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Sir:- A long-haired domestic cat. aged two years, appeared normal when fed by the owner, at 9.00am. At 3.00pm the cat arrived home walking on three legs. The other leg appeared very painful. The owner brought the cat to the clinic immediately as she thought it has been hit by a car.  相似文献   

A clinical case of possible clostridial myositis in a dog and its treatment is described. This condition is rare in carnivores and bacteriological examination was not made in this case. Tests revealed neutrophilia, together with increased levels of aspartate aminotransferase and creatine phosphokinase (CPK). One month after the onset of the disease, all these parameters were again normal apart from CPK which did not regain a normal level until five months later, by which time cicatrisation of the lesion by second intention was complete.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous clostridial infection in broilers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A flock of 12,500 broilers 36 days of age experienced a sudden increase in mortality. Post-mortem lesions were emphysema, severe enteritis, and a serosanguineous fluid in the subcutaneous tissue of the breast and thighs; there was no evidence of a loss in the integrity of the skin. Clostridium perfringens and C. septicum were isolated from the affected subcutaneous tissue. Histopathological and serological examination indicated previous infection with infectious bursal disease virus. The subsequent immunosuppression and severe enteritis may have permitted the clostridia access to the circulatory system, with localization in the subcutaneous areas of the breast and thighs. Mortality returned to normal 48 hours after potassium penicillin G was administered via the drinking water.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old, neutered male, keeshond was presented for vomiting, lethargy, icterus, and anorexia. Obstructive cholelithiasis was diagnosed based on analysis of a serum biochemical profile, abdominal radiographs, and ultrasonography. Choleliths were removed from the gall bladder and common bile duct via a cholecystotomy.  相似文献   

This paper describes the epidemiological and pathological features of an outbreak of clostridial myocarditis in calves due to Clostridium chauvoei. Four of seven two-month-old Hereford calves died in the course of a week. Their gross postmortem lesions were similar and consisted of irregular dark red areas of myocardial necrosis through the full thickness of the atrial and ventricular myocardium. No lesions were observed in skeletal muscle. The heart muscle had extensive multifocal areas of acute coagulative necrosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by a fluorescent antibody technique on tissue smears, by a streptavidin-biotin technique on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues, and by a PCR technique specific for the 16S rRNA of C. chauvoei.  相似文献   

1自然地理概况 庆城县隶属甘肃省庆阳地区管辖,地处陇东黄土高原残塬沟壑区,总面积约2600km^2,其中耕地面积54866.67hm^2,天然草场面积126666.67hm^2,人工种草35333.3hm^2,其中紫花苜蓿14666.67hm^2。县内山、川、塬兼有,地势北高南低,从北向南倾斜,海拔1000—1600m,  相似文献   

山羊梭菌性疾病是由梭菌状芽孢杆菌属中的微生物所致的一类疾病,包括羊快疫、羊肠毒血症、羊猝疽、羊黑疫、羔羊痢疾等病。羊快疫主要发生于绵羊的一种急性传染病,山羊少发。发病突然,病程极短。其特征为真胃里出血性、炎性损害。1.1 流行特点:绵羊对羊快疫最易感染,腐败梭菌常以芽孢形式广泛分布于低洼草地、熟耕地及沼泽之中,羊只采食污染的饲料和饮水后,经消化道感染,本病一年四季均能发生,特别是秋冬和初春,气候骤变,阴雨连绵之际发病较多。羊只发病年龄多在6个月至18个月之间。1.2 临床症状:病羊突然发病,没有任何症状倒地死亡,有的死…  相似文献   

A 6-year-old, intact male Siberian husky was evaluated for a 24-hour history of vomiting and lethargy. Diagnosis of emphysematous cholecystitis was achieved based on survey abdominal radiographs, a barium contrast gastrointestinal series, and abdominal ultrasound. Diagnosis and medical and surgical management of the condition are discussed.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a multicomponent clostridial vaccine containing Pasteurella haemolytica antigens was tested in specific pathogen free or conventionally reared lambs exposed to experimental infection with P haemolytica serotypes A1, A2 or A6. In four experiments assessment was based upon the findings of clinical, pathological and bacteriological examinations. Three experiments carried out in conventionally reared lambs demonstrated protection against challenge infection with P haemolytica serotypes A1, A2 and A6 in vaccinated lambs. However, the inconsistency of the disease induced in these experiments emphasised the need to perform definitive studies in specific pathogen free conditions. The final experiment was carried out with specific pathogen free lambs and confirmed the efficacy of the multicomponent clostridial vaccine containing P haemolytica antigen in protecting against the effects of infection with P haemolytica serotype A6. In addition, this experiment indicated that the inclusion of several components in a vaccine did not affect the efficacy of an individual antigenic component.  相似文献   

A clinlcal case of clostrldlai myosltls secondary to a comrnlnuted femoral fracture Is descrlbed. This case is unusual because, despite the severe degree of obvlous muscle necrosls and gas productlon, the dog had mlnlmal slgns of systemic toxiclty. Unlon of the fracture was achleved but six months postoperatively muscular contracture had resulted In permanent stlfle extension.  相似文献   



Each year, several million sheep are injected with clostridial vaccines in New Zealand; though this must safeguard the animals, it is of overriding importance that the vaccine should be “safe”. The British Veterinary Codex (1965 1965. British Veterinary Codex, 435438. London: Pharmaceutical Press. and p. 462 [Google Scholar]) recommends to manufacturers that a sample of each batch of vaccine should be injected into the intended animal species as a safety test. For pulpy kidney vaccine, twice the maximum dose recommended on the label injected subcutaneously should produce no significant local or systemic reaction in sheep during an observation period of seven days.  相似文献   

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