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Observations on seven cases of mitral insufficiency are described. Three of the horses had recent histories of cardiac failure and formed a separate group in which there were marked haemodynamic changes which varied in relation to heart rate but were associated with pulmonary hypertension, elevated right ventricular pressure and low peak left ventricular pressure. In the other four horses the heart appeared to be compensating at rest but to be unable to cope with severe exertion. On auscultation, a widespread pansystolic murmur and a prominent third heart sound were characteristic of the left ventricular volume overload. Microscopic changes were found in one left papillary muscle. The possibility that changes in the position of the papillary muscles consequent upon left ventricular dilatation may lead to or exaggerate mitral valve eversion is discussed.  相似文献   

The angle of occlusion was evaluated in 230 mandibular cheek teeth from 21 horses. There was no significant relationship between horse condition (sedated, anesthetized, dead) and measurement of mean cheek tooth occlusal angle. Cheek tooth occlusal angle was not significantly affected by the position of the tooth in the mandibular arcade or tooth age. The measurement of individual mandibular cheek tooth occlusal angles was predictive for occlusal angle of the entire mouth. Multiple variations of the incisor separation angle technique were predictive of cheek tooth molar occlusal angle for the measured arcade and the entire mouth but was significantly different contralaterally, suggesting that the single tooth method may be preferred. However, despite the limitations of the relatively simple incisor separation angle technique, it may provide the equine veterinary dentist a rapid method of assessing cheek tooth occlusal angle to ensure proper dental floating methods and outcomes.  相似文献   

Fibreoptic endoscopy was used to study the movements of the larynx and pharynx during nasal occlusion in 10 horses, which showed signs consistent with functional pharyngeal obstruction (FPO) on exercise. Cine-endoscopic films were made on 3 such horses. Consideration of the anatomy of the region indicates that FPO may best be regarded as a subluxation of the nasopharyngeal and larygneal airways and it was found that a constant component of the movements which brought about this subluxation was a marked caudal retraction of the larynx. It is suggested that this caudal retraction of the larynx occurred as a result of the action of th sternothyrohyoid and omohyoid muscles and that removal of a portion of these muscles might prevent subsequent airway subluxation in horses prone to FPO on exercise.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine signalment, history, clinical signs, duration, seasonality, and response to various treatments reported by owners for headshaking in horses. DESIGN: Owner survey. ANIMALS: 109 horses with headshaking. PROCEDURE: Owners of affected horses completed a survey questionnaire. RESULTS: 78 affected horses were geldings, 29 were mares, and 2 were stallions. Mean age of onset was 9 years. Headshaking in 64 horses had a seasonal component, and for most horses, headshaking began in spring and ceased in late summer or fall. The most common clinical signs were shaking the head in a vertical plane, acting like an insect was flying up the nostril, snorting excessively, rubbing the muzzle on objects, having an anxious expression while headshaking, worsening of clinical signs with exposure to sunlight, and improvement of clinical signs at night. Treatment with antihistamines, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, antimicrobials, fly control, chiropractic, and acupuncture had limited success. Sixty-one horses had been treated with cyproheptadine; 43 had moderate to substantial improvement. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Headshaking may have many causes. A large subset of horses have similar clinical signs including shaking the head in a vertical plane, acting as if an insect were flying up the nostrils, and rubbing the muzzle on objects. Seasonality and worsening of clinical signs with exposure to light are also common features of this syndrome. Geldings and Thoroughbreds appear to be overrepresented. Cyproheptadine treatment was beneficial in more than two thirds of treated horses.  相似文献   

In 18 horses there was no effect of age or sex on plasma activities of gamma-glutamyl transferase (gamma-GT), 5'-nucleotidase (5'-NT) and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP). All the enzymes were equally stable after storage for one month at -20 degrees C and there was no significant difference between their activities in serum and plasma in clinically normal horses. The pattern of release of gamma-GT, 5'-NT and LAP into plasma was studied in 114 horses which had a variety of orthopaedic, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and hepatic (necrosis, lipidosis, neoplasia and cirrhosis) conditions. A definitive diagnosis of hepatic disease was established by histological examination of the liver. gamma-GT and 5'-NT were leaked into plasma in hepatic disease and gamma-GT was the more sensitive indicator of liver damage. There was some evidence that gamma-GT and 5'-NT plasma activities may increase in hepatic necrosis as well as in biliary obstruction. LAP was insensitive and not hepatic specific in the horse.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a technique for recording electrical activity of the equine cerebral cortex following application of a noxious electrical stimulus to the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve in order to investigate trigeminal nerve neurophysiology in control and headshaking horses. Triphasic somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) were recorded using subcutaneous needle electrodes in four control and four headshaking horses under general anaesthesia. Dural electroencephalography electrodes were used to record SEPs in one further control and one further headshaking horse. Headshaking horses appeared to have decreased middle latency and inter-peak intervals following stimulation of the trigeminal nerve compared with control horses, supporting abnormal trigeminal nerve physiology in equine headshaking.  相似文献   

Summary Tests for neutralising (NT) antibodies to the nine serotypes of African horse sickness (AHS) virus on the sera of three groups of horses confirmed that an increasing number of immunisations with vaccine containing attenuated strains of serotypes 1 to 6 of the virus, leads to broader response to the various serotypes and to higher individual titres. Nevertheless some horses failed to respond to one or more serotypes despite receiving numerous immunisations and it was clear that vaccine containing only serotypes 1 to 6 could not be relied upon to induce adequate cross-immunity to serotypes 7 to 9 of the virus. Highest antibody titres and broadest cross-reactivity were recorded in a fourth group of horses which had apparently suffered natural infection recently. The levels of antibody acquired from colostrum by seven foals generally correlated well with the levels of antibody in the sera of their dams and the rate of decline of passively acquired antibody was proportional to initial titre. Antibodies to individual serotypes of virus declined to undetectable levels in two to four months from birth in some instances implying that susceptibility to infection could occur well before the age of six to nine months which is commonly recommended for initial immunisation. Vaccination of eight foals at three to four months of age resulted in weak antibody response but did not adversely affect pre-existing low levels of maternal antibody so that early immunisation could be recommended as a means for attempting to control the losses of foals experienced in Zimbabwe.
Observaciones De Niveles De Anticuerpos Asociados Inmunidad Pasiva Y Activa De Peste Equina Africana
Resumen Pruebas de seroneutralización para detectar los nueve seroptipos del virus de la peste equina africana, realizadas en tres grupos de caballos, confirmaron que un número significativo de inmunizaciones con vacunas con las correspondientes cepas de seis serotipos del virus, confirieron amplia inmunidad contra los diversos serotipos de la enfermedad y respuestas individuales altas. Sin embargo, algunos de los caballos no respondieron adecuadamente a uno o más serotipos, a pesar de varias inmunizaciones, evidenciándose que las vacunas contra los serotipos 1 al 6 no son confiables para esperar una adecuada inmunidad contra los serotipos 7 y 9 del virus. Un nivel más alto de anticuerpos y una mayor reactividad cruzada, se detectó en caballos que habían sufrido la enfermedad recientemente. Los niveles de anticuerpos adquiridos a través del calostro en siete potros, correlacionaron bien con el nivel de anticuerpos detectados en el suero de las madres. La tasa de desaparición de la inmunidad adquirida, fue proporcional a los títulos iniciales encontrados en las madres. Los anticuerpos contra los diversos serotipos del virus, declinaron hasta niveles indetectables entre dos y cuatro meses de edad, implicando que la susceptibilidad de la infección, puede ocurrir antes de los seis a nueve meses cuando se recomienda vacunar por primera vez. La vacunación de ocho potros a los tres y cuatro meses de edad, dió como resultado una pobre respuesta inmune sin que afectara el nivel de anticuerpos maternos presentes, de manera tal, que la inmunización temprana puede recomendarse para evitar pérdidas tempranas en potros en Zimbabwe.

Observations Sur Les Taux d'Anticorps Associes Avec l'Immunite Active Et Passive Vis-A-Vis De La Peste Equine
Résumé Des tests pour la recherche des anticorps neutralisants pour les neuf sérotypes du virus de la peste équine dans les sérums de trois groupes de chevaux ont confirmé qu'un nombre croissant d'immunisations avec un vaccin contenant les souches atténuées des sérotypes 1 à 6 du virus de la peste équine conduisait à une réponse plus large vis-à-vis des différents sérotypes et à des titres individuels plus élevés. Néanmoins, quelques chevaux ne répondent pas à un ou plusieurs sérotypes bien qu'ayant reçu de nombreuses immunisations; il est clair que l'on ne peut compter sur un vaccin ne contenant que les sérotypes 1 à 6 pour induire une immunité croisée adéquate pour les sérotypes 7 à 9. Les titres en anticorps les plus élevés et la réactivité croisée la plus large ont été observés dans un quatrième groupe de chevaux qui avait apparemment souffert recemment d'une infection naturelle. Chez sept poulains, les teneurs en anticorps provenant du colostrum avaient une bonne corrélation avec les taux en anticorps du sérum de leur mères, et le déclin des anticorps transmis passivement était proportionnel au titre initial. Pour quelques cas, les anticorps pour certains sérotypes sont déclinés à des taux non détectables en deux à quatre mois après la naissance, avec l'implication que la réceptivité à l'infection peut se manifester bien avant lâge de six à neuf mois communément recommandé pour l'immunisation initiale. La vaccination de huit poulains âgés de trois à quatre mois a résulté en une faible réponse en anticorps mais n'a pas affecté défavorablement les faibles titres préexistant d'anticorps maternels; l'immunisation précoce peut donc être recommandée pour tenter de contrôler les pertes en poulains recontréees au Zimbabwé.

Five mares and a stallion were studied from three to 30 months after experimental infection with Brucella abortus strain 544. The mares bred normally. No organisms were recovered from horses or from pregnant Friesian heifer contacts. Titres of serum antibody in the antiglobulin (Coombs) and complement fixation tests fell more slowly than those assessed by other tests. The serum of one foal yielded maternal antibody. An intradermal test was positive in infected adults only, and negative in all foals.  相似文献   

Some success has been demonstrated using percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS) to treat trigeminal-mediated headshaking (TMHS) in horses. The aim of this study is to determine whether electroacupuncture (EA) can provide similar remission from the pain of this debilitating condition. EA is less invasive than PENS and can be carried out in the stable yard without the need for a hospital setting and expensive equipment. Six horses and ponies showing clinical signs of headshaking were treated with electroacupuncture of the infraorbital nerve under light sedation. The nerve was stimulated with alternating 2 and 80 Hz frequencies for a period of 25 min with the current adjusted so that there was visible twitching of the nostrils and/or lips. Follow-up treatments were given when the signs recurred or 4–7 days later if there was no initial response. The procedure was well tolerated by all the horses. Once a response was achieved, the period of remission often increased with subsequent treatments. Median remission time for the first treatment was 5.5 days (mean 7.6 days, range 0–13 days, n = 6). second treatment 8.5 days (mean 10.6 days, range 7–21 days, n = 6), third treatment 18 days (mean 28.8 days, range 6–71 days, n = 6), fourth treatment 47.5 days (mean 10 weeks, range 11 days–23 weeks, n = 6), fifth treatment 13 weeks 5 days (mean 18 weeks 5 days, range 5 weeks–46 weeks, n = 5), sixth treatment 24 days (mean 26 days, range 13–41 days, n = 3). The three horses that started treatment in 2015 received a single treatment in April or May of 2016 and were still asymptomatic at the end of the study period in October 2016. It was concluded that EA of the infraorbital nerve is an effective and well-tolerated treatment for the management of horses considered to be experiencing trigeminal-mediated headshaking.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the use of a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) vaccine in the treatment of headshaking in horses. Fifteen geldings received two doses of the GnRH vaccine four weeks apart. Serum was collected before and after vaccination to measure concentrations of luteinising hormone (LH) (10 horses) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (six horses). Owners recorded the frequency of seven common headshaking behaviours using a visual analogue scale (VAS) before vaccination and at two, four, eight, 12, 16 and 20 weeks after vaccination. Serum LH (P=0.008) and FSH (P=0.03) concentrations decreased significantly following vaccination. Although approximately one-third of the owners reported a subjective improvement in headshaking, serial scoring did not indicate a reduction in headshaking behaviours following vaccination with a commercial GnRH vaccine. Vaccination reactions were observed in four of 15 horses (27 per cent), including one case of severe, presumed immune-mediated, myositis.  相似文献   

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