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古树名木是大自然留给我们的珍贵遗产,是最适应于一个地方的土壤、气候等自然条件的优势树木。按照国务院1992年颁布的《城市绿化条例》、建设部2000年公布的《城市古树名木保护管理办法》规定:古树是指树龄在100年以上的树木;名木是指国内外稀有的以及具有历史价值和纪念  相似文献   

<正>孝义市共有古树名木单株56株,分属7科8属9种。一级古树21株,二级古树17株,三级古树18株。当前古树名木管理与保护中存在着一些问题,针对这些,我们提出合理保护开发古树名木资源的几点建议。一、古树名木的概念与保护的意义(一)古树、名木和古树后续资源的概念古树名木包括两个方面的内容:一是古树,指树龄在100年以上的树木。二是名木,指下列树木:⑴树种珍贵、稀有;⑵具有重要历史价值或  相似文献   

济南地区古树名木保护与复壮   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
古树名木历经千百年岁月的洗礼,是活的文物,也是珍贵的历史文化及旅游资源。在漫长的岁月里,古树名木历尽磨难,现已步入老年,一旦遭遇天灾人祸,容易丧失生机,而古树名木一旦失去,就不可再生。保护好古树名木,做好养护管理和复壮工作,对弘扬城市的悠久历史文化,丰富人们精神生活具有十分重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。本文介绍了济南地区古树名木的有关情况及具体保护复壮措施。  相似文献   

城市古树名木地理信息系统建设初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对当前城市古树名木在管理、维护和动态监测等方面存在的问题,阐明了建立城市古树名木地理信息系统(Urban Old and Famous Trees Geographic Information System,UOFTGIS)的重要意义。并在现有商业GIS软件基础上,按照城市园林部门对城市古树名木管理的需要,在城市古树名木地理信息系统的设计和功能开发方面进行了详细的探讨和实践。UOFTGIS的建立可满足城市古树名木管理标准化、规范化、信息化和数字化的要求。  相似文献   

破坏现象令人心痛 近年,城市绿化兴起城市森林热。一些城市在绿化中走出了片面追求草坪美化的误区,开始重视林木营造。城市绿化广栽树木,栽大树,改善绿地结构,城市绿化和生态环境明显改观。但是,一些地区和单位混淆了大树和古树的概念,到农村、山区购买古树名木,移植到城市装点庭园。有些单位挖空心思,不惜重金到外边高价购买古树,栽到院子里,吹嘘其单位历史文化如何久远。据浙江某县政府反映:某省的不法商贩到该县收购古树,当地农民为了经济利益,争相到山上采挖,造成当地生态严重破坏。一些山区农民从山上挖掘古树名木,先屯放在  相似文献   

正为加强古树名木保护,促进生态文明建设和经济社会协调发展,根据《中华人民共和国森林法》《城市古树名木保护管理办法》和《山东省森林资源管理条例》的规定,山东省莱芜市出台《古树名木保护管理办法》。《办法》所称古树,是指树龄在100年以上的树木;名木,是指树种稀有珍贵或具有重要历史、文化、科学研究价值和重大纪念意义的树木。古树名木的管护责任主体(以下称管护主体),按属地管理原则来确定。  相似文献   

古树名木信息查询网站构建——以东莞市建成区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于东莞市建成区古树名木的普查信息,利用计算机网络和数据库技术构建古树名木的数据库查询网站。该网站适用性强,使用方便,具有古树名木信息查询、树木区图查询、图片展示、留言本等功能,是宣传古树名木的重要窗口,对东莞市古树名木的保护和管理起到重要作用。  相似文献   

古树名木是林木资源中的瑰宝,是珍贵的文化遗产,也是社会文明与历史进步的见证.针对济南市古树名木存在的具体问题制定相应的保护措施,从风景园林视角总结提出相关保护措施,对后续古树名木保护工作开展,弘扬城市的历史文化,丰富人们的精神生活具有十分重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

古树名木:法律才是“保护伞”!   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古树即是树龄在百年以上的树木。名木(包括奇树 ,年龄不限 )是指具有重要历史价值和纪念意义的 ,或是树种珍贵、树形奇特属国内外稀有罕见的树木。自古以来 ,古树名木与中华文化交融一体 ,全国各地均有分布。据不完全统计 ,全国现有古树名木34万株 (不包括国有原始林区和自然保护区成群生长的古树 )。古树名木万株以上的省区由多到少依次为浙江、四川、北京、广西、广东、湖南、重庆、福建、贵州、江苏、江西等共11个省区 ,其它省区几千株、几百株不等 ,宁夏仅存十几株。有些古树名木有历史传说 ,是一部活的史书。如孙中山先生在广东栽…  相似文献   

保护古树名木,对保护物种资源,维护自然景观,美化生活环境,都具有十分重要的意义。因此,《湖南省林业条例》第十四条和第二十九条对古树名木的监管作出了以下规范:  1.古树名木的含义。古树名木包括树龄一百年以上的树木,稀有、珍贵的树木,具有历史价值或者重要纪念意义的树木。  2.古树名木的管理权。由县级以上人民政府林业主管部门或者其他有关主管部门按照职责进行登记,建立档案,设立标志,落实管护责任单位。这里所指的“其他有关主管部门”主要是城市园林管理部门和宗教事务管理部门。  3.古树名木的采伐、移植。《…  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-four jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and 85 marri (Corymbia calophylla) trees were measured and assessed, and the numbers and sizes of hollows in these trees were determined by destructive sampling; 665 hollows were located and measured. The relationship between tree diameter and tree age was determined from counts of annual growth rings on 162 of these trees. Large trees and trees with moderately senescent crowns individually bear the most hollows. Although the number of hollows found in individual trees increased with tree diameter, the distribution of tree diameters in the forest is skewed and the large number of small trees with diameters between 40 and 80 cm contribute approximately 50% of all hollows in the jarrah forest. The distributions of entry size, and of hollow depth, are highly skewed, with small hollows occurring more frequently than large hollows. Although jarrah trees bear more hollows than marri trees and the distribution of entry sizes is similar for both tree species, the hollows in jarrah are significantly smaller than the hollows in marri. Most hollows are cylindrical in shape, vertically oriented and occur in dead wood in the tree crown. Relatively few hollows (14%) occur in the tree bole or at crown break. Counts of hollows made from ground level are inaccurate as estimates of the actual number of hollows in trees.  相似文献   

From a sample of 665 hollows found in 154 jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and 85 marri (Corymbia calophylla), we identified 204 hollows in 84 trees that were potentially suited to one or more of 10 species of hollow using birds and mammals. Occurrence of these hollows increased with tree age, tree size, and species (marri bore more usable hollows than jarrah) and increased amounts of dead wood in tree crowns. Hollow occurrence was most likely in trees with moderately senescent crowns with damage to intermediate sized branches, and the largest hollows were more likely to occur in more highly senescent crowns. Evidence of termite invasion at the tree butt was not related to occurrence of hollows. For all but one of the birds and mammals we considered, dead trees were no more likely than live trees to contain hollows.

Our study indicates that for the purpose of forest management planning, 130 years can be taken as the typical minimum age for the formation of usable hollows in jarrah and marri. The current minimum prescribed diameter for “habitat trees” (trees retained in logged areas to supplement existing hollows), which corresponds to a mean age of 171 years, is thus a realistic minimum size for these retained trees. We recommend raising the prescribed range of crown senescence for retained habitat trees to increase the probability of providing large hollows suited to large species such as red-tailed black cockatoo, and common brushtail possum, and maternal hollows used by smaller species. Retaining the largest trees with appropriate crown attributes will substantially increase the probability that these trees will bear usable hollows.  相似文献   

应力波和超声波在立木无缺陷断面的传播速度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进行立木无损健康检测,采用Arbotom应力波成像系统、Resistograph针式阻抗仪和RSM-SY5超声仪对4个树种共计120株树分断面进行测试,研究超声波和应力波在立木108个无缺陷断面传播速度变化规律,并对比分析二者的差异和相关性。结果表明:1)采用8个测点对立木测试时,超声波和应力波在立木无缺陷断面具有类似的传播规律,即沿Path A(相邻两传感器)传播时速度最低,沿Path D(径向传播)传播时速度最高,从Path A到Path D传播速度呈递增的变化趋势;2)对于小叶杨、榆树、旱柳、水曲柳4种立木,Arbotom测得的无缺陷断面应力波径向传播速度平均值分别为788.46,1 025.45,940.62和1 146.06 m.s-1;RSM-SY5测得的超声波径向传播速度平均值分别为1 159.57,1 537.5,1 323.15和1 558.6 m.s-1;3)尽管Arbotom和RSM-SY5测得的应力波和超声波传播速度差值较大,但二者的径向传播速度具有显著正相关性,决定系数R2均在0.77以上,因此采用这2种仪器对立木进行无损检测都是可行的。  相似文献   

Many invertebrates, birds and mammals are dependent on hollow trees. For landscape planning that aims at persistence of species inhabiting hollow trees it is crucial to understand the development of such trees. In this study we constructed an individual-based simulation model to predict diameter distribution and formation of hollows in oak tree populations. Based on tree ring data from individual trees, we estimated the ages when hollow formation commences for pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) in southeast Sweden. At ages of about 200–300 years, 50% of the trees had hollows. Among trees <100 years old, less than 1% had hollows, while all >400-year-old trees had hollows. Hollows formed at earlier ages in fast-growing trees than in slow-growing trees, which may be because hollows are formed when big branches shed, and branches are thicker on fast-growing trees in comparison to slow-growing trees of the same age. The simulation model was evaluated by predicting the frequency of presence of hollows in relation to tree size in seven oak stands in the study area. The evaluation suggested that future studies should focus on tree mortality at different conditions. Tree ring methods on individual trees are useful in studies on development of hollow trees as they allow analysis of the variability in time for hollow formation among trees.  相似文献   

Tidal freshwater forested wetlands occupy a relatively narrow range, occurring where wind and lunar tides interact with coastal river systems, causing freshwater flooding onto the floodplain. A prominent component of this wetland type is hummock and hollow microtopography. Tidal freshwater forested wetlands along the Savannah River were differentiated into backswamp and streamside areas, and the degree to which trees occupied hummocks and hollows were compared at three scales: landscape (backswamp vs. streamside), tree community, and species (within community). The community- and species-level analyses were extended to determine whether trees were using either hummocks or hollows in a nonrandom manner. Trees in the backswamp setting were found to use hummocks more than trees in the streamside setting. At the community scale, three of the five treatment groups investigated differed based on the degree to which trees on hummocks outnumber trees in hollows. Further examination of microtopography usage confirmed that hummocks are used significantly more than hollows in two communities, both of which are located in the backswamp setting. Though no tree community used hollows significantly more than hummocks, species-level analyses confirmed that, within a specific tree community in the streamside setting, alder (Alnus serrulata [Ait.] Willd.) is found more in hollows than on hummocks. Fourteen different species between the two communities in the backswamp setting are found on hummocks more than in hollows, and only one species, sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.), is found more on hummocks than in hollows in the tree community in the streamside setting.  相似文献   

Hollow-bearing trees are an important ecological resource for many forest-dwelling species throughout the world. Assessments of the abundance and characteristics of tree hollows usually involve ground-based surveys. These are likely to be biased because of the distance over which the assessments are made. We demonstrate the use of double-sampling theory to correct this bias in order to provide the most efficient estimate of hollow abundance. A sample of 40 Eucalyptus leucoxylon (yellow gum) trees located at Yarra Bend Park, Melbourne, were climbed and assessed for hollows through close-up inspection. The results were compared to ground-based surveys conducted by individuals with varying levels of experience in assessing tree hollows. Strong correlations (r=0.57−0.83) were found between climbing and ground surveys and amongst ground surveys. Those ground surveyors who took more time with their surveys generally identified a higher proportion of hollows (Spearman’s r2=0.72), although all ground surveys underestimated hollow frequency. The proportion of hollows identified by each observer (range 0.09–0.44) remained approximately constant across all tree diameter size classes, indicating systematic underestimation of hollow frequency. The relative efficiency of ground surveys in comparison to climbing surveys is dependent on the time taken for each survey method and the strength of the relationship between them. Although climbing surveys provided the standard for hollow detection, in all cases, the quicker ground surveys were found to increase the efficiency of hollow assessments. Therefore, it was determined that efficient surveys of hollow occurrence could be undertaken by inexperienced surveyors with periodic climbing surveys to measure and correct for bias.  相似文献   

对核桃林(产前期、初果期、盛果期)分别施用不同绿肥及施肥次数试验,结果表明:产前期以冠幅生长差异最显著,其次是树高,差异最小的是地径,以施混合肥及一年施3次的生长最好;初果期以冠幅生长和产量差异最显著,其次是地径,差异最小的是树高,以施混合施肥和一年施3次的生长最好;盛果期以产量差异最显著,其次是冠幅,差异最小的是地径和树高,施用混合肥产量每株年增产10.5kg。从外观上看,施用沼液和硼砂加硫酸锌肥料的,核桃林木叶片更绿、更大、更厚;不施肥和就地埋茅草、枯枝落叶的林木叶子变黄,而且落叶早。  相似文献   

This paper details predictive models of tree-level hollow incidence for State forests in central and eastern Victoria. Models are based on the hollows component of the Statewide Forest Resource Inventory (SFRI), the most comprehensive database of hollow incidence in Australia. A two-stage methodology was used at the individual tree-level that in its first-stage generated a statement of the probability of hollows presence, and in its second-stage estimated the size of hollows. The hierarchical nature of SFRI data prompted the search for statistical methodology capable of explicitly modelling a complicated error structure. Subsequently, generalised linear mixed models (GLMMs) were used to estimate first-stage, tree-level models in the presence of spatial and nested dependence. The developed models were statistically and biologically plausible and performed well when validated using independent data. By overcoming the limitations facing previous research associated with insufficient data and inappropriate statistical methodology viable predictive models were developed. Tree-level models will help us understand patterns of hollow incidence, can be used for predictive purposes when individual-tree information is available, and can improve habitat tree retention guidelines.  相似文献   

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