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通过对北京城区3种类型居住区树木数量结构、径级结构和立木层次结构的分析发现:毛白杨、国槐、泡桐、侧柏、臭椿、白蜡等6个树种是居住区中的主要树种,其累计数量占到了居住区树木总株的48.5%,相对覆盖度累计达到0.651;居住区树木平均胸径23.88 cm,平均株高11.74 m,树木水平胸径等级结构分布相对合理,而在垂直高度空间小乔木植株比例过大;从3类不同类型居住区的比较来看,专属单位附属居住区的绿化效果较好,其树木平均胸径和平均株高水平都要明显高于胡同居住区和普通居住区。    相似文献   

紫红秋叶色木槭优良观赏种质资源调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以踏查、样线调查、定株观测和采种育苗相结合的方式,对张广才岭地区色木槭紫红秋色叶类型的资源状况进行了调查研究。结果表明,色木槭紫红变叶类型种群数量少,群落中个体比例低,但是在优势地点的群落内有一定的资源数量;紫红叶色单株在7年的观测期间表现出了稳定的叶色性状,而且这种秋季紫红叶色性状具有可遗传性,具有新品种选育和直接开发利用潜力。    相似文献   

上海市现存古树1 369株,隶属36科51属63种,其中,银杏的数量最多,达485株,其中7株1 000年以上,年龄最长的达1200年。古树中,乔木类树种最多,其次是小乔木,灌木和藤木类最少;古树主要分布在机关庭院、公园、郊区和道路。上海的古树资源温带成分占总属数的49.0%,热带成分占35.3%,具有温带与亚热带过渡区分布特征;并拥有较多的孑遗种、古老种、特有种和外来种。    相似文献   

调查了嘉兴放鹤洲公园内木本观赏植物群落特征、种类、数量、配置及生长势,结果发现公园共有观赏树木61种,各树种生长良好;科学合理的配置可以使公园发挥良好的景观效益和生态效益,为嘉兴市园林绿化植物规划设计提供参考。    相似文献   

常绿针叶树是北方地区城市森林的重要树种。在沈阳城市森林中,常绿针叶树约占公共绿地树木总量的20%。在严寒的冬季,北方城市中大部分树木落叶、休眠,惟有常绿针叶树保持着植物的生机,体现了城市的活力。然而,冬末和早春的生理干旱常常导致常绿针叶树松针失绿、枯黄甚至整株死亡,严重影响了城市绿化的景观效果。加强常绿针叶树生长季节和秋末的水、肥等管理,保持常绿针叶树旺盛的生长势,是减轻生理干旱影响的重要措施。    相似文献   

采用抽样调查的方法,对济南市的6个主要公园黄河森林公园、千佛山公园、环城公园、大明湖公园、五龙潭公园、趵突泉公园的树木进行调查。通过树种数、树种丰富度、树种多样性、树种均匀度4个指标对济南市各公园的树种组成结构进行分析,同时通过上述6个公园的树木总数、树木种类和胸径分布关系对公园树木结构特征进行分析。结果表明,大明湖公园的树种数最多,趵突泉公园的树种丰富度最大,千佛山公园的树种丰富程度最高,黄河森林公园树种最均匀。国槐(Sophora japonica)出现比例最高,占全部树木的10.69%。前20位树种总数占全部树木的75.06%,树木的数量构成具有明显的聚集性,出现少数树种主导整个群落的现象。从树木株数随胸径的分布看,同天然林存在差异,表现为近似的抛物线状。从不同胸径等级树种数分布上看,小径级的树种数多,大径级的树种数少,反映出济南市城市公园树种丰富度不断增加的趋势。    相似文献   

树锦鸡儿在城市绿化中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
树锦鸡儿(Caragana arborescens(Amm.) Lam.)为豆科锦鸡儿属植物,灌木或小乔木,高度可达6米,小叶8~12枚,倒卵形至椭圆状长圆形,长1~2.5cm,有小突尖,幼时表背面均有毛,枝条具有托叶刺,幼枝有毛。花1~4朵簇生,黄色,花期5月,果熟期7月。主要分布在我国的东北以及山东,河北,陕西等省。由于该树种具有较强的抗寒性以及适应性,且早春鲜绿的嫩叶展开期正值我国东北地区其他树种萌动期,能更早的给人带来春天的感觉,目前城市园林中备受关注。2009年9月对黑龙江省大庆市树锦鸡儿应用的现状进行了调查,调查结果如下。    相似文献   

文章以结构调控初期的城镇景观林为对象,调查测定间伐第1年主要树种的伐桩萌芽情况、萌枝数量、高度以及群落垂直结构,分析树种的萌枝能力及其群落的结构变化。结果表明,各树种的萌枝能力均较强,不同树种间存在极显著差异(F=129.5,P < 0.001),呈现"常绿树种产生数量多、植株矮小的萌枝,落叶树种产生数量较少、植株高大的萌枝"的格局。砍伐降低了林分密度,为冠层受压树种释放空间;同时,伐桩萌枝以其生长优越性快速恢复,占据高度3 m以下的空间,丰富了群落的垂直结构。因此,城镇景观林结构调控时,可通过砍伐并适当保留伐桩萌枝达到既控制林分密度又促进群落分层、维持群落和景观稳定性的作用。    相似文献   

文章介绍了长沙城市森林建设树种大树移栽、圃地囤积的树种种类、来源、数量、规格、成活率和参考价格等,并对大树移栽中存在的问题提出了整改意见。    相似文献   

研究合肥市区不同功能区景观林组成与结构,共记录102个样方。结果表明:景观林主要组成种有111种,分属45科、81属;主要优势种是香樟、枫杨、水杉、杨树、桂花、石楠等;不同功能区景观林树种相似性系数分别为0.4(公园与居住区)、0.24(高校与居住区)、0.22(公园与高校);林分平均密度560株/hm2,平均基盖度18.83 m2/hm2,平均胸径16.99 cm,平均树高10.13 m,均为正态分布。群落类型可归纳为5个植被型、16个群系及69个群丛,以落叶阔叶型与常绿落叶阔叶混交型为主。建群树种主要有香樟、广玉兰、女贞、雪松、水杉;群落外貌较整齐,树木整体较为健康,景观效果较佳;但层次结构、树种多样性不高,应丰富树种,增加群落的垂直层次,采用近自然经营。    相似文献   

[目的 ]分析人工恢复和自然恢复两种恢复模式下林分结构、物种组成与原始林的差异,了解不同恢复模式下森林生物多样性的变化规律,为森林生态系统人工恢复和重建提供理论和实践依据。[方法 ]选择九连山境内由人工种植杉木自然恢复36年形成的针阔混交林、皆伐后自然恢复32年的亚热带次生常绿阔叶林和未受人为干扰的原始森林(以下分别简称为杉木林、次生林、原始林)为研究对象,分析3种林分不同生长发育阶段(幼树1 cm≤DBH<5 cm、小树5 cm≤DBH<10 cm和成年树DBH≥10 cm)的物种组成、物种多样性及优势度、群落结构和功能群变化等,探究不同恢复模式下亚热带森林物种多样性恢复的特征变化。[结果 ]杉木林共有木本植物4 983株,隶属于29科75种;次生林共有2 879株,隶属于26科73种;原始林共有4 770株,隶属于38科126种。原始林与杉木林幼树的胸高断面积为次生林的2倍;小树阶段3种林分无显著差异;次生林和杉木林成年树的胸高断面积分别为原始林的37%和70%。杉木林与次生林在种-面积、种-多度及种-物种等级上的变化趋势大致相同;幼树阶段,次生林物种数随着抽取个体数增...  相似文献   

Mistletoes are parasite plants growing on various tree species,taking nutrients from the host.Beneficial compounds of mistletoe were used in medicine and these mistletoes were commonly collected from oak species that were not well identified.We analyzed the nutritional value by measuring proximate and mineral components of Korean mistletoe(Viscum album var.coloratum)from various host trees.Carbohydrate was the most proximate component in both leaves and twigs followed crude protein,crude fiber,crude ash and crude fat.While the contents of the proximate components and minerals varied among hosts and between plant parts,leaves contained higher crude protein and ash,and more minerals except for magnesium than twigs,although no significant difference was found inmistletoe grown on Prunus mandshurica.There were significant differences of proximate and mineral contents depending on the host species.Mistletoe grown on Chaenomeles sinensis contained higher levels of carbohydrates,crude fat,crude ash,magnesium,calcium,sodium,iron,and zinc than mistletoe grown on other species.Mistletoe grown on P.mandshurica contained high mineral levels of potassium,copper and phosphorous.The nutritional value of mistletoes were greatly influenced by the host species but among the hosts,specific nutrients accumulated in leaves more than in twigs,and vice versa.Based on the analysis,Korean mistletoe contains relatively good quality of nutrients and has high potential for dietary supplements as well as for medicinal compounds.  相似文献   

贵港市港南区林地质量等级评定方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究林地立地条件对当地主要树种的影响,在广西贵港市港南区范围内对林地小班逐个进行质量分等评定,港南区林地总面积为35989.5hm2,其中,Ⅰ级林地面积683.8 hm2,Ⅱ级林地面积7441.9 hm2,Ⅲ级林地面积27180.4 hm2,Ⅳ级林地面积600.3 hm2,Ⅴ林地面积83.1 hm2。文章分析了林地质量各个等级的空间分布,得出了坡度、石砾含量、土层厚度等的反应强度系数呈现出规律性变化,为今后林地小班选择造林树种提供了依据。  相似文献   

在瓦屋山定位研究了中亚热带湿性常绍阔叶林次生群落15a来各乔木种且成及其重要值、密度,大小结构、高度结构和材积生产力的动态变化,结果表明,自然恢复过程中次生常绿阔叶林群落乔木层物种组成变化明显,有11种从群落乔木层消失,也有10种出现,乔木层树种多样性(丰富度)基本保持动态平衡和发展;优势种地位保持不变,但次优势种地位得以加强;群落结构变化较大,突出表现为种群密度、胸径和树高分布格局的变化和立体空间的分布,群落由单优或双优种向双优或多优势种发展,由单一乔木屋向多层次立体结构发展,空间加厚,群落更复杂、稳定性增强。乔木种群平均高生长速度在24-48cm.a^-1 ,平均DBH生长率在0.34-1.10cm.a^-1,各种群生长速度差异明显,按生长速度可划分为适应性强的速生树种如细梗呈茱萸叶五加,华木荷(平均DBH生长在0.70cm.a^-1以上),中等速度的小叶青冈、扁制栲(平均DHB生长在0.40cm.a^-1以上),慢生种如润楠、石栎(平均DHB生长在0.4cm.a^-1以下);种群材积生产力高低不一,优势种扁刺种群材积生产力并不是直增长,而是在后期出现下降;次优势和睦产长速度较快。1997年3固定样地材积量218-225m^3.hm^-2,优势种群材积生产力是群落材积生产力的高低的关键,在相同的环境条件下和各种群相互作用下,密度是各种群生长和材积生产力高低的决定因素之一。  相似文献   

对不同起源林分幼树层、灌木层、下草层植物多样性差异显著性进行多指标方差人分析检验,检验结果表明,不同起源幼树层与灌木层差异显著。  相似文献   

Liana habitat and host preferences in northern temperate forests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lianas and other climbers are important ecological and structural components of forest communities. Like other plants, their abundance in a given habitat depends on a variety of factors, such as light, soil moisture and nutrients. However, since lianas require external support, host tree characteristics also influence their distribution. Lianas are conspicuous life forms in tropical regions, but in temperate areas, where they are less prominent, little is known about factors that control their distributions in these forests. We surveyed the climbing plant species in 20 mature (100 years and greater) forested habitats in the Midwest USA at a variety of levels from simple presence/absence, to ground layer abundances, to those species that had ascended trees. We also examined attributes of the tree species with climbers attached to them. Using cluster analysis, we distinguished five different tree communities in our survey locations. We determined that 25% of the trees we surveyed had one or more lianas attached to it, with Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia creeper) the most common climbing species encountered. Canopy cover and soil attributes both influenced climber species presence/absence and ground layer climber abundance. The proportion of liana species of a given climbing type (roots, stem twiner, tendril climber) was significantly related to the DBH of the host tree, with more root climbers and fewer stem and tendril climbers on large trees. In general, the DBH of climbing lianas had a significant positive relationship to the DBH of the host tree; however this varied by the identity of the liana and the tree species. The greater the DBH of the host tree, the higher the probability that it was colonized by one or more lianas, with tree species such as Pinus banksiana (jack pine) and Quercus alba (white oak) being more susceptible to liana colonization than others. Finally, some liana species such as Celastrus scandens (American bittersweet) showed a preference for certain tree species (i.e., P. banksiana) as hosts. The information obtained about the relationship between the tree and climber community in this study provides insight into some of the factors that influence liana distributions in understudied temperate forest habitats and how lianas contribute to the structure of these mature forests. In addition, these data can provide a point of comparison to other liana communities in both temperate and tropical regions.  相似文献   

浙西北天然次生林群落物种多样性研究   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
对浙西北地区天然次生林群落植物物种多样性特征进行了研究,测定了群落植物生长型构成以及各层次植物物种的重要值,采用多种测度方法计算了群落各层次植物物种的丰富度指数、均匀度指数和多样性指数。结果表明:(1)浙西北地区天然次生林群落各层次优势种比较明显,乔木树种以青冈为主,灌木树种以柃木和檐木占优势,草本植物则以箬竹为主;(2)该地区天然次生林群落植物物种比较丰富,乔木树种种数最多,草本植物稀少;就各层次而言,草本层物种数最多,乔木层和灌木层比较接近,各层次的均匀度指数的趋势是灌木层最高,草本层最低,乔木层居中;以多种指标计算各层次物种多样性指数结果均显示,灌木层多样性指数最高,草本层最低,尽管草本层具有最高的丰富度;(3)封育时间长、人为干扰轻的地区具有较高的物种多样性指标以及数量指标,有利于生物多样性的保护。  相似文献   

Tree plantations of native and exotic species are frequently used to compensate for forest loss in the tropics. However, these plantations may support lower species diversity and different communities than natural forest. We therefore investigated bird communities in stands of natural forest, different types of tree plantations and secondary forest in Kakamega Forest, western Kenya. We compared birds differing in habitat specialisation, i.e. forest specialists, generalists, and visitors. We recorded significant differences in mean species richness and number of individuals among the different forest types. Stands of natural forest and plantations of indigenous tree species comprised more species and individuals than plantations of exotic tree species and secondary forest. This was caused by a significant decline of forest specialists and generalists from natural forest and indigenous plantations to exotic plantations and secondary forest. Species composition of the bird communities did not differ between natural forest stands and plantations of a mixture of indigenous tree species, but clearly changed between natural forest and plantations of single tree species. These findings demonstrate that natural forest areas are needed for the conservation of forest bird diversity, but that plantations with a mixture of indigenous tree species can have similarly high conservation value.  相似文献   

Many old-growth forest stands in northwest Pakistan have been structurally transformed as a consequence of logging and livestock grazing, some of which are thereafter left to secondary succession. These forests represent an important resource for local inhabitants who gather and sell medicinal plants as part of their livelihood. With this in mind, the main objectives of our study were: (1) to assess differences in the structure of the tree layer and the abundance of medicinal plants among differently transformed forests, (2) to evaluate the recovery potential of medicinal plants under re-growth forests, and (3) to assess relationships between tree stand structural characteristics and the occurrence of medicinal plants.The first step of the study involved creating an approximate map covering an area of 90 km2 for five forest-use types (old-growth forest, forest degraded by logging, derived woodland, agroforest and re-growth forest). Fifteen plots per forest-use type were randomly allocated at altitudes ranging from 2200 m to 2400 m asl, within which the abundance of 10 locally important medicinal herb species was assessed.The study stands differed greatly in tree basal area, which was highest in old-growth forest (48 m2 ha−1), lowest in agroforest areas (6 m2 ha−1) and intermediate in re-growth forest (20 m2 ha−1). All ten medicinal plant species were encountered in old-growth and in re-growth forests, but only five of these species also occurred on agroforest plots. The mean coverage of study medicinal plants was highest in old-growth forest (7%), low in forest degraded by logging, derived woodland and agroforest (0.3-2%), and intermediate in re-growth forest (4%). The Jaccard abundance based similarity index indicates a considerable similarity (0.6) between re-growth and old growth forest for both trees and medicinal plants. The overall abundance of medicinal plants increased with increasing tree basal area and canopy cover. The abundance of some particular species decreased; however, the most sought-after medicinal species Bergenia ciliata, Valeriana jatamansi and Viola cancescens increased with tree basal area within specific forest-use type and also across forest-use types. In conclusion, our data suggest that anthropogenic forest degradation leads to a reduction in the abundance of economically viable medicinal plants for the study region. It is further indicated that this can be reversed if degraded forests are allowed to regenerate.  相似文献   

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