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During a routine trip to a horse slaughterhouse, we found bilateral ovarian teratoma. Macroscopic findings were confirmed by the presence of hair, bones, and cartilage. Under microscopy, these tumors had mature foreign tissues as stratified squamous and respiratory epithelia, sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as follicular endocrine cells, inflammatory cells, hepatocytes, and hyaline cartilage.  相似文献   

Reproductive seasonality in the mare is characterized by a marked decline in adenohypophyseal synthesis and secretion of LH beginning near the autumnal equinox. Thus, ovarian cycles have ceased in most mares by the time of the winter solstice. Endogenous reproductive rhythms in seasonal species are entrained or synchronized as a result of periodic environmental cues. In the horse, this cue is primarily day length. Hence, supplemental lighting schemes have been used managerially for decades to modify the annual timing of reproduction in the mare. Although a full characterization of the cellular and molecular bases of seasonal rhythms has not been realized in any species, many of their synaptic and humoral signaling pathways have been defined. In the mare, neuroendocrine-related studies have focused primarily on the roles of GnRH and interneuronal signaling pathways that subserve the GnRH system in the regulatory cascade. Recent studies have considered the role of a newly discovered neuropeptide, RF-related peptide 3 that could function to inhibit GnRH secretion or gonadotrope responsiveness. Although results that used native peptide sequences have been negative in the mare and mixed in all mammalian females, new studies that used an RFRP3 antagonist (RF9) in sheep are encouraging. Importantly, despite continuing deficits in some fundamental areas, the knowledge required to control seasonal anovulation pharmacologically has been available for >20 yr. Specifically, the continuous infusion of native GnRH is both reliable and efficient for accelerating reproductive transition and is uniquely applicable to the horse. However, its practical exploitation continues to await the development of a commercially acceptable delivery vehicle.  相似文献   

The practice of covering in herds is often used in Crioulo breeding farms, thus not allowing the determination of ovulation dates and the early detection of pregnancies. This fact complicates the estimation of gestational age after 70 days of conception. This study aimed to evaluate the diameter of the fetal orbits of Crioulo mares to develop a formula to estimate a gestational date. Measurements of 164 fetal ocular orbits were performed in 124 Crioulo mares with gestational ages ranging between 119 and 341 days. The current study observed a linear growth pattern of Crioulo fetal orbits up to 341 days of gestation. Thus, obtaining a suitable linear regression model to determine the gestational age of Crioulo mares based on fetal ocular orbit diameter measure is possible. The obtained model was y = 8.3756x + 11.90, where y represents the gestational age in days, and x represents the diameter of the fetal ocular orbit in millimeters. This formula had an r2 of 0.985 (P < .001). We conclude that this model allows researchers and veterinarians to accurately estimate the gestational age of Crioulo mares between 4 and 11 months of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Cyclical ovaries of 18 mares were examined histologically and immunohistochemically for vascular endothelial growth factor A and B (VEGF A; VEGF B), angiopoietin1 and 2 (Ang1; Ang2), vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 and 2 (VEGF-R1; VEGF-R2), angiopoietin receptor (Tie2) and von Willebrand factor. The most intensive coexpression of the examined factors and receptors was detected in the periovulatory period, when a distinctive ovarian angiogenesis takes place, being essential for tertiary follicle maturation and for the endocrine function of the Corpus luteum. Based on the immunohistochemical results, VEGF A, Ang2, VEGF-R2 and Tie2 in particular seem to play a significant role on angiogenesis during follicular and luteal development in the mare, while Ang1 supports vessel stabilisation. The findings of luteal regression and follicular atresia showed that, in the absence of VEGF A, Ang2 and its receptor Tie2 contribute substantially to vessel regression and therefore to luteolysis and follicular atresia.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study cellular changes in the epithelium of the mare’s oviduct. Oviductal samples were taken from mares at different reproductive stages for optical microscopy and Hoechst 33258 staining. Glandular-like structures were observed in 100% of the oviducts. These structures were of the tubular type and were formed by ciliated and nonciliated epithelial cells arranged in a way similar to the epithelial surface. The amount of structures decreased progressively from the ampulla to the isthmus, but did not change through the different reproductive stages. Histological changes in the epithelium of the oviduct were observed associated with the reproductive stages. In the ampulla, the amount of ciliated cells decreased in the anovulatory phase compared with other reproductive stages. Cords of connective tissue lined by epithelium (trabeculae) and dividing completely the lumen of the oviduct were found in 50% of the oviducts. Epithelial cells projected toward the lumen as large vesicles of cytoplasm, sometimes containing a nucleus. The amount of cells presenting nuclear protrusion varied throughout the oviduct, with highest incidence in the ampulla, decreasing progressively toward the isthmus (P < .05). In addition, nuclear protrusions were higher in number during the anovulatory and luteal phases than in the other reproductive stages (P < .05). These nuclear protruding cells appeared to be extruding from the epithelium and showed no signs of apoptosis based on the histological and fluorescent stains used. The existence of these gland-like structures in the oviductal mucosa should be considered when studying the oviductal physiology in mares.  相似文献   

Bladder eversion is a rare condition and may occur in mares as a result of excessive straining during pregnancy or in the postpartum period. In the present case, bladder eversion was caused by chronic cystitis in a nonpregnant mare. An Arabian racehorse (mare, 3 years old) was admitted to The Racehorse Hospital of the Turkish Jockey Club with a history of lumbar pain, excessive straining, and frequently assuming the urination position. Physical examination revealed the presence of tenesmus, stranguria, passing of small amounts of urine, and a visible mucosal structure at the ventral vulvar commissure during tenesmus. Laboratory findings revealed leucocytosis, increased urine pH, proteinuria, pyuria, and hematuria. Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus and Escherichia coli were isolated and identified in urine culture. Transrectal ultrasonography revealed thickening of the bladder wall and prolapse of the bladder corpus into the bladder. In the cystoscopic examination, performed following bladder reduction, severe hyperemia, erosion, and ulcers were determined in the bladder mucosa. Chronic cystitis was treated using antibiotics, based on urine culture test results, together with steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Twenty-four hours after the start of treatment, the severity of straining was observed to have decreased, ceasing completely on Day 4, and the bladder returned to its normal position.  相似文献   

Early embryonic loss (EEL) negatively affects the reproductive efficiency of equine reproduction. A sign of future EEL is when the embryo proper (EP) fails to develop within the embryonic vesicle after 30 days of gestation. The earlier the identification of impending EEL, the earlier the mare can be rebred to allow a second chance of pregnancy. The objectives of this study were to determine the percentage of embryonic vesicles with a visible EP at 18-28 days of gestation and to study the association between the presence/absence of the EP at different days of gestation and the future viability of the pregnancy. A total of 1,256 pregnancies were identified and followed by transrectal B-mode ultrasonography 12-45 days post ovulation in mares of the same Thoroughbred farm. The identification of the EP was attempted once during days 18-28. Pregnancy reconfirmation was performed on days 35-45. The percentage of vesicles with an EP increased gradually from days 18 (2.8%) to 21 (86.9%) (P < .05). From day 20 onward, the EEL rate of mares with vesicles without an EP was significantly higher (P < .05) than that of vesicles with a positive identification of an EP. In conclusion, the EP of the equine vesicle can be identified reliably with B-mode ultrasonography in the majority of mares (>71%) on day 20 of gestation. The lack of a positive identification of an EP from day 20 onward is associated with a higher EEL rate.  相似文献   

驴,马卵泡发育及黄体形成的超声显像初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验采用实时B型超声显像法,初步观察了16头母驴和17匹马发情期卵泡发育及黄体形成。卵泡为一轮廓完整的液性器官,卵泡液呈无回声(暗区)。卵泡壁在排卵前变薄,回声增强,轮廓更加清晰。75%的马卵泡在排卵前2天由椭圆形变为梨形或锥形,大部分驴的卵泡始终保持椭圆形。90%以上的驴和/或马的卵巢上有多个卵泡发育,多卵泡发育比单卵泡发育排卵迟缓。驴的最大卵泡从排卵前5天开始迅速增大,于排卵前1天达到最大(  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that continuous infusion of native GnRH into mares during the estrous cycle, at a dose of 100 μg/h, would elevate circulating concentrations of LH without disrupting the endogenous, episodic pattern of LH release. Ten cyclic mares were assigned to one of two groups (n = 5/group): (1) Control (saline) and (2) GnRH in saline (100 μg/h). On experimental day 0 (3 to 6 d after ovulation), osmotic pumps containing saline or GnRH were placed subcutaneously and connected to a jugular infusion catheter. Blood samples were collected from jugular catheters daily and at 5-min intervals from catheters placed in the intercavernous sinus (ICS) for 8 h on experimental day 4 (luteal phase; 7 to 10 d after ovulation), followed by an additional 6-h intensive sampling period 36 h after PGF(2α)-induced luteal regression (experimental day 6; follicular phase). Treatment with GnRH increased (P < 0.001) concentrations of LH by 3- to 4-fold in the peripheral circulation and 4- to 5-fold in the ICS. Continuous GnRH treatment accelerated (P < 0.01) the frequency of LH release and decreased the interepisodic interval during both luteal and follicular phases. Treatment with GnRH during the luteal phase eliminated the low-frequency, long-duration pattern of episodic LH release and converted it to a high-frequency, short-duration pattern reminiscent of the follicular phase. These observations appear to be unique to the horse. Further studies that exploit this experimental model are likely to reveal novel mechanisms regulating the control of gonadotrope function in this species.  相似文献   

Obstructive choledocholithiasis in a 12-year-old mare was corrected surgically by choledocholithotripsy. The mare had a history of chronic weight loss, intermittent fever, partial anorexia, jaundice, recurrent abdominal pain, and an abdominal mass palpable per rectum. Values for alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, gamma-glutamyl transferase, sorbitol dehydrogenase, and bromsulpthalein half-life were increased and bilirubinuria was evident before surgery. Two liver biopsies revealed periportal and portal fibrosis, bile duct proliferation, cholestasis, and variable amounts of hepatocellular necrosis, with infiltration by polymorphonuclear cells. Immediate clinical improvement was seen after surgery, and results of selected liver function tests gradually returned to normal. Since surgery, the mare has returned to her normal weight, has remained clinically normal for liver disease for 28 months, and has been useful as a broodmare.  相似文献   

A 14-year-old Quarter Horse mare presented for a mass within the vestibule and vagina resulting in external compression and incomplete occlusion at the external urethral opening with subsequent difficulty urinating. Examination revealed an approximately 15 × 10 cm lobulated mass within the vestibule and caudal vagina attached via a broad base dorsally. Histopathology of the mass identified a low-grade leiomyosarcoma. Complete resection was not possible, and surgical debulking of the mass was performed during standing sedation using a vessel-sealing and dividing device. The mare was discharged 3 days post-operatively without any complications. Recheck examinations performed at 1 month and 8 months’ post-surgery revealed excellent healing of the surgical site and no apparent tumour regrowth.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old Paso-Fino mare was presented for severe respiratory distress. The mare had foaled 2 months prior to presentation. The horse was in poor body condition with a dull hair coat. A mild fever was noted during physical examination and increased bronchovesicular sounds were auscultated. Thoracic radiographs showed an interstitial pattern and an alveolar infiltrate with distinct air bronchograms. Moderate purulent inflammation with increased mucus was observed in tracheal wash fluid, but no infectious agents were identified. A bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) contained a large amount of mucus and reactive mononuclear phagocytes with variable numbers of intracellular fungal organisms morphologically consistent with Pneumocystis carinii. The mare had undetectable levels of immunoglobulin M (IgM) and decreased IgG levels in the serum. Immunophenotyping revealed decreased expression of major histocompatability complex (MHC) class II molecules. Moderate to marked hyperplasia of type II epithelial cells was present throughout histologic sections of lung, but the fungal organisms were not observed. A culture system has not been developed for diagnosis of P carinii infection. Instead, diagnosis of P carinii pneumonia is achieved by microscopic identification of characteristic morphologic features of the pathogen. Cytologic examination of BAL fluid is the preferred method used to diagnose human infection with P carinii. In humans, the diagnostic sensitivity of cytology is significantly higher than the sensitivity of histopathologic examination of lung biopsies. The difference in sensitivity between BAL cytology and lung histopathology may also apply to the diagnosis of P carinii pneumonia in horses. (MacNeill AL, Alleman AR, Franklin RP, Long M, Giguère S, Uhl E, López-Martinez A, Wilkerson M. Pneumonia in a Paso-Fino mare [ Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia].  相似文献   

An 11-year-old mare presented with neuromuscular deficits and what resembled shivering in the left hind limb. On necropsy, there was no evidence of denervation atrophy of the left hind gastrocnemius muscle. The spinal cord had a small, right-sided lesion at C3-C4 and C4-C5. Tests for equine herpesvirus-1 and Sarcocystis spp. were negative.  相似文献   

An ovarian neoplasm measuring 10 by 8 by 6 cm was surgically removed from a 14-year-old Appaloosa mare. For 2 years prior to surgery, the mare had manifested marked behavioral changes, becoming aggressive toward other broodmares. Histologically, the tumor was found to be an arrhenoblastoma. Preoperative endocrinologic findings (high serum testosterone and low serum estradiol concentrations) supported the diagnosis.  相似文献   

This report involves uterine rupture in a mare, which was unique because it was not associated with assisted or difficult foaling. We describe an alternative to surgical correction of the condition and illustrate the need for luminal uterine palpation, so that uterine rupture does not go undiagnosed.  相似文献   

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