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The objective of our study was to determine individual and global glomerular filtration rates (GFRs) using dynamic renal computed tomography (CT) in Beagle dogs. Twenty-four healthy Beagle dogs were included in the experiment. Anesthesia was induced in all dogs by using propofol and isoflurane prior to CT examination. A single slice of the kidney was sequentially scanned after a bolus intravenous injection of contrast material (iohexol, 1 mL/kg, 300 mgI/mL). Time attenuation curves were created and contrast clearance per unit volume was calculated using a Patlak plot analysis. The CT-GFR was then determined based on the conversion of contrast clearance per unit volume to contrast clearance per body weight. At the renal hilum, CT-GFR values per unit renal volume (mL/min/mL) of the right and left kidneys were 0.69 ± 0.04 and 0.57 ± 0.05, respectively. No significant differences were found between the weight-adjusted CT-GFRs in either kidney at the same renal hilum (p = 0.747). The average global GFR was 4.21 ± 0.25 mL/min/kg and the whole kidney GFR was 33.43 ± 9.20 mL/min. CT-GFR techniques could be a practical way to separately measure GFR in each kidney for clinical and research purposes.  相似文献   

Pharyngeal collapsibility has been used as diagnostic criteria in dogs, whereas the normal range and quantitative method have not been studied. Dynamic and static computed tomography (CT) was performed in 23 normal Beagle dogs to quantify the nasopharyngeal collapsibility at different locations. Using dynamic CT, maximum and minimum nasopharyngeal cross-sectional areas (CSAs) were measured at the level of the cranial end of the soft palate, pterygoid hamulus, foramen lacerum, bony labyrinth, and caudal end of the soft palate. The ratio of all maximum and minimum CSA to nasopharyngeal CSA at the level of the caudal hard palate (rCSAmax and rCSAmin) and the nasopharyngeal collapsibility were calculated. The differences of rCSAmax, rCSAmin, and nasopharyngeal collapsibility were analyzed at various locations. The nasopharyngeal collapsibility at the level of foramen lacerum, bony labyrinth, and caudal end of soft palate were higher than the others. At the level of the caudal end of the soft palate, rCSAmin was lower than that of the foramen lacerum and bony labyrinth, whereas rCSAmax at foramen lacerum was higher than that of the caudal end of the soft palate. These results indicated that the nasopharynx at the level of foramen lacerum and caudal end of the soft palate were considered notable locations for evaluating collapsibility. Dynamic CT could show the nasopharyngeal dynamic profile and will be an adequate modality for evaluating nasopharynx. Our results will be helpful for further comparative studies in dogs with and without nasopharyngeal collapse.  相似文献   

This study investigated the association between caudal vena cava (CVC) size and circulatory dynamics in dogs using computed tomography (CT) under general anesthesia. The subjects were 104 dogs who had undergone CT under general anesthesia in the past. The ratio of short diameter of the CVC to aortic diameter (CVCS/Ao) and the ratio of long to short diameter of the CVC (CVCL/CVCS) in the thorax and abdomen, respectively, were calculated using factors such as mean blood pressure (MBP), shock index (SI), anemia, hypoproteinemia, presence of intra-abdominal mass, and cardiac disease. There was a significant but negligible negative correlation between CVCS/Ao and MBP. In contrast, no significant correlation was found between CVC size and SI. The low MBP group had significantly higher CVCS/Ao of the thorax than the normal MBP group. The group with intra-abdominal mass had significantly lower CVCS/Ao of the abdomen than the group without intra-abdominal mass. The group with cardiac disease had significantly lower CVCL/CVCS of the thorax than the group without cardiac disease. In multiple regression analysis, low MBP, cardiac disease, intra-abdominal mass, and anemia were significant factors for CVCS/Ao of the thorax, CVCL/CVCS of the thorax, CVCS/Ao of the abdomen, and CVCL/CVCS of the abdomen, respectively. In conclusion, CVC size assessment using CT in dogs under general anesthesia is influenced by various factors.  相似文献   

Frozen cadaver specimens from three dogs were used to create a sectional anatomic atlas of the sacroiliac region. Frozen/thawed cadaver specimens from 12 dogs were used to develop an ultrasound-guided sacroiliac joint injection technique. Accuracy of the technique was tested in 15 additional canine cadaver specimens, using injectate containing blue dye and iodinated contrast medium. Sonoanatomic landmarks for consistently identifying a caudodorsal window into the canine sacroiliac joint space included the L7-S1 articular process joints, ilial wing, sacral wing, sacral lamina, and median sacral crest. Accuracy of ultrasound-guided sacroiliac joint injection was not significantly affected by operator, but was affected by the tissue location targeted and the reference standard used for calculations. Accuracy of the technique was good for placing injectate into either the synchondrosis component, dorsal sacroiliac ligament or ventral sacroiliac ligament; fair to poor for placing injectate into the synovial component; and poor for placing injectate into all four sacroiliac soft tissue structures. Concurrent placement of injectate into extraarticular tissues occurred frequently. We conclude that ultrasound-guided sacroiliac joint injection is feasible for evaluation as a treatment method for lumbosacral region pain in dogs, but is not sufficiently accurate for localizing pain to the sacroiliac joint alone.  相似文献   

This article describes the findings in three dogs with histopathologically confirmed pancreatic insulinoma using dual-phase computed tomographic angiography (CTA). In all three dogs, dual-phase CTA findings identified lesions not seen on ultrasonography, including the actual identification of the primary pancreatic neoplasm in two dogs. CTA findings were in agreement with the surgical and histopathological findings. In two dogs, the insulinomas were found to have a strong enhancement during the arterial phase of the study but not at the other phases, which stresses the importance of dual-phase computed tomography for the diagnosis of this type of pancreatic neoplasia, in agreement with current knowledge in humans.  相似文献   

The case of a one‐year‐old colt with acute onset of neurological dysfunction and epistaxis after a traumatic event is presented. After initiating emergency treatment, the colt was anaesthetised for diagnostic imaging. Radiographic examination of the head was suggestive of soft tissue opacity in the area of the guttural pouches, but was inconclusive about osseous involvement. A computed tomography (CT) scan, used to obtain further details, showed a comminuted basilar skull fracture with 2 displaced fragments that were not detected by radiography. Because of the poor prognosis for survival and return to athletic function, the horse was subjected to euthanasia. CT imaging provided the most useful diagnostic information about type, localisation, extension and severity of the basilar skull fracture.  相似文献   

The gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa), which are at the risk of extinction and are legally protected, have a cultural and aesthetic value in Turkey. It becomes incredibly important to increase their numbers in order to ensure their survival. In this context, it is required to examine thoroughly the pelvic cavity which contains reproductive organs and is used as the birth canal, as well. This study was conducted to determine the pelvimetric data of the gazelles by scanning their pelvic cavity via a multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) and preparing three-dimensional models of the pelvic cavity. Twelve adult (6 females, 6 males) gazelle carcasses were used in the study. After the pelvic cavity was scanned using the MDCT device with 64 detectors at 80 kV, 200 mA, 639 mGY and 0.625 mm cross-section thickness, the MDCT images were obtained. The three-dimensional models of the images obtained using MIMICS 20.1 (The Materialise Group, Leuven, Belgium) program were prepared. Pelvimetric measurements of the pelvic cavity were taken using these models. It was determined based on the pelvimetric examinations that there was a significant difference between the female and male gazelles in terms of conjugate diameter, vertical diameter, intermediate traversal diameter, and cranial and medial transverse diameter data at p < .05. Also, there was a significant difference in their data related to caudal transverse diameter and ischial arch at p < .01. Consequently, it is thought that the use of pelvimetric values belonging to the pelvic cavity of gazelles would reveal the sexual dimorphism of the species and its differences with other species and would contribute to clinical sciences.  相似文献   

Little information is available regarding triple-phase computed tomography (CT) of canine pancreatic insulinoma. A few case reports with small numbers of cases have indicated that hyper-attenuation in the arterial phase was a common finding on multi-phasic CT in dogs with insulinoma. Our purpose was to clarify the characteristic findings of dogs with insulinoma on triple-phase CT. Nine dogs with insulinoma that underwent triple-phase CT were included in the present study. Attenuation patterns in the arterial phase indicated hypo-attenuation in 4 cases and hyper-attenuation in 2 cases. In the remaining 3 cases, 1 case showed hypo-attenuation and 1 case showed hyper-attenuation in the pancreatic phase, and 1 case presented hyper-attenuation in the later phase. Altogether, 5 cases showed hypo and 4 cases showed hyper-attenuation in at least one phase. The enhancement pattern was homogenous in 7 cases and heterogeneous in 2 cases. Tumor margins were well-defined in 5 cases and ill-defined in 4 cases. Capsule formation was present in 5 cases and absent in 4 cases. In conclusion, it is important to note that hypo-attenuation was as common as hyper-attenuation in dogs with insulinoma in triple-phase CT in at least one phase. Additionally, mass lesions were most conspicuous not only in the arterial phase but in the pancreatic and later phases in some cases. Therefore, it is important to perform triple-phase CT and notice about variable findings for the detection of canine pancreatic insulinoma.  相似文献   

Computed tomographic arthrography (CTA) of four cadaveric canine stifles was performed before and after partial cranial cruciate ligament rupture in order to verify the usefulness of CTA examination for the diagnosis of partial cranial cruciate ligament rupture. To obtain the sequential true transverse image of a cranial cruciate ligament, the computed tomography gantry was angled such that the scanning plane was parallel to the fibula. True transverse images of cranial cruciate ligaments were identified on every sequential image, beginning just proximal to the origin of the cranial cruciate ligament distal to the tibial attachment, after the administration of iodinated contrast medium. A significant decrease in the area of the cranial cruciate ligament was identified on CTA imaging after partial surgical rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament. This finding implies that CTA can be used for assessing partial cranial cruciate ligament ruptures in dogs.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the optimal placement of the region of interest (ROI) among four anatomical sites—pulmonary artery (PA), pulmonary vein (PV), aortic arch (AA), and carotid artery (CA)—in computed tomography (CT) brain angiography with automatic bolus tracking in healthy beagle dogs. Six beagles were included, and CT brain angiography was performed four times for each dog, to cover each ROI. The scan parameters, amount, and injection rate of the contrast medium were the same. The major intracranial arteries were selected for quantitative and qualitative evaluation: caudal cerebellar artery (CcA), basilar artery (BA), rostral cerebellar artery (RcA), caudal cerebral artery (CCA), middle cerebral artery (MCA), and rostral cerebral artery (RCA). Quantitative evaluation showed significantly higher CT attenuation values for the RcA, CCA, and MCA in the PA group and RcA and MCA in the PV group than in the CA group. Qualitative analysis revealed significantly higher scores for the BA, CCA, and MCA in the PA and PV groups than in the CA group. Venous contamination did not differ significantly among the ROIs, but the mean scores of the AA and CA groups were higher than those of the PA and PV groups. CT brain angiography using bolus tracking in the beagle dogs showed that the ROI should be placed at the PA or PV rather than at the CA for optimal images with strong contrast enhancement of the BA, RcA, CCA, and MCA and minimal venous contamination.  相似文献   

This study was performed to radiographically examine the prevalence of aspiration sites and to evaluate their atomical correlation with the bronchial pattens. Ten healthy beagle dogs were repeatedly radiographed, at weekly intervals, in the left and right lateral, ventrodorsal (VD) and dorsoventral (DV) positions. Three mililiters of iohexol distilled with same volume of saline was infused into the tracheal inlet. Which lung lobe was aspirated was decided upon by the presence of a significant alveolar pattern due to the contrast medium. Alveolar patterns were identified at the left (100%) and right cranial lung lobes (77%) with the dogs in dependant lateral recumbency, at the right caudal lung lobe (71%) with the dogs in VD recumbency and at the right middle lung lobe (59%) with the dogs in DV recumbency, respectively. The anatomical correlation was evaluated by performing computed tomography. The right principal bronchus (165.8 ± 1.6°) was more straightly bifurcated than was the left principal bronchus (142.7 ± 1.8°, p < 0.01). In VD position, the right side lung had a greater opertunity to become aspirated. The ventrally positioned right middle lobar bronchial origin was more easily to be aspirated the other laterally positioned ones. We think that these anatomical characteristics can be one of the causes for aspiration pneumonia to occur more frequently in the right side lung.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to categorize objectively nine breeds of healthy dogs according to pelvic limb standing posture. A total of 135 dogs from different breeds were used and the standing angles of the hip, stifle, and tarsal joints, together with the percentages of the greater trochanter, patella and tuber calcanei heights, with respect to crista iliaca height, were used as discriminant variables for the categorization of pelvic limb posture. All included breeds were allocated to three groups of the standing pelvic limb posture. The best discriminant variables between the three groups were the percentage of patellar height, and the standing angles of the stifle and tarsal joints. German shepherds, Anatolian shepherds, golden retrievers, Rottweilers, Belgian Malinois and Dobermann pinschers were well separated between 89% and 100% success rate for the categorization. The minimal success rate was determined in Berner sennenhunds as the ratio of 75%. It was also determined that Dobermann pinschers had the straightest pelvic limbs, while German shepherds had the most angulated pelvic limbs. Further studies are required to document the impact of postural differences in active and passive structure diseases of the locomotor system of the pelvic limb among dog breeds.  相似文献   

Multidetector contrast enhanced computed tomography with acquisition of 0.625-mm thick transverse images was used to measure the extent of appendicular osteosarcoma in 10 dogs. The measured length of tumor based on CT was compared to the true length of tumor using histopathology. There was a statistically significant association with good correlation between the true length of osteosarcoma compared to the length of intramedullary/endosteal abnormalities on CT with a mean overestimation of 1.8% (SD = 15%). There was not a statistically significant association between the true tumor length and the length of periosteal proliferation on CT with a mean overestimation of 9.7% (SD = 30.3%). There was a statistically significant association, but with poor correlation, between the true tumor length compared to the length of abnormal contrast enhancement with a mean overestimation of 9.6% (SD = 34.8%). The extent of intramedullary/endosteal CT abnormalities assessed from submillimeter transverse images may be of value in assessing patient candidacy and surgical margins for limb-sparing surgery.  相似文献   

Chronic nasal disease is often a challenge to diagnose. Computed tomography greatly enhances the ability to diagnose chronic nasal disease in dogs and cats. Nasal computed tomography provides detailed information regarding the extent of disease, accurate discrimination of neoplastic versus nonneoplastic diseases, and identification of areas of the nose to examine rhinoscopically and suspicious regions to target for biopsy.  相似文献   


AIMS: To objectively compare measures of bone healing, using computed tomography (CT) in dogs following bilateral tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA), between tibiae treated with and without autogenous cancellous bone grafts.

METHODS: Ten dogs with bilateral cranial cruciate ligament disease requiring surgical stabilisation were prospectively recruited to undergo single-session bilateral TTA, with only one, randomly assigned, tibia receiving bone graft in the osteotomy deficit. Bone healing at the osteotomy site was assessed using CT performed 38–70 days post-operatively. CT images were evaluated using both objective measurements of osseous bridging and subjective evaluation by six radiologists. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare the objective outcomes between the grafted and non-grafted tibiae.

RESULTS: The mean percentage of the osteotomy deficit bridged at the lateral cortex was greater in grafted (77.6, SD 35.2%) compared to non-grafted (63.0, SD 36.5%) tibiae (p=0.001), but did not differ at the medial cortex (p=0.1). The mean minimum callus width was greater in grafted (7.2, SD 3.3 mm) compared to non-grafted (3.6, SD 2.9 mm) tibiae (p<0.001). There was no difference in mean attenuation (measured in Hounsfield units) of the callus between grafted and non-grafted tibiae (p=0.5). The grafted tibia was deemed to have superior bone healing in 50/60 subjective assessments made by radiologists.

CONCLUSIONS: Superior osseous bridging was detected by CT analysis following TTA using autogenous cancellous bone grafts compared with no graft. This was shown by greater bridging percentage at the lateral cortex and formation of a broader callus. Qualitative assessments made by six radiologists also supported the conclusion that bone healing was improved by use of autogenous cancellous bone graft. CT was a useful method for assessing evidence of bone healing following TTA.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These findings justify the application of autogenous cancellous bone graft to augment healing following TTA in dogs.  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis of masses of the brachial plexus and contributing nerve roots in dogs seen at the University of Minnesota over a 17-year period was conducted. The goal of the study was to characterize their computed tomographic (CT) appearance and determine the minimum mass size confidently detectable. Twenty-four cases with a recorded diagnosis of brachial plexus or caudal cervical nerve root mass were found, wherein both the medical records and CT images were available for evaluation. These masses were characterized based on the presence or absence of contrast enhancement, margin character, size, extent of local invasion, and presence of vertebral canal or spinal cord involvement. Within the limits of this study, and the available histopathology, there appeared to be no clinically exploitable relationship between the tomographic appearance and the histologic interpretation. Twenty masses were noted to contrast enhance, typically with rim enhancement and a hypodense center. Only two dogs had a palpable axillary mass on physical examination. As measured, based on the largest dimension within a single slice, detectable masses ranged from 1.0 to 6.5 cm.  相似文献   

Orthopaedic diseases are common in the pelvic limbs of dogs, and reference values for large muscle groups of the pelvic limb may aid in diagnosis such diseases. As such, the objective of this study was to compare the large muscle groups of the pelvic limb in seven breeds of dogs. A total of 126 dogs from different breeds were included, and the widths of the quadriceps, hamstring and gastrocnemius muscles were measured from images of the lateral radiographies. The width of the quadriceps was not different between the breeds, but the widths of the hamstring and gastrocnemius muscles were significantly different between the breeds. The widest hamstring and gastrocnemius muscles were seen in the Rottweilers and the Boxers, respectively. The narrowest hamstring and gastrocnemius muscles were seen in the Belgian Malinois and the Golden retrievers, respectively. All ratios between the measured muscles differed significantly between the breeds. Doberman pinschers and Belgian Malinois had the highest ratio of gastrocnemius width:hamstring width. Doberman pinschers had also the highest ratio of quadriceps width:hamstring width. German shepherds had the highest ratio of gastrocnemius width:quadriceps width. The lowest ratios of quadriceps width:hamstring width were determined in the German shepherds. The ratios of the muscle widths may be used as reference values to assess muscular atrophy or hypertrophy in cases of bilateral or unilateral orthopaedic diseases of the pelvic limbs. Further studies are required to determine the widths and ratios of the large muscle groups of the pelvic limbs in other dog breeds.  相似文献   

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