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我国亚麻生产机械化及产业发展建议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
亚麻是我国极具特色的经济作物.其纤维是纺织用的最佳天然原料.在我国亚麻生产中存在诸多问题,为此,本文论述发展亚麻产业的意义,阐述我国亚麻生产机械化、品种繁育、种植技术及产业发展等方面的现状,从中查找我国与国外发达国家的差距,针对我国亚麻产业发展中存在的主要问题.提出发展我国亚麻产业的建议.  相似文献   

发展我国风力发电   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高良润 《排灌机械》2009,27(2):134-136
论述了我国能源发展的基本方针,即:节能为本,多元发展,通过科学用能和积极开发国内外资源,为建立充足、清洁、经济和安全的可持续发展的能源结构打下基础.介绍和分析了世界风力发电概况、我国风力发电概况、我国风力发电机组研制概况.截至2005年,我国排名世界第5位、亚洲第2位;我国风电机组的研制一般是引进与合作制造.论述了我国风力发电的发展方向,即我国大型并网风电机组的研制要走引进、消化、吸收、创新的自主开发道路;今后要积极开发大容量海上风能资源,建设海上风力发电场.  相似文献   

牧草种子作为草业生产的物质基础,其加工水平将严重影响牧草产业乃至畜牧业的发展.长期以来,我国生产的牧草种子存在产量低、质量差、市场竞争力低的问题.要从根本上解决上述问题,促进牧草种子生产的标准化、商品化,就必须加快发展我国牧草种子加工机械化的步伐.为此,从我国牧草种子的市场需求、加工工艺、加工装备水平等3方面初步分析了我国牧草种子机械化加工的现状,提出了发展我国牧草种子机械化加工能力的对策和措施.  相似文献   

我国的国土面积广阔,水稻种植面积比较广泛,水稻便成为了我国众多粮食作物中最重要的类型.同时,我国在南北城市、农村地区的地形条件、气候条件等都存在着很大的差异,因此各地区的种植方式也存在着差异.虽然我国的水稻种植具有几千年的历史,但传统的水稻种植一直采用纯人工种植,效益低下、劳累辛苦度高.江苏省是我国的一个水稻大省.随着...  相似文献   

从我国农业机械化不足的现实问题出发,分析影响我国农业机械化的制度困境.认为家庭联产承包责任制的基本农地制度、农地产权制度、户籍制度以及农地制度相关联的融资制度,是制约我国农业机械化发展的制度因素.并提出增强我国农业机械化发展水平的的制度改革建议.  相似文献   

一、我国甘蔗机械化生产现状 我国是世界产糖大国.甘蔗是我国制糖工业的主要原料,蔗糖产量占总产糖量的90%以上.甘蔗种植区域主要分布在广西、云南、广东、海南等省区,常年种植约2400万亩,四省区种植面积分别约为1500万亩、500万亩、250万亩、120万亩.随着改革深入和经济发展,我国农村劳动力结构发生深刻变化,机械化已成为甘蔗产业的迫切需求,是提高劳动生产率、降低生产成本、减轻农民劳动强度、促进我国糖业发展的关键.  相似文献   

以色列土地贫瘠,全国近2/3的土地是沙漠,且水资源极其贫乏,比我国大多数地区发展农业的条件更为恶劣.但以色列面对恶劣的自然环境,却实现了农业的高速、高度和可持续发展,其成功经验是值得我国借鉴的.为此,从高科技装备、节水滴灌技术、生态农业等方面探究了以色列农业的成功经验.以色列的许多理念、方案和技术值得我国学习和借鉴,为我国农业的发展提供了参考的依据.  相似文献   

伦冠德 《农机化研究》2007,(7):229-230,233
我国农业必须走可持续发展的道路,其核心是发展,关键是人口、资源、环境和经济的良性互动关系的确立.为此,分析了可持续发展概念的内涵及可持续发展的基本原则,并针对我国农业的具体情况,提出了我国农业可持续发展的几种模式;同时,分析了我国农业机械化与农业可持续发展的关系.研究表明,要实现我国农业可持续发展的战略目标,必须重视农业机械化事业的发展.  相似文献   

我国经济林生产现状及发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经济林是我国五大林种之一,相对于用材林而言,具有投资周期短、见效快、经济效益显著等特点,是我国商品林的重要组成部分.阐述经济林在我国经济建设中的重要作用,介绍我国经济林生产现状,剖析经济林生产中存在的问题,展望经济林的发展趋势.  相似文献   

加入世界贸易组织为我国种业发展带来一定的机遇,但也使其面临着具备资金、技术和经营优势的国际跨国种业集团的挑战.分析新形势下我国种业发展存在的主要问题,提出加快我国种业发展的几点建议,以把我国种业做大、做强.  相似文献   

我国县级农业机械化发展的现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
县级农业机械化行业虽然通过近30年的努力,不断壮大成为促进农业现代化发展和繁荣农村经济的支柱产业。但是,还存在农村剩余劳动力多、劳动力文化素质低、农机的管理体制不健全等诸多问题,阻碍了农业机械化事业的发展。为此,提出了在今后一段时间内农机行业应进一步转变观念,开拓创新,确立在市场经济体制下走多元化农机化发展道路,因地制宜地发展不同类型区域的农业机械化,完善和加强乡镇农机管理服务体系的建设,逐步达到农机服务市场化、服务组织实体化、企业群体产业化,形成多层次、多功能、多形式的农机服务网络。  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1998,56(3):289-304
The interactions between agricultural price and research policies are formally addressed in this article in order to avoid biased estimates of the benefits to Chile from indigenous and international agricultural research and development. Government pricing policies influenced the innovative behavior of the main Chilean public research institution and reduced the benefits from cost-reducing research benefits relative to those obtained under free trade conditions. Despite the existence of market distortions caused by commodity price policies, Chilean welfare gains from public agricultural research were positive. However, these net economic surplus changes would have been higher if output price interventions would have been aimed at reducing distortions and putting producer prices more in line with international prices.  相似文献   

李兴  王健 《农业工程》2013,3(3):142-145
随着农业机械化水平的提高,农村产生越来越多的剩余劳动力。乡村旅游作为劳动密集型产业,为农村剩余劳动力转移提供了场所,代表了我国现代农业的一种新的发展模式。该文从乡村旅游的概念出发,根据乡村旅游的调研资料展现的主要特征,将乡村旅游分为6大类。兼论分析不同阶段的乡村旅游业对农村剩余劳动力的转移效应,通过案例剖析说明开展乡村旅游在促进农村经济发展中的主要影响。   相似文献   

薛佳 《农业工程》2020,10(1):119-121
受到经济发展要素分布不平衡的影响,我国的经济结构具有显著的二元性,社会城镇化以及工业化水平较低,农村整体生产水平不高。该文以我国二元经济结构为研究对象,分析应该如何构建符合我国国情与经济发展实际的城乡双向商贸流通体系,以期为提高城乡经济发展的协同性提供一定的参考,为实现中国梦奠定坚实的经济基础。   相似文献   

The direct payment system of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) provides income transfers to European farmers. Recently, several countries including England and Sweden have advocated the elimination of direct payments after 2013. The extent to which an elimination of direct payments would affect the land use dynamics in Europe including impacts on structural change and the environment has not been addressed in the existing literature. In this paper, we combine participatory methods, to analyze regional preferences for functions and effects of agriculture, and farm-level modeling, to assess the impacts of such a policy change on farm structures and land use intensities in four European regions located in Germany, Denmark, Italy and Poland, each with different socio-economic and biophysical characteristics. In each region, the entire farm population consisting of different farm types with different production orientations and land management types was modeled under the presence and absence of direct payments using a combination of agent-based and bio-economic modeling. We found that the initial characteristics of the regions, such as the historical farm structure and regional site conditions, greatly influence the impact of direct support elimination and cause regionally different development trends. The results for the four regions were summarized in four specific storylines that emphasize how much the diversity of European regions matters for future policy decisions. An explicitly regional focus is, therefore, argued to be crucial to complement future policy analysis.  相似文献   

刘艳  徐辉 《湖南农机》2007,(5):57-58
近年来,我国农民人均收入增幅呈连年下降趋势,其根源就是我国落后的粗放式的农业生产方式无法在有限资源的条件下容纳大量的农村剩余劳动力,因此发展更具有可持续发展前景的就成为了解决我国农业问题的根本出路,为此需要用循环经济的运作规律来防治农业点源和面源污染;要以农业循环经济引导传统农业向工业型大农业发展,引导资源耗费型农业向资源循环利用型农业转化;加快传统农业向工业型大农业发展的步伐,培植农业循环经济载体。  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1998,56(2):167-183
Animal production in the Flemish region and pig production in particular is intensive and causing external problems related to manure disposal. At a regional level, manure disposal can be regarded as a problem of distributing the manure from farms with a surplus to farms with a shortage or to disposal alternatives. Total disposal costs will depend on the amount of manure surplus and on the location dependent disposal cost per unit. Disposal costs are an economic incentive for structural changes and cost abatement investments at farm level which will, in turn, influence the regional disposal. In order to simulate these interactions, an integrated system of models describing the regional manure disposal coordination system is developed, composed of a farm level component, an aggregation module and a regional disposal model. The possibilities for disposal cost abatement at farm level are analysed through LP modelling of representative farms. Incentives for structural change are derived from the shadow prices of the housing and land constraints in the model. Manure separation is analysed as an example of cost abatement investments.  相似文献   

A gravity model was used (1) to synthesise the system of economic—and, to some extent, political—influences which determined the multilateral flow of tropical logs during the period 1967 to 1973 and (2) to evaluate the changes in the relative importance of these factors over time. Shipping distance was found to be the most important determinant of trade intensity, with lesser but significant roles being played by size of the importing country, relative price in the importing and exporting country, level of development and wood availability of the exporter and total volume of trade between countries. Trade preferences corresponding to old colonial ties played a minor, although statistically significant, role in determining the volume of log trade. The influence of most variables influencing trade was found to be stable over the period of observation, except for a systematic shift in the role of per capita income, reflecting a rapid movement of exporting countries towards domestic processing of logs.  相似文献   

开封市农业机械化与农村剩余劳动力转移问题浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简述了农业机械化与农村剩余劳动力转移的现状及问题,浅析了二者之间的关系。农村剩余劳动力的转移必然将大量土地集中在农业生产能手中。要达到规模化经营、减轻劳动强度、提高劳动效率,必须加大对农业机械的投入力度,全面提高农机化水平。农业机械化的发展为劳动力向非农产业转移提供了保证。  相似文献   

基于工业循环冷却水系统构成方式的研究,归纳出了3种典型的循环水系统:冷热水串联系统、冷热水独立系统和循环水回水开敞式系统.通过对循环冷却水系统中剩余能量的分析发现:无论构成方式如何,其系统余能一般在5~30 m左右,少数可达到50 m左右,都属中低水头余能系统.根据循环冷却水余能特点,提出了3种典型的余能利用方式:水轮-风机组余能利用方式、小型或微型水轮发电装置向外送电的余能利用方式和透平泵余能利用方式.针对3种余能利用方式,指出了各自的关键技术或存在的问题:水轮-风机组的关键是超低比转数水轮机的设计,但其成本较高、效率较低、机型单一,现缺乏对超低比转数水轮机内部流场的研究;余能发电的关键在于水轮机的选型及其循环水的保护和发电机逆功率保护;透平泵的关键是水轮机或者反转水泵的设计,并且水泵反转作水力透平在工作过程、设计理论与方法、流道型式等方面与水轮机存在很大差异.因此,透平泵中透平部分是选反转水泵、水轮机,还是水泵水轮机,应经过经济技术比较才能确定.  相似文献   

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