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耐低氮小麦基因型筛选指标的研究   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
以12个小麦基因型为研究对象,采用溶液培养与田间试验的方法,设低氮胁迫和正常供氮2个水平,对耐低氮小麦基因型的筛选指标进行了探讨,为氮高效基因型小麦育种提供理论依据。结果表明,小麦植株干重在低氮胁迫和正常供氮条件下都有较大的基因型变异(变异系数CV分别为29.03%和18.21%);在所有调查性状的相对值中,相对植株干重(低氮胁迫/正常供氮)基因型变异较大(CV为22.76%)。相关性分析表明,相对植株干重与相对株高、相对植株吸氮量和相对氮利用效率间呈极显著正相关(P0.01),且溶液培养试验中相对植株干重和田间试验中相对子粒产量(不施氮/施氮)间呈极显著正相关(r=0.77**,n=12)。因此,以小麦苗期相对植株干重作为筛选指标,然后进行田间验证,是筛选耐低氮小麦基因型行之有效的途径。  相似文献   

水稻耐低钾基因型的筛选及吸钾特性的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
筛选水稻耐低钾基因型最直接、客观方法是在低钾土壤上进行田间实验直接筛选,其结果可作为其他方法的比较标准.但该方法需时较长、工作量大,不能满足大批量快速、高速筛选的要求.因此,近年来国内外许多学者在探索用液培的方法进行筛选[1,2].  相似文献   

不同玉米基因型吸钾和耐低钾能力的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
利用植物对环境的遗传多样性,充分发掘优良基因型,筛选和利用吸钾能力强以及对土壤和肥料中钾利用效率高的作物品种,以适应低钾土壤条件,节约钾肥资源,缓解钾肥短缺矛盾[1 - 3].玉米是需钾量较多的作物,开展不同玉米基因型吸钾和耐低钾能力研究,挖掘玉米优良种质资源,以期为筛选吸钾能力强和耐低钾的玉米基因型,缓解我国钾肥不足提供依据.  相似文献   

北方春大豆磷高效基因型的筛选   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The selection of spring soybean genotypes with highphosphorus efficiency in Northern ChinaDING Yu-chuan1,2,CHEN Ming-chang1,CHENG Bin1,LI Li-jun1,ZHANG Hai-sheng3(1 Soil and Fertilizer Inst.,Shanxi AAS,Shanxi Key Lab.of Soil Envir.and Nutrient Resou.,Taiy…  相似文献   

富钾土壤中施钾效应研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  

不同小麦基因型耐铝性的差异及筛选方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
采用了大体积溶液培养法、培养皿快速鉴定法和小盆钵土培筛选法对小麦基因型进行了耐铝性筛选。供试的 24个小麦基因型的耐铝性存在极显著的差异。所采用的各项筛选指标间呈极显著的正相关 ,且都能不同程度地区分基因型间的耐铝性差异。其中相对根长的SD、CV及分布范围最大 ,可以灵敏、可靠地反映不同基因型的耐铝性差异 ;其次是相对根系干重 ;相对株高和相对地上部干重的SD、CV及分布范围较小 ,反映基因型间耐铝性差异的灵敏度较低。 3种筛选方法能克服传统筛选方法如小体积溶液培养、土培和田间试验的繁琐、费时和筛选效率低等缺点 ,具有快速简便 ,一次可筛选较多样本 ,且条件易于控制等优点 ,大大地提高了筛选的可靠性和筛选效率。  相似文献   

富钾基因型烤烟钾积累特征研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
烟叶含钾量是烤烟品质优劣的一个重要指标,它与烟叶成熟度、烟叶香吃味及卷烟制品安全性密切相关[1-2]。国际市场上衡量优质烟叶的指标之一是烟叶的钾含量2%以上,而我国烟叶含钾量多低于2%,尤其是北方烟区,烟叶钾含量在1·5%左右,严重影响烟叶质量的提高。我国长江以北地区土壤  相似文献   

采用溶液培养筛选,结合田间试验,提出了采用低钾胁迫下水稻体内钾利用效率作为衡量水稻钾利用效率的指标;探讨了钾高效基因型水稻的若干生长特性和营养特性;指出低钾胁迫导致水稻生物量减少,植株生长缓慢,分蘖能力差,根系生长受到抑制,根系吸收的钠增加。水稻钾高效基因型低钾胁迫下仍具有较强的生长势(相对干重、相对株高、相对根长较大),其地上部钾/钠比值高而根部钾/钠比值较低,地上部和根部钾/氮吸收量比值较低。  相似文献   

Heat stress is a major environmental stress limiting wheat productivity in most cereal growing areas of the world. The objective of this study was to evaluate heat stress tolerance in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum) genotypes. For this purpose, 45 genotypes were grown during two growing seasons (2012–2013 and 2013–2014) under non-stress (normal sowing) and heat-stress (late sowing) conditions. The heat tolerance indices were calculated based on grain yield under normal sowing (Yp) and late sowing (Ys) conditions. Results of combined analysis of variance showed the significant influences of heat stress on grain yield as well as significant differences among genotypes for grain yield and the indices. Results of correlation coefficients and multivariate analyses revealed that the stress tolerance index (STI), geometric mean productivity and mean productivity (MP) indices were the most profitable criteria for selection of heat tolerant and high yielding genotypes. Using STI, GMP and MP, the genotypes G29, G41 and G10 were found to be the best genotypes with relatively high yield and suitable for both normal and heat stressed conditions. Based on biplot analysis using Yp, Ys and the indices, it was possible to identify superior genotypes across the conditions.  相似文献   

以磷高效型小麦小偃54和磷低效型小麦京411为研究对象设计三室根箱试验,通过测定生物量、吸磷量、pH和酸性磷酸酶,对比两种小麦在不同磷水平(P0 mg/kg土、100 mg/kg土)及两种不同土壤上(石灰性黑垆土、酸性红壤)根际特征的差异。试验结果表明,黑垆土上,增施磷肥使小偃54的总生物量增加了14.99%,京411增加了26.53%,总吸磷量二者分别增加了99.29%和83.70%;红壤的速效磷含量高,施肥仅提高了磷低效型小麦京411的生物量。黑垆土上磷胁迫并未造成小偃54与京411各部分生物量和吸磷量的显著性差异,但小偃54的根际pH降低值和酸性磷酸酶的活性却已显著高于京411;P0处理时,红壤上小偃54的地上部和总生物量显著高于京411,虽然红壤的速效磷含量高于黑垆土,但在P0处理时两种小麦在两种土壤上的生物量和吸磷量并无显著性差异。就根际分泌物而言,石灰性黑垆土上,小偃54的根系在低磷胁迫下通过降低pH和分泌酸性磷酸酶来活化土壤中难溶态的磷,而在红壤上小偃54的pH和酸性磷酸酶的活性保持稳定。酸性红壤中两种小麦酸性磷酸酶活性显著高于石灰性黑垆土。由此可见,两种磷效率小麦在两种不同性质土壤上活化机理存在差异。  相似文献   


Nitrogen uptake being part of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is largely decided by root traits. Root traits variability has hardly been explored by breeders mainly because of difficulties in scoring. The hydroponic system requiring lesser space for precise phenotyping of large numbers of genotypes independently of the growing season can be a suitable alternative. However, the effectiveness of hydroponic screening methods needs to be verified under the soil condition of the field or pot. In the present study, root traits and NUE were investigated in 19 genotypes under two conditions (hydroponic and pipe filled with soil). Both environments revealed large variability for root traits and NUE under high and low N conditions establishing the absence of any direct selection for these traits in the past. Under both sets of experimentation, NUpE was largely responsible for improved nitrogen efficiency mainly because of higher root biomass. The significant association between the two screening methods i.e. hydroponic and pot filled with soil under both low and high N condition support large scale screening for root traits under hydroponic condition.  相似文献   

Drought stress limits crop production in the world. Therefore, employing high-yielding cultivars tolerant to drought is an effective approach to reduce its detrimental effects. To identify drought-tolerant genotypes, 36 wheat genotypes were evaluated during the 2010–2011 and 2011–2012 growth seasons. A field experiment was conducted in a split-plot design with two irrigation treatments (100% field capacity (FC) until harvest and no irrigation after anthesis) as main plots in three replications and genotypes as subplots. Grain yield, its components and drought tolerance indices were measured. Results showed a significant reduction in yield and its components under drought conditions. Grain yield had significant positive correlations with stress tolerance index (STI), mean productivity (MP) index and geometric mean productivity (GMP), while it was negatively correlated with stress susceptibility index (SSI) and tolerance index (TOL) under stress condition. These results indicated that superior genotypes could be selected based on high values of STI, MP and GMP and low value of SSI. The results were validated by principal component analysis (PCA) as it showed genotypes with high PC1 and low PC2 were more desirable. Based on the results, genotypes number 8, 11, 17, 30, 34 and 35 were recognized as suitable for both conditions.  相似文献   

钾营养对不同基因型小麦幼苗NaCl胁迫的缓解作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在温室砂培条件下,研究了钾营养对NaCl胁迫下不同基因型小麦幼苗生长、植株可溶性糖、丙二醛(MDA)含量及几种抗氧化酶活性的影响。结果表明,100.mmol/L.NaCl胁迫下,施入5~10.mmol/L.K+可提高小麦幼苗茎叶及根的生长及含水量;耐盐品种DK961可溶性糖含量随外界K+浓度的提高出现先升高后降低的趋势,而盐敏感品种JN17则随溶液K+浓度的提高一直降低;两品种电解质外渗量及MDA含量都比对照增加,但随外界K+浓度的升高呈现先降低后升高的趋势,以10.mmol/L.K+时最接近对照;两品种超氧物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性随外界K+浓度升高都是先升高后降低,以Na+/K+比值为10∶1最好,并且对POD活性的影响更显著。表明根据NaCl胁迫程度不同,按Na+/K+比值为10∶1的比例施用钾肥可最大限度地降低NaCl胁迫对小麦幼苗造成的伤害,促进小麦生长。  相似文献   

Twenty genotypes of wheat resulting from different crossings between some wheat parental lines were compared for salt stress (control and gradually increasing salinity). Ion content in root, shoot, and flag leaves and also the root and shoot dry weights were measured. Based on these results, eight genotypes among the twenty were selected as susceptible, semi-tolerant, and tolerant genotypes for evaluating their biochemical characteristics. Results indicated that concentration of sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) in shoot, root, and flag leaves of stressed plants were, respectively, higher and lower than that in the non-stressed plants. Overall, salinity stress caused reductions in root and shoot dry weights and relative water content (RWC), but enhancement in pigments content. Concentrations of the total carbohydrate, total protein, and soluble proline were higher in plants under salt stress condition. Salinity stress induced higher production in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) and also higher activity of catalase (CAT) and ascorbic peroxidase (APX) as antioxidant enzymes, but lower activity of peroxidase (POD). Genotypes 4s, Arg, and 386dh had generally higher enzymatic activity and other tolerant indices, and hence they can be introduced as tolerant genotypes for more study by the plant breeders. On the other hand, genotype 278s was most susceptible based on the most results.  相似文献   

Soil salinity may reduce potassium (K) uptake due to strong competition with sodium cations at the root surface. In calcareous soils, zinc (Zn) precipitates in forms unavailable to plants. This study evaluated the responses of two wheat genotypes (C), Baccrosroshan and salinity-tolerant Line No. 4, to K and Zn fertilizers in both greenhouse and farm experiments with similar soil and water conditions. A factorial experiment with four K levels (K0 = 0, K1 = 72, K2 = 144 and K3 = 216 kg K2O ha?1) and three Zn levels (Zn0 = 0, Zn1 = 20 and Zn2 = 40 kg ha?1) based on a randomized complete block design was employed. Analysis of variance results showed significant Zn × K × C interactions on all measured traits. Despite sufficient available potassium and illite clay in the root-growing medium, plants responded to K application. Yield components, grain yield and protein content of the two genotypes increased linearly as Zn × K increased. Considering Zn2K2 and Zn2K3, Line No. 4 produced 17% higher 1000-grain weight, 30% higher weight of grains per ear and 23% higher grain yield than Baccrosroshan in the farm experiment, and 10, 50, 16% higher values, respectively, in the greenhouse experiment. Results showed a significant relationship between grain weight per ear and grain yield. The achieved results highlight the importance of K and Zn nutrition under salt-stress conditions.  相似文献   

小麦氮素吸收利用的基因型差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用裂区试验设计,施氮和不施氮(对照)处理下,对16个不同基因型小麦拔节期和收获期氮素吸收利用差异进行研究。结果表明,不同基因型小麦的氮素吸收、利用特性存在很大差异,相关分析表明,氮素胁迫条件下,氮素吸收过程是全生育期的限制因素。依据收获期小麦相对吸氮总量和相对利用效率(对照处理与施氮处理的比值),将16个基因型分为5种类型:双高型、氮吸收高效型、氮利用高效型、双低型和中间型,为小麦氮高效育种提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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