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北美红杉种植点白蚁为害状况及其防治初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经对北美红杉各种植点白蚁为害状况的调查分析结果表明,白蚁为害随着海拔高度的增加而减少,但不明显,以1200—2000m为害严重,2100m以上均无白蚁为害,北美红杉造林后,以当年受害为主,与造林苗大小无关,6月造林较1月造林受害严重。采用3%呋喃丹防治,用量每株10g,总体防效可达66.63%—95.25%,其中防效最好的是屏边县大凹腰3个试验点。另外,12月和1月造林防效较好,6月造林防效最差,仅为68.75%。  相似文献   

以北美红杉无性系为研究对象,通过调查833株/hm2(株行距3 m×4 m)、1 111株/hm2(株行距3 m×3 m)、1667株/hm2(株行距2 m×3 m)3个初植密度以及550~1 800 m海拔范围内造林生长参数的变化规律,试图揭示初植密度与海拔高度两项造林关键因素对北美红杉生长特征的影响规律,期望为高级用材北美红杉引种造林设计提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)一种较好的生根培养基为MS+1.5 mg/LNAA+0.1 mg/L6-BA;(2)初植密度对试验株树高生长影响不大,1 111株/hm2和1 667株/hm2水平之间树高生长差异不显著。地径生长量随着初植密度的加大先升后降,当初植密度为1 406株/hm2(相当于2.6 m×2.6 m的株行距)时,地径发育情况最优,生长量在4.65 mm左右;(3)北美红杉各生长量参数随海拔增大先升后降,当海拔高度为1 096 m(考虑高海拔造林1 000~1 800 m范围)时,树高生长情况最优;当海拔高度为680 m左右时,地径发育情况最优。当海拔高度超过最佳值时,海拔的增加则会对北美红杉的发育起到一定程度的抑制作用,导致其生长量呈现逐渐减少趋势。  相似文献   

北美红杉在云南引种栽培近30年,生长发育正常,与原产地比较相近,保持了速生特性和较强的抗逆性。引进的北美红杉不同种源、不同无性系,在云南不同生态环境生长有显著差异;在幼龄期表现较好的有SYA4s、SYA6s等6个优良种源和无性系,分别适应云南省的纬度范围为北纬22°59′~26°52′,海拔高度为1300~2400m的不同海拔、不同气候带、不同生态环境。还有少数耐寒种源和无性系,在海拔3200~3500m的高寒山地也能生长。该项研究对促进北美红杉在云南发展造林将起到积极推进作用。  相似文献   

不同生态适应型北美红杉的种植环境及造林地选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
北美红杉造林地选择,根据其不同种源和无性系对不同生态环境的适应能力、生长发育的相似群体归类,并按不同的类型选择相应的造林地:中亚热带至北亚热带相关的常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林和暖性针叶林植被类型林地,适宜作为温暖湿润生态适应型北美红杉的造林地;中亚热带至北亚热带相关的落叶阔叶林、针阔叶混交林以及中性湿生灌丛植被类型的林地,适宜作为温暖半湿润生态适应型北美红杉的造林地;北亚热带至暖温带相关的针阔叶混交林、针叶林以及以杜鹃、野山茶、苔草等为代表的灌丛植被类型的林地,适宜作为温凉干燥生态适应型北美红杉的造林地;耐低温类型的北美红杉,已能在云南高海拔地带的暗针叶林地区生存,并有一定生长量,值得继续研究,可选择相应的云杉、冷杉,铁杉、高山栎类、桦木、花楸、槭等针阔叶林地作为高寒山地低温环境型北美红杉造林地。云南省有大面积低产林分和宜林荒山,生产潜力较大,其中有适宜不同生态适应型北美红杉造林的环境。利用这一有利条件,发展北美红杉造林,改造这些低产林分和在适宜的荒山造林,将充分利用土地资源,大大提升这些低产林和宜林荒山的经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

北美红杉(Sequoia sempervirens),也叫海岸红杉,是世界上最高的树种,最高可达107m。北美红杉生长在美国西部从蒙特雷到俄勒冈长800多km,宽约500km的海岸地带。在以保护北美红杉为主的美国谬尔森林保护区中,北美红杉树龄多在400~800年之  相似文献   

通过对光皮桦(Betula luminifera)育苗、造林及病虫害试验调查,结果发现:(1)光皮桦播种裸根苗长势略优于小苗移栽培育的营养杯苗,2种小苗造林成活率无明显差异,裸根苗为97.22%,营养杯苗为98.25%;(2)光皮桦造林以2m×3m株行距纯林、造林后连续3a进行全林铲草和施肥的效果最好,造林第5a平均树高达12.04m,平均胸径达8.43cm,平均单株材积达到0.039 1m3/株;(3)1~5年生光皮桦幼林,易受光皮桦斑蚜、星天牛等病虫危害,其中以星天牛危害较为严重,3年生纯林总受害株率高达25%。光皮桦幼树被星天牛危害后枯死率极高,2年生幼树受害后枯死率达100%,3年生幼树受害后枯死率达的达75%。  相似文献   

对浙江建德新安江林场营造的33年生北美红杉人工林进行了生长适应性研究,同时进行了树干解析、木材密度和心材比例测定。结果表明:北美红杉(组织培养苗)在浙江建德的适应性较强,33年生人工林平均树高逾22m,平均胸径逾36 cm,极显著大于同期种植的杉木砧木嫁接苗人工林和杉木人工林;33年生北美红杉组织培养苗人工林的材积连年生长量与平均生长量尚未交叉,其尚处在较快生长期,其木材密度平均为0.35 g/m3以上,而心材的比例平均为69.0%。说明北美红杉可在浙江建德及类似地区推广应用。  相似文献   

落叶松球蚜红杉亚种Adeiges laricis potaninilaricia zhang属,球蚜科,球蚜属落叶松球蚜的一个新亚种.在四川盆地西缘山地,海拔2,000—3,800米的人工更新红杉林内普遍发生危害.此球蚜的第一寄主为鳞皮云杉、云杉,第二寄主为红杉和四川红杉;主要为害第二寄主.若虫群集枝条、嫩芽,叶柄和叶面上,吸食汁液,并分泌蜜露引起枝叶煤烟病的发生,小枝枯萎,树势衰弱,受害严重的红杉林年高生长量降低40—70%.  相似文献   

柳州市园林树木及城市建筑白蚁危害调查及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳州市城区危害园林树木的白蚁有3科4属4种,危害房屋建筑的白蚁有1科1属1种。调查23种园林树木中,有18种树木受到白蚁的危害,占78.26%,树木受害株率21.35%,严重受害株率4.16%;调查3 694家住户中,有861户受到白蚁的侵害,占23.31%,危害程度16.44%。台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki是危害城区园林树木及房屋建筑的优势种,在272株受害树木中,有185株受台湾乳白蚁危害,在861户受害房屋建筑中,全部是受台湾乳白蚁危害。阴香、樟树、大叶桉、小叶桉、桃树等园林树木和房屋建筑内的木地板、墙裙、门、窗等木构件受到白蚁危害最为严重,建设健康"森林城市"必须同步抓好园林树木及房屋建筑白蚁防治。  相似文献   

指出了北美红杉是不可多得的大径材树种,为研究了北美红杉在武陵山区的生态适应性,通过营造北美红杉实验林,试验研究了北美红杉在武陵山区随海拔变化的保存率、高生长和地径生长的变化规律。结果表明:北美红杉高和地径生长随着海拔的不断升高而降低;保存率则表现出先升高后降低的趋势。综合考量,北美红杉在武陵山区的最适栽培海拔范围为1200~1300m,建议栽培海拔范围为550~1550m。  相似文献   

驱避剂防治土栖白蚁研究初报   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
土栖白蚁是园林树木的重要害虫[1],以往大多采用挖掘蚁巢和药剂毒杀等方法防治,前者往往挖掘不尽,有时还出现人为分巢,促进繁殖;后者易污染环境,杀伤天敌,特别是抑制白蚁对园林生态的积极作用[2]。笔者根据白蚁主要生活习性及园林生态特点,于1996~1998年应用驱避剂进行防治园林土栖白蚁试验,以达到既保护园林树木,又维护园林生态环境的目的。对防治土栖白蚁过去虽有报道[2,3],但应用驱避剂防治研究却尚属首次。现将初步研究结果报道如下,以供城市公园、森林公园及古树名木白蚁防治作参考。1 材料与方法1.1 试验地概况浙江省余杭市临平公…  相似文献   


The latest catastrophic Siberian silkmoth (Dendrolimus superans sibiricus Tschetw.) outbreak occurred in central Siberia during 1994–1996. The relationship between forest stand mortality from insects and topographic features (azimuth, elevation, slope steepness) was analyzed based on a high-resolution digital elevation model, a pest damage map and Terra/MODIS data. It was found that pest-induced forest mortality patterns depend on topographic features. Before the outbreak the major part of host forest species was found within the elevation zone of 150–500 m. After the outbreak, surviving dark-needle stands were found mainly at elevations higher than 400 m. The greatest damage was observed at elevations between 210 and 320 m, whereas maximum mortality was observed at elevations of about 200 m and minimal mortality at elevations of 300 m. With respect to slope steepness, maximum damage for all categories was observed for slopes of 5–20°. Slightly damaged stands were most common at low slope angle (about 5° or less), whereas the highest proportion of stands with high tree mortality was found on steeper slopes. With respect to azimuth, insect damage is mostly uniform, with a small increase in damage on the south-west-facing slopes. The spatial pattern of the silkmoth outbreak can provide a basis for prioritizing Siberian silkmoth outbreak monitoring.  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood was treated with quat-silicone micro-emulsion (<40?nm), amino-silicone macro-emulsion (110?nm), alkyl-modified silicone macro-emulsion (740?nm) and solutions of inorganic water glass. Three treatment concentrations of 5, 15 and 30% (w/w) were used for the impregnation of the test specimens. Termite resistance was assessed following a 16-week field trial conducted in northern Queensland, Australia. Two different field sites were chosen for exposure to feeding by Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt) and Mastotermes darwiniensis (Froggatt). Following exposure, the test and feeder specimens were inspected and assessed for termite damage using a visual rating system (from 10 sound to 0 completely destroyed) and individual mass losses. The specimens treated with quat- and amino-silicone emulsions resisted damage by both termite species, even at less than 15% weight percent gains (WPGs). Alkyl-modified silicone macro-emulsion and water glass treatment induced somewhat less resistance to termite damage, but imparted protection at higher WPGs.  相似文献   

园林树木白蚁危害的调查与评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为南京地区园林树木白蚁危害状况,提出应用白蚁危害株率(TDP)和白蚁危害指数(TDI)作为评价树木白蚁危害损失的指标,并在冬、春季节应用于林问调查.调查结果表明:南京地区主要园林树种白蚁危害情况按创TDP降序排列为:中山柏(90.2%)、女贞(88.4%)、香樟(69.4%)、落叶松(69.2%)、二球悬铃木(65.4%)、刺槐(60.0%)、广玉兰(52.8%)、水杉(50.1%)、马褂木(50.0%);按TDI降序排列为:刺槐(0.503)、女贞(0.319)、麻栎+袍栎(0.290)、香樟(0.213)、马褂木+杂交马褂木(0.185)、中山柏(0.124)、广玉兰(0.150)、杨树(0.126)、池杉(0.112)、水杉(0.100)、落叶松(0.086)、悬铃木(0.056).受害程度较低的有枫杨、朴树、青檀、楝树、火炬松、柳杉、雪松、马尾松、榆树、黑松等.差异显著性检验表明:南京紫金山地区林木白蚁危害受土壤条件、树龄和树势等因素的影响明显.  相似文献   

Spring frost damage is one of the obstacles to be overcome in establishing a Yezo spruce (Picea jezoensis Carr.) plantation. The timing of bud opening of Yezo spruce seedlings cultured from seeds collected at three different elevations (420, 700, and 1200m) in the Tokyo University Forest in Hokkaido was observed at two planting site elevations (610 and 750m) to investigate whether seed source elevation or planting site elevation affects the bud opening date. At both planting sites the bud opening dates were not significantly different among the seedling groups from different seed source elevations. On the other hand, bud opening dates of seedlings planted at the lower elevation site were significantly earlier than those planted in the higher elevation site. It could be deduced from this study that the environment of the planting site rather than seed source elevation affects the bud opening date of Yezo spruce.  相似文献   

通过设立固定样地,详细调查了井冈山毛竹菱斑病的危害特征和林分受害情况。调查发现,毛竹菱斑病主要危害2年生以上立竹,毛竹纯林、位于西北坡及海拔1 000 m左右的竹林感病较为严重;同时人为干扰会加快病害的蔓延,自然灾害会导致病害加重。  相似文献   

The field of wood protection is currently changing due to the restrictions imposed by the Biocidal Products Regulation. The need for development of new wood protection technologies is therefore growing. In this work, the resistance of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) wood impregnated with nano-dispersions of zinc oxide (nano-ZnO) and zinc borate (nano-ZnB) against the termite Reticulitermes grassei Clement was investigated. Three different concentrations (0.5%, 1%, 2%) of the nanocompounds were tested. The effects of water leaching were also investigated. A severe effect in terms of termite workers mortality was induced by both dispersions, even at the lowest concentration. In terms of termite feeding, nano-ZnO dispersions appeared to be more efficient than nano-ZnB as they induced significant improvement at concentrations as low as 0.5%. Nano-ZnB was applied at 1% or higher concentrations in order to impart similar changes. Nano-ZnB dispersions were efficient in terms of termite resistance for a concentration at least 1%. Further increasing concentration to 2% resulted in a respective increase of wood efficacy against termites. For both tested nanocompounds, water leaching did not result in any significant increase of termite feeding.  相似文献   

不同海拔野生金露梅叶的主要成分分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
金露梅灌木林是青海最大的灌木林区之一。目前对金露梅叶片的研究仅限于解剖结构、灌丛地上部分生物量和黄酮类物质的研究,对青海野生金露梅叶成分整体研究较少。2005年7月在海拔2 840m和2 510 m处采野生金露梅叶作为样品进行成分分析,结果表明:样品在海拔2 840 m处黄酮的含量高于样品在海拔2 510 m处的含量,单宁的含量相当;样品在海拔2 840 m处还原糖的含量高于样品在海拔2 510 m处的含量,粗蛋白的含量低于样品2 510 m处的含量。  相似文献   

白蚁是危害武汉市农田林网的主要害虫之一,对全市立木、农作物、建筑和木材谷物等造成很大损失。本研究调查了武汉市主要农田林网地区白蚁的种类、生物学特性及活动生存环境,并分析了种群与土壤之间的关系。结果显示项目研究地农田林网树木白蚁主要为黑翅土白蚁,喜欢生活在潮湿的土壤中。在粘壤土中,主巢入土深度在150 cm以内的占总数80.2%。通过毒饵诱杀法和药物阻隔法,市售的三种药剂均对黑翅土白蚁具有较好的防治效果,平均防治效果达到80.0%以上。  相似文献   

Much uncertainty exists about the magnitude of woody tissue respiration and its environmental control in highly diverse tropical moist forests. In a tropical mountain rain forest in southern Ecuador, we measured the apparent diurnal gas exchange of stems and coarse roots (diameter 1-4 cm) of trees from representative families along an elevational transect with plots at 1050, 1890 and 3050 m a.s.l. Mean air temperatures were 20.8, 17.2 and 10.6 degrees C, respectively. Stem and root CO(2) efflux of 13 to 21 trees per stand from dominant families were investigated with an open gas exchange system while stand microclimate was continuously monitored. Substantial variation in respiratory activity among and within species was found at all sites. Mean daily CO(2) release rates from stems declined 6.6-fold from 1.38 micromol m(-2) s(-1) at 1050 m to 0.21 micromol m(-2) s(-1) at 3050 m. Mean daily CO(2) release from coarse roots decreased from 0.35 to 0.20 micromol m(-2) s(-1) with altitude, but the differences were not significant. There was, thus, a remarkable shift from a high ratio of stem to coarse root respiration rates at the lowest elevation to an apparent equivalence of stem and coarse root CO(2) efflux rates at the highest elevation. We conclude that stem respiration, but not root respiration, greatly decreases with elevation in this transect, coinciding with a substantial decrease in relative stem diameter increment and a large increase in fine and coarse root biomass production with elevation.  相似文献   

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