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Two trials were conducted to determine effects of feeding corncobs, rice hulls or a combination of both on nutrient digestion and flow of digesta through the gastrointestinal tract of multiple-cannulated sheep (55-kg Rambouillet X Dorset rams; trial 1; 4 X 4 Latin square) as well as ruminal, digestive and metabolic characteristics of early-weaned lambs (24.1-kg crossbred rams; trial 2; randomized complete block design; 3 periods) fed pelleted 75% concentrate-25% roughage diets. In trial 1, apparent total tract dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibilities decreased and N digestibility increased as percentage of dietary corncobs decreased and percentage of rice hulls increased. Site of NDF digestion appeared to shift from the upper to the lower digestive tract as percentage of corncobs decreased and percentage of rice hulls increased. In trial 2, apparent DM digestibility decreased as corncobs were replaced with rice hulls in the diet. Neutral detergent fiber digestibility was not affected by diet except in larger lambs at higher intakes, with NDF digestibility generally decreasing as percentage of dietary rice hulls increased. Nitrogen digestibility was not affected by replacing corncobs with rice hulls in the diet. Ruminal pH decreased as rice hulls replaced corncobs in the diet. These data are interpreted to indicate that rice hulls can be effectively substituted for corncobs in sheep diets when added at levels up to 25% of the total diet.  相似文献   

试验选用3只健康,并装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的杂种羯绵羊,采用3×3无重复拉丁方试验设计。研究以玉米秸、小麦秸和苜蓿草为粗料的全颗粒饲粮中添加不同水平酵母培养物(YC)对绵羊饲粮中氮的消化与代谢的影响。试验用饲粮为基础饲粮+0%YC、基础饲粮+1.5%YC和基础饲粮+3%YC,基础饲粮粗精比为67∶33。试验分3期,每期16d,全期48d。试验结果表明:全饲粮颗粒料中添加YC,对粗蛋白质表观消化率无显著影响(P>0.05),但显著提高了氮的存留率(P=0.022);添加YC,对瘤胃液总氮、氨氮、尿素氮及蛋白氮浓度无显著影响(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

16只体重相近,均值为(34.06±1.68)kg的杂交公羔羊按单因素随机设计原理被分成4组,每组4只,日粮中添加0%,5%,10%,15%亚麻籽进行消化代谢试验,研究不同水平的亚麻籽对绵羊消化代谢的影响。结果表明:随着亚麻籽添加水平的提高,干物质的采食量表现下降的趋势,但干物质的表观消化率各组间没有差异(P>0.05);亚麻籽的含量与可消化氮和沉积氮呈现负相关趋势,氮的表观消化率各组间差异显著(P<0.05),呈现逐渐递减的现象;有机物的表观消化率变化幅度不大,前3组差异不显著(P>0.05),添加15%亚麻籽的Ⅳ组与其他组比较差异显著;粗脂肪的表观消化率与亚麻籽的添加水平呈正相关,且各组间表现显著;纤维类物质中性洗涤纤维(NDF)和酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)随着亚麻籽添加水平的增加而表现大幅度的下降,各组间差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

In a 6 x 6 Latin square arrangement, sheep of 41 kg body weight were fed myristic acid [C14:0; 50 g/kg dry matter (DM)] supplemented to two basal diets of forage : concentrate ratios of 1 : 1.5 and 1 : 0.5 and adjusted to dietary calcium (Ca) contents of either 4.2 or 9.0 g/kg DM (the latter only together with C14:0 supplementation). Various variables of energy, fatty acid and Ca metabolism were determined in combined digestibility and respiratory chamber measurements. With C14:0 addition the energy loss via the faeces increased (p < 0.05, post hoc test) without affecting energy digestibility of the complete diet. The apparent digestibility of supplemented C14:0 was higher (p < 0.01) with approximately 0.8 in the forage-based diet than in the concentrate-based diet (approximately 0.6). The elevated levels of plasma C14:0 were mainly accompanied by reduced C18:0 and C18:1 levels. The estimated apparent content of metabolizable energy (ME) of added C14:0 was either 24.5 MJ/kg (concentrate-based diet) or 32.1 MJ/kg (forage-based diet). Extra Ca equalized these differences between basal diets and ME contents amounted to 33.0 MJ/kg on average. As expected from corresponding slight shifts in energy metabolizability, the total efficiency of ME utilization increased (p < 0.1) with C14:0. The lower level of dietary Ca was still within the range recommended, but adding C14:0 to the concentrate-based diet reduced Ca retention in the body of the sheep from 0.9 to -0.1 g/day because of an impaired (p < 0.05, post hoc test) net Ca absorption, whereas no effect was found with the forage-based diet. With C14:0 addition, plasma total phosphorus (P) and serum calcitrol levels increased (p < 0.05, post hoc test) while Ca concentrations did not clearly reflect the reduced net Ca absorption. Increasing the dietary Ca content prevented adverse effects on Ca retention in the concentrate-based diet and improved Ca retention in the forage-based diet. In conclusion, the C14:0 supplementation reduced Ca availability in concentrate-based diets while an additional supply of Ca improved Ca and energy retention. Consequently, Ca supply should exceed recommended levels in diet types where dietary lipids are likely to reduce Ca availability and a compromise in basal diet type has to found to be able to profit best from the energetic value and the methane-suppressing properties of C14:0.  相似文献   

Four Simmental steers with ruminal, duodenal, and ileal cannulas were used to examine effects of dietary forage: concentrate ratio and supply of ruminally degradable true protein on site of nutrient digestion and net ruminal microbial protein synthesis. Steers (345 kg) were fed ammoniated corn cob (high forage; HF)- or corn cob/ground corn/cornstarch (low forage; LF)-based diets supplemented with soybean meal (SBM) or a combination of corn gluten meal and blood meal (CB). Diets were fed at 2-h intervals with average DM intake equal to 2.2% of BW. Feeding LF vs HF increased (P less than .05) OM digestion (percentage of intake) in the stomach, small intestine, and total tract. Efficiency of microbial CP synthesis (EMCP; g of N/kg of OM truly fermented) decreased (P less than .05) for LF vs HF (24.1 vs 26.8), but microbial N and total N flows to the small intestine were similar (P greater than .05) between energy levels (average 112 and 209 g/d, respectively). Total N flows to the small intestine were 13.1% greater (P less than .05) for CB than for SBM because of increased (P less than .05) passage of nonmicrobial N. Feeding SBM vs CB increased (P less than .05) EMCP (27.3 vs 23.3) and microbial N flow to the small intestine (127.5 vs 112.5 g/d), but these increases were not likely due to increased ruminal concentrations of ammonia N (NH3 N). Decreased (P less than .05) incorporation of NH3 N into bacterial N and slower turnover rates of ruminal NH3 N for SBM vs CB suggest that direct incorporation of preformed diet components into cell mass increased when SBM was fed. Results of this study suggest that the inclusion of ruminally degradable protein in the diet may increase the supply of products from proteolysis and that this can increase EMCP and microbial protein flow to the small intestine.  相似文献   

Eight wether lambs fitted with ruminal, duodenal, and ileal cannulas were used in a replicated 4 x 4 Latin square design to study the effects of carbohydrate and protein sources on ruminal protein metabolism and carbohydrate fermentation and intestinal amino acid (AA) absorption. Treatments were arranged as a 2 x 2 factorial. Carbohydrate sources were corn and barley; protein sources were soybean meal (SBM) and fish meal (FM). Diets contained 15.5% CP, of which 40% was supplied by SBM or FM. Corn or barley provided 39% of dietary DM that contained equal amounts of grass hay and wheat straw. Fish meal diets produced a lower (P less than .05) ruminal NH3 concentration and resulted in less CP degradation and bacterial protein flow to the duodenum than did SBM diets. Replacing SBM with FM increased (P less than .05) ruminal digestion of all fiber fractions. In addition, cellulose and hemicellulose digestibilities in the rumen tended to increase (P greater than .05) when barley replaced corn in the FM diets. Carbohydrate x protein interactions (P less than .05) were observed for OM digestion in the rumen and AA absorption in the small intestine (percentage of AA entering); these interactions were highest for the barley-FM diet. These results suggest that feeding FM with barley, which is high in both degradable carbohydrate and protein, might benefit ruminants more than feeding FM with corn, which is high in degradable carbohydrate but relatively low in degradable protein.  相似文献   

Pea starch consists predominantly of C-type of amylopectin chain which is more resistant to digestive enzymes than A-type of starch thus slowly digested in poultry. It was hypothesized that the presence of slowly digested pea starch in broiler diets will increase net energy and the efficiency of energy utilization in broilers. Two experiments were performed to investigate starch digestibility of pea at different incubation times (in vitro study) and the effect of dietary pea on heat increment and net energy in broilers using an open-circuit respiratory calorimetry system (in vivo study). One-day-old Ross 308 male broilers were fed a common starter crumble from d 1 to 10 and standard grower diets thereafter. At d 21, birds were transferred to the chambers each housing 2 birds. Each treatment was replicated 6 times with 2 identical runs of 3 replicates per treatment. A wheat-soybean meal-based diet was used as a control and the treatment diet contained 500 g of pea/kg pea. In vitro study showed that pellet processing increased (P < 0.001) starch digestibility, particularly at shorter times for wheat and a much larger response for pea. Birds offered the pea-based diet had lower (P = 0.002) feed intake, lower (P = 0.020) body weight gain, but a similar (P > 0.05) FCR compared to those offered the wheat-based diet. Net energy (NE) and apparent metabolizable energy (AME) values were higher in the pea-based diet than in the wheat-based diet (P = 0.037 for NE and P = 0.018 for AME). Heat production, respiratory quotient, heat increment of feed, efficiency of utilization of gross energy for AME, and efficiency of utilization of AME for NE did not differ (P > 0.05) between the 2 treatments. There was no effect (P > 0.05) of pea on the total tract digestibilities of dry matter, crude protein and ash, but the total tract digestibility of starch was higher (P = 0.022) in the pea-based diet compared to the wheat-based diet. This study provides insight into the energy metabolism of broilers offered a pea-based diet and indicates that dietary pea supplementation increases dietary AME and NE but has no effect on heat increment of feed and the efficiency of energy utilization in broilers.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to determine the influences of supplemental nonprotein N or protein on feed intake, digestibility, and postabsorptive N metabolism in sheep fed a high-concentrate diet for ad libitum consumption. Nine Romanov-sired, crossbred wethers (13 mo old; 52 kg) were fitted with catheters in a mesenteric artery, mesenteric vein, portal vein, and hepatic vein. Wethers consumed a 95% concentrate diet ad libitum. Treatments consisted of control (no supplemental N; 6.6% CP) or supplemental urea (11.4% CP), soybean meal (SBM; 11.2% CP) or ruminally undegradable protein (BFM; 11.2% CP; 50:50 blood meal and feather meal). Intake or apparently digested intake of DM, OM, and energy did not differ between control and N-supplemented (P > 0.40), or between urea- and protein-supplemented (P > 0.40), but were greater (P < 0.05) in SBM- than in BFM-supplemented wethers. Intake and apparently digested intake of N were less (P < 0.01) in wethers fed the control diet than in those receiving N supplementation but were less (P = 0.03) in BFM- than in SBM-supplemented wethers. Neither portal nor hepatic venous blood flows differed (P > 0.15) among treatments. Net portal release and hepatic uptake of alpha-amino N and ammonia N and hepatic release of urea N were greater (P < 0.05) in wethers supplemented with N than in controls, but portal-drained viscera (PDV) uptake of urea N did not differ (P > 0.40) among diets. Splanchnic release of a-amino N and ammonia N did not differ from 0 or among diets (P > 0.10), but net release of urea N was less (P = 0.05) for control than for sheep receiving N supplementation. No differences (P > 0.10) in blood concentration within vessel or net flux across PDV, hepatic, or splanchnic tissues of alpha-amino N, ammonia N, or urea N were observed among wethers receiving supplemental N. Net uptake of oxygen by the PDV did not differ among diets, but hepatic uptake was less (P < 0.05) in control and urea-supplemented sheep than in sheep receiving SBM or BFM. These observations suggest that the source of supplemental N had no large effects on the overall N economy of the animals used in this study.  相似文献   

The effects of two types of nondigestible oligosaccharides (NDO), fructooligosaccharides (FOS), and transgalactooligosaccharides (TOS) were studied on growing and weanling pigs' nutrient digestion. Dietary NDO were included at the expense of purified cellulose. Twenty-five 57-d-old growing pigs, averaging 15.9+/-.6 kg on d 0 of the experiment, were fed a corn-based control diet or the control with 6.8 or 13.5 g of FOS/kg or 4.0 or 8.0 g of TOS/kg (five pigs per diet). Feces were collected on d 28 to 32, and small-intestinal digesta were collected (slaughter technique) on d 42 to 47 of the experiment. Feeds, feces, and digesta were analyzed for DM, inorganic matter, CP, ether extract, and crude fiber. Dietary NDO did not significantly affect apparent fecal and small intestinal digestion of nutrients in growing pigs. After being fed a NDO-free diet through d 10 after weaning, 38-d-old weanling pigs (n = 20), averaging 10.4+/-.8 kg on d 0 of the experiment, were fed a control diet (based on cornstarch, casein, and oat husk meal) or the control with 10 or 40 g of FOS or TOS/kg (four pigs per diet). Feces and urine were collected on d 13 to 17, and ileal digesta were collected via a postvalve T-cecum cannula on d 33 to 37 of the experiment. Feeds, feces, and digesta were analyzed for DM, inorganic matter, CP, ether extract, starch, NDF, ADF, ADL, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Cu, and Zn. Nonstarch neutral-detergent soluble carbohydrates (NNSC) completed the mass balance for the carbohydrates. Urine was analyzed for N and minerals. The apparent fecal digestion of NNSC increased in the NDO-supplemented diets. The TOS-fed pigs tended (P<.10) to have a higher apparent fecal digestion of CP than the FOS-fed and control pigs but excreted more N via the urine (P<.01). Nitrogen and mineral balances were not affected. The FOS was nearly completely degraded prececally. Mean fiber digestion was lower at the fecal compared with the ileal level, as was the extent of NDO effects. This indicates that fiber digestion requires more than 2 wk to adapt to dietary NDO. Apparent ileal digestion of hemicellulose increased for the NDO-supplemented diets (P<.05), but that of NNSC decreased (P<.001). Thus, under the well-controlled conditions of this experiment, dietary NDO hardly affected nutrient digestion in well-kept growing and weanling pigs. However, digestion of dietary nonstarch carbohydrates may be affected.  相似文献   

A trial was conducted to determine the effect of level and source of dietary fiber on N and OM excretion by cattle on finishing diets. One hundred twenty steers were stratified by weight and allotted to one of the following treatments: 7.5% roughage (7.5% R), wet corn gluten feed (WCGF; 41.5% of dietary DM), and all-concentrate (All Con) diet. Cattle were fed for 87 d during the summer with 23.7 m2 of pen area per animal. Steers fed the WCGF diet had heavier final weights, greater DMI, and higher ADG (P < .01) than the 7.5% R and All Con treatments. Steers fed All Con had lower (P < .01) DMI than the other two treatments. Nitrogen and OM mass balances in the feedlot were quantified. Main components were nutrient input, retention, and excretion. Nitrogen and OM intake of steers fed WCGF were greater (P < .05) than those of steers fed the other treatments. The WCGF treatment had a greater percentage of fecal N output (P < .05). The All Con treatment had a greater (P < .01) percentage of urinary N than WCGF and 7.5% R diets. Steers fed the WCGF treatment excreted more (P < .01) OM compared with the other treatments, which led to more N and OM being removed in manure at cleaning. The All Con treatment had more (P < .01) N and OM in runoff than the other treatments. Nutrition can change site of fermentation, which affects the composition of excreted material; however, total amount of N excreted may be more important than route of excretion in decreasing N losses to the environment and maximizing recovery in manure.  相似文献   

脲酶抑制剂氢醌对绵羊营养物质消化率和氮代谢的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以饼类饲料饲喂反刍动物时,饲料的真蛋白质平均只有30%通过瘤胃,而其余70%则在瘤胃内被微生物降解,所产生的氨只有80%被转化成微生物蛋白质,其余的20%则在肝脏内合成内源尿素,参加尿素再循环的代谢途径。Satter等(1975)认为,饲料蛋白质在瘤胃内大量降解时增加了内源尿素周转环节,造成浪费。当日粮内含有尿素时,由于尿素分解太快,氨的释放速度超过了微生物对其利用的速度,使微生物对尿素的利用量减少。因此,在日粮中使用脲酶抑制剂是减缓瘤胃内尿素的分解速度,增加小肠菌体蛋白质的供应量,节约优质蛋白质的…  相似文献   

A 4 x 4 Latin square metabolism trial with 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was conducted with lambs to determine effects of energy and CP supplementation of wheat straw-based (WS) diets on apparent N digestion, retention, and flow to the abomasum. Four wether lambs (average weight, 32 kg) fitted with ruminal and abomasal cannulas were fed 70 vs 42% WS (remainder of the diet was concentrate) and 9.5 vs 12.5% CP. Ruminal and total tract DM and OM digestion was 41 and 33% greater (P less than .03) for high-energy than for low-energy diets. Apparent N digestibility was greater (P less than .05) for 12.5% CP than for 9.5% CP diets (69.2 vs 62.0%, respectively) and also greater (P less than .03) for high-energy than for low-energy diets (67.4 vs 63.7%, respectively). High-energy diets resulted in a 23% greater (P less than .03) N retention (percentage of N intake) than did low-energy diets; 12.5% CP diets resulted in a 9% greater N retention (P less than .10) than did 9.5% CP diets. Nitrogen retention (percentage of N digested) was 15% higher (P less than .03) for high-energy than for low-energy diets. Protein level had no effect (P greater than .10). Nitrogen retention (grams/day) was 5.65, 6.97, 5.28, and 7.43 for low-energy, high-energy, low-protein, and high-protein diets, respectively; there were responses to energy level (P less than .03) and protein level (P less than .05). Total N flow (grams/day) to the abomasum did not differ (P greater than .10) due to treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

试验旨在研究不同能量水平低氮饲粮对藏羊表观消化率、氮代谢和生长性能的影响,为高寒地区反刍家畜冷季补饲提供参考。选取1.5周岁、体重(48.5±1.89) kg和体况相近的健康去势藏羊24只,随机分为低能(LE)、中低能(MLE)、中高能(MHE)和高能(HE)4个处理组,每组6个重复。试验饲粮的粗蛋白质(CP)含量相近[(6.97±0.05)%]而能量不同,其消化能(DE)水平分别为8.21、9.33、10.45和11.57 MJ·kg-1。经过49 d的饲养和全收粪尿法,结果表明:1)藏羊的干物质(DM)、粗蛋白质(CP)、总能(GE)采食量在各处理组间基本相同(P>0.05),其中DM、GE表观消化率都随着能量水平的提高而线性增加(P<0.05);2)当饲粮能量水平升高时,藏羊血清尿素氮(BUN)浓度线性增加(P<0.05),而游离脂肪酸(FFA)浓度却线性降低(P<0.05);3)随着饲粮能量水平升高,藏羊尿氮排出量线性降低(P<0.05),氮平衡和氮沉积率均线性升高(P<0.05),并且氮沉积率(NDR,%)与饲粮能量水平(DE, MJ·kg-1)呈显著线性正相关,其关系式为NDR=5.2143DE-39.006(R2=0.9616,n=24);4)藏羊的平均日增重(ADG)随着饲粮能量水平的提高而线性增加(P<0.05),除LE组外,其余ADG都为正值。上述研究结果表明,藏羊的蛋白和能量维持需要量较低,低氮条件下提高能量水平可改善藏羊的饲料营养消化率、氮代谢以及生长性能。  相似文献   

Five ruminally, duodenally, and ileally cannulated sheep (average BW 62 kg) were fed 65% roughage: 35% concentrate diets (CP = 15%) in a 5 x 5 Latin square design to study the applicability of using a combination of defaunation with N supplements (soybean meal [SBM], corn gluten meal [CGM], blood meal [BM], urea, and casein) with different extents of ruminal degradation to manipulate microbial protein synthesis and amount of ruminal escape protein. Diets were fed twice daily (1,759 g DM/d). Defaunation was accomplished with 30-ml doses of alkanate 3SL3 (active ingredient: sodium lauryl diethoxy sulfate)/sheep daily for 3 d with 2 d of fasting. Treatment 1 (control) involved feeding faunated sheep a diet in which the supplemental N (45% of total dietary N) was 67% SBM N and 33% urea N. Treatment 2 involved feeding defaunated sheep the same diet as the control. Treatments 3, 4, and 5 involved feeding defaunated sheep diets in which the supplemental N source was either 67% CGM-BM (1:1 N ratio) N:33% urea N, or 33% CGM-BM N:67% urea N or 33% CGM-BM N:33% urea N:33% casein N, respectively. Compared with the faunated control, defaunation decreased (P less than .05) ruminal ammonia concentration (19 vs 26 mg/dl) and increased (P less than .05) CP flow to the duodenum (253 vs 214 g/d) due to a trend for increases in both bacterial (BCP) and nonbacterial (NBCP) CP flows.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Five ruminally fistulated 3-yr-old mature Holstein steers (average BW 691+/-23 kg) were used in a 5 x 5 Latin square experiment with a 2 x 2 + 1 fact orial arrangement of treatments. Effects of protein concentration and protein source on nutrient digestibility, excretion of DM and fecal N, ruminal fluid volume and dilution rate, ruminal characteristics, and in situ DM disappearance of whole shelled corn, ground corn, and orchardgrass hay were measured in steers limit-fed high-concentrate diets at 1.5% of BW. A negative control basal diet (NC; 9% CP) was supplemented to achieve either 11 or 14% CP; supplemental CP was either from soybean meal (11 and 14% SBM) or a 50:50 ratio of CP from urea and soybean meal (11 and 14% U). Dry matter and OM digestibilities were 5% greater (P < .07) for steers fed the SBM diets than for those fed the U diets. Starch digestibility did not differ (P > .10) among steers fed any of the diets. Nitrogen source did not affect (P > .10) apparent N digestibility or fecal N excretion; however, steers fed the NC diet had the lowest (P < .10) apparent N digestibility compared with those fed all other diets. Ruminal fluid volume was lower (P < .06) when steers were fed the NC diet compared with all other diets; there were no differences (P > .74) among diets for ruminal fluid dilution rate. In general, ruminal ammonia N and VFA molar proportions were not affected by protein source or concentration. Although CP concentration affected (P < .06) in situ DM disappearance of ground corn, CP concentration did not (P > .48) affect total tract digestion of DM or OM. This indicates that CP concentration may have affected site of digestion, but not extent of digestion. When mature ruminants were limit-fed a corn-based diet to meet primarily a maintenance function, protein source and concentration had little effect on measures of nutrient digestion.  相似文献   

日粮添加不同水平蛋氨酸硒对肉牛营养物质代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周怿  刘强  张福元 《饲料工业》2007,28(1):46-49
选用4头安装永久瘤胃瘘管的西门塔尔阉牛(体重为420kg、年龄2.5岁),采用4×4拉丁方设计,以混合精料和风干玉米秸秆作为基础日粮,研究1.3倍维持需要水平下,日粮添加不同水平蛋氨酸硒(0、0.3、0.6、0.9mg/kg,以干物质为基础)对营养物质代谢的影响。结果表明:0.3和0.6mg/kg组日粮OM、CP、EE、NFE、NDF、ADF表观消化率显著高于对照组(P<0.05);0.6和0.9mg/kg组DN、RN和RN/DN显著高于对照组(P<0.05);0.6mg/kg组与对照组相比Se、Ca、P、Cu、Fe、Mn的存留率显著提高,Zn、Mo和S的存留率无显著差异;0.6mg/kg组血清TG、GLU、ALB、TP、ALT、AST、SOD、GSH-px、GSH均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);0.6mg/kg组血清Se、Cu含量显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Twenty crossbred heifers (101 +/- 4.5 kg BW) were used to examine the effects of protein concentration and degradability on performance, ruminal fermentation, nutrient digestion, N balance, and urinary excretion of purine derivatives. Heifers were offered concentrate and barley straw for ad libitum consumption. Two protein concentrations (17 vs 14%, DM basis) and two protein sources differing in ruminal degradability (58 vs 42% of CP for soybean meal and treated soybean meal, respectively) were tested. The experiment was divided into four consecutive 28-d periods to evaluate the age (period) effect. Increasing protein concentration and degradability did not improve ADG or intake (P > .05). The increase in urinary N excretion (P < .001) in heifers fed 17% CP suggests that N was in excess of requirements. When the low-degradable protein source was supplemented and(or) CP concentration was low, ruminal NH3 N concentrations fell below 5 mg/100 mL. Urinary excretion of purine derivatives was not affected (P > .05) by protein concentration and degradability, suggesting that in high-concentrate diets NH3 N concentration was not limiting microbial growth. Total VFA concentration decreased (P < .001) and the acetate:propionate ratio increased (P < .01) with advancing period, suggesting an increase in ruminal absorption capacity and an increase in fiber fermentation. The decrease in ruminal NH3 N concentration in the last period suggests a greater use of NH3 N by microorganisms. This hypothesis is supported by the increase (P < .001) in urinary excretion of allantoin and estimated duodenal flows of purine bases and microbial protein with advancing period. Reducing CP concentration and increasing ruminal undegradable protein supply did not affect animal performance or estimated duodenal flow of microbial protein in rapidly growing heifers fed high-concentrate diets.  相似文献   

文章旨在探讨日粮添加不同水平的纤维素对猪生长性能、养分表观消化率和磷损失的影响。试验将平均初始体重为(48.68±0.29)kg的320头生长猪随机分为4组(T1~T4),每组4个重复,每个重复20头。各组饲喂不同纤维素水平的无磷日粮,纤维素水平分别为0、30、60和90?g/kg,试验共开展21?d。结果:不同纤维日粮对猪末重、日增重、总磷和内源性磷排放量的影响均无显著差异(P>0.05)。T3组平均日采食量较T1和T4组分别显著提高7.13%和7.23%(P<0.05),但T4组料重比较T2和T3组分别显著降低3.65%和4.95%(P<0.05)。T1组粪磷排泄量分别较其他组显著提高229.41%、460%和460%(P<0.05)。T3和T4组粪中干物质含量最高(P<0.05),T4组粪中有机物含量显著高于T1和T2组(P<0.05)。T1组粪中粗蛋白质、粗脂肪和钙含量均显著高于其他组(P<0.05)。T1组总能、干物质、有机物、粗蛋白质及钙表观消化率均显著高于T3和T4组(P<0.05)。结论:随着日粮纤维素水平的升高,能量、干物质、有机物、粗蛋白质和钙表观消化率降低,但日粮纤维素水平对内源性磷损失无负面影响。 [关键词]纤维水平|猪|生长性能|养分消化|磷代谢  相似文献   

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