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The objective of this work was to describe the presence of osteopontin (OPN) in canine seminal plasma and sperm membranes. A pool of seminal plasma and sperm membrane extract from 30 dogs was used. Polyacrylamide electrophoresis gels were performed and the bands were transferred to nitrocellulose paper and Western blot was undertaken using an antibody anti-OPN. Two and 12 bands were marked in the seminal plasma (77.2 and 15.6 kDa) and sperm membrane extracts (70.6–26.6 kDa), respectively. However, from 12 marked bands in the sperm membrane extract, only three (46.4, 37.7 and 36.5 kDa) were strongly marked. We conclude that, seminal plasma and sperm membranes from dogs contain different isoforms of OPN; yet, further studies will be necessary to determine their function in this species.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to determine ionic and organic composition of seminal plasma, sperm concentration and their relationships in the Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus). In this regard, ionic content (Na+, K+, Cl?, Ca2+ and Mg2+) and organic content (total protein, glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride) along with sperm concentration were measured in 17 specimens of the Persian sturgeon. The seminal plasma contained 59.53 ± 2.56 mm /l sodium, 9.1 ± 1.42 mm chloride, 4.72 ± 0.3 mm potassium, 1.45 ± 0.075 mm calcium and 0.7 ± 0.072 mm magnesium. The following organic contents were found: total protein 0.11 ± 0.02 g/dl, glucose 22.18 ± 4.16 mg/dl, cholesterol 6.67 ± 1.04 mg/dl and triglyceride 15.2 ± 0.65 mg/dl. The mean sperm concentration was estimated to be 1.6 ± 0.12 (×109 sperm/ml). A significant relationship was found between sperm concentration and K+ of seminal plasma (r = 0.533, p < 0.05). Significant correlations were observed between ionic contents: Na+ vs Cl? (r = ?0.854, p < 0.01) and Mg2+ vs K+ (?0.583, p < 0.05). Also, level of triglyceride was negatively correlated with Mg2+ (r = ?0.503, p < 0.05). Presented data could be considered as a complementary study for developing special extenders and protectant solutions for improving artificial fertilization in this valuable species.  相似文献   

Meiotic gynogenesis was induced in the albino form of sterlet Acipenser ruthenus by activation of eggs with UV‐irradiated bester (Huso huso x Acipenser ruthenus) spermatozoa followed by inhibition of the second meiotic division performed by a heat shock. Obtained putative gynogenetic progeny were all albinos. The genetic verification based on three microsatellite DNA markers confirmed the only maternal inheritance of the progeny from the gynogenetic experimental groups. Cytogenetic analysis proved the gynogenetic sterlets were diploids. Application of the albino phenotype together with the molecular and the cytogenetic diagnostic approaches enabled to evaluate the efficiency of the spermatozoa irradiation and application of the heat shock to restore diploid state in the gynogenetic zygotes.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of multiple collections of sperm on endangered sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) sperm functional parameters [spermatozoa motility and curvilinear velocity (VCL)] as well as on protein concentration and osmolality of seminal plasma. The average sperm volume and mean spermatozoa concentration per male were significantly altered with multiple collections. On the other hand, no significant effect of multiple collections on protein concentration of seminal plasma was observed. In all experimental groups, moderate impact of sequential collection on osmolality (p < 0.05) of seminal plasma was observed. Ninety to 100% of motile spermatozoa were observed at 15 s after activation, with an average VCL of 181.12 ± 19.10 μm/s. After 90 s, average VCL decreased to 130 ± 26 μm/s. Motility was maintained for up to 4 min. The maximum percentage of motile spermatozoa was observed after the third collection of sperm. The spermatozoa VCL increased significantly with subsequent collections. The results of this study provide new data on the effects of multiple collections on quantitative and qualitative parameters of sperm in sterlet. The data confirmed that the sequential stripping has no negative effect on the percentage of motility and spermatozoa velocity. This should be beneficial for the development of sterlet aquaculture programs.  相似文献   

Seminal plasma (SP) contains several types of compounds derived from the epididymides and accessory glands. The aim of this study was to examine the protein composition of different ejaculate fractions. Trial I: fractionated ejaculates were collected from two normal and two subfertile stallions. Samples containing pre‐sperm fluid and the first sperm‐rich jets (HIGH‐1), the main sperm‐rich portion (HIGH‐2), the jets with low sperm concentrations (LOW), and a combined whole‐ejaculate (WE) sample was centrifuged, and the SP was filtered and frozen. A part of each SP sample was stored (5°C, 24 h) with spermatozoa from HIGH‐2 and skim milk extender. Sperm motility was evaluated after storage in extender mixed with the stallion’s own SP or SP from one of the other stallions (sperm from a normal stallion stored in SP from a subfertile stallion and vice versa). Protein composition was analysed using reverse‐phase liquid chromatography (RP‐HPLC), N‐terminal sequencing and mass spectrometry. The area‐under‐the‐curve (AUC) was used for quantitative comparison of proteins within fractions. Trial II: semen samples were collected from seven stallions. Fractions with the highest (HIGH) and lowest (LOW) sperm concentrations and WE samples were examined using SDS‐PAGE and densitometry. No significant differences emerged between fractions in the AUC‐values of the Horse Seminal Protein‐1 (HSP‐1) and HSP‐2 peaks, or the peak containing HSP‐3 and HSP‐4 (HSP‐3/4). Levels of HSP‐1, HSP‐2 and HSP‐3/4 were not significantly correlated with total sperm motility, progressive sperm motility or average path velocity after storage. Significant differences between ejaculate fractions in the amount of different protein groups present in SP were not found in Trial I; but in Trial II, the proteins in the 60–70 kDa range were more abundant in LOW than in HIGH and WE, indicating that this band contained proteins derived mainly from the seminal vesicles, which produce most of the SP in LOW.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of ionic composition, osmolality, protein concentration and pH of seminal plasma along with spermatozoa concentrations were carried out in stellate sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus, and Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Analysis of A. gueldenstaedtii sperm showed significantly higher concentrations of Na+ (34.58 ± 4.61 mm ), Ca2+ (0.35 ± 0.12 mm ), Mg2+ (0.70 ± 0.25 mm ), Cl? (13.50 ± 4.04 mm ) and proteins (0.60 ± 0.29 mg/ml) in the seminal plasma than did seminal plasma of A. stellatus: Na+ (20.08 ± 10.75 mm ), Ca2+ (0.28 ± 0.06 mm ), Mg2+ (0.29 ± 0.05 mm ), Cl? (7.50 ± 3.00 mm ) and 0.30 ± 0.11 mg/ml proteins. Significantly higher concentration of K+ (5.42 ± 1.06 mm ) was observed in A. stellatus compared to A. gueldenstaedtii K+ (2.29 ± 0.50 mm ). Concentration of Na+ was positively correlated with osmolality (r = 0.819), levels of Cl? (r = 0.922) and Mg2+ (r = 0.727) and pH (r = 0.848). The concentration of Mg2+ was positively correlated with protein concentration (r = 0.774), Na+ (r = 0.727), Cl? (r = 0.872) and Ca2+ (r = 0.801). A positive relationship was also found between concentration of K+ and spermatozoa concentration (r = 0.709). Results revealed strong inter‐species differences in several parameters. The data should be useful for artificial fertilization and for cryopreservation of sturgeon sperm.  相似文献   

双峰驼精清及其活性组分凝集素寡糖的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用植物血凝素与寡糖结构相同或相似的糖复合物专一凝集的原理与方法,结合小鼠排卵试验,间接观察了公驼精清及其经DE-52离子交换层析和高效液相层析提取分离的活性组分的蛋白组成。结果表明,公驼精清内糖蛋白含有2种以上的寡糖,其内的活性组分及诱导排卵因子与所试植物血凝素不发生反应  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate how different protein profiles of seminal plasma (SP) fractions affect sperm functionality in vitro. Ejaculates from three boars were separated into six fractions. The fractions differed from each other in their sperm content, in their total SP protein content, and their spermadhesin PSP-I/PSP-II and heparin-binding protein (HBP) concentrations. Spermatozoa were mainly recovered in fraction 2 (sperm-rich fraction, >1800 × 106 spermatozoa/ml), whereas the pre-sperm fraction 1 and the post-sperm fractions 4–6 contained low numbers of spermatozoa (<500 × 106/ml). Except in fraction 2, the total SP protein concentration and the concentration of both, spermadhesin PSP-I/PSP-II and the HBPs increased with fraction order. Distinct time-dependent effects were observed on motility characteristics and membrane integrity of highly diluted boar spermatozoa upon incubation with a 10% dilution of the SP from each fraction. The highest sperm viability was recorded after exposure for 5 h to fraction 2, followed by fractions 1 and 3. The percentages of motile spermatozoa also differed significantly among fractions after 5 h of incubation. Spermatozoa incubated with SP of fractions 1–3 showed the highest percentage motility. We conclude that different SP fractions exert distinct effects on the functionality of highly diluted boar spermatozoa. Fractions 1–3 appear to promote sperm survival, whereas fractions 4–6 seem to be harmful for preserving the physiological functions of highly diluted boar spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Frozen-thawed (FT) boar sperm have a reduced fertile life, due in part to a capacitation-like status induced by cooling. Reversal of this cryocapacitation in vitro by exposure to boar seminal plasma (SP) has been demonstrated. The objective of these studies was to determine the effect of SP on the ability of FT sperm to create an oviductal sperm reservoir following artificial insemination (AI). In Experiment one, 35 pre-pubertal gilts were injected (IM) with 400 IU eCG plus 200 IU hCG to induce oestrus. At detection of oestrus, gilts were inseminated with 3 x 10(9) live sperm, either fresh (FS; n = 13), FT (n = 10), or FT supplemented with 10% v/v SP (n = 12). Gilts were killed 8 h later, their reproductive tracts recovered and the uterotubal junctions (UTJs) flushed to recover sperm. Fewer (p < 0.01) sperm were recovered following FT, compared to FS, inseminations, and there was no evident effect of SP. In Experiment two, 30 pre-pubertal gilts received IM injections of 1000 IU eCG followed by 5 mg pLH 80 h later to control time of ovulation. Gilts were inseminated with 3 x 10(9) live FS sperm (n = 6), FT sperm (n = 15) or FT sperm plus 10% SP (n = 9) at 12 h before ovulation and then sacrificed 8 h later. The UTJs were dissected and flushed for sperm recovery. Fewest (p < 0.001) sperm were recovered following FT insemination and there was no evident effect of SP. These data demonstrate that the size of the sperm reservoir is markedly reduced in gilts inseminated with FT sperm. However, the lack of effect of SP suggested that either it did not reverse cryocapacitation or that such a reversal does not impact the in vivo ability to create a sperm reservoir.  相似文献   

Three separate experiments were conducted to improve preservation of stallion epididymal sperm. In the first one, two different cooling extenders (Kenney and Gent) were compared. Sperm viability and motility patterns were assessed in 10 different epididymal sperm samples after 0 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, and 96 hours of preservation at 4°C. No significant differences were observed in any of the evaluated parameters either between extenders or throughout the storage period. The second set of experiments was designed to determine whether supplementing thawing medium (INRA Freeze) with seminal plasma had any impact on the quality of frozen-thawed epididymal sperm. Ten epididymal frozen-thawed sperm samples coming from separate stallions were used and different functional parameters (sperm membrane integrity and lipid disorder, motility, intracellular Ca2+ levels, and intracellular concentrations of peroxides and superoxides) were evaluated after incubation with or without 50% seminal plasma. Supplementing thawing medium with seminal plasma had no impact on sperm function and survival. The third experiment was an in vivo study. Twenty-five mares were inseminated with epididymal frozen-thawed sperm and seminal plasma, and 21 were bred with epididymal frozen-thawed sperm only. Pregnancy rates obtained for mares artificially inseminated with epididymal frozen-thawed sperm and seminal plasma were significantly (P < .05) higher than those observed when seminal plasma was not infused (64% vs. 19%). Taken together, our data indicate that the quality of epididymal stallion sperm can be maintained at 4°C for up to 96 hours. In addition, not only does supplementing frozen-thawed epididymal sperm with seminal plasma have any damaging effect on their quality but it may also improve pregnancy rates after artificial insemination.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of seminal collection method (artificial vagina or electroejaculation) on the protein composition of seminal plasma and sperm quality parameters in Corriedale rams. To address this question, we assessed the effect of seminal collection method on motility, plasma membrane integrity and functionality, mitochondrial functionality and the decondensation state of nuclear chromatin in sperm cells. Volume, pH, osmolarity, protein concentration, total protein content and protein profile using sodium dodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS‐PAGE) and 2‐D polyacrylamide electrophoresis of seminal plasma collected with artificial vagina and electroejaculation were also analysed. The main findings from this study were that ejaculates obtained with electroejaculation had (i) a higher number of spermatozoa with intact plasma membrane and functional mitochondria and (ii) a higher proportion of seminal plasma, total protein content and relative abundance of low molecular weight proteins than ejaculates obtained with artificial vagina. Five of these proteins were identified by mass spectrometry: binder of sperm 5 precursor; RSVP14; RSVP22; epididymal secretory protein E1 and clusterin. One protein spot with molecular weight of approximately 31 kDa and isoelectric point of 4.8 was only found in the seminal plasma from electroejaculation.  相似文献   

Artificial propagation of sturgeons is becoming increasingly important for recovery efforts as well as for commercial production. Sterlet Acipenser ruthenus is a common Eurasian sturgeon with a small body size and one of the fastest reproductive cycles among the sturgeons. The practical question being addressed in this study was how long fertilization of ovulated eggs can be delayed without substantially reducing the hatching rate, and an ancillary question is under what' temperature conditions do eggs retain good quality. Broodstock were injected with homogenized carp pituitary extract (CPE); ovulated eggs from three females were allocated to various treatment groups for temperature storage (control, 7°C, 11°C, 15°C and 19°C) until fertilized. Storage times at the regulated temperatures prior to fertilization were for 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 h. After the selected storage times in ovarian fluid, eggs were fertilized and transferred to incubation cages and then they were counted. Three replicates were allocated to each storage period and temperature. Hatched larvae were counted at 7‐day post‐fertilization. We found that sterlet eggs do not need to be fertilized immediately after collection. Reasonably good quality was retained for several hours if temperature conditions are fairly cool and stable. Eggs retained good quality when stored at 7°C and 11°C for up to 10 h with 54.1 ± 2.9 to 69.9 ± 7.9% hatching success, but egg quality was significantly reduced after 5‐h storage at 19°C (p < 0.01) and 7.5‐h storage at 15°C (p < 0.05) compared to cooler temperatures. Uniform temperatures between 7°C and 11°C can be considered as appropriate for storage of eggs in ovarian fluid for up to 10 h. This information can have practical application to routine hatchery practice for acipenserids, as well as for certain research protocols.  相似文献   

Goat semen is different from that of other domestic species in its limited tolerance to the inclusion of egg yolk in the freezing medium, and this tolerance depends on the presence of enzymes in the seminal plasma that react with egg yolk, producing toxic compounds to the spermatozoa. Moreover, the goat is a seasonal breeder that shows variations in semen quality throughout the year, and those variations may affect semen freezability; hence in freezing protocols, for instance, removal of seminal plasma (washing) yields varying results. This work was designed to study this problem in Canary goats: semen from six males was collected in spring, autumn or winter, washed or non-washed, diluted in a freezing extender with 1.5, 6 or 12% egg yolk, frozen, and thawed after 2 days, 2 or 6 months of cryopreservation. The effect of egg yolk concentration in the freezing extender was far more important than the effect of washing or season on sperm cryosurvival. The quality of frozen-thawed semen tended to improve as egg yolk concentration increased regardless of the effects of season, washing or period of cryopreservation. Washing produced a positive effect on frozen-thawed semen collected during spring or autumn, but the difference decreased as the concentration of yolk increased. However, washing produced a negative effect on frozen-thawed semen collected during winter, diluted with either 6 or 12% egg yolk. There was no apparent seasonal effect on gross measures of sperm production but the seasonal effect was ever present and was reinforced by freezing.  相似文献   

本试验以辽宁绒山羊种公羊为对象研究了日粮能量、蛋白质水平对种公羊精液品质的影响.采用单因子随机试验设计,将18只成年种公羊按照采精量、产绒量和年龄平均分为3组,每组6只.日粮设两种蛋白质水平(360 g和310 g),能量设两个水平(19 MJ和16 MJ),组合成3种饲粮:高能量高蛋白组(HEHP)、高能量低蛋白组(HELP)和低能量低蛋白组(LELP).3组种公羊分别随机对应3种饲粮.结果表明,日粮蛋白质水平显著影响采精量、密度、有效精子数和冻精产量,日粮能量水平对采精羊百分率有显著影响,日粮能量和蛋白质水平对鲜精活力和冻精活力无显著影响,高能量高蛋白组的精子产量、采精羊百分率、精子活力最高.种公羊配种期日粮能量蛋白质的适宜水平分别为19 MJ和360 g.  相似文献   

Cooling of equine semen obtained from some stallions results in lower seminal quality and viability when the seminal plasma (SP) is present. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the removal of SP using a Sperm Filter on the viability of cooled stallion semen. For this purpose, 31 stallions were used. Their ejaculates were divided into three groups: CN, semen was diluted with an extender; FLT, SP was removed by filtration; and CT, SP was removed by centrifugation and cooled to 15°C for 24 hours. Sperm kinetics and plasma membrane integrity were evaluated immediately after collection (T0) and after 24 hours of refrigeration (T1). No difference (P > .05) was noted at T1 for total sperm motility (TM), progressive sperm motility, or plasma membrane integrity when semen samples from all the stallions were analyzed. However, when samples from stallions termed “bad coolers” were analyzed (TM = <30% at T1), a difference was observed in TM and progressive sperm motility for CN compared with FLT and CT at T1. Sperm recovery was greater when SP was removed using the filter (FLT) to that when the SP was removed by centrifugation (CN) (89% vs. 81%). Thus, we concluded that filtering with a Sperm Filter is an efficient and practical method for removal of SP from stallion ejaculates, with lower sperm loss than centrifugation. We also found that the presence of SP reduces the quality and viability of cooled semen from stallions whose semen is sensitive to the process of refrigeration.  相似文献   

【目的】 探究冷冻前添加热休克蛋白A8(heat shock protein A8, HSPA8)和解冻后添加不同浓度精浆(seminal plasma, SP)对冻融猪精子的影响。【方法】 采用手握法采集长白猪精液, 添加0.5 μg/mL HSPA8到猪精液冷冻保护剂中进行细管分装, 投入液氮中保存3周后进行解冻, 解冻后添加不同浓度精浆(0、10%、30%和50%), 对冻融后长白猪精子的运动能力、质膜完整性、顶体完整性、细胞凋亡、线粒体膜电位、鱼精蛋白缺乏及体外获能水平等进行评估。【结果】 与对照组相比(无HSPA8和精浆), 添加0.5 μg/mL HSPA8处理组(无精浆)的精子直线速度(VSL)、曲线速度(VCL)、平均路径速度(VAP)和前向性运动(STR)均显著提升(P<0.05), 精子直线性运动(LIN)和运动的摆动性(WOB)均无显著差异(P>0.05);精子质量参数中活力、质膜完整性和顶体完整性均显著升高(P<0.05), 细胞凋亡水平与线粒体膜电位均显著降低(P<0.05);精子鱼精蛋白缺失率显著降低(P<0.05);精子蛋白酪氨酸磷酸化水平显著提高(P<0.05)。之后在解冻液中添加不同浓度的精浆, 与添加0.5 μg/mL HSPA8处理组(无精浆)相比, 精浆添加量达到50%时, 精子VSL、VCL、VAP、LIN、STR和WOB均显著提升(P<0.05);精子活力、质膜完整性、顶体完整性和线粒体膜电位均显著提高(P<0.05), 细胞凋亡水平显著降低(P<0.05);精子鱼精蛋白缺失率显著降低(P<0.05);精子蛋白酪氨酸磷酸化水平显著提高(P<0.05)。【结论】 在冷冻基础液中添加0.5 μg/mL HSPA8和解冻稀释液中添加50%精浆联合使用可以有效改善冻融精子质量, 将会对猪精液的冷冻保存及商业化生产提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

在结扎子宫颈的情况下,分别在兔同一子宫的两侧子宫角剖腹注入生理盐水(对照)、精浆或精子以研究精浆和精子对子宫免疫和孕向发育的影响。试验共用母兔18只,每组6只。在注入后72 h时处死试验用兔,取子宫进行一般测量,并切片染色,用图象采集分析系统进行研究。结果表明:1)注入子宫的精浆和精子,都能明显降低黏膜中的肥大细胞数量和增加子宫角中冲洗液内的细胞数(P0.01)。精浆与精子相比,精浆降低黏膜中肥大细胞数量的作用更大(P0.05);而精子提高子宫角冲洗液内细胞数的作用更强(P0.01)。2)无论精浆还是精子,都能显著(P0.05)或极显著(P0.01)促进子宫(子宫角指数、子宫角长度和子宫角直径)、子宫壁(子宫壁厚度、黏膜层厚度、黏膜上皮层厚度和肌层厚度)、黏膜腺体(腺体数和腺上皮的厚度)以及黏膜血管的孕向发育。精浆与精子相比,就子宫、子宫壁及黏膜血管的孕向发育来说,精浆的作用更明显(P0.05或P0.01);而对子宫黏膜腺体孕向发育的作用,精浆和精子间没有明显差异(P0.05)。  相似文献   

本研究运用双向电泳方法分析奶牛产前及产后1周血浆蛋白的差异表达,为理解围产期免疫抑制以及分娩前后奶牛的生理状态提供参考。血浆样品经过热SDS法处理后,使用pH4~pH7的胶条,在硝酸银染色的7.5%~17.5%的梯度聚丙烯酰胺凝胶上,利用PDQuest6.0图像分析软件检测到239个蛋白质点。比较奶牛产前及产后1周血浆蛋白差异表达情况发现,表达量变化3倍以上的点有12个。MADIL-TOF/TOF质谱鉴定出2种蛋白:白蛋白和结合珠蛋白。结合珠蛋白在产后1周的奶牛血浆中的含量显著增加,反映了产后奶牛的生理变化。但是需要结合其他标记共同作为疾病诊断的标记。  相似文献   

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