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一般来讲,即使按大类进行分类学习计算机,不同的专业对于课程的设置会有不同,这需要任课教师根据专业特点和学生基础进行授课。从电子信息工程专业中C语言教学的重要性切入,提出了实施C语言教学改革的措施。  相似文献   

AutoCAD广泛应用于建筑、公路、铁路、水利、电力设计等诸多行业,很多专业软件是以AutoCAD为平台,根据本行业特点二次开发的,其文件为矢量格式,因此,图形精确、文件占用存储空间小,应用非常广泛;当前,林业工程与上述行业的工程在空间上经常交叉,常常会有图形数据共享的问题,而林业成果材料中许多图形文件是以EzMap为平台的数据格式保存。文章介绍如何在EzMap中使用Autocad图形文件的方法。  相似文献   

"天保工程"从1998年启动到现在,已收到了森林蓄积和森林覆盖率双增长的良好效果。国家对天保工程的资金投入在不断加大,然而在天保工程的资金使用上,经过几年的审计结果表明,部分工程实施单位在天保资金的使用上依然存有一定的问题。如何管好、用好天保工程资金,提高资金的使用效益,已成为保证天保工程顺利实施的关键所在。文章仅就"天保工程"资金在管理和使用过程中存在的问题及如何提高"天保工程"资金使用效益提出了相应对策和建议。  相似文献   

利用城市森林服务"经营城市"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经营城市的关键在于改善城市环境,可利用城市森林建设为城市的发展提供匹配的自然生态条件和生产、生活、休闲环境。通过提高生态环境质量,强化城市形象、优化城市品质、提升城市的经济吸引力和社会召唤力。  相似文献   

SQL(结构化语言)功能丰富,使用方式灵活、简单易学,在使用中,只需告诉它做什么,而不需告诉它怎么做。通过利用SQL的数据查询功能对中德合作云南二期造林项目数据库中的所需数据进行查询的方法和步骤为例,简要论述了其在该项目管理信息系统中的应用。  相似文献   

Kang  Shi  Sun  Dan  Qin  Jianying  Guo  Le  Zhu  Liuhong  Bai  Yang  Wu  Qingjun  Wang  Shaoli  Zhou  Xuguo  Guo  Zhaojiang  Zhang  Youjun 《Journal of pest science》2022,95(1):101-114

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a naturally occurring entomopathogenic soil bacterium, has been the active ingredient of sprayable Bt biopesticides for over a century. Insecticidal Bt Cry proteins are particularly well suited for use as plant-incorporated protectants in transgenic crops (Bt crops) due to their specificity against insect pests and safety for non-target organisms. The sustainability of these Bt products, however, has been challenged by the development of resistance in the field. RNA interference (RNAi), a species-specific control alternative that has been deregulated and commercialized in the USA and Canada, provides a new mode of action to complement the existing Bt products. Based on our preliminary research, we hypothesized that pyramiding/integrating Bt with RNAi can address/manage resistance issues related to Bt traits. To examine this overarching hypothesis, we (1) cloned and characterized a serine/threonine kinase gene (fused) of the Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.), a global superpest; (2) profiled Pxfused expression in Bt-resistant P. xylostella strains; and (3) investigated the involvement of Pxfused in Bt Cry1Ac resistance in P. xylostella. Pxfused expression was elevated ubiquitously in all Bt-resistant strains, and silencing of Pxfused led to larval and pupal mortality in both Cry1Ac-susceptible and -resistant strains, suggesting that Pxfused is a potential target for RNAi-based resistance management. Taken together, our results not only identify a molecular target to control a devastating lepidopteran pest, but also shed light on a novel resistance management strategy through the integration of two biotechnological techniques with distinct modes of action.


小蠹虫是世界上重要的森林害虫,常造成森林大面积死亡.小蠹虫多存在于高中山区且其生活隐蔽,利用传统的防治方法很难达到较好的效果.近年来利用化学信息物质防治小蠹虫成为国内外研究的热点.本文简要概述了化学信息物质,特别是寄主次生性物质和小蠹虫信息素对小蠹虫寄主选择行为的影响,以及国内外应用化学信息物质防治小蠹虫的进展.  相似文献   


For forests to be sustainable, viable populations of rare plants should be maintained. Where habitat management alone cannot conserve species threatened by human activity, micropropagation may advance species recovery. Micropropagation protocols were developed for Pacific Northwest endemics; Hackelia venusta, Douglasia idahoensis, Astragalusspecies, and Cornus nuttallii.Mi-croshoots and seed were multiplied and rooted on nutrient media containing minimal levels of cytokinin and auxin growth regulators to maintain stable gene expression in plantlets. Acclimatized plant-lets were reintroduced to protected habitat or propagated for further environmental experiments. Micropropagation serves a useful off-site role in sustaining Pacific Northwest forests by maintaining viability of certain threatened rare plants.  相似文献   

文章结合中德合作四川造林与自然保护项目监测数据库设计的工作实践,阐述了如何利用Access设计中德合作四川造林与自然保护项目监测数据库,实现对监测资料的录入、传榆和分析应用。  相似文献   

利用引诱剂林间监测松褐天牛效果初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过利用引诱剂(M99型、FJ-Ma-02型混用)在林间诱捕松褐天牛成虫(Monocha mus alternatusHope),以监测其发生情况,结果表明,发生在畹町思茅松林区内的松褐天牛成虫出现初期为4月上旬,5月下旬至6月下旬为高峰期,9月中旬为末期;同时引诱剂也可诱捕到松林蛀干害虫松瘤象、小蠹类4种、马尾松角胫象及其它种类天牛9种、金龟子等以鞘翅目为主的多种昆虫。  相似文献   

笔者利用白僵菌高孢粉对蛴螬进行了室内感染试验和田间防治试验。室内试验表明:白僵菌高孢粉对蛴螬死虫体感染率达90.0%以上,2.5亿/mL菌液对活虫体感染率达66.7%。田间试验表明:666.7m2施用1000.0亿/g高孢粉15~20g,防治效果57.1%~65.7%;床基撒施菌、沟施菌、喷雾施菌3种方法对比试验表明:撒施对蛴螬防治效果最好,防治率达60.5%。  相似文献   

Techniques to determine the respective effects of resource limitation or over supply on tree productivity are important for developing effective forestry and agroforestry management strategies. There is a need for a simple integrative measure of the understorey effect on soil nutrient and moisture competition on tree productivity in agroforestry systems during the time period before trees dominate understorey vegetation. For the first time, the little used, but potentially valuable tool of vector analysis was evaluated over 5 years by investigating nutrient and water competition in a Pinus radiata silvopastoral experiment which had 5 pastures and a nil-understorey control. The study, from ages 2 to 6 years, was on fertile arable soils in a temperate, sub-humid climate. Establishing permanent crops on this arable site increased soil pH, C, N, organic-P and C:N ratio. Vector analysis, an analysis based on fascicle nutrient concentrations, dry weights and nutrient contents, predicted nutrient and moisture competition until the trees dominated the site after year 5. Foliar critical nutrient levels were helpful where one of the vectors was unable to distinguish between nutrient and moisture stresses. While moisture and N were found to be the main competitive factors, vector analysis also detected foliar nutrient accumulation, particularly for P and Mg. Lucerne and phalaris understoreys were the most competitive pastures, followed by cocksfoot and the two ryegrass treatments. Foliage vector analysis enabled the relative competitive effects of soil nutrients and moisture on tree productivity to be determined. Soil nutrient concentrations and soil moisture measurements and the effects of competition on tree growth were consistent with predictions from vector analysis.  相似文献   

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