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Studies of enteric coronaviruses in a feline cell line   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Development is reported of a feline cell line which can support the growth of coronaviruses from canine (CCV), feline (FIPV) and porcine (TGEV) species. The cell culture has been serially transferred over 100 times and has retained its initial growth requirements, proliferative capacity and morphologic features. Each virus had specific growth characteristics in this cell culture although all produced a similar CPE and plaques under agar. Cross neutralization studies demonstrated a two-way relationship between TGEV and CCV and between TGEV and FIPV, whereas a one-way relationship was demonstrated between CCV and FIPV.  相似文献   

Turkey rotaviruses from the intestinal contents of poults were isolated and serially propagated in MA104 cell monolayers by a simple procedure. The initial virus isolation was done by low-speed centrifugation of the inoculum onto the monolayers, and subsequent passages were accomplished in roller-tube monolayers using trypsin-treated virus suspensions. Each of the turkey rotavirus isolates possessed the morphologic, antigenic, and genomic attributes characteristic of turkey group A rotaviruses. Attempts to isolate and serially propagate turkey rotavirus-like viruses in MA104 cell monolayers by this procedure were unsuccessful. Turkey reoviruses also did not serially propagate in MA104 cell monolayers by this procedure.  相似文献   

A double-antibody ELISA for the detection of coronaviruses in intestinal contents from turkey poults with diarrhea was developed. Antibodies were raised in rabbits and guinea pigs against a Minnesota isolate of turkey enteric coronavirus (TCV) propagated in embryonating turkey eggs and were purified by density-gradient centrifugation. The specificity of antisera was confirmed by hemagglutination-inhibition and immunoelectron microscopy. Absorption of anti-TCV hyperimmune sera with egg extracts or egg ovalbumin and the use of different dilution and blocking buffers influenced the sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA. Reciprocal cross-reactivity was detected among turkey, chicken, bovine, and murine coronaviruses. Antisera to the transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine, the rabbit enteric coronavirus, or the human coronavirus strain 299E failed to react with TCV. The TCV cross-reacted only moderately with the avian infectious bronchitis virus and the hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus of swine. Investigations with samples from 47 commercial turkey flocks in Quebec with episodes of transmissible enteritis revealed that the ELISA was more sensitive than was electron microscopy for detection of TCV.  相似文献   

Seven of nine avian virus families tested (Birnaviridae, Coronaviridae, Herpesviridae, Paramyxoviridae, Poxviridae, Reoviridae, and Retroviridae) were found to replicate in a quail fibroblast cell line, designated QT35, resulting in a cytopathic effect (CPE) visible with the naked eye or by low-power microscopy. In comparison, only one (Paramyxoviridae) of seven mammalian virus families tested produced an observable CPE. Cytopathic changes induced by examined viruses were round cell, syncytial, and focus formation. Trypsin did not promote cytopathic changes by selected CPE-negative avian and mammalian viruses in QT35 cells. Several avian viruses (infectious bursal disease virus, Newcastle disease virus, Canary pox virus, and reovirus) formed plaques under agar. Avian reovirus and infectious bursal disease virus produced similar titers in chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) and QT35 cell cultures. Chicken-egg-yolk neutralizing-antibody titers to IBDV were comparable in CEF and QT35 cell-culture systems.  相似文献   

Twenty-six samples known to contain infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) were examined by virus-isolation attempts on ovine kidney (OK) cell line, Vero cell line, and chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cultures. Virus was isolated from two of 26 samples, three of 26 samples, and three of 25 samples on OK, Vero, and CEF cultures, respectively. However, in contrast to IBDV replication in Vero and CEF cultures, isolated virus was unable to induce serially sustained cytopathic effects (CPE) during successive passages in the OK cell line, unless cell lysates were treated with chloroform between every other passage. The cytopathogenicity of the untreated virus passaged in OK cells was revived and maintained upon passage in Vero cells. An initial single passage of laboratory or field material in OK cells followed by further passages in Vero cells resulted in virus isolation from six of 26 samples, which was better virus recovery than when either cell line was used alone or when CEF cultures were used. Twenty of the 26 test samples were originally positive when examined by nucleic acid hybridization with radiolabeled IBDV cDNA, indicating that some of the samples that were negative upon virus isolation using OK and Vero cells may have contained inactivated virus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To isolate bovine coronaviruses from the respiratory tracts of feedlot cattle and compare antigenic and biological properties of these strains with bovine enteric coronaviruses. ANIMALS: 5- to 8-month-old mixed-breed cattle at 4 feedlots. PROCEDURE: Samples were obtained from the nasal passages for testing. The 13 samples with the highest magnitude of positive values for bovine coronavirus (BCV) were cultured. Ten strains of bovine respiratory coronavirus (BRCV) were adapted successfully to serial passage. After observation of cytopathic effects (CPE) and confirmation of BRCV by immune electron microscopy and immunofluorescence testing, cell culture-adapted strains were cloned by limiting dilution. These isolates then were compared with a panel of bovine enteric coronaviruses (BECV), using hemagglutination (HA), receptor-destroying enzyme activity (RDE), hemagglutination inhibition (HI), and virus neutralization (VN) assays. Antigenic relatedness values then were calculated. RESULTS: The BRCV were detected in 105 of 488 (21.5%) of the cattle tested. Of 13 strains tested, 10 were isolated in cell culture. Six of the BRCV strains were similar to 2 strains obtained from neonatal calves with diarrhea and 2 strains from adult cattle with winter dysentery. The other 4 BRCV isolates had high RDE activity against mouse erythrocytes but differed from other strains of BECV Nine of 10 BRCV isolates had properties similar to the 2 BECV subtypes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The BRCV can be isolated from nasal passages of cattle entering feedlots. Most BRCV were similar to BECV strains, although a few had unique properties. Vaccines developed to protect against enteric strains also may protect against respiratory tract strains.  相似文献   

In Minnesota, efforts have been made over the past 10 years to eliminate turkey coronaviral enteritis (TCE, bluecomb) by controlled depopulation and decontamination with a rest period before restocking. In 1973, clinical observations indicated that bluecomb was restricted to one limited area in Minnesota. Five epiornithics occurred during late 1973 and 1974, involving 5 different farms in this limited geographic area. During 1975, 3 epiornithics of TCE were investigated, involving 185,000 turkeys in 17 flocks, of which approximately 17,000 died. Naturally infected turkeys representing 7 operations between 1973 and 1976 were examined by both the direct fluorescent antibody test and indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). The direct fluorescent antibody test detected coronaviral antigen in intestinal tissues during the acute phase of the disease, and the IFAT was highly useful in detecting TCE serum antibodies of turkey flocks that had recovered and were potential carriers. Therefore, an IFAT surveillance program was instituted for replacement flocks on farms where clinical epiornithics of TCE had occurred in 1974 through 1976. Operation 5 involved TCE epiornithics over a 2-year period and illustrate the importance of complete depopulation with an intensive decontamination program.  相似文献   

The Welgevonden stock of Cowdria ruminantium, aetiologic agent of heartwater, was continuously propagated in DH82 cells, a continuous canine macrophage-monocyte cell line. Cultures of DH82 cells were readily infected provided that the culture medium was supplemented with cycloheximide. Cultures were split at regular 3-day intervals and infection rates ranged between 60% and 95%. Cultures were continuously propagated through more than 125 passages over a period of more than one year.  相似文献   

Astrovirus: a cause of an enteric disease in turkey poults   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Virus particles of 30 nm diameter and star-shaped morphology were detected in intestinal contents of turkey poults and were identified as astroviruses. Seventy-six intestinal samples from 65 commercial turkey flocks between 6 and 35 days of age were evaluated for the presence of astroviruses by immune electron microscopy. Astroviruses were frequently detected in intestinal samples from poults that had enteritis and diarrhea of undetermined etiology. Astroviruses were geographically widespread and were present in poults from all six operations evaluated. Astroviruses were inoculated into specific-pathogen-free poults. Changes observed in the gastrointestinal tract were: dilatated ceca containing yellowish frothy contents, gaseous fluid in the intestinal tract, and loss of tone of the intestinal tract (gut thinness). Poults experimentally inoculated with astrovirus gained significantly less body weight and absorbed significantly less D-xylose than uninoculated controls.  相似文献   

The MDTC-RP30 lymphoblastoid cell line established from Marek's disease (MD) tumors in turkeys consisted of a heterogeneous population of cells 10 to 25 micron in diameter. Large-cell fractions obtained from a bovine fetal serum gradient had a higher titer of cell-associated MD virus (MDV) than the small-cell fractions. Seven single-cell clones were established from MDTC-RP30 cell line: two consisted of large cells, and the other clones consisted of small cells. Infectious MDV was rescued from large-cell clones in chicken embryo fibroblast cultures but not from small-cell clones. All clones contained MDV DNA sequences when hybridized against cloned MDV DNA. All clones were positive for a Marek's-disease-tumor-associated surface antigen and surface immunoglobulins. All but two small-cell clones caused MD in susceptible chickens. The two large-cell-type clones were uniformly tetraploid, whereas one small-cell clone was diploid and the four others were a mixture of diploid and tetraploid, with an occasional triploid cell. Evidence of translocation involving the male (Z) chromosome and the chromosome #3 was seen in one clone. These results suggest that MDV transforms different subpopulations of lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Efficacy of a commercial turkey coryza vaccine (Art-Vax) in turkey poults   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M W Jackwood  Y M Saif 《Avian diseases》1985,29(4):1130-1139
Four laboratory experiments were designed to study the efficacy of the only available commercial vaccine for turkey coryza, Art-Vax. Poults were vaccinated either once or twice at different ages and challenged with pathogenic Alcaligenes faecalis. In another study, commercial turkeys vaccinated at 1 and 12 days of age on a commercial farm were brought to the laboratory for challenge with pathogenic A. faecalis. Both the laboratory- and field-vaccinated poults were given the manufacturer's recommended dosage of the vaccine strain. Regardless of the vaccine schedule or source of poults, the vaccine was not effective in protecting challenged turkeys from infection. Furthermore, the vaccine was not effective in protecting poults less than 3 weeks of age from disease, but it was effective in protecting poults more than 3 weeks of age from disease. These results indicate that although vaccinated turkeys older than 3 weeks of age were not susceptible to disease, they were susceptible to infection and could act as carriers of field strains of A. faecalis, thus perpetuating the risk of infection to flocks subsequently raised in the same buildings.  相似文献   

1. A comprehensive ecological survey was conducted from April 1997 to June 1999 on 4 turkey flocks (F1 to F4) to identify key pre-harvest sources/vectors of Salmonella colonisation. 2. Turkey caecal and crop content, litter, drinker, air, feed, feeder and environmental swab samples were collected. Conventional microbiological and serological procedures were used to isolate, identify, and confirm the presence or absence of Salmonella. 3. Salmonella was isolated from 13% of litter, 11% of turkey caeca, 10% of drinker, 5% of environmental swab, 3% of feed and 1% of feeder samples. Salmonella heidelberg (65%), S. senftenberg (19%), S. muenster (10%), S. anatum (3%), and S. worthington (3%) were identified. 4. Identifying environmental sources associated with Salmonella colonisation and characterising serotypes would assist in designing pre-harvest controls for this poultry-borne pathogen. Integrators and poultry producers may be able to design hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) protocols to reduce the incidence of Salmonella arriving at the processing plant.  相似文献   

Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is an important cause of diarrhoea in calves, winter dysentery in adult cattle and respiratory tract disease in feedlot cattle. Serum, faecal and nasal swab samples were collected from a total of 96 cattle with clinical signs in 29 barns of 23 villages in Northwestern Turkey. The cattle were subdivided into 3 distinct age groups (0-30 days old, 4-12 months old and 2-7 years old). An indirect antigen-capture ELISA and an antibody-detection ELISA as well as geometric mean BCoV antibody titres were used to detect BoCV shed in the faeces and in the nasal secretions, respectively. Relationships between BCoV shedding and age group, seroconversion and clinical signs in cattle were also analysed. The rate of faecal shedding of BoCV was 37.1% (13/35) in 0-30 days old calves, 25.6% (10/39) in 4-12 months old feedlot cattle and 18.2% (4/22) in 2-7 years old cows. The overall rate of BCoV faecal shedding was 28.1% (27/96) in the cattle examined. Only one animal in the 4-12 months old age group was found to shed BoCV nasally. The analysis showed that there was a significant difference (P < 0.0001) with respect to faecal shedding between the clinical signs and the age groups. BCoV antibody titre in 50% of all cattle was < or =100 as detected by ELISA while 27.1% of the cattle had high titres ranging between 1,600 and 25,600. The seroconversion rate was 7.3% (7/96) in animals shedding BoCV in the faeces and 42.7% (41/96) in cattle negative for faecal shedding as detected by ELISA, and 20.8% of cattle with no seroconversion shed BCoV in the faeces. There was no statistically significant association between seroconversion and nasal or faecal BCoV shedding. These findings confirm the presence of BCoV infections in Turkey. Further studies are needed to isolate BCoV strains in Turkey and to investigate their antigenic and genetic properties.  相似文献   

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