接种鉴定和农艺性状筛选,获得6个导入Pi 1、Pi 2和Pi 33基因的金23B导入系,其中导入系W1对稻瘟病的抗病频率为96.7%,明显高于携带单个基因的C104LAC(Pi 1)、C101A51(Pi 2)和北京糯(Pi 33)。基因聚合后抗病频率提高,说明基因聚合是培育稻瘟病持久抗性的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

Rice bacterial blight, one of the major diseases of rice caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, Xoo, jeopardizes rice diversely. It causes leaf wilting, affects photosynthesis and reduces 1000-grain weight and generally results in yield loss by 20-30 pe…  相似文献   

 通过杂交和分子标记辅助选择技术,将亲本材料18113携有的水稻白叶枯病抗病基因Xa23导入亚种间恢复系H705和优质恢复系H706。利用EST标记C189检测目的基因,在18113/H705 F3和18113/H706 F3株系中,分别获得71和52份携有Xa23纯合基因型恢复系。采用水稻白叶枯病Ⅳ型小种代表菌株浙173进行剪叶接种,分别鉴定出61和44份抗病株系,它们的分子标记辅助选择准确率分别为85.92%和84.61%。研究结果表明,C189是检测Xa23基因的有效分子标记之一,不过,其假阳性的几率高于理论交换率的现象还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

利用分子标记辅助育种技术选育高抗白叶枯病恢复系   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
通过常规回交育种结合分子标记辅助选择技术,已将来自IRBB24的2个抗白叶枯病基因, Xa21和Xa4, 聚合到感病的杂交稻恢复系绵恢725中。通过分子标记检测目标基因和亲本遗传背景差异分析快速获得了4个高抗白叶枯病的恢复系姊妹系R207 1、R207 2、R207 3和R207 4。采用与目标抗性基因相应的菲律宾菌系P1、P6 和7个中国病原型代表菌系(CⅠ~CⅦ)对4个姊妹系及其杂交组合进行田间接种。结果表明,这些姊妹系及所配制的杂交组合抗病性强、抗谱广,其中杂交组合G46A/R207 2具有良好的产量潜力,将R207 2定名为蜀恢207。  相似文献   

Varalu is an early maturing rice variety widely grown in the rainfed ecosystem preferred for its grain type and cooking quality. However, the yield of Varalu is substantially low since it is being affected by reproductive drought stress along with the blast disease. The genetic improvement of Varalu was done by introgressing a major yield QTL, qDTY12.1, along with two major blast resistance genes i.e. Pi54 and Pi1 through marker-assisted backcross breeding. Both traits were transferred till BC2 generation and intercrossing was followed to pyramid the two traits. Stringent foreground selection was carried out using linked markers as well as peak markers (RM28099, RM28130, RM511 and RM28163) for the targeted QTL (qDTY12.1), RM206 for Pi54 and RM224 for Pi1. Extensive background selection was done using genome-wide SSR markers. Six best lines (MSM-36, MSM-49, MSM-53, MSM-57, MSM-60 and MSM-63) having qDTY12.1 and two blast resistance genes in homozygous condition with recurrent parent genome of 95.0%-96.5% having minimal linkage drag of about 0.1 to 0.7 Mb were identified. These lines showed yield advantage under drought stress as well as irrigated conditions. MSM-36 showed better performance in the national coordinated trials conducted across India, which indicated that improved lines of Varalu expected to replace Varalu and may have an important role in sustaining rice production. The present study demonstrated the successful marker-assisted pyramiding strategy for introgression of genes/QTLs conferring biotic stress resistance and yield under abiotic stress in rice.  相似文献   

三系杂交水稻抗稻瘟病、白叶枯病育种研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前多数三系杂交稻组合抗病性较差,其抗病性受恢复系与不育系的共同影响,提高杂交稻抗性的关键是向三系亲本同步导入抗性基因.目前杂交稻的抗病育种基本立足于常规育种,但常规抗病育种方法存在一定的局限性;分子标记辅助选择在三系亲本抗病单基因导入和多基因聚合育种中均取得较大进展.针对存在的问题提出了抗病育种研究策略.  相似文献   

Bacterial leaf blight of rice (BLB), caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, is one of the most destructive diseases in Asian rice fields. A high-quality rice variety, LT2, was used as the recipient parent. IRBB21, which carries the Xa21 gene, was used as the donor parent. The resistance gene Xa21 was introduced into LT2 by marker-assisted backcrossing. Three Xoo races were used to inoculate the improved lines following the clipping method. Eleven BC3F3 lines carrying Xa21 were obtained based on molecular markers and agronomic performance. The 11 lines were then inoculated with the three Xoo races. All the 11 improved lines showed better resistance to BLB than the recipient parent LT2. Based on the level of resistance to BLB and their agronomic performance, five lines (BC3F3, BC3F3, BC3F3, BC3F3 and BC3F3 were selected as the most promising for commercial release. These improved lines could contribute to rice production in terms of food security.  相似文献   

白叶枯病和稻瘟病是我国水稻生产的主要病害,选育抗病品种是一种经济有效的防治手段。明确抗性基因在水稻品种资源中的分布,将有助于应用分子标记辅助选择培育抗性品种。本研究针对13个重要抗病基因,包括8个白叶枯病抗性基因(Xa1、Xa4、xa5、Xa7、xa13、Xa21、Xa23和Xa26)和5个稻瘟病抗性基因(Pib、Pi2、Pi9、Pi25和Pita),应用这些基因的基因标记或连锁标记共29个,检测103份杂交稻亲本,初步确定了其等位基因分布和利用情况,为水稻基础材料的筛选及应用提供参考。  相似文献   

以受微效多基因控制白叶枯病抗性的五丰占2号和主基因[i]xa5[/i]控制的IRBB5为材料,应用分子标记辅助选择、花药培养和回交技术研究了主基因与微效多基因聚合的途径。经查阅GeneBank中RG556的序列,利用在线引物设计软件Primer 3设计了一条新的R引物:5′CCAGACACCACTGCACATTC3′,克服了原引物Tm值相差太大,扩增效率低的缺点,使PCR扩增效率提高了近10倍。采用病斑长度与五丰占2号相近且携有xa5基因的五丰占2号[sup]2[/sup]/IRBB5 B[sub]1[/sub]F[sub]1[/sub]植株进行花药培养,获得30株二倍体植株,其中16株携有[i]xa5[/i]基因。携有[i]xa5[/i]基因的植株的平均病斑长度仅0.1 cm,对白叶枯病的抗性明显强于双亲。成功地聚合了白叶枯病抗性主基因和微效多基因。从配组到获得主基因和微效多基因聚合材料仅用两年时间,比常规育种方法缩短1~2年。  相似文献   

The quantitative resistance gene pi21 from Sensho was introgressed to an indica breeding line IR63307-4B-13-2, a pyramiding line IRBB4/5/13/21, and a tropical japonica line Kinandang Patong by marker-assisted backcrossing. A total of 192 improved lines at the BC_4F_3 and BC_4F_4 generations were developed and confirmed to have the gene introgression via genotyping using a pi21-specific In Del marker. Thirteen randomly selected improved lines, representing all the three genetic backgrounds, demonstrated resistance against leaf blast composites in the field and a broader spectrum resistance against individual isolates compared to the recurrent parents in the glasshouse. Specifically, the tested lines exhibited pi21-acquired resistance against 11 leaf blast isolates that elicited susceptible reactions from the recurrent parents. All the tested lines maintained a comparative heading date, and similar or improved panicle length, number of primary branches per panicle and number of total grains per panicle relative to the recurrent parents. The physical grain characteristics of the recurrent parents were also maintained in the 13 lines tested, although variability in the amylose content and chalkiness degree was observed. The successful marker-assisted introgression of pi21 in diverse genetic backgrounds and the resulting broader spectrum resistance of improved lines against leaf blast indicate the potential of pi21 for deployment in cultivars grown across other rice growing regions in Asia.  相似文献   

以江苏高产粳稻品种武运粳7号为母本,具有条纹叶枯病抗性基因Stv-bi和暗胚乳突变基因Wx-mq的日本粳稻品种关东194作父本配制杂交组合进行聚合育种。利用与Stv-bi基因共分离的SCAR标记及与暗胚乳突变基因Wx-mq紧密连锁的CAPS功能标记对其分离世代进行标记位点的检测,结合田间多代选育、抗性鉴定和籽粒胚乳外观鉴定,将条纹叶枯病抗性基因Stv-bi和暗胚乳突变基因Wx-mq同时转育到高产品种中,筛选、培育出优质、抗病、高产且农艺性状优良的水稻新品系宁9108。利用与水稻优质及抗病基因紧密连锁的分子标记,不仅初步建立了优质、抗病育种的分子标记辅助选择体系,也为水稻优质、抗病、高产育种提供了一种简单、快捷的选择方法和重要的中间材料。  相似文献   

水稻抗白叶枯病基因定位、克隆及利用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白叶枯病是水稻生产上主要的细菌性病害之一,严重影响水稻的产量和品质。传统的化学防治和生物防治法收效甚微,利用抗病基因培育抗病品种是最经济、有效和环保的途径。截至目前,从栽培稻和野生稻中鉴定的抗白叶枯病基因有40个,其中32个已被定位,9个已被分离克隆。本文对这些抗白叶枯病基因的定位、克隆、基因特征和作用方式进行了介绍,重点对这些基因在生产上的应用进行了综述,并对水稻白叶枯病抗病育种做出了展望。  相似文献   

Improved rice lines were developed frome three parents with the resistance or tolerance to bacterial leaf blight, blast and drought stress, respectively, using single-, double- and three-way crosses. The improved lines were assessed for agro-morphological and yield traits under non-drought stress (NS) and reproductive-stage drought stress (RS) treatments. The mean comparison of traits measured between parent plants and progenies (improved lines) were similar, and there were significant and non-significant differences among the parents and improved lines (genotypes) under NS and RS. Smilarly, there was significant and non-significant differences in the interaction among both parent varieties and improved lines for NS and RS. Cluster and 3D-model of principal component analysis did not generate categorical clusters according to crossing methods, and there were no exclusive crossing method inclined variations under the treatments. The improved lines were high-yielding, disease resistant, and drought-tolerant compared with their parents. All the crossing methods were good for this crop improvement program without preference to any, despite the number of genes introgressed.  相似文献   

研究了五丰占2号的白叶枯病抗性遗传及在回交世代中的抗性表现。结果表明,用白叶枯病菌株浙173(Ⅳ型)接种,五丰占2号表现中抗,IRBB5表现抗;五丰占2号的白叶枯病抗性受微效多基因控制,基因效应分析表明,该性状符合加性-显性模型,以加性效应为主;隐性主效基因xa5控制的IRBB5对白叶枯病菌株浙173的遗传符合隐性主基因的分离比。对白叶枯病菌株浙173的抗性反应与xa5基因的PCR检测结果一致。在五丰占2号2/IRBB5 B1F1群体中,基因型Xa5Xa5与Xa5xa5的分离比为1∶1;在五丰占2号2/蜀恢162 B1F1群体中,白叶枯病抗性达到五丰占2号水平的植株数占群体总数的68.3%。如果要将IRBB5中的xa5基因与五丰占2号的微效基因聚合,用五丰占2号回交1次是必要的。  相似文献   

含白叶枯病抗性基因Xa23水稻恢复系的分子标记辅助选育   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
 通过常规杂交育种技术和分子标记辅助选择技术,对携有白叶枯病抗性基因Xa23的亲本材料CBB23进行回交转育和农艺性状改良。通过分子标记辅助选择检测目的基因,快速获得了12份具有Xa23基因的恢复系稳定材料。采用白叶枯病菌株的专化强毒菌系P6对该12份材料进行室内接种鉴定,筛选出1份高抗白叶枯病的抗性新恢复系材料。应用3个不同的不育系对该恢复系进行测交,结果表明该恢复系具有良好的恢复性及产量潜力。  相似文献   

转中国对虾抗菌肽基因水稻抗白叶枯病效应初析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗菌肽是一类具有抗菌活性的多肽类物质。利用农杆菌介导法将中国对虾抗菌肽基因np3和np5分别导入粳稻品种爱知旭中,PCR检测显示,T0代转np3基因和np5基因水稻植株的阳性率分别为36%和45%。RT-PCR检测T1代转基因水稻,结果表明抗菌肽基因在RNA水平上得到表达,而抗菌肽的表达对农艺性状未产生显著影响。用白叶枯病菌小种CR4分别对4个T1代转np3基因和np5基因株系进行接种,所有转基因株系均表现出比对照更高水平的抗性。为了验证抗菌肽基因的广谱抗性,进一步检测了np5转基因株系对3个菌株JS97-2、ZHE173和OS-225的抗性,发现中国对虾抗菌肽基因np5对白叶枯病菌可能具有较广谱的抗性。  相似文献   

稻瘟病是危害水稻最严重的病害之一.培育抗稻瘟病的水稻品种是减少因病害损失的有效方法.本研究以携带稻瘟病抗性等位基因Pi25的品系BL108为供体、恢复系恢11-32为受体,应用该抗性基因的连锁标记Si13070C和功能标记CAP3/BglⅡ进行分子标记辅助选择,培育出携带Pi25抗性等位基因的恢复系R153,经福建省上...  相似文献   

水稻白叶枯病抗性基因鉴定进展及其利用   总被引:44,自引:7,他引:44  
章琦 《中国水稻科学》2005,19(5):453-459
 1982~1987年,日本热带农业研究中心(TARC)和国际水稻研究所(IRRI)合作采取统一研究方案,创建了国际水稻白叶枯病抗性鉴别系统。统一了命名,删去了重复(包括与Xa3相同的Xa4b、Xa6和xa9)。截至2005年6月,经国际注册确认和期刊报道的水稻白叶枯病抗性基因共30个,其中 Xa22(t)、Xa26(t)、xa26(t)、Xa27(t)、xa28(t)、Xa29(t)和3个Xa25(t)为暂定名基因,有待订正。在30个基因中,21个为显性基因(Xa),9个为隐性基因(xa);13个表现全生育期抗性,15个为成株期抗性,Xa21和Xa25(t) (O. minuta)两个基因在分蘖后期表达抗性。已被定位的抗性基因有17个,即第11染色体上有7个,Xa3、Xa4、Xa10、Xa21、Xa22(t)、Xa23和Xa26;第4染色体上有4个,Xa1、Xa2、Xa12和Xa14;第5染色体上有2个,xa5和xa13;第6染色体上有Xa7和Xa27;第12染色上有Xa25(t);第1染色体上有Xa29(t)。包括Xa1、xa5、Xa21、Xa26五个基因已被克隆。并讨论了合理利用抗性基因等问题。  相似文献   

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