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1. In the first of 2 experiments ducklings grown from 2 to 19 d were given diets with 0, 200 or 400 g rice bran, with or without a phytase and with 1 or 3 g inorganic phosphorus (Pi) per kg for rice bran-based diets only. In the 2nd experiment rice bran concentrations were 0, 300 or 600 g rice bran per kg with or without a phytase and 1 g Pi/kg. Ducks were grown from 19 to 40 d of age. 2. In experiment 1, a response to phytase was observed for weight gain and food intake on most diets except those with 200 g rice bran (3 g Pi) and 400 g rice bran (1 g P)i/kg. Main effects showed that 400 g rice bran depressed growth rate and food conversion ratio (FCR); increasing Pi depressed food intake, while food phytase increased food intake and growth rate over 2 to 19 d. There were several interactions. Dry matter and P retention were reduced but N digestibility improved when rice bran was increased from 200 g to 400 g/kg at 2 to 10 d of age; apparent metabolisable energy (AME) and calcium retentions were improved, similar results being seen at 10 to 19 d of age. Calcium and P retentions increased with the addition of food phytase and, at 10 to 19 d of age, phytase increased dry matter digestibility. Increasing Pi improved calcium and P retention, but only at 2 to 10 d of age. 3. Tibia ash (g or g/kg) content of bone was lowest on the diet without rice bran and without phytase; Pi concentration had no effect but phytase increased tibia ash on diets with 0 and 200 g rice bran and 1 g Pi/kg. Retention of several minerals in tibia ash declined at the highest rice bran inclusion rate; Pi level and phytase both increased Mg retention. 4. In experiment 2, food intake and growth rate of ducks, but not FCR, declined as rice bran inclusion increased from 0 to 600 g/kg. Phytase improved growth rate but not food intake and FCR on all 3 diets. Dry matter digestibility declined with increasing rice bran inclusion, but AME increased; retention of P and Mg declined but those of Ca and Fe increased. Phytase improved dry matter digestibility and retention of N and P. AME also increased but this was only on diets with 0 and 600 g rice bran/kg. There were reductions of 8% and 10% in P excreted in experiments 1 and 2 respectively when food phytase was added. 5. Tibia ash declined with increasing dietary inclusion of rice bran. Zn and Mn in ash tended to decline and Mg to increase; Ca and P showed no change in concentration in tibia ash. Again, phytase increased tibia ash content in bone. 6. It was concluded that there were a number of unexpected benefits from adding a food phytase to these diets, which resulted in improved nutrient yield and bird performance, although several of the diets appeared to be adequate in available P.  相似文献   

1. Ducklings were given diets with vegetable protein (VP) and 0 or 600 g rice bran/kg; fish meal (60 g/kg) and a phytase (+,-) were added to the diets (VP + AP). An additional 40 g soyabean meal/kg was added to the diet with rice bran (VP ++). Amino acid digestibility and mineral retention were measured in the lower ileum of ducklings killed at 23 d of age. Acid insoluble ash was used as an inert marker. Trypsin and amylase activities were also measured and weights of the pancreas and small intestine recorded at slaughter. 2. Addition of soyabean meal (VP ++) to the diet with rice bran improved growth rate and food intake compared to the diet without (VP) and gave the same food intake and growth rate as the comparable basal diet (VP) without rice bran. Fish meal improved growth rate on the diets without rice bran and improved food intake on this diet (VP + AP). Rice bran depressed growth rate and food conversion ratio (FCR); protein source affected growth rate, food intake and FCR; phytase increased food intake only. There were several interactions. 3. Determined total amino acid composition of the diets appeared to meet the essential amino acid requirements of ducklings. Rice bran depressed the ileal digestibility of virtually all amino acids and phytase had no direct effect, although there were interactions. Fish meal addition to diets with rice bran improved the apparent digestibility of several essential amino acids as well as that of dry matter and crude protein. 4. Ileal retention of some minerals and tibia ash content were reduced by rice bran. Fish meal and phytase inclusion increased P retention and ash in tibia. 5. Higher intestinal trypsin activity and increased pancreas size were seen in ducklings on diets with rice bran compared to those without. Intestinal amylase activity was reduced in ducklings given rice bran, probably because of its low starch content. 6. The stimulating effect of fish meal on duckling performance was probably caused in part by the improvement in the digestibility of some amino acids. The addition of small amounts of minerals in fish meal may have increased mineral retention. Phytase gave benefits anticipated from our previous work, but also improved lysine and threonine digestibility in diets containing vegetable protein only.  相似文献   

1. Three experiments were undertaken to test the efficacy of 2 enzymes targeting mainly the non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) in rice bran. 2. In experiment one, 400 g rice bran/kg depressed chick performance and there was a significant decline in growth rate and food intake with increasing inclusion of rice bran (0, 200, 400 g). Neither enzyme had any benefit. 3. In experiment two, rice bran (inclusion 200 and 400 g/kg), did not alter growth rate, food intake or food conversion ratio of duckling (3 to 17 d of age). Again enzyme addition gave no response. 4. In experiment three, 300 g rice bran/kg stimulated duck (19 to 35 d of age) growth while 600 g rice bran/kg depressed growth but not food intake. Enzymes gave no response. 5. Relative gut viscosity declined with increasing rice bran inclusion as did dry matter in ileal digesta. There were differences between ducklings and chickens. 6. It was concluded that NSPs were not a significant factor in altering the nutritive value of rice bran and the enzymes used were therefore unlikely to be of benefit.  相似文献   

1. A 35 d feeding trial with 480 d-old male broiler chickens (Cobb) was conducted to evaluate the effects of graded levels of inulin (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g/kg diet) in a maize-soybean meal based diet on growth performance, AMEN and apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of crude protein, amino acids, starch, crude fat and fatty acids. A commercial product (Inulina 95®) containing 914?0 g/kg of inulin and a degree of polymerisation (DP) ranging from DP 1–10 to DP 51–60 was used.

2. The performance of birds (feed intake, BW gain and feed to gain ratio) was not affected by the different dietary inclusions of inulin.

3. Dietary inulin significantly improved the AID coefficient of crude protein and crude fat. Also, there was a significant effect of inulin on the digestibility of most amino acids (10 out of 15) and major fatty acids (oleic and linoleic acids). The AID coefficient of starch and the AMEN content of diets were not affected by inulin inclusion.

4. In conclusion, the current study showed that inulin supplementation improved the digestibility of protein and fat in a maize-soybean meal based diet, but had no effect on the performance of broiler chickens.  相似文献   

1.?This study tested the hypotheses that: (a) apparent metabolisable energy (AME) values and whole tract transit time (WTTT) were related, and that (b) the relationship between AME and WTTT differed between male and female Ross broiler chickens.

2.?Enzyme products with xylanase activity were added to a basal diet to provide 4 dietary treatments comprising control (no enzyme), Avizyme 1300 (1 kg/tonne), Kemzyme W1 (1 kg/tonne), and Bio-Feed Wheat CT (200 g/tonne). The basal diet comprised (in g/kg), 800 wheat, 155 casein, 20 dicalcium phosphate, 11 limestone, 7 D,L-methionine, 2 vitamin and mineral premix, 3 sodium chloride and 2 choline chloride (60%).

3.?AME values for diets were determined in a 7-d energy balance study commencing when chickens were 21 d of age. WTTT was the time elapsed (in min), from time of administration by oral gavage of 200 mg ferric oxide in a gelatine capsule, to time of first observation of the distinctive red colouration in droppings.

4.?The mean AME value for the wheat was high (15·7 MJ/kg dry matter) and ranged from 14·4 to 16·3 MJ/kg dry matter for individual birds. Mean WTTT was 206 min and ranged from 105 to 429 min. AME and WTTT were unaffected by enzyme addition to the diet, and the interaction between diet and gender was not significant.

5.?There was a significant but weak positive relationship between AME and whole tract transit time, with AME increasing by 2·2 kJ/min. This relationship was unaffected by gender of the chicken.  相似文献   

Starea, an intimate mixture of gelatinized wheat starch and urea, was tested again urea with regard to the ammonia release in the rumen, the amount and composition of the nitrogen fraction reaching the intestine, the nitrogen and energy balances, and the performance of lactating cows. Maize silage was the basal feed in all experiments. The ammonia concentration in the rumen liquor was measured in two cows fitted with a permanent rumen cannula. The curve of the ammonia concentration was about the same with both nitrogen supplements, and peaked at about 250 mg/l (14.7 mmol/l) two hours postfeeding. Two dry cows fitted with a re-entrant cannula at 10 cm from the pylorus were fed with maize silage supplemented with increasing amounts of either urea or starea. The duodenal nitrogen flow rapidly levelled off with both supplements and no significant difference between them could be detected. The amount of ammonia in the duodenal digesta remained very low. Nitrogen digestibility measured in lactating cows was not noticeably affected when starea instead of urea was added to maize silage. However, nitrogen excretion in the urine tended to decrease, while nitrogen secretion in milk was augmented with starea. The digestibility of the rations and their metabolizable energy supply were not significantly affected, and milk production was quite the same with both supplements, apart from the higher amount of milk protein obtained with starea compared with urea. As a general conclusion from the whole work conducted on the nutritive value of urea for lactating cows, it can be stated that the decline in performance of the animals after substitution of urea for conventional protein is mainly due to a decrease of the metabolizable energy concentration in the diets. None of the attempts tested in an effort to improve the nutritive value of urea was able to overcome this difficulty.  相似文献   


1. This work investigates the apparent metabolisable energy (AME), its nitrogen-corrected form (AMEn) and amino acid (AA) digestibility coefficients of the microalgae Spirulina platensis as an ingredient in broiler chicken diets.

2. One group of birds was fed with a basal control diet (BD), and another was fed with a test diet composed of the BD with the addition of the microalgae at a proportion of 200 g/kg. AME and AMEn were assessed by total excreta collection and indigestibility analysis using acid-insoluble ash (AIA) as a marker.

3. The microalgae comprised 888.0 g/kg dry matter (DM), 18.42 MJ/kg gross energy, 514.7 g/kg crude protein, 9.9 g/kg ether extract, 10.6 g/kg crude fibre, 94.4 g/kg ash, 3.1 g/kg Ca and 11.0 g/kg P.

4. The values obtained for AME (13.48 MJ/kg DM) and AMEn (11.72 MJ/kg DM) were higher (p < 0.01) than those obtained using the AIA method (9.39–8.29 MJ/kg DM). The microalgae ileal digestibility coefficients were 0.80 ± 0.04 and 0.78 ± 0.04 for essential and non-essential AA, respectively.

5. Overall, the metabolisable energy content and digestibility of AA for S. platensis indicated that the microalgae are potentially an alternative nutrient source for broilers. The AIA method underestimated AME and AMEn in comparison to the total excreta collection method.  相似文献   

1. The effect of pelleting process and Trichoderma viride enzymes (TVE) addition on apparent metabolisable energy, corrected for nitrogen balance (AMEn) and on productive value of practical diets containing 40 and 45% of three different barley cultivars and one wheat were studied in poultry.

2. The effect of the pelleting process on AMEn was inconsistent and was dependent on the cereal included and the addition of enzyme.

3. The growth trial showed a significant effect of enzyme addition to pelleted diets over the whole growth period (0 to 42 d). Addition of TVE improved weight gain and food efficiency by 1.3% and 2.9%, respectively and decreased food intake by 1.6% between 0 and 22 d. In the finisher period (23 to 42 d) TVE improved efficiency by 2.8% and reduced food intake by 2.9%.

4. The incidence of sticky droppings was related to the viscosity of barley used, and enzyme supplementation reduced it. Both pelleting and enzyme addition increased dry matter content of excreta.

5. At the end of the experiment, 14 animals per treatment were slaughtered and carcass yield, viscera weight and abdominal fat were determined.  相似文献   

Isobutylidene diurea (IBDU) was tested against urea with regard to the ammonia release in the rumen, the amount and composition of the nitrogen fraction reaching the intestine, the nitrogen and energy balances and the performance of lactating cows. Maize silage was the basal feed in all experiments. The ammonia concentration in the rumen liquor was measured in two dry cows fitted with a permanent rumen cannula. The ammonia release was clearly restrained when IBDU was substituted for urea, and the peak values were of the same order as those found with soybean meal. Two dry cows fitted with a re-entrant cannula at 10 cm from the pylorus were fed with maize silage supplemented with increasing amounts of either urea or IBDU. The duodenal flow levelled off with urea, but it continued to rise with IBDU even when high amounts were added to the silage. However, a large fraction of this increase was in the form of ammonia, corresponding to 60% of the dietary nitrogen supplied by IBDU. The amount of non-ammonia nitrogen was also higher with IBDU. The nitrogen balance of lactating cows was not noticeably affected when IBDU instead of urea was added to the maize silage. In the same manner, the digestibility of the rations and their metabolizable energy supply were not significantly modified, and the milk productions were quite similar with the two N compounds, apart from the tendency to lower milk fat and milk protein productions.  相似文献   

双低菜籽粕的饲用价值及其在畜禽饲料中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蛋白质饲料资源缺乏一直是制约我国饲料工业和养殖业发展的一个主要因素,因而开发优质的蛋白质饲料资源就成为人们关注的热点。培育双低(低硫甙、低芥酸)优质油菜是当今国内外油菜生产的方向,在饲料中充分利用双低菜粕是缓解我国蛋白质原料短缺的有效途径。本文综述了双低莱粕的饲用价值及其在畜禽饲料中的高效利用。  相似文献   

1. Male broilers (n=900) were fed on wheat-sorghum-soyabean meal based diets containing 3 concentrations of phytic acid (10.4, 13.2 and 15.7 g/kg; equivalent to 2.9, 3.7 and 4.4 g/kg phytate P), 2 concentrations of non-phytate (or available) phosphorus (2.3 and 4.5 g/kg) and 3 concentrations of microbial phytase (0, 400 and 800 FTU/kg) from day 7 to 25 post-hatch. The dietary concentrations of phytic acid were manipulated by the inclusion of rice pollards. All diets contained celite (20 g/kg) as a source of acid-insoluble ash. 2. The apparent metabolisable energy (AME) concentrations of the diets were determined using a classical total collection procedure during the 3rd week of the trial. On d 25, digesta from the terminal ileum were collected and analysed for phosphorus, nitrogen and amino acids. Nutrient digestibilities were calculated using acid-insoluble ash as the indigestible marker. 2. Ileal digestibilities of nitrogen and essential amino acids were negatively influenced by increasing dietary levels of phytic acid but these negative effects were overcome by the addition of phytase. 3. Supplemental phytase increased AME, ileal digestibilities of phosphorus, nitrogen and amino acids and the retention of dry matter, phosphorus and nitrogen in broilers. There were no differences in the phytase responses between additions of 400 and 800 FTU/kg. 4. The responses in all variables, except AME, were greater in low non-phytate phosphorus diets. 5. In the case of AME, the response to added phytase was greater in adequate non-phytate phosphorus diets. Supplemental phytase increased AME values from 13.36 to 13.54 MJ/kg dry matter in low non-phytate phosphorus diets and from 12.66 to 13.38 MJ/kg dry matter in adequate non-phytate phosphorus diets.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was done with male, Ross broiler chicks to study the effect of diet composition and electrolyte balance on the measurement of diet AME and performance parameters in diets containing high levels of wheat inclusion. 2. The control diet (G) was based on wheat (667 g/kg) with full-fat soya, soyabean meal, Extrupro and herring meal providing the protein supplements. The experimental treatments were based on 2 diets, one based on wheat (790 g/kg) with casein as the protein supplement and the other containing 667 g/kg wheat plus casein, cellulose and starch. Each of these was formulated to contain one of three concentrations of sodium and potassium bicarbonate giving final values for dietary electrolyte balance of approximately 90, 180 and 280 meq/kg diet. 3. DM intake was numerically lower with the lower level of wheat inclusion and LWG (P < 0.05) and gain:food (P < 0.001) were reduced. ME:GE was similar for the two levels of wheat/casein but higher (P < 0.001) than for the control diet. 4. The two higher electrolyte balances improved DM intake (P < 0.01), LWG and gain:food (P < 0.01) compared with the diets containing no added bicarbonate. ME:GE was unaffected by electrolyte inclusion. 5. Viscosity of ileal digesta supernatant fell (P < 0.01) with increasing bicarbonate inclusion but the value for the highest electrolyte level was still higher than for the control diet. 6. It is concluded that addition of both arginine and electrolyte is needed with a wheat/casein diet to improve performance to levels seen with a more commercial diet but that the determination of diet AME, with the type of fat addition used in this study, is unaffected by electrolyte balance. The interaction between electrolyte balance and in vivo viscosity requires further study.  相似文献   

高粱是一种可供食用和饲用的谷物;高粱型日粮通常用作反刍动物、猪和家禽的饲料。高粱在动物日粮中主要用作能量饲料,其能量来自所含有的淀粉。然而,高粱所含能量的利用效率差异较大,这不利于动物生产。高粱中的淀粉颗粒被高粱醇溶蛋白体包裹着,二者又被嵌入高粱胚乳中的谷蛋白基质中。高粱胚乳中蛋白-淀粉的互作可能会限制淀粉的水解和利用率。因此,高粱中的蛋白质/氨基酸消化率通常较其他谷物的低。高粱醇溶蛋白在高粱蛋白质组分中占很大的比重,它很难被动物消化,且缺乏一些必需氨基酸,尤其赖氨酸。高粱中酚类化合物和植酸盐含量比其他谷物的高,它们通过直接或间接结合蛋白质和淀粉来影响消化。正如在本综合中所考虑的那样,为提高猪和家禽对高粱的利用率,研究人员已经对多种饲料加工技术进行了评估。带有坚硬胚乳的高粱品种由于对昆虫有抗性和产量高,在育种方案中也越来越多地受到欢迎。研磨后高粱颗粒大小的减小程度和均匀性对猪和家禽的生长性能有极其重要的作用。高粱极易受热液加工的影响,这种工艺将会显著减低高粱蛋白的体外胃蛋白酶的消化率。因此,进行加热和加湿的蒸汽制粒、蒸汽压片和湿式挤压,会在高粱中产生有害的物理-化学变化,如在高粱醇溶蛋白中形成二硫键。干式挤压法(加工过程中通过摩擦产热)在无须添加水分的情况下,通过淀粉的糊化并破坏高粱的结构可以提高淀粉的消化率。将还原剂与水热工艺结合起来,可以通过裂解二硫键或阻止二硫键的形成,来提高高粱蛋白质的溶解性和消化率。在猪和家禽日粮中添加外源性酶,是一种可以提高单胃动物生产性能的公认方法;同时,由于高粱含有相对较高水平的植酸盐,添加植酸降解酶——植酸酶显得更为合理。包括辐射在内的其他策略在提高高粱营养利用率方面也有应用前景。由于猪和家禽在胃肠道结构和生理特征上的巨大差异,它们对以上的处理工艺会产生不同的反应,尤其在谷物的颗粒大小方面。  相似文献   


1. New production processes and additional uses for corn co-products have increased the availability of distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) with varying energy and amino acid digestibility, for use in poultry feed. The objective of this study was to determine the performance, N-corrected metabolisable energy (AMEn), and amino acid (AA) digestibility of a 34% CP (as fed) high-protein DDGS (HP-DDGS) included in poultry diets for Cobb 500 broiler chickens.

2. A total of 832 Cobb 500 broilers were randomly assigned to four dietary treatments containing 5% conventional DDGS (CV-DDGS) as a control or 10%, 15% and 20% HP-DDGS and fed for 42 d. After the performance trial, 240 birds from the original 832 were selected for a concurrent AMEn and AA digestibility experiment consisting of two AMEn diets and two AA diets.

3. Birds fed diets containing 15% and 20% HP DDGS gained less weight than birds fed the CV-DDGS (P < 0.05) but did not differ in feed intake (FI), and therefore had a less efficient FCR than the control (P < 0.05). The AMEn of HP-DDGS was determined to be 11.4 MJ/kg. The standardised ileal amino acid digestibility (SIAAD) of the essential amino acids Lys and Met were determined to be 80.9% and 88.6%, respectively.

4. HP-DDGS can be included in broiler diets up to 10% without any negative impact on performance or requiring supplemental Lys and Arg. The results from the AA digestibility study indicated that HP-DDGS could be a good source of digestible Lys.  相似文献   

1. Four different methods (dual semi‐quick (DSQ), conventional, a true metabolisable energy (ATM) method and Farrell's rapid method) were used to measure in adult roosters the apparent metabolisable energy (AME) and true metabolisable energy (TME) of four maize‐based diets with bran inclusions of 0, 200, 400 and 600 g/kg

2. Daily food intakes per bird were 75 g (or ad libitum) (H), 35 g (M) and 10 g (L). AME values determined by DSQ, conventional and Farrell methods were not different at the two highest intakes but were depressed at L intakes. ATM method often gave different values from other methods, particularly at the lowest intake.

3. The linear relationships between food intake and excreta energy yielded intercept values of 13 to 32 kJ/d for three methods; but ATM method yielded intercepts of 31 to 52 kJ/d. In a separate experiment it was demonstrated that a linear model may not be the most appropriate fit to such data. Removal of data for the 10 g/d intake yielded linear regression equations with intercepts not significantly different from zero for the two continuous feeding methods (i.e. a zero estimate for endogenous urinary and metabolic faecal energy (EEL), but for the two methods using a single input after fasting, intercepts were almost always positive. This confirms Härtel's (1986) observation of the absence of EEL under continuous feeding but its ever presence using a TME assay.

4. Correction of AME for EEL to obtain TME tended to increase values for all diets and also within a diet with decreasing intakes. The effect of correcting AME to nitrogen balance (n) was to give AMEn values that were more consistent between diets and reduced differences between methods. For the conventional method differences between the three intakes on all diets were greatly reduced.

5. There is reason to be concerned about the many different metabol‐isable energy values obtained using the ATM method compared to the three other methods and the basis for correcting for endogenous excreta. It is concluded that because of the uncertainty of EEL values, their variation and application, the AME system should be retained.  相似文献   

1. Nitrogen-corrected apparent and true metabolisable energy contents (AMEN and TMEN) of 12 diets, containing different amounts of maize, wheat, barley and rye, barley with beta-glucanase and maize with 0.05 g/kg guar gum were measured using 3-week-old male broilers. 2. The AMEN method involved: 4 d of dietary adaptation, 24 h of starvation, 54 h of ad libitum feeding, 24 h of starvation and daily total droppings collection. TMEN was measured after a 48 h starvation period followed by 2 d of tube-feeding two doses of 15 g of the diets and quantitatively collecting all the droppings after 48 h of starvation. The endogenous energy losses (EELN) were measured after tube-feeding 8 chickens with 30 g of glucose, also over 2 d. 3. The results show that a significant interaction exists between the nature of the diets and the method used to measure metabolisable energy. Differences between TMEN and AMEN values ranged from 1.03 to 1.98 MJ/kg dry matter. These differences were positively correlated with the total pentosan contents of the diet (r = 0.94), the natural logarithm of the viscosities of the water extracts (r = 0.87), the sum of the contents of total pentosans and total beta-glucan (r = 0.85), the calculated total non-starch polysaccharide contents (r = 0.79), the neutral detergent fibre contents (r = 0.76) and the total beta-glucan contents (r = 0.70). Furthermore, a significant interaction was found between diets and the method used to derive lipid digestibility. The differences between apparent and true lipid digestibility ranged from 0.05 percentage points for the wheat diet to 0.20 percentage points for the rye diet. 4. From the results of this trial, it appears that TMEN overestimates the energy value of high fibre diets.  相似文献   

1. Three subsamples of a batch of meat and bone meal (MBM0) were heated at 150 degrees C for 1.5 h (MBM1.5), 3 h (MBM3) or 5 h (MBM5). 2. The MBM's were included in 4 wheat-gluten based diets, each limiting in lysine. 3. The lysine digestibility for each of the diets was determined using precision-fed intact adult cockerels and caecectomised adult cockerels, ileal cannulated adult cockerels, the ileal digesta and excreta of young growing chickens. 4. The results of the digestibility assays were compared with the relative amount of lysine available as determined by growth assay. 5. Comparison of the regression lines of digestible lysine (determined with the digestibility assays) on available lysine (determined by growth assay) indicated that while the magnitude of the digestibility values varied significantly (P less than 0.05) depending on the type of assay used, the differences in lysine digestibility as a result of heat treatment across the 4 diets was the same when comparing assays (the regression lines were parallel). 6. The results of each digestibility assay also correlated with relative digestibility values determined by growth.  相似文献   

1. In the first experiment, the AMEN of linseed was evaluated at rates of 40, 80, 160 and 240 g/kg in a basal diet with broiler chickens aged 28 d using the total collection method. 2. Increasing the concentration of linseed decreased the AMEN of diet, from 11.78 to 8.75 MJ/kg DM, and AMEN of linseed, from 16.64 to -2.96 MJ/kg DM. The negative values clearly indicated that linseed interacted with the other dietary ingredients and impaired their energy utilisation. 3. In the second experiment, a semipurified diet with graded addition of linseed (80, 120, 160 and 240 g/kg DM) was evaluated for crude fat and fatty acid apparent digestibilities. The coefficients decreased from 0.602 to 0.359 for crude fat and from 0.661 to 0.352 for individual fatty acids as the level of linseed increased. 4. In both experiments, a quadratic regression model explained the relationship between data better than the linear model. 5. The presence of mucilage and other antinutritional factors in linseed might explain the results obtained in this study.  相似文献   

糙米在畜禽日粮中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,畜禽饲养主要以玉米作为能量饲料,但是,在我国南方尤其是两湖一带主要产粮区饲用玉米短缺,需要大量从东北三省以及河南、河北等地运入,提高了饲料生产成本,限制了畜牧业的均衡发展。而作为南方的主要粮食作物水稻,尤其是品质较差的早季稻资源丰富。为了解决南方饲用玉米短缺而早季稻相对过剩的问题,早日实现稻米用途多样化,国内外许多学者开始研究把稻谷及其主要产品——糙米向饲料产品转化,已经取得了一系列的研究成果,并且产生了良好的社会效益。1糙米与玉米的营养价值比较1.1糙米与玉米的常规营养成分和能量的比较1.3糙米与玉米氨基…  相似文献   

研究了超微粉碎(平均几何粒径50μm)与添加复合外源酶制剂(内含植酸酶、纤维素酶、木聚糖酶和阿魏酸酯酶)2种处理对生长猪脱脂米糠饲粮中矿物质和氨基酸消化率的影响。选择4头平均体重为45 kg的三元(杜×长×大)杂交去势公猪,在其回肠末端安装T-瘘管,饲喂按照2×2因子设计的4种试验饲粮(脱脂米糠基础饲粮(平均几何粒径450μm)、超微粉碎脱脂米糠饲粮、脱脂米糠加酶饲粮和超微粉碎脱脂米糠加酶饲粮),采用4×4拉丁方试验安排进行消化试验。结果表明:(1)超微粉碎显著提高了Cu的回肠表观消化率(AID)和Mg的全消化道表观消化率(ATTD)(P005),对其他矿物质消化率无影响;添加复合外源酶制剂显著提高了Ca、Zn、总磷的AID(P005),显著提高了Ca、Mg、Zn、植酸磷(P005)以及总磷(P001)的ATTD;超微粉碎与添加复合外源酶制剂结合使用极显著提高了Ca、Zn以及总磷的AID(P001),显著提高了Mg、Zn的ATTD(P005),极显著提高了Ca、总磷、植酸磷的ATTD(P001)。(2)超微粉碎、添加复合外源酶制剂以及二者互作对必需氨基酸、非必需氨基酸、总氨基酸和粗蛋白(CP)的AID均无显著影响(P005),但使CP的AID分别提高了163%,320%,382%(P005),ATTD分别提高433%,498%,415%(P005),对粗蛋白ATTD的改善效果优于AID。结论:超微粉碎处理对生长猪脱脂米糠饲粮中大多数矿物元素和主要氨基酸的AID和ATTD无显著影响;添加复合外源酶制剂处理则能显著提高脱脂米糠多种矿物元素的AID和ATTD,改善CP的AID,但对氨基酸的AID无显著影响;超微粉碎与添加外源酶制剂对脱脂米糠饲粮多种矿物元素以及CP的AID和ATTD的改善表现出明显的协同效果。  相似文献   

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