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拟穴青蟹俗称青蟹,属于节肢动物门、软甲纲、十足目、梭子蟹科、青蟹属.青蟹肉质鲜美、营养丰富,为高档海产品.我国是青蟹的重要产区,自江苏沿海向南的东南沿海均是其自然分布区,同时也是人工养殖的主要区域.我国具有120多年的青蟹养殖历史,广东在全国率先开展青蟹人工暂养活动.近年来,我国青蟹人工养殖年产量保持在14万吨以上,养...  相似文献   

拟穴青蟹是我国重要的海水蟹养殖品种,在东南沿海广泛养殖,2018年养殖面积23 129公顷、产量157 712吨.青蟹个体大、品质好,深受老百姓喜爱,市场潜力巨大.而在我国北方沿海主要开展三疣梭子蟹养殖,近几年受病害增多、种质退化等因素影响,养殖产量和经济效益呈现下滑趋势,急需优化养殖产业结构.2019年,课题组及附近...  相似文献   

林川 《水产养殖》2006,27(3):30-30
近几年来,海南省一些地区低位虾池单养虾产量低,突发性流行疾病频繁发生,造成生产不稳定, 经济效益欠佳。为了提高水产养殖综合效益,2004 年在万宁市港口北镇利用一口4.2亩的低位虾池试验,探讨虾池套养锯缘青蟹健康养殖技术,取得了明显效果。现将该试验结果介绍如下: 1 池塘准备虾池的四周用50cm高沥青纸围住,作为防逃措施,把原来的排水系统改造成排灌分家,并清除  相似文献   

马田 《齐鲁渔业》2004,21(3):19-19
虾池混养青蟹是利用养虾池塘在不影响养虾的前提下混养青蟹的生产技术,可以提高虾池的利用率及经济效益。 1 虾池选择 进行混养的虾池除具备一般对虾养殖池的基本要求外,还要求有独立的进排水系统,取水方便,换水能力  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹(Seylla serrata Forskal)俗称青蟹,经济价值高,具有生长快、个体大、抗病力强等优点。我站与通洲市鹏鸣特种水产育苗场协作,于2000年通过市科委下达课题,进行“锯缘青蟹工厂化育苗及高涂蓄水养殖技术的研究”,2000~2001年池塘青蟹养殖面积  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹,其适应性强,管理容易,养殖周期短,投资风险小,经济效益高.近年来,海康县利用海水池塘养殖青蟹发展较快,1989年全县养蟹面积为3,068亩,总产值达268.4万元,盈利92.2万元,今年养蟹面积已超7,000亩,还有继续发展的趋势.为了交流养蟹经验,发展海水养殖业,现根据沿海群众几年来的养蟹实践,总结其养殖技术措施如下.  相似文献   

为充分利用好虾池资源,大力推广海蜇高产养殖技术,提高虾池综合利用水平和经济效益,笔者在东港地区五年虾池养殖海蜇的基础上,做了海蜇虾池高产养殖技术研究并获得成功,整理出海蜇虾池养殖高产技术要点,供广大养殖户参考。一、海蜇养殖池选择1.水源与水质养殖池应靠近海水源,进  相似文献   

拟穴青蟹两种养殖模式的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以拟穴青蟹为主养品种,比较半封闭式养殖模式与传统开放式中水体理化生因子、放养品种的存活率和产量,以探索汕头牛田洋的适宜青蟹养殖模式。经过10个月的养殖试验,半封闭式养殖模式水体理化指标、污染物指标、菌体指标等总体优于开放式养殖模式。半封闭式养殖模式青蟹存活率高出开放式养殖模式66.22%,其他养殖品种的存活率和产量也均高于开放式养殖模式。研究结果表明,与传统的开放式养殖模式相比,半封闭养殖模式能有效降低水体污染指标,提高养殖产量,较为适合在汕头牛田洋青蟹养殖区进行推广。  相似文献   

青蟹具有生长快、个体大、抗病力强等优点.是继梭子蟹后又一新的养殖品种,现将养殖技术介绍如下:1 池塘选择与改造 地塘纳水便利凋围无工业污染。面积1~50亩(10亩左右较适宜).水深 1~1.5 m。池底以沙底或砂泥底为宜。池内滩面平缓,有深0.5m、宽2m的环沟,能排干池水。池内放置人工鱼礁,为青蟹提供隐蔽场所.如石板、瓦片、水泥管等。池堤四周有40~50 cm高的防逃设施(如塑料薄膜)。2 养殖方法2.1 蟹苗放养 池塘必须提前清淤,并经曝晒。4月初带网纳水 20 cm(滩面全部覆盖),每亩用茶籽饼 2 …  相似文献   

由于虾病的困扰,养虾业不景气导致大量虾池闲置。目前我国北方沿海利用虾池养殖海参或海参与对虾混养已成为新的养殖热点,成为沿海致富奔小康的好途径。现将主要养殖技术介绍如下:一、虾池环境改造底质是刺参生长的重要条件,也要刺参夏眠的重要场所。北方虾池大多数是泥质和烂泥底质,达不到刺参的生活条件,在水质无污染的情况下,虾池底质改造显得尤为重要。1.在底质不太软烂的条件下,可采用以下改造方法。(1)投石法一种是条状投石,即长度不限,宽0.3米,条石间宽1.5米左右;二是采用堆状投石,即每隔0.5~1米投石一堆,每堆0.5米左右;第三是满天…  相似文献   

A series of rearing trials in small 1 L cones and large tanks of 30–100 L were carried out to develop optimal rearing techniques for mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) larvae. Using water exchange (discontinuous partial water renewal or continuous treatment through biofiltration) and micro‐algae (Chlorella or Chaetoceros) supplementation (daily supplementation at 0.1–0.2 million cells mL−1 or maintenance at 1–2 millions cells mL−1), six different types of rearing systems were tried. The combination of a green‐water batch system for early stages and a recirculating system with micro‐algae supplementation for later stages resulted in the best overall performance of the crab larvae. No clear effects of crab stocking density (50–200 larvae L−1) and rotifer (30–60 rotifers mL−1) and Artemia density (10–20 L−1) were observed. A stocking density of 100–150 zoea 1 (Z1) L−1, combined with rotifer of 30–45 mL−1 for early stages and Artemia feeding at 10–15 nauplii mL−1 for Z3–Z5 seemed to produce the best performance of S. paramamosain larvae. Optimal rations for crab larvae should, however, be adjusted depending on the species, larval stage, larval status, prey size, rearing system and techniques. A practical feeding schedule could be to increase live food density from 30 to 45 rotifers mL−1 from Z1 to Z2 and increase the number of Artemia nauplii mL−1 from 10 to 15 from Z3 to Z5. Bacterial disease remains one of the key factors underlying the high mortality in the zoea stages. Further research to develop safe prophylactic treatments is therefore warranted. Combined with proper live food enrichment techniques, application of these findings has sustained a survival rate from Z1 to crab 1–2 stages in large rearing tanks of 10–15% (maximum 30%).  相似文献   

Cannibalism is one of the main causes of mortality in the culture of the mud crab Scylla paramamosain, particularly in the early post‐larval and juvenile stages when the densities of hatchery‐reared crabs may be very high before stocking into ponds or release into the wild for stock enhancement. In a series of experiments investigating cannibalism mitigation, the influence of stocking density, the effectiveness of sand substrate, brick and shell shelters and feed type were compared in culture of crabs from instar 1 for short nursery periods of 15–30 days. Inclusion of brick and shell shelters significantly increased survival over sand substrate alone. However, inclusion of shelters did not affect growth rates. In scaled‐up nursery production in lined‐ponds, with shelters, live Artemia biomass and fresh chopped shrimp or tilapia were found to be equally effective feeds for juvenile crabs stocked at a density of 70 m−2 from instar 1 and grown for 30 days [52–66% survival, 21.6–24.6 mm carapace width (CW)]. In an extended nursery period for a further 30 days, crabs of 22 mm CW, stocked at 30 m−2 in the same ponds, attained a final size of 34.5–36.2 mm CW with a survival of 64.3–67.0% using the same feeds.  相似文献   

薸砂又名芜萍、萍莎、无根萍、微草萍、沙子、小粒萍、绿沙等,属于芜萍科,无根萍属,多年生漂浮型水生植物。由于其鲜嫩适口、营养丰富、食物转化率高,形体细小而嫩,  相似文献   

青蟹微卫星DNA的筛选及特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用磁珠富集法,结合生物素标记的(CA)16寡核苷酸探针从青蟹基因组MboI酶切片段中筛选微卫星DNA序列.将得到的片段与pGEM-T Easy载体连接后转化克隆构建微卫星富集文库.经PCR筛选检测,对89个阳性克隆进行测序,其中52个克隆中含有64个微卫星,完全型占87.50%,重复次数超过11次的占78.12%.根据所获微卫星的侧翼序列设计并合成了30对引物,通过优化PCR反应条件,并在35只青蟹个体中进行PCR扩增检测,最终获得了10对具有多态性的引物,为进一步开展青蟹遗传多样性分析、遗传图谱构建等研究提供了基础资料.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton dynamics in shrimp ponds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The productivity, community composition and dynamics of phytoplankton were examined in commercial shrimp [= penaeid prawn] ponds in eastern Australia. Nutrient and light regimes were examined concurrently. Analysis of chlorophyll a, algal accessory pigments and bacterial numbers over a 6-month period showed considerable daily variation. Bacterial numbers and nutrient concentrations were not significantly different between the top and bottom of the water column nor between sites within a pond, but there were significant depth differences in chlorophyll a, and the diatom and cyanobacteria indicator pigments, fucoxanthin and zeaxanthin, and site differences in alkalinity and fucoxanthin. Statistical analysis of spatial and temporal variation was used to develop sampling strategies. Our results showed that to accurately reflect changes in phytoplankton throughout the grow-out season, chlorophyll a and the accessory pigments must be sampled for longer than five consecutive days. A suggested alternative to manual sampling is the use of automated loggers. Factors that might be limiting phytoplankton growth and affecting community composition were determined. Light appears to be limiting phytoplankton growth and it is suggested that a shallower pond depth and/or higher turbidity would increase algal productivity. Changes in nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratios and ammonia concentrations coincided with changes in phytoplankton community structure.  相似文献   

拟穴青蟹俗称青蟹,属甲壳纲、十足目、梭子蟹科、青蟹属,是我国具有重要经济价值的海洋渔业资源和海水养殖品种之一,广泛分布于我国长江口以及南方海域.浙江宁波、台州沿海的青蟹以生长速度快、肉质鲜美、营养价值高等特点而深受消费者欢迎.目前青蟹多来源于自然海区及室外的池塘养殖或室内抽屉式养殖.软壳青蟹是指处于刚完成蜕壳还未硬化阶...  相似文献   

MiR-34是一类在进化过程中高度保守的miRNA家族,参与机体的许多重要生命活动。本研究首先比较本实验室构建的拟穴青蟹miRNA数据库中的miR-34(spa-miR-34)和通过miRBase获得的多个物种的miR-34的序列特征,然后应用RNAhybrid和Segal Lab两种在线工具预测spa-miR-34的靶基因,用blast2go软件对这些靶基因进行功能注释和信号通路富集分析。结果表明,spa-miR-34可能的靶基因有66个,这些基因的功能主要包括氧化还原、磷酸化、钙离子跨膜运输、转录等生物学过程;信号通路主要富集于精氨酸和脯氨酸代谢、抗生素生物合成、苯丙素生物合成、糖酵解和糖异生等合成代谢通路中。spa-miR-34预测的靶基因所涉及的基因家族和通路亦包括CHH家族、ERK通路、细胞周期和UPP通路、SUMO通路。此外,spa-miR-34预测的靶基因还有蜕皮激素受体,推测spa-miR-34在生殖、蜕皮及氨基酸等物质代谢方面具有重要作用。本研究为进一步了解spa-miR-34在拟穴青蟹中的作用提供了重要参考资料。  相似文献   

拟穴青蟹ISSR-PCR条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析DNA模板、Mg2+、dNTPs、引物和Taq DNA聚合酶及甲酰胺、二甲基亚砜等对拟穴青蟹ISSR-PCR反应的影响.研究结果确定了获得清晰条带的模板DNA、Mg2+、dNTPs、引物、Taq DNA聚合酶的浓度范围分别为:模板DNA 8~50 ng/μl ,Taq DNA聚合酶0.75~1.0 U, Mg2+1.0~2.0 mmol/L(与引物密切相关),dNTP 0.15~0.20 mmol/L,引物浓度0.6~0.8 μmol/L.甲酰胺的添加并不能优化拟穴青蟹ISSR-PCR反应结果,而低浓度的二甲基亚砜可提高扩增产物的清晰度,但与引物相关.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the properties of nine Scylla paramamosain microsatellite loci screened by us previously for inclusion in a parentage assignment marker suite. These nine highly polymorphic markers (mean He=0.847 and PIC=0.830) were determined as being suitable for parentage assignment. Simulations based on allele frequency data from 15 known maternal families (165 individuals) demonstrated that at least four loci were required to assign >95% of offspring to maternal parents with 95% confidence. In actual parentage assignments, all progenies were assigned to the maternal parents with six or more loci, which was similar to the simulation predictions. Our results suggest that this set of microsatellites provide a powerful and efficient tool for identifying pedigree information for selective breeding programmes of S. paramamosain.  相似文献   

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