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Inhalt Vergleichende Untersuchungen ovarieller Steroide im Blut sowie spezifische proteolytische Enzyme im Zervikalmukus bei vier Schafrassen nach Östrussynchronisation (Progesteron und PMSG). 2. Rassebedingte Unterschiede für PAA, PAI und PI im Zervikalmukus während des normalen und des synchronisierten Östrus sowie des ersten Östrus nach der Synchronisation
Plasminogen-Aktivator-Aktivität (PAA), Plasminogen-Aktivator-Inhibition (PAI) und Plasmin-Inhibition (PI) wurden im Zervikalmukus von vier verschiedenen Schafrassen (Friesland, Chios, Serres, Karagouniki) während des normalen und synchronisierten Östrus sowie des ersten Östrus nach der Synchronisation untersucht.
PAA-Konzentrationen stiegen in der Mitte des normalen Östrus an. Dabei traten rassespezifische Unterschiede auf. Ebenfalls rasseabhängig war die Veränderung von PAA im Zervikalmukus bei synchronisierten Tieren. Diese Veränderung bestand auch im ersten Östrus nach der Synchronisation bei allen Rassen außer bei Friesland-Schafen. Es traten beide Typen des des Plasminogen-Aktivator (t-PA und u-PA) auf.
Rasseabhängig stieg PAI zur Mitte und am Ende des normalen Östrus an. Östrus-Synchronisation veränderte PAI. Diese Veränderung hielt auch während des auf die Synchronisation folgenden Östrus an.
PI stieg zum Ende des natürlichen Östrus an, wobei einige Rasseunterschiede beobachtet wurden. Im synchronisierten Östrus veränderten sich die PI-Werte im Zervikalmukus. Außer bei Friesland-Schafen hielt diese Veränderung des PI während des ersten Zyklus nach der Synchronisation an.
Die Blutkonzentrationen von Östradiol-17ßübten im begrenzten Maße bei einigen Rassen einen positiven Effekt auf PAA bzw. PAI und einen negativen Effekt auf PI im Zervikalmukus aus.  相似文献   

The physiological distribution of mast cells (MCs) in the reproductive tract and ovary of 12 Angora goats was determined using light microscopic histochemical techniques. Uterus (corpus uteri and cornu uteri), uterine cervix, uterine tubes (isthmus and ampulla) and ovary samples were obtained by laparatomy from groups of animals during metoestrus, dioestrus and proestrus (days 5, 10 and 16 of the oestrous cycle). Tissues were fixed in Mota's fixative (basic lead acetate) for 48 h and embedded in paraffin. Six-micrometre-thick sections were stained with toluidine blue in 1% aqueous solution at pH 1.0 for 5 min and alcian blue-Safranin at pH 1.0 for 30 min. MCs were generally associated with blood vessels in all reproductive organs. In the uterus, they were concentrated mainly in the close of the uterine gland and deep stroma in the endometrium. Higher MC numbers were observed by toluidine blue staining in the uterus, uterine cervix and uterine tubes on days 10 (corpus uterine: 4.7 ± 3.8 and cornu uterine: 4.9 ± 3.5) and 16 (corpus uterine: 5.9 ± 4.5 and cornu uterine: 5.4 ± 2.4) of the oestrous cycle compared with day 5 (p < 0.05). Mast cells were not observed in the follicles, the corpus luteum and the underside of the surface epithelium of the ovarian cortex, but were observed in the interstitial cortical stroma and the ovarian medulla. In the ovary, MC numbers were significantly higher on day 16 of the oestrous cycle (cortex: 3.4 ± 2.4 and medulla: 5.7 ± 4.5, p < 0.05). Safranin-positive connective tissue MCs were not observed in the uterine tube on any occasion. These results indicate oestrous cycle-related changes in the number and location of MCs in goat reproductive organs.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to investigate the number of either the spermatozoa or the embryos in the reproductive tracts of sows after unilateral, deep, intra uterine insemination (DIUI). Two experiments were conducted, 10 sows were used in experiment I and eight sows were used in experiment II. Transrectal ultrasonography was used to examine the time when ovulation took place in relation to oestrus behaviour. The sows were inseminated with a single dose of diluted fresh semen 6-8 h prior to expected ovulation, during the second oestrus after weaning. In experimental I, five sows were inseminated by a conventional artificial insemination (AI) technique using 100 ml of diluted fresh semen, containing 3000 x 10(6) motile spermatozoa and five sows were inseminated by the DIUI technique with 5 ml of diluted fresh semen, containing 150 x 10(6) motile spermatozoa. The sows were anesthetized and ovario-hysterectomized approximately 24 h after insemination. The oviducts and the uterine horns on each side of the reproductive tracts were divided into seven segments, namely ampulla, cranial isthmus, caudal isthmus, utero-tubal junction (UTJ), cranial uterine horn, middle uterine horn and caudal uterine horn. Each segment of the reproductive tracts was flushed with Beltsville thawing solution (BTS) through the lumen. The total number of spermatozoa in the flushing from each segment were determined. In experimental II, eight sows were inseminated by the DIUI technique using 5.0 ml diluted fresh semen containing 150 x 10(6) motile spermatozoa. The sows were anesthetized 61.1 +/- 12 h after insemination (48-72 h) and the embryos were flushed from the oviduct through the proximal part of the uterine horn. It was revealed that, in experimental I, the spermatozoa were recovered from both sides of the reproductive tract in the AI-group, and from unilateral side of the reproductive tract in the DIUI-group (three sows from the left and two sows from the right sides). The number of spermatozoa recovered from the reproductive tracts was higher in the AI- than the DIUI-group (p < 0.001). In experiment II, fertilization occurred in five of eight sows (62.5%) after DIUI. The number of ova that ovulated were 16.4 +/- 2.6 per sow and the embryos numbering 11.4 +/- 2.3 per sow were recovered from both sides of the reproductive tract. In conclusion, the spermatozoa given by DIUI could be recovered from only one side of the reproductive tract of sows at approximately 24 h after DIUI via the flushing technique. However, embryos were found in both sides of the oviducts and the proximal part of the uterine horns 48-72 h after insemination, indicating that the fertilization occurred in both sides of the oviducts.  相似文献   

种猪场猪生殖和呼吸系统综合征血清抗体检测   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
应用ELISA试剂诊断盒对青海省几个主要种猪场的103份血清进行了PRRS的血清抗体检测,共检出阳性血清6份,阳性率为5.83%,表明青海省几个主要种猪场存在PRRS。  相似文献   

Haemophilus parasuis is known to produce a group of virulence-associated autotransporter (AT) proteins, VtaAs; however, no other ATs have been characterized yet. On the basis of the reported sequence of a putative espP2 gene for extracellular serine protease (ESP)-like protein of H. parasuis, this putative AT gene was successfully amplified from H. parasuis serotype 5 field strain HPS0819, cloned and sequenced. The confirmed ORF sequence showed 100% identity with the reported putative espP2 gene. The recombinant ESP-like protein purified from Escherichia coli with a pET expression system was used for immunological characterization. An approximately 85 kDa antigen was detected in cultured H. parasuis by using antiserum to the purified ESP-like protein, and antibodies against the recombinant ESP-like protein were detected in a selected serum from pigs with experimental H. parasuis infection. The results indicated that H. parasuis could produce ESP-like protein in vitro and in vivo. In an immune protection study using guinea pigs, 6 out of 10 animals immunized with the recombinant ESP-like protein survived after challenge with 5 × 10(9) bacteria of strain HPS0819, whereas 7 out of 10 animals immunized with formalin-inactivated H0819 bacterin survived after challenge. The results suggest that ESP-like protein could be one of the vaccine antigen candidates for H. parasuis infection.  相似文献   

A biometrical study of female porcine reproductive tracts recovered after slaughter was carried out. Sizes and weights of the various areas from one hundred eighty-seven sow tracts, eighty-one pre-puberal gilts and thirty-two puberal gilts were recorded. A table of abnormalities observed in examination of the sow tracts is also presented.  相似文献   

A biometrical study of the reproductive tracts of 173 hens was carried out after slaughter at 53 weeks of age.

Mean weights and total lengths of the reproductive tracts of four strains of actively laying turkey hens were 265 - 279.5 grams and 80.9 - 84.5 centimetres. Mean measurements in centimetres of oviduct anatomical divisions were: infundibulum 10.9 - 11.7, magnum 44.5 - 45.2, isthmus 12.6 - 14.5, uterus 9.6 - 10.8, and vagina 2.6 - 3.5.


Contents The concentrations of oestradiol-17β and progesterone in the blood were studied during natural oestrus, synchronized oestrus, and the first oestrus after synchronized oestrus in four sheep breeds (Friesland, Chios, Serres and Karagouniki). During natural oestrus, significant variations of oestradiol-17β concentration were only seen in Karagouniki ewes; during synchronized oestrus, oestradiol-17β concentration in the blood showed a gradual decrease in all breeds. However, during the first oestrus after synchronized oestrus, the concentration of oestradiol-17β in the blood returned to normal in all but the Serres breed.
The concentration of progesterone in the blood showed no variation during natural oestrus, but, during synchronized oestrus, significant variations of progesterone in the blood were seen in all but the Serres breed. During the first oestrus after the synchronized oestrus, the progesterone in the blood returned to the natural-oestrus levels with, however, some differences among the breeds.
Oestrous synchronization therefore disturbed the con-centration of oestradiol-17P and progesterone in the blood of the ewe in a varying way, depending on the breed.  相似文献   

猪硬脂酰辅酶A去饱和酶蛋白生物信息学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究硬脂酰辅酶A去饱和酶(SCD)的结构和生物学功能,利用Expasy、Sopma等生物信息学软件,对猪SCD的氨基酸序列进行初步的生物信息学分析。结果表明:猪SCD基因编码359个氨基酸,平均分子质量为41.38 ku;该蛋白存在4个跨膜结构域,分别包含1个潜在的O-糖基化位点、3个N-糖基化位点和16个磷酸化位点;二级结构由α螺旋、β转角、延伸链和随机卷曲组成;该蛋白具有低复杂结构和跨膜结构两种功能结构域。  相似文献   

应用组织学和电镜技术研究猪呼吸道发育过程中淋巴组织的变化。结果表明:扁桃体和咽部是呼吸道进入机体的第一个淋巴组织集中的部位,弥散淋巴组织在出生时就存在,淋巴小结不明显;20日龄时扁桃体中淋巴组织增生,淋巴小结清晰可见;120日龄淋巴小结数量增加,紧靠鳞状上皮密集排列,淋巴小结发育很好,并出现生发中心。扁桃体复层鳞状上皮中含有大量的上皮内淋巴细胞。气管叉是呼吸道进入机体的第二个淋巴组织集中的部位,出生时气管叉外膜中淋巴组织直接与气管支气管淋巴结相连,淋巴组织明显可见。20日龄时气管叉外膜中淋巴组织已分开,形成气管叉外膜密集的淋巴组织和气管支气管淋巴结两个部分。120日龄时气管叉处淋巴组织特别发达,黏膜上皮中上皮内淋巴细胞数量也显著增加。肺内气管和细支气管固有膜中均有较多的淋巴细胞,其中浆细胞数量增加,上皮中仍存在少量的上皮内淋巴细胞。本试验结果提示猪呼吸道是黏膜免疫较理想的诱导位点和效应位点,新生仔猪通过鼻腔免疫可提高呼吸道局部黏膜免疫力。  相似文献   

本文研究了西藏高原条件下 (拉萨 ,3658m)杜洛克、长白与内江杂交组合猪的繁殖性能。结果表明 ,产仔数杜×内组 1~ 3胎分别为 7.31、7.79和 1 0 .2 9头 ;长×内组分别为 6.30、7.50和 7.70头 ;杜×内组优于长×内组 ,而且上述两个杂交组合优于杜洛克、内江、藏猪纯繁组。杜×内、长×内组第 2胎的各繁殖性状均优于藏×内组。第 2、3胎杜×内组、长×内组的产仔数、初生个体重和窝重、2 0日龄个体重和窝重、断奶时个体重和窝重之间差异不显著。杜×内组 1~ 3胎的断奶仔数和哺育率分别为 7.0 0和 64.35%、6.0 9和 78.2 4 %、8.0 0和 78.30 % ;长×内组分别为 5.33和 56.31 %、5.90和 80 .65%、6.60和86.1 2 % ;;杜×内组的断奶仔数高于长×内组 ,两个杂交组合 2、3胎的繁殖指标均高于头胎。说明杜×内和长×内两个杂交组合适宜于西藏地区养猪生产  相似文献   

猪膜联蛋白A2多克隆抗体的制备、亲和纯化与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在制备并亲和纯化兔抗猪膜联蛋白A2多克隆抗体。通过PCR从质粒pA2-EGFP中将编码猪膜联蛋白A2与增强型绿色荧光蛋白融合基因(Annex A2-EGFP)亚克隆到pET-30a(+),构建了原核表达质粒p30a/AE,转化大肠杆菌Rosetta(DE3),经IPTG诱导以包涵体形式表达了猪ANNXA2-EGFP融合蛋白,用Ni-Resin HP树脂对表达的目的蛋白进行亲和纯化。用纯化的ANNXA2-EGFP融合蛋白免疫兔,制备兔抗猪膜联蛋白A2多克隆抗体。将以前纯化的猪可溶性GST-ANNXA2融合蛋白偶联NHS活化琼脂糖凝胶FF,亲和纯化多克隆抗体。用GST-ANNXA2亲和纯化的多抗效价达到1∶12800,Western blot和免疫组化结果证实具有高特异性。制备的高效价和高特异性兔抗猪膜联蛋白A2多克隆抗体,为进一步研究膜联蛋白A2在病毒感染中的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

猪繁殖与呼吸综合症(PRRS)是一种新近发现的猪病毒性疾病,其特征为各种年龄猪均可感染发病。主要临床症状以发病猪不食、嗜睡、体温升高;繁殖母猪受精率低下;妊娠母猪发生早产、晚期流产、死胎、弱胎及木乃伊胎;哺乳母猪泌乳不足,严重影响新生仔猪的生长发育,甚至死亡;种公猪性功能下降,影响精液质量和精子活力;仔猪和育肥猪表现呼吸系统症状,呼吸困难和急促,呈间质性肺炎,耳部及肢体皮肤发绀。该病自1995年11月在我国发生以来,已在全国大部分省市出现,危害十分严重。为了查清该病在甘肃省的感染和流行情况,我w…  相似文献   

本试验以S463为奶牛假定抗热应激的RAPD分子标记,在核心母牛场湖南省奶牛原种场测定不同世代的种母牛213头,在核心公牛场湖南省种公牛站,以及北京、上海、南京、安徽等地测定种公牛46头,共检测出具有S463分子标记的母牛26头,检出率为12.2%(26/213),公牛10头,检出率为21.7%(10/46).在湖南省奶牛原种场,有、无抗热应激分子标记的母牛在热应激期间的产奶量分别为1 724.53kg和1 531.62kg,产奶量下降率分别为3.47%和23.18%,产奶量差异不显著(P>0.05),但产奶量下降率差异显著(P<0.05),基本肯定了抗热应激分子标记在不同耐热牛群中的特异性.  相似文献   

猪场能否获利,其中母猪繁殖率的高低起到了关键性的作用。母猪的繁殖效率涉及到发情、排卵、受精、分娩和哺乳等5个方面。不同猪场间母猪的繁殖效率差异极大,如以每头母猪每年生产断奶仔猪头数作为评估繁殖率的指标,其可能的范围在10-20头之间。  相似文献   

浙江省养猪场母猪繁殖障碍症主要病因调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曾经严重危害我省母猪繁殖性能的乙型脑炎、猪细小病毒病得到了有效控制。然而 ,近几年来我省母猪繁殖发生障碍的情况还比较严重。造成母猪繁殖障碍的因素比较复杂 ,不权有非传染性的 ,也有传染性的 ,其中病毒病引起母猪繁殖障碍的更常见。资料表明[1,2 ] ,猪伪狂犬病和猪繁殖与呼吸综合征是严重危害母猪繁殖性能的主要病毒病 ,同时也证实[3 ,4 ] ,这二种疫病已在我国一些地方发生和流行。母猪猪瘟隐性感染也能导致母猪繁殖障碍。为了查清我省养猪场母猪繁殖障碍的主要原因 ,明确猪伪狂犬病、猪繁殖与呼吸综合征、母猪猪瘟隐性感染对我省母…  相似文献   

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