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<正>新疆全球环境基金土地退化防治机构能力建设项目实施5年已全面结束。五年来,在项目协调领导小组的领导下和各部门单位的积极配合大力支持下,主要取得的项目成果有:编制完成了《新疆土地退化综合防治战略与行动计划》、《新疆土地退化防治法规政策和机构能力评价报告》;建立了综合生态系统管理信息中心;完成了土地退化防治玛纳斯、博乐、精河示范点工作总结报告和监测报告;完成了《新疆土地退化防治  相似文献   

张小平 《中国林业》2010,(18):14-15
<正>新疆中国/全球环境基金干旱生态系统土地退化防治能力建设项目实施5年已全面结束。5年来,在项目协调领导小组的领导下和各部门单位的积极配合和大力支持下,项目组编制完成了《新疆土地退化综合防治战略与行动计划》、《新疆土地退化防治法规政策和机构能力评价报告》  相似文献   

严效寿  俞言琳 《中国林业》2010,(18):F0002-F0002,I0001-I0003
<正>新疆GEF(全球环境基金土地退化防治能力建设项目)实施5年已全面结束。5年来,在项目协调领导小组的领导下和各部门单位的积极配合大力支持下,编制完成了《新疆土地退化综合防治战略与行动计划》  相似文献   

<正>中国/全球环境基金干旱生态系统土地退化防治伙伴关系—加强基础条件和机构能力建设项目,简称新疆GEF项目。该项目主要是促进与土地退化防治相关的法律、法规和政策的完善;加强国家和省级之间的协调能力;提高省级和县级协调与运作能力;提高土地退化投资项目的能力;建立土地退化监测和评价系统;为加强土地退化防治提供基础条件和能力建设支持。该项目期限为2004年7月—2009年12月31日。  相似文献   

钱智 《中国林业》2010,(18):12-13
<正>新疆中国/全球环境基金干旱生态系统土地退化防治能力建设项目实施5年来,得到自治区党委、人民政府高度重视。项目在学习和运用综合生态系统管理理念中,结合自治区土地退化防治工作特点和实际,富有创造性地开展工作,取得了显著成绩。  相似文献   

<正>中国全球环境基金干旱生态系统土地退化防治能力建设项目于2004年7月在新疆正式启动,项目实施五年来,在中央项目协调办公室、中央项目执行办公室的指导和新疆项目协调领导小组的领导下,新疆的项目实施工作按照项目规划设计积极推进,进展顺利,全面完成了各项工作任务,取得明显成效。1项目基本情况为加快改善中国西部地区的生态环境,为全球防治土地退化做出示范,中国政府与全球环境基金(GEF)于2002年达成了在中国西部地区加强生态环境领域合作的共识  相似文献   

中国-全球环境基金(GEF)干旱生态系统土地退化防治伙伴关系项目(OP12项目),是一个综合生态系统管理项目,主要研究解决土地退化和人口贫困相伴而生、互为因果的机制、能力问题。  相似文献   

严效春 《中国林业》2010,(18):16-19
<正>中国/全球环境基金干旱生态系统土地退化防治能力建设项目于2004年7月在新疆正式启动,项目实施5年来,在中央项目协调办公室、中央项目执行办公室的指导和新疆项目协调领导小组的领导下,新疆的项目实施工作按照项目规划设计积极推进,进展顺利,全面完成了各项工作任务,取得了明显成效。  相似文献   

新疆是我国土地退化面积最大、分布最广的省区,也是世界防治土地退化的重点地区之一。随着中国与全球环境基金干旱生态系统土地退化防治伙伴关系项目(项目简称:GEF—OP12)的正式启动,记者了解到该项目给新疆在生态领域带来的不仅仅是资金支持,而且其方法理念在法律、政策、规划、技术等各个方面都发生了一系列深远影响。为此,本刊记者特地走访了新疆维吾尔自治区副主席、新疆GEF—OP12协调领导小组组长钱智。  相似文献   

气候变化背景下干旱生态系统土地退化防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化是当今全球陆地生态系统所面临的最大胁迫因素。探讨气候变化背景下干旱生态系统土地退化防治, 增强减缓和适应气候变化的能力, 逐步恢复土地生态系统原先所具有的综合生产潜力, 是亟待解决的重要课题。文中分析了气候变化对干旱生态系统土地退化的影响, 从综合生态系统管理的视角, 探讨了保护与恢复森林、草地、农田生态系统以增强应对气候变化的能力以及改善民生的途径, 以期为全球气候变化背景下土地退化防治和干旱生态系统可持续管理提供新的思路。  相似文献   

论我国林地征用制度存在的问题与改革思路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了保证社会公共或公益事业的发展,世界各国建立了土地征用这种特殊的土地取得制度,林地征用属于土地征用的范畴。本文从保护集体林地所有权的角度分析了当前我国林地征用制度存在的主要问题,并提出了林地征用制度改革的思路。  相似文献   

景泰县地处黄土高原和腾格里沙漠过渡地带,干旱缺水。20世纪70-80年代,国家建成景电一、二期高扬程电力引黄提灌工程为本区解决了主要的水资源,农业生产得到了飞跃发展,但相继而来引起低洼地带的红跃村土地盐渍化等环境退化问题。在GEF/OP12甘肃项目示范点景泰县红跃村前期研究基础上,用农户基线调查方法进行资料的进一步收集整理,分析项目区存在的主要问题是已有耕地盐渍化,民生问题严重;作物种植结构和农村产业结构不合理;不良灌溉方式导致水位抬高、水质变差;周边植被减少、土地沙化。提出项目后自我发展建议:转变观念,推广节水技术,调整作物结构,树立IEM理念、弘杨生态文化,确立持续发展目标。  相似文献   

Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and one of the 25 poorest in the world. Its economy is marked by severe structural problems, and there is an extreme and widening gap between rich and poor. Per capita income in 1983 was US $315, and only about $50 in the countryside where many people live on the edge of starvation. Indices such as illiteracy, infant mortality and life expectancy are the worst in the hemisphere. Prolonged drought conditions since the mid-1970s have increased the country's external dependence, and much of the population depends on food aid.In the last few years several aid organizations have concentrated their efforts on reforestation programs with small farmers. Some programs are geared to production of fuelwood and timber as a source of cash income. Others propagate agroforestry as one possible solution to soil conservation and sustainable agriculture.Since 1983 the author has worked in Haiti as a technical consultant to local Caritas organizations working with many small groups of farmers engaged in agroforestry and soil conservation activities. The primary goal is to stop the process of hillside erosion, find new ways to prevent loss and degradation of agricultural land, make better use of rainwater, and promote self reliance in basic food crops.  相似文献   

生物炭改良林地土壤研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是世界上人工林面积最大的国家,同时也是林地土壤质量退化最为严峻的国家。如何减缓人工林地力衰退和维持人工林长期生产力等问题,已成为当今中国乃至世界林业科学最为关注的话题。近年来生物炭作为一种新型有效的土壤改良剂被世界各国广泛研究和利用,然而目前对生物炭的土壤改良作用研究多限于农地土壤,对林地土壤改良的综述性报道还不多见。文中从生物炭影响土壤物理学、化学及生物学特性等方面综述了生物炭在改良农林地土壤方面的研究进展,提出了生物炭研究存在的问题及今后的研究方向,以期为生物炭在农业及林地的应用提供理论参考,为改进传统的森林经营措施和实现人工林可持续经营提供借鉴。  相似文献   

浅山丘陵区生态工程造林的现状与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以许昌市西部浅山丘陵区工程造林现状为例,通过对该区域内宜林地工程造林在科技支撑、资金支撑以及林地管理、林权制度改革等方面存在问题的调查与分析,探讨提出了浅山丘陵区生态工程造林需要解决的关键技术问题。  相似文献   

Because of illegal logging, increased population pressure and intensified shifting cultivation, forest coverage of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) has decreased drastically resulting in land degradation. Many development projects have been implemented to combat forest loss and land degradation and also to improve the livelihoods of the hill people. This paper reports an empirical study of the Upland Settlement Project (USP) of Bangladesh which was undertaken to prevent land degradation and enhance the standard of living of the people. Planters were found to have given up shifting cultivation and adopted soil conserving agroforestry practices, and forest coverage has been increased in the project village. Interacting with project staff members, government officials and NGOs assisted planters in diversifying livelihood strategies thereby reducing dependency on project resources. Rich planters, utilizing their own capacity, expanded their income sources successfully. Poor planters still remain wage labourers because they do not have sufficient finance and networks to invest in productive ventures. Planters’ participation in project activities and the information flow between them and project staff were found to be minimal. Suggestions are made for the continuity of project functions, which involve greater participation of planters in rubber management functions, improved information flow, resolution of land tenure and greater equality in distribution of rubber revenue.
Tapan Kumar NathEmail:

近年来,随着社会经济建设的加快,各行各业的用地量增加,用地矛盾日益突出。特别是城市建设的加快,城市扩张对土地的需求量扩大,城市向农村迅速蔓延。这就必然要求土地利用总体规划以城乡统筹的视角来全局考虑综合安排各行业用地。以泸定县土地利用总体规划为例,从泸定县的实际情况出发分析统筹安排各行业用地。  相似文献   

退耕还林地造林树种选择的探讨   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
退耕还林,是我国当前为改善生态环境、治理国土的一项重大决策。为使退耕还林农户获取较高经济收益,“稳得住”退耕还林土地,其关键在于退耕还林地造林树种的正确选择。为获得发展山区经济、改善生态环境的双重效益,退耕还林地的造林树种选择,应遵循适地适树、乡土树种优先、经济效益与生态效益相统一、按不同效益区划选择树种、多种乔灌草植物相结合、为野生动物提供食物和庇护场所的6项原则。从利用花、果实、种子、芽、枝叶为主获取经济效益,而不以砍伐树干,取根获得效益出发,提出了青剌尖等30余种树种供云南的退耕还林地作造林树种选择用。  相似文献   

退耕还林工程实施7年来,国家采取了一系列有力措施,工程建设取得了阶段性成果。但现行政策仍然存在着诸多缺失,由此引发了退耕还林的诸多问题。文章从公共政策的视角出发,对现行政策及其缺失进行了系统的分析,并提出了政策调整完善的对策建议。  相似文献   

Vegetation and land degradation, although less acute than in the Southern Mediterranean Basin, is still widespread in the North. Degradation results from various kinds of mismanagement of the land. Wildfires, for instance, favoured by ungrazing, play an increasingly important role as the mean area annually burnt shifted from an average 200,000 ha in the 1960's to over 600,000 ha in the 1980's. These put a heavy burden on the states and on local communities that amounted to an annual average one billion ECUs (USS 1.2 billion) in the 1980's. The causes and processes of land and vegetation degradation are analysed in the light of the changes in land-use over the past 25 years, as shown in the official statistical data. Forest and shrubland areas are expanding while farmland is shrinking by nearly 1% per annum. An analysis of the foreseeable situation in the early years of the twenty-first century is attempted on the basis of the likely evolution of the EEC agricultural policy. Some guidelines are proposed for sound ecological management of the Northern Mediterranean land and vegetation. These include the introduction or expansion of agroforestry systems with multiple-use of the land to develop tourism, wildlife, hunting and sports, combined with extensive grazing of livestock and game and timber production from elite clones of selected high yielding or highly valued species.Eight to ten million hectares, at present devoted to cereal cropping (i.e. about 50% of the cereal-cropping hectarage), will have to be reconverted to other activities. By 1995, the EEC cereal prices will have to drop in line with the world market, as a result of the recent evolution of the EEC Communal Agricultural Policy (CAP). The warranted EEC cereal prices are at present about 40% above that of the world market. The reconversion of this cereal land to other activities could combine low-input mixed agroforestry systems with extensive livestock and game husbandry, high value timber, tourism and various amenities. These should include forage-shrubs plantations in a strategy which combines inexpensive, albeit nutritionally balanced, ruminant diets with erosion control and the overall uplift of natural land fertility and productivity.  相似文献   

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