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Jaffe LD 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1969,164(3887):1514-1516
The relation of the density of the lunar surface layer to depth is probably best determined from spacecraft measurements of the bearing capacity as a function of depth. A comparison of these values with laboratory measurements of the bearing capacity of low-cohesion particulate materials as a function of the percentage of solid indicates that the bulk density at the lunar surface is about 1.1 grams per cubic centimeter and that it increases nearly linearly to about 1.6 grams per cubic centimeter at a depth of 5 centimeters.  相似文献   

An X-ray bone densitometer has been developed which makes direct tracings of absorption curves on a nearly linear scale. Speed and precision are increased by elimination of x-ray film. Results are reproducible to within 3 percent with a phantom finger, and within 6 percent with human subjects.  相似文献   

Measurements of the changes in orbital period of the Pioneer Venus orbiter have yielded estimates of the density of the upper atmosphere of Venus at altitudes in the range from 150 to 200 kilometers. At the lower limit of this range, the density on the dayside of the terminator exhibits a temporal variation of amplitude near 4 x 10(-14) gram per cubic centimeter aboult a mean of approximately 1.4 x 10(-13) gram per cubic centimeter. The variation appears oscillatory, with a 4- to 5-day period, but barely one cycle was observed. The density on the nightside of the terminator, sampled inthe same 150-kilometer altitude range, fluctuates about a smaller mean of approximately 4 x 10(-14) gram per cubic centimeter. The density between the altitudes of 150 and 200 kilometers, sampled only on the dayside of the terminator, imply a scale height of between 15 and 20 kilometers. The interpretation of this estimate is uncertain, however, in view of the measurements at the different altitudes having been made at different times and, hence, at different values of solar phase.  相似文献   

DNA and synthetic copolymer polyribocytidylic-polyriboguanylic acid bind to microsomal membrane. The nucleic acid-membrane complex may be detected by centrifugation in cesium chloride density gradients. The density of the nucleic acid-membrane complex and, in certain cases, the amount of nucleic acid associated with the membrane was changed in the presence of various carcinogenic chemicals.  相似文献   

The oriented attachment of molecular clusters and nanoparticles in solution is now recognized as an important mechanism of crystal growth in many materials, yet the alignment process and attachment mechanism have not been established. We performed high-resolution transmission electron microscopy using a fluid cell to directly observe oriented attachment of iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles. The particles undergo continuous rotation and interaction until they find a perfect lattice match. A sudden jump to contact then occurs over less than 1 nanometer, followed by lateral atom-by-atom addition initiated at the contact point. Interface elimination proceeds at a rate consistent with the curvature dependence of the Gibbs free energy. Measured translational and rotational accelerations show that strong, highly direction-specific interactions drive crystal growth via oriented attachment.  相似文献   

We present time-resolved measurements of gigahertz-scale magnetic dynamics caused by torque from a spin-polarized current. By working in the time domain, we determined the motion of the magnetic moment throughout the process of spin-transfer-driven switching, and we measured turn-on times of steady-state precessional modes. Time-resolved studies of magnetic relaxation allow for the direct measurement of magnetic damping in a nanomagnet and prove that this damping can be controlled electrically using spin-polarized currents.  相似文献   

An important bound on the accuracy of modern techniques for monitoring polar motion is established by intercomparison of measurement series from two different observing techniques, very long baseline interferometry and satellite laser ranging. The root-mean-square differences between the estimates of the pole position from both techniques are shown to be only 2 milliseconds of arc (about 6 centimeters at one Earth radius). In the absence of common systematic errors, these differences bound the total errors in both sets of estimates. An initial investigation did not reveal any clear signature in the pole position that seems to be associated with major earthquakes. Continued measurements at this level of accuracy hold promise for resolving long-standing arguments over such questions as the nature of the excitation mechanism required to maintain the motion of the pole.  相似文献   

The ranging instrument aboard the Hayabusa spacecraft measured the surface topography of asteroid 25143 Itokawa and its mass. A typical rough area is similar in roughness to debris located on the interior wall of a large crater on asteroid 433 Eros, which suggests a surface structure on Itokawa similar to crater ejecta on Eros. The mass of Itokawa was estimated as (3.58 +/- 0.18) x 10(10) kilograms, implying a bulk density of (1.95 +/- 0.14) grams per cubic centimeter for a volume of (1.84 +/- 0.09) x 10(7) cubic meters and a bulk porosity of approximately 40%, which is similar to that of angular sands, when assuming an LL (low iron chondritic) meteorite composition. Combined with surface observations, these data indicate that Itokawa is the first subkilometer-sized small asteroid showing a rubble-pile body rather than a solid monolithic asteroid.  相似文献   

Thymocytes are selected to mature according to their ability to interact with self major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-peptide complexes displayed on the thymic stroma. Using two-photon microscopy, we performed real-time analysis of the cellular contacts made by developing thymocytes undergoing positive selection in a three-dimensional thymic organ culture. A large fraction of thymocytes within these cultures were highly motile. MHC recognition was found to increase the duration of thymocyte-stromal cell interactions and occurred as both long-lived cellular associations displaying stable cell-cell contacts and as shorter, highly dynamic contacts. Our results identify the diversity and dynamics of thymocyte interactions during positive selection.  相似文献   

Free-solution, label-free molecular interactions were investigated with back-scattering interferometry in a simple optical train composed of a helium-neon laser, a microfluidic channel, and a position sensor. Molecular binding interactions between proteins, ions and protein, and small molecules and protein, were determined with high dynamic range dissociation constants (Kd spanning six decades) and unmatched sensitivity (picomolar Kd's and detection limits of 10,000s of molecules). With this technique, equilibrium dissociation constants were quantified for protein A and immunoglobulin G, interleukin-2 with its monoclonal antibody, and calmodulin with calcium ion Ca2+, a small molecule inhibitor, the protein calcineurin, and the M13 peptide. The high sensitivity of back-scattering interferometry and small volumes of microfluidics allowed the entire calmodulin assay to be performed with 200 picomoles of solute.  相似文献   

wingless and decapentaplegic signaling establishes the proximal-distal axis of Drosophila legs by activating the expression of genes such as Distalless and dachshund in broad proximal-distal domains during early leg development. However, here we show that wingless and decapentaplegic are not required throughout all of proximal-distal development. The tarsus, which has been proposed to be an ancestral structure, is instead defined by the activity of Distalless, dachshund, and a distal gradient of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-Ras signaling. Our results uncover a mechanism for appendage patterning directed by genes expressed in proximal-distal domains and possibly conserved in other arthropods and vertebrates.  相似文献   

A strategy, called alanine-scanning mutagenesis, was used to identify specific side chains in human growth hormone (hGH) that strongly modulate binding to the hGH receptor cloned from human liver. Single alanine mutations (62 in total) were introduced at every residue contained within the three discontinuous segments of hGH (residues 2 to 19, 54 to 74, and 167 to 191) that have been implicated in receptor recognition. The alanine scan revealed a cluster of a dozen large side chains that when mutated to alanine each showed more than a four times lower binding affinity to the hGH receptor. Many of these residues that promote binding to the hGH receptor are altered in homologs of hGH (such as placental lactogens and prolactins) that do not bind tightly to the hGH receptor. The overall folding of these mutant proteins was indistinguishable from that of the wild-type hGH, as determined by strong cross-reactivities with seven different conformationally sensitive monoclonal antibodies. The alanine scan also identified at least one side chain, Glu174, that hindered binding because when it was mutated to alanine the receptor affinity increased by more than a factor of four.  相似文献   

目的林分长势是林分活力的直接体现,疏密度是反映林分密度和长势的重要指标之一。计算疏密度的关键是对标准断面积的准确求算,但在实际应用中标准林分难以判定,标准断面积的可获得性较差,削弱了其可应用性,探求新的指标是解决这一问题的有效途径,因此本研究旨在探究可以替代疏密度的新指标。方法一定的立地条件下,林地生产力是有限的,基于最终产量恒定法则,本研究以长期连续监测且经营数表齐全的杉木试验林分为材料,1989年编制的全国分区杉木标准表为参照,以林分内不同比例较大林木个体的平均断面积与全部林木株数的乘积表示林分生长能够达到的潜在最大断面积,即在50% ~ 80%林木株数比例范围内,以5%为梯度,依次比较不同比例较大林木个体所得潜在最大断面积与标准断面积的差值,求使潜在最大断面积与标准断面积偏差率最小时所对应林木株数比例,并以此为基础,分析天然林中林分断面积与潜在最大断面积的关系,检验潜在最大断面积的计算方法在天然林中的适用性。结果当较大林木株数占总株数比例为70%时,所有试验样地的潜在最大断面积与标准断面积的偏差最小,均在 ± 10%左右,此时,潜在疏密度与疏密度的差值最小;天然林中70%较大林木个体断面积之和与林分断面积呈显著线性关系,故可用70%较大个体的平均断面积与总株数乘积作为潜在最大断面积,来求算潜在疏密度。结论林分潜在最大断面积可以70%较大林木个体平均断面积与林木总株数的乘积表示,所求潜在疏密度可替代疏密度来表征林分长势。   相似文献   

Most striatal and cortical interneurons arise from the basal telencephalon, later segregating to their respective targets. Here, we show that migrating cortical interneurons avoid entering the striatum because of a chemorepulsive signal composed at least in part of semaphorin 3A and semaphorin 3F. Migrating interneurons expressing neuropilins, receptors for semaphorins, are directed to the cortex; those lacking them go to the striatum. Loss of neuropilin function increases the number of interneurons that migrate into the striatum. These observations reveal a mechanism by which neuropilins mediate sorting of distinct neuronal populations into different brain structures, and provide evidence that, in addition to guiding axons, these receptors also control neuronal migration in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Coordinated spacing and patterning of stomata allow efficient gas exchange between plants and the atmosphere. Here we report that three ERECTA (ER)-family leucine-rich repeat-receptor-like kinases (LRR-RLKs) together control stomatal patterning, with specific family members regulating the specification of stomatal stem cell fate and the differentiation of guard cells. Loss-of-function mutations in all three ER-family genes cause stomatal clustering. Genetic interactions with a known stomatal patterning mutant too many mouths (tmm) revealed stoichiometric epistasis and combination-specific neomorphism. Our findings suggest that the negative regulation of ER-family RLKs by TMM, which is an LRR receptor-like protein, is critical for proper stomatal differentiation.  相似文献   

Neural progenitor cells were encapsulated in vitro within a three-dimensional network of nanofibers formed by self-assembly of peptide amphiphile molecules. The self-assembly is triggered by mixing cell suspensions in media with dilute aqueous solutions of the molecules, and cells survive the growth of the nanofibers around them. These nanofibers were designed to present to cells the neurite-promoting laminin epitope IKVAV at nearly van der Waals density. Relative to laminin or soluble peptide, the artificial nanofiber scaffold induced very rapid differentiation of cells into neurons, while discouraging the development of astrocytes. This rapid selective differentiation is linked to the amplification of bioactive epitope presentation to cells by the nanofibers.  相似文献   

Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements in China indicate that crustal shortening accommodates most of India's penetration into Eurasia. Deformation within the Tibetan Plateau and its margins, the Himalaya, the Altyn Tagh, and the Qilian Shan, absorbs more than 90% of the relative motion between the Indian and Eurasian plates. Internal shortening of the Tibetan plateau itself accounts for more than one-third of the total convergence. However, the Tibetan plateau south of the Kunlun and Ganzi-Mani faults is moving eastward relative to both India and Eurasia. This movement is accommodated through rotation of material around the eastern Syntaxis. The North China and South China blocks, east of the Tibetan Plateau, move coherently east-southeastward at rates of 2 to 8 millimeters per year and 6 to 11 millimeters per year, respectively, with respect to the stable Eurasia.  相似文献   

Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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