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Summary Self-compatible (sc) plants from an I1 of the sc dihaploid G254 and from the reciprocal F1's of crosses between G254 and another sc dihaploid, B16, were crossed with the self-incompatible (si) dihaploid G609. The 34 progenies thus obtained were tested for self-compatibility. Only 2 progenies consisted merely of sc plants, the remaining ones showing a homogeneous series of 1 : 1 ratios. It is concluded that homozygosity for the S-bearing translocation mostly leads to lethality. Evidence is presented, that lethality takes place in the very early stages of the embryo and endosperm development. On the basis of the results the expected sc : si ratios in G254 × B16 and reciprocal are calculated to be 3.3 : 1. This ratio was found indeed in our experiments. These findings support the hypothesis put forward in earlier publications in this series, that self-compatibility in G254 and B16 is based on the presence of an S-bearing translocation.  相似文献   

Summary Three dihaploids of Solanum tuberosum (two self-compatible, one self-incompatible) were found to be heterozygous for a monogenic recessive virescent mutant. Intercrossing resulted in the expected 3 : 1 ratio only in crosses involving one self-compatible and one self-incompatible parent. Self-compatible x self-compatible matings produced F1's in which 6:1 was found. The same ratio was observed in the self progeny of the two self-compatible dihaploids. This significant deviation could be explained by assuming linkage (25% crossing-over) between v and an S-bearing translocation. This translocation causes self-compatibility in the dihaploids used and early lethality when homozygous.  相似文献   

Summary Two self-compatible (sc) dihaploids, G254 and B16, and one self-incompatible (si) dihaploid, G609, from Solanum tuberosum L. were intercrossed reciprocally. Segregation ratios sc : si : pc (pseudo-compatible) were determined in all 6 F1's in three successive years and critically tested and discussed. Genotypes at the S-locus could be assigned to the dihaploid parents and the S-allele on the translocation in sc G254 identified as S 1. Using these genotypes all sc and si genotypes were derived which could be expected in the F1's.Incompatibility groups were detected in each F1 from the results of complete diallels involving si plants. The genotype of each group was identified by test crosses. Compatibility groups could be both detected and identified by crossing in each F1 the sc plants as females with the already identified si sibs. In this way a complete series of 6 si testers and corresponding sc genotypes was obtained involving four alleles at the S-locus and S 1 and S x on the translocation.Certative disadvantage of pollen carrying the translocation could be ruled out as a possible cause of unexpected ratios. The hypothesis of an S-bearing translocation as the cause of self-compatibility could account for all results on the assumption that translocation homozygotes are lethal and the S-allele on the translocation is active in the pollen only.The following bachelor students have contributed to the experimental data used in this article: Janny Olsder, J. Marelis, H. v.d. Brink, J. Sonneveld, D. Vreugdenhil, Digna van Ballegooijen and Els Staas-Ebregt.  相似文献   

Summary Investigations of the genetics of self-compatibility and self-incompatibility in dihaploids and diploid derivatives from cv. Gineke revealed the presence of S 1, S2 and S 3 at the S-locus of Gineke and in addition an S 1-allele on a translocation. By means of a complete tester set involving the S-alleles S 1, S2 and S 3 (all from Gineke) and S 4 (from Black 4495) it was demonstrated that some Gineke dihaploids were compatible with all six testers. This indicated a fourth S-allele in Gineke, which differs from those in the tester series and was therefore assigned S 5. Additional evidence was obtained from an analysis of F1's from crosses of two S 5-bearing dihaploids and one of the testers. So the S-genotype of cv. Gineke was identified as S 1S2S3S5/S1, the second S 1 being the S-allele on a translocated fragment.  相似文献   

Summary Results of testcrosses and seed set data of the dihaploid breeding program at the Potato Research Institute in Gross Lüsewitz, Germany, indicate that the low level of female fertility could hinder success in crossing work. With the objective to reveal major components of female fertility, the behavior of 47 outstanding potato dihaploids (S. tuberosum ssp. tuberosum, 2n=2x=24) was assessed in testcrosses over a period of 3 years. Analysis of variance was carried out for the traits: number of seed per berry (S/B), number of intact seed per berry (IS/B), and number of non-germinable seed per berry (NGS/B). Significant sources of variation included cross combinations, years, and cross combination-year interactions. More than 20 S/B were obtained in 25.4% of all cross combinations performed over 3 years using up to three pollinators. Berry set was not correlated to seed set, but was in general determined by the pollinator used. The number of seedless berries (SLB/F) was related to neither total berry set nor seed production. The trait S/B remained stable over different years, and thus it deemed to be most useful as a measure of the level of female fertility in practical breeding work. Selection for female fertility in early generations of a breeding program is recommended to avoid limitations in the production of variability via sexual recombination.  相似文献   

Summary True protein content among tubers within a plant of Solanum tuberosum cv. Oneida was found to be negatively correlated with tuber size. A similar study of S. phureja genotype 148-17 revealed no correlation. Tuber protein was determined for 250 genotypes in each of four hybrid potato populations in a factorial mating design with four potato cultivars as stylar parents mated to four groups of pollen parents (4x cultivars, 4x high protein selections, 2x S. phureja, 2x high protein S. phureja). The hybrid population derived from the 4x high protein selections was significantly higher in protein content than the other populations. High estimates of general combining ability for tuber protein content were found for both stylar and pollen parents. Poor photoperiodic adaptation to growing conditions in northern latitudes was a possible explanation for the variable protein phenotypes typical of S. phureja and the lack of transmission of the high protein character in phureja to 4x-2x hybrids. Although protein content was negatively correlated with total yield, high protein segregates with good yield potential were identified in all four populations.Scientific Journal Series Article 11, 616 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

M. J. Wilkinson 《Euphytica》1992,60(2):115-122
Summary Commercial cultivars of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) are widely believed to be cytologically invariable (2n=48), although there are several reports of anomalous counts in experimental material. The presence of two additional chromosomes is reported for the first time in cv. Torridon and their stability in the growing plant examined. The additional chromosomes were found to be completely stable in the shoots but were progressively eliminated from the root tissue. Laggards and bridges were commonly observed during somatic division in the roots. Laggards were also present in the shoots and did not change significantly in frequency in the roots during chromosomal loss. Consequently, they were considered as unlikely to have a central involvement in the elimination process. Somatic bridges on the other hand were only found in the roots and increased in occurrence as elimination increased. A link between the appearance of somatic bridges and the elimination of additional chromosomes in the roots is suggested. The possible origins and mechanism of elimination of the additional chromosomes are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of leaf isozymes and tuber patatin in dihaploids derived from the Solanum tuberosum cv. Pentland Crown was investigated. Seven of the dihaploids were aneusomatic containing additional chromosomes from the S. phureja dihaploid inducer. Of these, four genotypes expressed leaf isozymes characteristic of the S. phureja dihaploid inducer, and the tubers of three aneusomatic dihaploids contained a S. phureja form of patatin. Aneusomatic dihaploids in which the proportion of cells containing additional S. phureja chromosomes was relatively small (i.e. 1–15%) did not express leaf isozyme markers or patatin bands characteristic of the dihaploid inducer or showed only faint expression of one or two markers. However, those with a high proportion of cells containing additional chromosomes (50–55%) had a range of strongly expressed leaf isozymes that were characteristic of the dihaploid inducer and also expressed the S. phureja tuber patatin.One dihaploid genotype was exclusively euploid (2n<24), yet is expressed a S. phureja leaf isozyme marker and S. phureja tuber patatin, suggesting recombination or chromosome substitution between the genome of the S. phureja dihaploid inducer and the cultivar Pentland Crown.  相似文献   

R. A. Jefferies 《Euphytica》1996,88(3):207-213
Summary Salt-tolerance in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) was selected on the basis of germination and survival of seed sown in trays of perlite suspended in either 75 or 150 mM NaCl. Salinity reduced the germination of seed. Genetic differences in salt-tolerance were apparent with salt reducing germination more in seed collected from cv. Cara than in that collected from cv. Maris Piper. Progeny from the seedling selection were then grown to maturity to produce tubers.The relative tolerance of the parental cultivars and of unselected and selected progeny to long-term exposure to salinity was examined in a pot experiment in which plants were irrigated with either fresh water or 50 mM NaCl solution from one week after plant emergence. In this experiment, salinity significantly reduced leaf conductance, total dry matter production and partitioning of assimilate to tubers. Salinity reduced dry matter production and assimilate partitioning to tubers to a greater extent in Cara than in M. Piper. Progeny selected for short-term salt-tolerance did not exhibit greater long-term salt-tolerance than unselected progeny, and both were more sensitive than M. Piper.These results demonstrate genetic variation in salt-tolerance in potato. However, although there was a correlation between the performance of the parent to long-term salinity and survival of progeny in the seedling selection, there was no correlation between short- and long-term salt-tolerance. This suggests that characters underlying short-term tolerance may contribute to long-term tolerance but do not of themselves confer long-term tolerance. Future progress in selecting for improved salt-tolerance depends on understanding the effects of salinity on the physiological processes underlying growth and carbon partitioning.  相似文献   

Jai Gopal 《Euphytica》1993,72(1-2):133-142
Summary Six hundred and seventy six accessions of cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) from 25 countries, were studied for flowering and fruiting behaviour under long days (12–14 h). Flowering intensity ranged from dropping of floral buds just after initiation to profuse blooming. The majority (58.3%) of the accessions bloomed profusely, though 20.4% of the accessions did not bloom at all. Weeks to flowering ranged from 6 to 15 and the majority (66.5%) of the flowering accessions bloomed within 8 to 9 weeks after planting. Duration of flowering ranged from 1 to 10 weeks and the majority (68.1%) of the flowering accessions bloomed for 1 to 4 weeks only. Twentythree per cent of the flowering accessions were completely male sterile. Maximum male fertility was 90% only. No berry setting was observed in 31.8% of the flowering accessions. Only 54.3 per cent of the accessions were found to be fertile in all respects and could be used both as male and female parents. Premature bud abscission was the major cause of sterility. Peru was the best source of profuse-flowering genotypes, Poland was the best source of early flowering genotypes and Mexico was the best source of long duration flowering and good berry setting genotypes. The results suggested that flower bud formation; the growth and development of mature flowers; weeks to flowering and duration of flowering are independent characters controlled by different genes of quantitative nature. Berry setting and duration of flowering were closely associated (r=0.95). Genetic as well as environmental factors interfered with the developmental process leading to flower production and berry setting at different times in different genotypes. The practical implications of these results for true potato seed production are discussed.Publication No. 1298, CPRI, Shimla.  相似文献   

Foroughi-Wehr  B.  Wilson  H. M.  Mix  G.  Gaul  H. 《Euphytica》1977,26(2):361-367
Summary Monohaploid Solanum tuberosum plants were produced from the anthers of a dihaploid genotype. From another dihaploid genotype plants containing 36 chromosomes were obtained. For plantlet production anthers containing pollen at the uninucleate microspore stage were inoculated on a Linsmaier and Skoog-based medium supplemented with 1 mg/1 indole-3-acetic acid and 1 mg/1 benzyl aminopurine.Anthers from donor plants grown either in the summer or in the winter responded similarly on a range of media. Anther response in the form of callus induction and root formation was at least partly dependent on the genotype of the donor dihaploid plant.  相似文献   

Summary Striking similarities appear to exist between selected protoplast-derived variants (PD-clones) of the potato cultivar Russet Burbank, and commonly occurring somatic potato sports, called bolters. A limited survey of individuals involved in the certification of Russet Burbank, revealed that bolters do commonly occur in this variety, are highly variable, and sometimes occur at high frequency. It is therefore suggested that bolters and the more promising selected PD-clones of Russest Burbank may be one and the same, arising from the same type of macromutation.One selected PD-clone, three different Russet Burbank bolters, and two controls were analyzed for 15 isozymes in the hope of determining if bolters and promising PD-clones belong to the same class of variants. No isozyme variation between Russet Burbank and its subclones was observed. The breeding value of protoplast-derived variation is discussed in this light.Approved by the Director of the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station for publication as Journal paper No. 3554, Oct. 19, 1983.  相似文献   

T. Yamada  H. Fukuoka  T. Wakamatsu 《Euphytica》1989,44(1-2):167-172
Summary When white clover plants were self-pollinated, 75% of a 143-plant population did not set seed. Plants which did set small numbers of seed probably did so as a result of pseudo-self-compatibility. One highly self-compatible plant was selected from the breeding materials. The S2 progeny of this plant was autogamous and genetically fixed for morphology and isozyme patterns. Genetic analyses of self-compatibility were conducted as far as the F3 progeny. It was concluded from these data that self-compatibility was inherited in a simple Mendelian way and that plants homozygous for self-compatibility were obtained. There was no correlation between presence or absence of self-compatibility and growth vigor. The possibility of application of self-compatible plants to recurrent selection procedures is outlined and the utilization of self-compatible plants in white clover breeding programs is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Yield components including total tuber yield, total tuber number, vine maturity, vine vigor and average tuber weight as well as seed germination and pollen stainability were studied in 28 exact reciprocal hybrid families, between 12 Solanum tuberosum Group Tuberosum (haploid) (TH) and 12 S. tuberosum Group Phureja (PH) clones in a NC Mating Design II in 4 sets of 3 by 3 reciprocal hybrids at three locations, one in Minnesota (USA) and two in Morocco. TH parents were insensitive to daylength whereas most PH clones required critical photoperiods equal to or less than 14 hours for tuberization. Mean reciprocal differences were significant for most traits at all 3 locations. Hybrids with TH cytoplasm were superior to those with PH cytoplasm by 18% for tuber yield, 21% for tuber number, and 9% for vine maturity, but inferior to hybrids with PH cytoplasm by 11% for vine vigor and 19% for time to reach 80% seed germination. Reciprocal differences were not detected for average tuber weight. Six reciprocal crosses revealed significant differences for pollen stainability but the overall mean difference (one location) was not significant. Possible reasons for the observed reciprocal differences included gamete selection, pseudo-self-compatibility and/or interaction of cytoplasm with both nuclear genes and environment. Differences for critical photoperiod of TH and PH parents were also demonstrated as a probable source of reciprocal differences.Scientific Journal Series Article 14896 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station supported in part by the U.S. Agency for International Development, contract no. 608-0160, IAV Morocco Project.  相似文献   

Summary A number of reports have indicated differences in reciprocal families of Solanum tuberosum when intergroup hybrids were studied. Questions have been raised concerning the potential magnitude, frequency, and genetic basis for such differences. In this study, exact reciprocal crosses were made using parents characterized by different maturities and having different cytoplasmic sources within Solanum tuberosum in order to substantiate previous claims of reciprocal differences and to clarify the nature of such differences.Field trials revealed reciprocal differences which were large and highly significant. Reciprocal yield differences of up to 115% were observed when parents of opposite maturities were used. In seven crosses, the higher-yielding reciprocal always had the higher-yielding parent as the maternal parent. Significant reciprocal differences for flowering and vine maturity were also observed between some families. The F2 populations were generated for one set of reciprocals and the reciprocal differences in the F2 generation seemed to be substantially reduced relative to the F1 generation.It is concluded that the occurrence of large reciprocal differences seems to depend more upon having parents of opposite maturity than upon the taxonomic origin of the parent's cytoplasm. This, in conjunction with the reduced F2 reciprocal differences, suggests that observed differences may be due to very persistent maternal effects or a type of dauermodification, rather than true cytoplasmic inheritance.Cooperative Investigation of U.S. Department of Agriculture, Science and Education Administration. Agricultural Research and the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Summary Using an amylose-free (amf)mutant of diploid potato (Solanum tuberosum), diploid and tetraploid clones with different genotypes at the amf-locus were produced. In order to make use of the diploid material in analytic breeding of amf-potatoes, clones were selected that produced a considerable frequencies of 2n-pollen and 2n-eggs. Successful attempts were made to select normal synaptic as well as desynaptic clones producing 2n-gametes. Based on the phenotype of starch in the microspores, tetraploid clones with nulliplex, simplex and duplex genotypes at the amf-locus were selected. Prospects of using this material in conventional as well as in analytic breeding of potato are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Dihaploid and dihaploid derived clones of Solanum tuberosum and diploid genotypes of S. verrucosum produced 85 viable monohaploids by female parthenogenesis. All were induced using diploid S. phureja clones, homozygous for embryo spot, as pollinator. Frequency of S. tuberosum monohaploids per 100 berries was rather constant in three successive years (14, 17 and 17 respectively). No male and female fertility was found in flowering monohaploids.Colchicine-induced chromosome doubling yielded homozygous s. tuberosum diploids with low pollen quality but good seed fertility.Two diploid self-incompatible species (S. multidissectum and S. berthaultii) produced no monohaploids. The presence of genes for female parthenogenesis in some dihaploids is discussed.  相似文献   

Diploid Solanum tuberosum (tbr), 2n=2x=24,can be crossed with S. verrucosum (ver) only when the latter is used as a pistillate parent but not reciprocally. This conforms to the phenomenon of unilateral incompatibility (UI) where a self-compatible species, like ver (SC) cannot be used as a male parent to cross with a self-incompatible (SI) parent like tbr. Even if ver × tbr hybrids are made, the F1 hybrids possess cytoplasmic male sterility and thus hinder genetic analysis of crossing barriers. Exceptionally, however, some diploid genotypes of tbr (SI) can be used as pistillate parents to cross with ver, and such exceptional tbr clones are called `acceptors'. Repeated backcrossing of acceptors to ver have resulted in male fertile genotypes that possess tbr cytoplasm and ver nucleus. These genotypes were used for the genetic analysis of `acceptance' and UI in thse experiments. It was found that acceptance of ver-pollen by tbr-pistils is based on a dominant gene A that expresses only in the absence of an inhibitor I. In the F1 hybrids, only the S-allele of tbr was expressedbut not that of ver. Concomitant with this observation, it was shown that ver does not produce style-specific S-glycoproteins that are responsible for self-incompatible reaction in diploid potato. Although the the F1 populations were SC, they segregated into SC and SI genotypes giving skewed segregation ratios for this trait. Because of this as well as the disappearance and re-appearance of SC trait in the offspring generations, it was necessary to postulate a more complex interaction between A and I. Models are presented in order to explain acceptance, non-acceptance and the expression of UI. It is concluded that at least four different loci are involved in the expression of UI. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

M. Maris 《Euphytica》1989,41(1-2):163-182
Summary The main aim of the experiment was to study the behaviour of seven long-day adapted clones of Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena (A) and three varieties of S. tuberosum ssp. tuberosum (T) in an incomplete diallel cross. The four groups of crosses, TxT, TxA, AxT and AxA, held 2, 12, 20 and 21 populations, respectively. Eleven of the intersubspecific crosses were exact reciprocals. Thirty random clones per population were grown as second clonal generation in an incomplete block design with four replications in plots of two plants per clone in 1980, the parents included in many plots. Data were recorded on ten characters.The results showed that group TxA gave the highest tuber yield and AxT the second highest. The F-values indicated highly significant genotypic effects for all characters in all populations. The mean genotypic coefficients of variation (GCV), were the highest for group AxA for all characters. The ANOVA, based on population means showed significant mean squares for general combining abilities (GCA) and for differences of reciprocalls for all characters; the specific combining ability (SCA) mean squares were significant only for date of emergence, plant height and haulm type. Almost all GCA effects of the parents were significant positive or negative. Several populations showed also significant SCA effects. The correlations between the GCA effects and the parental values were of about the same magnitude as the heritabilities; those between the population means and the midparental values were slightly lower.Compared to the midparental values, most populations showed significant positive heterosis for date of emergence, haulm type, number of tubers and under water weight; all populations had significant negative heterosis for mean tuber weight and nearly all for plant height and general impression. All populations from groups TxT and AxA had significant negative heterosis for tuber yield and so had 13 out of the 20 populations from group AxT, while seven of the 12 from group TxA showed significant positive and four significant negative heterosis. The average heterosis for tuber yield of group TxT was –11%, of TxA 3.4%, of AxT–9% and of AxA–18%. The highest mean tuber yields were obtained from crosses with a very high yielding A-parent as female, while the heterosis was negative. Though significant differences between the 11 reciprocals occurred for all characters, consistent differences occurred only for tuber yield. Averaged over the 11 crosses the TxA populations outyielded their exact reciprocals by 10.7%. For the highest tuber yields in A-T crosses, therefore, the tuberosum cytoplasm seems to be preferable. By contrast for a high male fertility the andigena cytoplasm is preferable.  相似文献   

Summary To provide a truly genotype-independent transformation system, it is necessary to be able to transform a wide range of potato genotypes. The ability to regenerate shoots in vitro was determined for 34 potato varieties using tuber disc explants. Following a culture regime used extensively in previous studies with the variety Desiree, half of the varieties could be regenerated from tuber discs and half could not. From a sample of varieties that could be regenerated from tuber discs, all but one variety gave transgenic plants. Twelve varieties were evaluated for the capacity to regenerate shoots from leaf and internode explants excised from in vitro grown plants. All of the varieties tested regenerated adventitious shoots. Leaf and internode explants from 5 varieties were subsequently used for transformation, and transgenic plants were produced from two potato varieties that did not give transgenic plants from tuber disc explants. Some varieties could not be transformed by either method, and will require modification of the in vitro regeneration and transformation system to be successful.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

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