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为建立同时检测绵羊肺炎支原体(MO)和溶血性曼氏杆菌(Mh)的方法,本研究根据MO的hsp70基因和Mh的gcp基因分别设计引物,建立了同时检测这两种病原的双重PCR检测方法.实验结果显示该方法能够特异性的扩增MO (135 bp)和Mh (227 bp) DNA片段,其最低检出量分别为2.06×103拷贝/μL和6.37 c fu/mL,与单一PCR相同.该方法对常见的致病菌无交叉反应.对临床样本的检测结果显示MO和Mh的检出率分别为56.25%和52.50%,与单独PCR符合率为100%.研究结果表明,本研究所建立的双重PCR检测方法具有特异性强、敏感性高等特点,为临床上MO和Mh混合感染的快速检测、鉴定以及流行病学调查提供了方便、快捷、准确的方法.  相似文献   

为了对引起绵羊肺炎的病原进行分离、鉴定和耐药性分析,本研究通过无菌采集绵羊肺脏并对细菌进行分离纯化、生化试验和PCR鉴定,然后对所得到的溶血性曼氏杆菌分离株进行药物敏感性研究。结果显示,分离纯化得到的细菌为革兰氏阴性短杆菌,具有弱溶血性,经生化试验和PCR鉴定为溶血性曼氏杆菌;耐药性分析显示该菌株对恩诺沙星、庆大霉素、四环素等大部分药物敏感。本研究为绵羊溶血性曼氏杆菌感染的有效防制提供有用的信息和数据。  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of marbofloxacin was investigated after intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) administration, both at a dose rate of 5 mg/kg BW, in six clinically healthy domestic ostriches. Plasma concentrations of marbofloxacin was determined by a HPLC/UV method. The high volume of distribution (3.22+/-0.98 L/kg) suggests good tissue penetration. Marbofloxacin presented a high clearance value (2.19+/-0.27 L/kgh), explaining the low AUC values (2.32+/-0.30 microgh/mL and 2.25+/-0.70 microgh/mL, after IV and IM administration, respectively) and a short half life and mean residence time (t(1/2 beta)=1.47+/-0.31 h and 1.96+/-0.35 h; MRT=1.46+/-0.02 h and 2.11+/-0.30 h, IV and IM, respectively). The absorption of marbofloxacin after IM administration was rapid and complete (C(max)=1.13+/-0.29 microg/mL; T(max)=0.36+/-0.071 h; MAT=0.66+/-0.22 h and F (%)=95.03+/-16.89).  相似文献   

为探明一起肉牛运输热的病原及生物学特性,本研究无菌采集病死牛心血、肺脏、肝脏和脾脏,对其进行细菌分离、生化试验和PCR鉴定,并对分离株进行毒力基因检测、致病性研究。结果显示,7株分离菌均为革兰氏阴性短杆菌,具有微弱的β-溶血,瑞氏染色可见两极浓染及明显的荚膜。生化试验结果显示,分离菌能发酵葡萄糖、麦芽糖、阿拉伯糖、甘露醇、甘露糖、木糖等碳水化合物,不发酵脲酶、MR-VP和吲哚,产生少量酸而不产气,结果符合溶血曼氏杆菌生化特性。PCR鉴定均为荚膜血清A2型,分离菌均含有四型菌毛相关基因ptfA、参与复制相关基因dnaN、白细胞介素相关基因LktC3种毒力基因。分离菌对小鼠的LD50值在107.83~108.50 CFU/mL之间,不同菌株间小鼠LD50值存在一定差异,但差异不明显。结果表明,引起该批肉牛运输热的病原为携带毒力基因的荚膜血清A2型溶血曼氏杆菌,本研究结果为进一步研究溶血曼氏杆菌的致病机制提供参考。  相似文献   

对陕西省关中某奶山羊养殖场呼吸道症状引发死亡的羔羊进行病原检测.无菌采集死亡羔羊肺脏组织接种50 mL/L绵羊血琼脂平板,分别置于恒温培养箱与厌氧培养箱中36℃±1℃培养24 h,厌氧培养平板无菌生长,恒温培养血平板上可见大量溶血的灰白色、半透明的圆形菌落,挑取单菌落纯化培养后对分离株进行染色镜检、生化鉴定、16S r...  相似文献   

[目的] 对某养殖场由呼吸道症状引发的山羊死亡病例进行病原学诊断,并对分离到的病原进行药敏试验及致病性分析。[方法] 无菌条件下剖检并采集死亡羊只肺脏及气管组织,接种于TSA固体培养基,37 ℃培养22~24 h;挑取疑似菌落,纯化后进行革兰染色镜检和生化鉴定;对经表型鉴定的分离菌株进行16S rDNA PCR扩增、测序,并进行遗传进化树构建和同源性分析;采用微量肉汤稀释法对分离菌株进行药敏试验;利用动物攻毒试验确定分离菌株对羔羊的致病性。[结果] 从临床样本中分离到1株细菌,命名为DMQ-Y-Mh。纯化后的分离菌株镜检为革兰阴性短杆菌,经生化鉴定以及16S rDNA PCR扩增、测序、同源性分析,将分离菌株鉴定为溶血性曼氏杆菌(Mannheimia haemolytica)。分离菌株对环丙沙星、阿奇霉素、庆大霉素敏感,对左氧氟沙星、土霉素、氟苯尼考中度敏感,对替米考星、恩诺沙星、泰乐菌素耐药。攻毒羔羊于72 h内死亡,剖检眼观气管及肺脏支气管内有黏性分泌物;肺脏组织有深红色病灶,与正常肺脏组织界限明显,可再次从死亡羔羊肺脏及气管组织分离到溶血性曼氏杆菌。[结论] 溶血性曼氏杆菌是造成该养殖场发生羊只死亡的病原菌,药敏试验结果为指导临床用药提供了参考。  相似文献   

牛溶血性曼氏杆菌及牛荚膜A型多杀性巴氏杆菌是导致牛呼吸道疾病(bovine respiratory disease,BRD)的重要细菌性病原,每年给养牛业带来巨大的经济损失,目前对其疫苗研究仍显不足。本研究选用牛溶血性曼氏杆菌(Mannheimia haemolytica,Mh) Mh422株和牛荚膜A型多杀性巴氏杆菌(Pasteurella multocida,Pm) PmCQ2株作为疫苗菌株,分别制备了2种菌体浓度的Mh和Pm单价灭活菌苗及3种菌量配比(1∶1、2∶1和3∶1)的Mh-Pm二联灭活苗,以小鼠为模型,皮下多点免疫(0.2 mL),加强免疫2次,免疫剂量均为首免的一半。首免后第7天及其后每隔5 d,小鼠尾静脉采血分离血清,ELISA方法检测抗体效价,三免后第20天,分别以Mh422或PmCQ2进行腹腔攻毒测定免疫保护效果。结果显示,所有小鼠接种疫苗均无不良反应,二免后第10天抗体达较高水平,三免后抗体水平持续升高,第15天到达高峰,其后25 d维持高水平,后缓慢下降。Mh单菌苗的2种免疫剂量对Mh422株攻毒的免疫保护率均为0,而Pm单菌苗的2种免疫剂量对PmCQ2株攻毒的免疫保护率全为100%;Mh和Pm间无交叉免疫保护作用;3种菌量配比的Mh-Pm二联疫苗对Mh422株和PmCQ2株攻毒的各自免疫保护率分别为53%~71%和100%。该研究结果表明,所制备的Mh422单菌苗对同型攻毒无免疫保护作用,在诱导机体抗体产生方面,Mh和Pm间无相互抑制作用,PmCQ2株具有促进Mh422株灭活疫苗对Mh422的免疫保护作用,这为牛溶血性曼氏杆菌和牛多杀性巴氏杆菌二联疫苗的进一步研究提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the passive transfer of maternal antibodies to calves following vaccination of pregnant cows with an inactivated Mannheimia haemolytica (MH) and Bovine herpes virus type 1 (IBR) vaccine (Bovilis® MH + IBR). Sixty-two pregnant cows were allocated at random to two groups; one group was retained as a negative control group (T01), while the other group (T02) was vaccinated with Bovilis® MH + IBR on two occasions during their third trimester of pregnancy. Following calving, blood samples were collected from calves for the measurement of serum antibody titres to IBR and MH, with samples collected prior to suckling (Day 0) and on days 5 (±2), 14 (±3), 28, 56, 84, 112, 140, 168, 196, 224, 252 and 280. The group mean IBR blocking percentage remained low for T01 calves (calves born to T01 cows) between days 0 and 224 (range 4.5%–15.4%), while the group mean IBR blocking percentage increased for T02 calves (calves born to T02 cows) from 14.3% on Day 0 to 94.9% on Day 5 and remained significantly higher than T01 calves up until Day 252. The group mean MH titre (Log2) for T01 calves increased after suckling to 8.9 on Day 5, before declining and remaining stable (range 5.0–6.5). The group mean MH titre for T02 calves increased after suckling to 13.6 on Day 5 and then gradually declined; however, it remained significantly higher than T01 calves between days 5 and 140. Outcomes from this study have confirmed that colostral transfer of IBR and MH antibodies to newborn calves was successful and a high level of passive immunity was acquired by calves.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of a 2:1 ampicillin-sulbactam combination after intravenous (i.v.) and intramuscular (i.m.) injection at a single dose rate of 20 mg/kg bodyweight (13.33 mg/kg of sodium ampicillin and 6.67 mg/kg of sodium sulbactam) were studied in 10-day-old neonatal calves (n = 10). The plasma concentration-time data of both antibiotics were best fitted to an open two-compartment model after i.v. administration. After i.m. administration, an open two-compartment model demonstrated first order absorption. The apparent volumes of distribution of ampicillin and sulbactam, calculated by the area method, were 0.20+/-0.01 and 0.18+/-0.01 L/kg, respectively, and the total body clearances were 0.51+/-0.03 and 0.21+/-0.01 L/kg h. The elimination half-lives of ampicillin after i.v. and i.m. administration were 0.99+/-0.03 and 1.01+/-0.02 h, respectively, whereas for sulbactam the half-lives were 2.24+/-0.02 and 3.44+/-0.94 h. The bioavailability after i.m. injection was high and similar for both drugs (70.31+/-0.2% for ampicillin and 68.62+/-4.44% for sulbactam). The mean peak plasma concentrations of ampicillin and sulbactam were reached at similar times (0.47+/-0.02 and 0.72+/-0.01 h, respectively) and peak concentrations were also similar but not proportional to the dose administered (17.88+/-0.91 mg/L of ampicillin and 12.92+/-0.79 mg/L of sulbactam). Both drugs had similar pharmacokinetic behaviour after i.m. administration. Since the plasma concentrations of sulbactam were consistently higher during the elimination phase of their disposition, consideration could be given to formulating the ampicillin-sulbactam combination in a ratio higher than 2:1.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of moxifloxacin were investigated in buffalo calves following a single intravenous and intramuscular administration of moxifloxacin (5 mg kg−1 body wt.). Moxifloxacin concentrations in plasma and urine were determined by microbiological assay. Pharmacokinetic analysis of disposition data indicated that intravenous administration data were best described by a two compartment open model, whereas intramuscular administration data were best described by a one compartment open model. Following intravenous administration, the elimination half life (t1/2β), volume of distribution (Vd(area)) and total body clearance were 2.69 ± 0.14 h, 1.43 ± 0.08 L kg−1 and 371.2 ± 11.2 ml kg−1 h−1, respectively. Following intramuscular administration, the absorption half life (t1/2ka) was 0.83 ± 0.20 h. The systemic bioavailability (F) of moxifloxacin in buffalo calves was 80.0 ± 4.08%. Urinary excretion of moxifloxacin was less than 14% after 24 h of administration of drug. In vitro binding of moxifloxacin to plasma proteins of buffalo calves was 28.4 ± 3.77%. From the data of surrogate markers (AUC/MIC, Cmax/MIC), it was determined in the buffalo calves that when administered by intravenous or intramuscular route at 5 mg kg−1, moxifloxacin is likely to be effective against bacterial isolates with MIC ? 0.1 μg ml−1.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of marbofloxacin were established in calves for six strains of each of the pneumonia pathogens Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida. The distribution of marbofloxacin into inflamed (exudate) and non-inflamed (transudate) tissue cage fluids allowed comparison with the serum concentration–time profile. To establish the PD profile, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined in Mueller–Hinton broth (MHB) and calf serum.Moderately higher MICs were obtained for serum compared to MHB. An initial integration of PK–PD data established Cmax/MIC ratios of 45.0 and AUC24h/MIC values of 174.7 h, based on serum MICs, for both bacterial species. Using bacterial time-kill curves, generated ex vivo for serum marbofloxacin concentrations, PK–PD modelling established three levels of growth inhibition: AUC24h/MIC ratios for no reduction, 3 log10 and 4 log10 reductions in bacterial count from the initial inoculum count were 41.9, 59.5 and 68.0 h for M. haemolytica and 48.6, 64.9 and 74.8 h for P. multocida, on average respectively. Inter-strain variability for 3 log10 and 4 log10 reductions in bacterial count was smaller for P. multocida than for M. haemolytica. In conjunction with literature data on MIC90 values, the present results allowed prediction of dosages for efficacy for each organism for the three levels of growth inhibition.  相似文献   

Indicator traits associated with disease resiliency would be useful to improve the health and welfare of feedlot cattle. A post hoc analysis of data collected previously (Kayser et al., 2019a) was conducted to investigate differences in immunologic, physiologic, and behavioral responses of steers (N = 36, initial BW = 386 ± 24 kg) that had differential haptoglobin (HPT) responses to an experimentally induced challenge with Mannheimia haemolytica (MH). Rumen temperature, DMI, and feeding behavior data were collected continuously, and serial blood samples were collected following the MH challenge. Retrospectively, it was determined that 9 of the 18 MH-challenged steers mounted a minimal HPT response, despite having similar leukocyte and temperature responses to other MH-challenged steers with a greater HPT response. Our objective was to examine differences in behavioral and physiological responses between MH-challenged HPT responsive (RES; n = 9), MH-challenged HPT nonresponsive (NON; n = 9), and phosphate-buffered saline-inoculated controls (CON; n = 18). Additionally, 1H NMR analysis was conducted to determine whether the HPT-responsive phenotype affected serum metabolite profiles. The RES steers had lesser (P < 0.05) cortisol concentrations than NON and CON steers. The magnitude of the increases in neutrophil concentrations and rumen temperature, and the reduction in DMI following the MH challenge were greatest (P < 0.05) in RES steers. Univariate analysis of serum metabolites indicated differences between RES, NON, and CON steers following the MH challenge; however, multivariate analysis revealed no difference between HPT-responsive phenotypes. Prior to the MH challenge, RES steers had longer (P < 0.05) head down and bunk visit durations, slower eating rates (P < 0.01) and greater (P < 0.05) daily variances in bunk visit frequency and head down duration compared with NON steers, suggesting that feeding behavior patterns were associated with the HPT-responsive phenotype. During the 28-d postchallenge period, RES steers had decreased (P < 0.05) final BW, tended (P = 0.06) to have lesser DMI, and had greater (P < 0.05) daily variances in head down and bunk visit durations compared with NON steers, which may have been attributed to their greater acute-phase protein response to the MH challenge. These results indicate that the HPT-responsive phenotype affected feeding behavior patterns and may be associated with disease resiliency in beef cattle.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare concentrations of danofloxacin, enrofloxacin, and ciprofloxacin in plasma and respiratory tissues of calves treated after challenge with Mannheimia haemolytica. ANIMALS: 75 calves. PROCEDURE: 24 hours after challenge with M. haemolytica, 72 calves with clinical signs of respiratory tract disease were randomly assigned to 1 of 12 equal treatment groups.Three nonchallenged, nontreated calves formed a control group. Challenged calves were treated with danofloxacin (6 and 8 mg/kg, SC) and enrofloxacin (8 mg/kg, SC) once. At 1, 2, 6, and 12 hours after treatment, 6 calves from each treatment group were euthanatized. Antimicrobial drug concentrations were assayed in various specimens. Peak plasma concentration (Cmax)-to-minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC; Cmax-to-MIC) ratios and the area under the concentration versus time curve over a 12-hour period-to-MIC ratios (AUC(12h)-to-MIC) were calculat-ed. RESULTS: Danofloxacin and enrofloxacin had MICs of 0.03 microg/mL for the M. haemolytica challenge isolate. Danofloxacin administered at doses of 6 and 8 mg/kg resulted in numerically higher geometric mean concentrations of danofloxacin in plasma and all respiratory tissues than geometric mean concentrations of enrofloxacin after treatment with enrofloxacin. Geometric mean concentrations of enrofloxacin were numerically higher than geometric mean concentrations of ciprofloxacin metabolite in plasma and almost all respiratory tissues. Danofloxacin and enrofloxacin achieved Cmax-to-MIC ratios >10 and AUC(12h)-to-MIC ratios >125 hours. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: When used to treat pneumonic pasteurellosis in calves, danofloxacin and enrofloxacin can be expected to deliver concentration-dependent bactericidal activity against M. haemolytica, the bacteria most commonly associated with bovine respiratory tract disease.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the plasma disposition kinetics of ceftriaxone in female camels (n=5) following a single intravenous (i.v.) bolus or intramuscular (i.m.) injections at a dosage of 10mg kg(-1) body weight in all animals. A crossover design was carried out in two phases separated by 15 days. Jugular blood samples were collected serially for 48h and the plasma was analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Following single i.v. injections the plasma concentration time curves of ceftriaxone were best fitted to a two-compartment model. The drug was rapidly distributed with half-life of distribution t(1/2alpha) of 0.24+/-0.01h and moderately eliminated with elimination rate constant and elimination half-life of 0.27+/-0.13h(-1) and 2.57+/-0.52h, respectively. The volume of distribution at steady state (V(dss)) was 0.32+/-0.01lkg(-1) and the total body clearance (Cl(tot)) was 0.11+/-0.01lkg(-1)h(-1), respectively. Following i.m. administration, the mean T(max), C(max), t(1/2el) and AUC values for plasma data were 1.03+/-0.23h, 21.54+/-2.61microg ml(-1), 1.76+/-0.03h and 85.82+/-11.21microg ml(-1)h(-1), respectively. The i.m. bioavailability was 93.42+/-21.4% and the binding percentage of ceftriaxone to plasma protein was moderate, ranging from 33% to 42% with an average of 34.5%.  相似文献   

For clinical isolates of bovine Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida, this study reports minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) differences for tetracycline, oxytetracycline and doxycycline between cation‐adjusted Mueller‐Hinton broth (CAMHB), foetal bovine serum (FBS) and Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) medium. MICs were determined according to CLSI standards and additionally using five overlapping sets of twofold dilutions. Matrix effect: (a) free drug MICs and minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) for all drugs were significantly higher in FBS than in CAMHB for both pathogens (p < 0.001); (b) MICs and MBCs were higher for CAMHB and FBS compared to RPMI for P. multocida only. Net growth rate for P. multocida in CAMHB was significantly slower than in FBS and higher than in RPMI, correlating to MIC and MBC ranking. Drug effect: doxycycline MICs and MBCs were significantly lower (p < 0.001) in both CAMHB and FBS than tetracycline and oxytetracycline for both pathogens. Only for M. haemolytica were oxytetracycline MIC and MBC significantly lower than tetracycline, precluding the use of tetracycline to predict oxytetracycline susceptibility in this species. Determining potencies of tetracyclines in a physiological medium, such as FBS, is proposed, when the objective is correlation with pharmacokinetic data for dosage determination.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties in goats of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug tolfenamic acid (TA), administered both alone and in combination with the fluoroquinolone marbofloxacin (MB), were established in a tissue cage model of acute inflammation. Both drugs were injected intramuscularly at a dose rate of 2 mg kg−1. After administration of TA alone and TA + MB pharmacokinetic parameters of TA (mean values) were Cmax = 1.635 and 1.125 μg ml−1, AUC = 6.451 and 3.967 μg h ml−1, t1/2K10 = 2.618 and 2.291 h, Vdarea/F = 1.390 and 1.725 L kg−1, and ClB/F = 0.386 and 0.552 L kg−1 h−1, respectively. These differences were not statistically significant. Tolfenamic acid inhibited prostaglandin (PG)E2 synthesis in vivo in inflammatory exudate by 53-86% for up to 48 h after both TA treatments. Inhibition of synthesis of serum thromboxane (Tx)B2 ex vivo ranged from 16% to 66% up to 12 h after both TA and TA + MB, with no significant differences between the two treatments.From the pharmacokinetic and eicosanoid inhibition data for TA, pharmacodynamic parameters after dosing with TA alone for serum TxB2 and exudate PGE2 expressing efficacy (Emax = 69.4 and 89.7%), potency (IC50 = 0.717 and 0.073 μg ml−1), sensitivity (N = 3.413 and 1.180) and equilibration time (t1/2Ke0 = 0.702 and 16.52 h), respectively, were determined by PK-PD modeling using an effect compartment model. In this model TA was a preferential inhibitor of COX-2 (COX-1:COX-2 IC50 ratio = 12:1). Tolfenamic acid, both alone and co-administered with MB, did not affect leucocyte numbers in exudate, transudate or blood. Compared to placebo significant attenuation of skin temperature rise over inflamed tissue cages was obtained after administration of TA and TA + MB with no significant differences between the two treatments. Marbofloxacin alone did not significantly affect serum TxB2 and exudate PGE2 concentrations or rise in skin temperature over exudate tissue cages. These data provide a basis for the rational use of TA in combination with MB in goat medicine.  相似文献   

The disposition kinetics of moxifloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, after intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM) and subcutaneous (SC) administration was determined in sheep at a single dose of 5 mg/kg. The concentration-time data were analysed by compartmental (after IV dose) and non-compartmental (after IV, IM and SC administration) pharmacokinetic methods. Plasma concentrations of moxifloxacin were determined by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Steady-state volume of distribution (Vss) and clearance (Cl) of moxifloxacin after IV administration were 2.03 ± 0.36 L/kg and 0.39 ± 0.04 L/h kg, respectively. Following IM and SC administration, moxifloxacin achieved maximum plasma concentration of 1.66 ± 0.62 mg/L and 0.90 ± 0.19 mg/L at 2.25 ± 0.88 h and 3.25 ± 1.17 h, respectively. The absolute bioavailabilities after IM and SC routes were 96.12 ± 32.70% and 102.20 ± 23.76%, respectively. From these data (kinetic parameters and absence of adverse reactions) moxifloxacin may be a potentially useful antibiotic in sheep.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate the pharmacokinetics of once-daily amikacin in healthy neonates, to determine amikacin concentrations in hospitalized foals, and to determine the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of amikacin against gram-negative isolates from blood cultures in septic foals. Median half-life, clearance, and volume of distribution of amikacin in healthy 2- to 3-day-old foals after administration of an intravenous bolus of amikacin (25 mg/kg) were 5.07 hours (4.86-5.45 hours), 1.82 mL/min/kg (1.35-1.97 mL/min/kg), and 0.785 L/kg (0.638-0.862 L/kg), respectively. Statistically significant (P <.05) decreases in area under the curve (14% decrease), mean residence time (19% decrease), and C24h plasma amikacin concentrations (29% decrease) occurred between days 2-3 and 10-11. Plasma amikacin concentrations in healthy foals at 0.5 hours (C0.5h) were significantly higher (P = .02) than those of hospitalized foals. Sepsis, prematurity, and hypoxemia did not alter amikacin concentrations. The MIC at which 90% of all gram-negative isolates from equine neonatal blood cultures were inhibited by amikacin was 4 microg/mL, suggesting that amikacin C0.5h of 40 microg/mL should be targeted to achieve a maximum serum concentration to MIC ratio of 10:1. The proportion of foals with C0.5h 40 microg/mL was significantly higher (P < .0001) in hospitalized foals receiving a dose of amikacin at 25 mg/kg (22/24 or 92%) than in foals receiving a dose at 21 mg/kg (9/25 or 36%), whereas no difference was found in the proportion of foals with C24h concentrations > or = 3 microg/mL between the 2 groups. An initial dose at 25 mg/kg is recommended for once-daily amikacin in equine neonates.  相似文献   

Respiratory disease was induced in 16 calves, and the terminal clinical signs of disease and postmortem pathological observations were recorded. By Spearman's correlation coefficient, the respiratory rate, rectal temperature and clinical scores of the calves were significantly correlated with the extent of lung consolidation. The respiratory rate was the clinical sign most consistently correlated with the other clinical and pathological signs of respiratory disease.  相似文献   

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