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The effects of severity of grazing on the herbage intake and milk production of continuously stocked British Friesian cows calving in February–March were examined in three experiments conducted in the years 1976–78 (experiments 1–3 respectively) using a put-and-take technique. In experiment 1 four grazing severities were imposed by maintaining swards with different herbage masses (2500, 3000, 3500, 4000 kg OM ha-1); in experiments 2 and 3 there were two severities of grazing maintained by keeping swards canopies at constant heights of 5 and 7 cm (experiment 2) and 5 and 7·2 cm (experiment 3). Cows were reallocated to treatment every 8 weeks in experiments 1 and 2 and there were three periods, whereas they all grazed throughout a 23-week period on the same treatment in the final trial.
A decrease in the quantity of herbage on offer or in sward height reduced herbage intake and milk production in all experiments. Mean daily herbage OM intakes were 11·2, 12·2, 12·2 and 12·2 kg respectively in experiment 1, 12·2 and 13·2 kg respectively in experiment 2 and 12·2 and 152 kg respectively in experiment 3. Mean daily solids–corrected milk yields were 14·2, 15·2, 15·2 and 16·2 kg respectively in experiment 1, 14·2 and 16·2 kg respectively in experiment 2 and 12·2 and 17·2 kg respectively in experiment 3. It was apparent from the data obtained in the first two trials that grazing at a sward canopy height of 7 rather than 9 cm had little effect, but that at 5 cm there were significant depressions in both herbage intake and milk production. Milk yield was depressed to a greater extent when cows were kept on the same treatment for the whole season.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between the seasonal pattern of net herbage accumulation under cutting and the pattern of intake under continuous variable stocking on a Lolium perenne sward, which was well supplied with nitrogen fertilizer and irrigated to minimize moisture stress.
The seasonal pattern of production under monthly cutting showed characteristic asymmetry with a marked peak in production in late May/early June, a rapid decline in June followed by an increase in rate in August and the total amount harvested over the season was 9–28 t organic matter ha−1.
By contrast, the seasonal patterns of production on swards grazed by ewes to maintain sward surface heights of 30, 50 and 70 mm all differed fundamentally from that observed under cutting. Production was more evenly distributed throughout the season under these grazing treatments which, it has been proposed, should optimize performance. Total amounts harvested by grazing were 10–84, 10.12 and 8.51 t OM ha−1, respectively. The different patterns of production under cutting and grazing were considered to be associated with differences in the expression of reproductive development in the grass crop and the maintenance of a smaller leaf area per unit ground area under grazing.
The results of the study suggest that it is not appropriate to regard the seasonal pattern of net accumulation under a standard cutting regime as representing the potential production of grass under continuous stocking. Moreover, in practice, the more uniform seasonal pattern of production seen in swards maintained on the basis of a controlled sward surface height makes it easier to match the supply of herbage to the appetite of grazing animals as the season progresses.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the influence of herbage mass under continuous stocking management with sheep on rates of herbage growth (G), senescence (S) and net production of green herbage (NP) in a mixed-species sward of Lolium perenne. Poa annua and Trifolium repens. Plots were maintained in as nearly constant herbage mass as possible at 500, 700, 1000 and 1700 kg organic matter (OM) ha−1 by continuous but variable stocking with sheep for the period May to July inclusive. Estimates of G, S and NP were obtained for each species from repeated measurements over two 2-week periods on individually identified grass tillers or clover stolons. Estimates of species population densities enabled estimates of G. S and NP per unit area to be made.
Rates of G were higher and of S were lower for Lolium tillers and Trifolium stolons than for Poa tillers. The laminae of Poa tillers occupied inferior positions in the canopy of the swards maintained at higher herbage masses and were less accessible to the grazing animals, so that Poa tissue was less well utilized.
The total population densities of tillers and stolons declined at herbage masses both above and below 700 kg OM ha−1. The rate of G for the three species combined increased with herbage  相似文献   

The present study highlights the effects of sheep grazing and precipitation on herbage and animal performance in a grazed steppe of Inner Mongolia. Experimental data were collected during grazing periods of four consecutive years (2005–2008), and effects were analysed across a gradient of seven grazing intensities. Variation in annual precipitation, reflected by the effect of ‘year’, was the major factor affecting herbage; i.e., the production and nutritive value of herbage increased with increasing precipitation. Herbage parameters were also affected by grazing intensity, as herbage production (HP) and herbage nutritive yields decreased, while herbage nutritive values increased with increasing grazing intensity. The grazing‐induced decrease in herbage nutritive yields suggests that decreases in HP offset the positive effect of grazing on the nutritive value. Liveweight gain (LWG) was predominantly affected by grazing intensity, as LWG per sheep and per ha decreased and increased, respectively, with increasing grazing intensity. However, responses varied among years: LWG per sheep was maximized by light grazing in the drought year and by moderate grazing the wet year. Our results showed that herbage shortage at high grazing intensities reduces LWG per sheep and thus diminishes responses in LWG per ha. Nevertheless, the highest grazing intensity provides highest animal production per ha in the short term; however, this is not sustainable in the mid‐ and long term because decreasing HP induces degradation processes. Based on our results, a reduction in grazing intensity that still provides 78% of the maximum LWG per ha meets the requirements of a sustainable grazing management.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of ewe prolificacy potential (PP; predicted number of lambs born ewe?1 year?1), stocking rate (SR; ewes/ha) and their interaction on herbage dry matter (DM) production, utilization, quality and sward morphology within a temperate grass‐based lamb production system. The study had a 2 × 3 factorial design, consisting of two ewe PP as dictated by sire breed (180 medium prolificacy potential (MP—Suffolk crossbred) and 180 high prolificacy potential ewes (HP—Belclare crossbred)) and three SR: low (LSR; 10 ewes/ha), medium (MSR; 12 ewes/ha) and high (HSR: 14 ewes/ha). Each treatment was managed in a rotational grazing system, with LSR, MSR and HSR treatments grazing to target post‐grazing sward heights (PGSH) of 4.55, 4.15 and 3.75 cm respectively. Herbage DM production (above target PGSH) and utilization were highest at the HSR, intermediate at the MSR and lowest at the LSR (p < .001). Ewe PP had no effect on herbage DM production, utilization, quality or sward morphology (p > .05). The proportion of leaf in the sward (above target PGSH) was 4% greater in MSR and HSR compared with LSR (p < .05). In conclusion, findings demonstrate the potential to support increased ewe PP through the selection of ewe genotypes of a genetically higher PP and lower mature live weight and increased SR within a temperate grass‐based lamb production system.  相似文献   

Three experiments were carried out on perennial ryegrass‐dominant swards to provide a basis for recommendations for the limits to (a) building up and timing of utilization of a herbage ‘bank’ for out‐of‐season grazing and (b) duration and intensity of early spring grazing in the United Kingdom and Ireland. In experiment 1, the effect of regrowth interval (from 7 September, 20 October, 17 November or 15 December) in autumn on herbage accumulation, leaf turnover and on subsequent spring growth was investigated. Swards regrown from early September reached maximum herbage mass (about 3 t ha–1 DM) and leaf lamina content in mid‐November, by which time senescence rate exceeded rate of production of new leaves. New leaf production and senescence rates were greater in swards remaining uncut until December than in those cut in October or November. Time of defoliation up to December had no effect on spring herbage mass in the subsequent spring. Defoliating in March reduced herbage mass in late May by less than 20%. Experiment 2 investigated the progress in herbage growth and senescence in swards regrowing from different times in late summer and autumn to produce herbage for utilization beyond the normal grazing season. Treatments in a randomized block design with three replicates were regrowths from 19 July, 8 August, 30 August and 20 September. Based on a lower ceiling of leaf and total herbage mass being reached with progressively later regrowths, beyond which leaf senescence generally exceeded leaf production and herbage mass declined, it was concluded that currently recommended rotation lengths for this period should extend from 3 weeks in late July to 8 weeks for swards previously grazed in mid‐September. In both experiments, leaf senescence commenced earlier (by one leaf‐age category) than previously published estimates and so brought forward the time at which senescence rates balanced leaf growth rates. In experiment 3, designed to evaluate the effect of daily grazing period and intensity in early spring on herbage regrowth, dairy cows grazed successive plots (replicates) for 2 or 4 h each day at two intensities (target residual heights of 5 or 7 cm) in March to mid‐April. Regrowth rate was similar in all treatments including the ungrazed control, despite soil moisture content being relatively high on occasions. Tiller density was significantly reduced in May by grazing plots in early or mid‐April. It is concluded that in autumn there are limits to which rotation lengths should be extended to produce herbage for out‐of‐season grazing owing to attainment of ceiling yields. Although utilization in early spring may reduce herbage availability in spring, out‐of‐season utilization need not reduce herbage growth rates in early spring.  相似文献   

The objective of this study, which was part of a larger grazing‐systems experiment, was to investigate the cumulative impact of three levels of grazing intensity on sward production, utilization and structural characteristics. Pastures were grazed by rotational stocking with Holstein–Friesian dairy cows from 10 February to 18 November 2009. Target post‐grazing heights were 4·5 to 5 cm (high; H), 4 to 4·5 cm (intermediate; I) and 3·5 to 4 cm (low; L). Detailed sward measurement were undertaken on 0·08 of each farmlet area. There were no significant treatment differences in herbage accumulated or in herbage harvested [mean 11·3 and 11·2 t dry matter (DM) ha?1 respectively]. Above the 3·5 cm horizon, H, I and L swards had 0·56, 0·62 and 0·67 of DM as leaf and 0·30, 0·23 and 0·21 of DM as stem respectively. As grazing severity increased, tiller density of grass species other than perennial ryegrass (PRG) decreased (from 3,350 to 2,780 and to 1771 tillers m?2 for H, I and L paddocks respectively) and the rejected area decreased (from 0·27 to 0·20 and to 0·10 for H, I and L paddocks respectively). These results indicate the importance of grazing management practice on sward structure and quality and endorse the concept of increased grazing severity as a strategy to maintain high‐quality grass throughout the grazing season. The findings are presented in the context of the need for intensive dairy production systems to provide greater quantities of high‐quality pasture over an extended grazing season, in response to policy changes with the abolition of EU milk quotas.  相似文献   

Groups of calves and lambs grazed on plots of S23 perennial ryegrass, in successive periods of 2, 2 and 3 weeks, at stocking rates which resulted in a slow change in herbage mass on each plot and measurements were made of ingestive behaviour (biting rate, bite size and grazing time) and herbage intake. As the green herbage mass was progressively reduced from approx. 3000 to 1000 kg OM per ha between periods, biting rate and grazing time increased, but insufficiently to offset the rapid fall in bite size so that herbage intake declined by 24% and 39% for calves and lambs respectively. Patterns of response were similar in calves and lambs, though in all parameters except biting rate the lambs appeared to be more sensitive than the calves to changes in sward conditions and there was no evidence that lambs were better adapted to grazing on short swards than calves. Intake increased in both calves and lambs up to levels of 2500–3000 kg green OM per ha, though this response may have been attributable in part to the reinforcing effects of increasing herbage mass and diet digestibility. Lambs consistently selected a more digestible diet than calves. Both calves and lambs increased grazing time substantially in response to limiting sward conditions, in contrast to results in earlier strip-grazing trials with calves, thus supporting the suggestion that the lack of response under strip-grazing is a characteristic of the management imposed.  相似文献   

Decision support tools to help dairy farmers gain confidence in grazing management need to be able to predict performance of grazing animals with easy‐to‐obtain variables on farm. This paper, the second of a series of three, describes the GrazeIn model predicting herbage intake for grazing dairy cows. The model of voluntary intake described in the first paper is adapted to grazing situations taking account of sward characteristics and grazing management, which can potentially affect intake compared to indoor feeding. Rotational and continuously stocked grazing systems are considered separately. Specific effects of grazing management on intake were quantified from an extensive literature review, including the effect of daily herbage allowance and pre‐grazing herbage mass in rotational grazing systems, sward surface height in continuously stocked grazing systems, and daily time at pasture in both grazing systems. The model, based on iterative procedures, estimates many interactions between cows, supplements, sward characteristics and grazing management. The sensitivity of the prediction of herbage intake to sward and management characteristics, as well as the robustness of the simulations and an external validation of the GrazeIn model with an independent data set, is presented in a third paper.  相似文献   

Friesian heifers grazing Cenchrus ciliaris cv. Biloela were supplemented with 0, 3 or 6 kg concentrates daily during weeks 10–34 (±1·7) of lactation during either the rainy or the dry season. The overall responses to concentrate were identical between seasons at 0·27 kg extra milk and solids corrected milk per kg. Supplementation increased total feed intake and modified the grazing behaviour of cows. For each kg concentrate organic matter eaten, herbage organic matter intake was reduced by 0·64 and 0·42 kg in the rainy and dry seasons respectively and the time spent grazing by 11 min. Higher intakes in the dry season were the result of an increased rate of biting and were reflected in liveweight change but not milk yield.  相似文献   

The effects of short grazing intervals in the early part of the grazing season on the growth and utilization of grass herbage, and the performance of grazing dairy cows, in a rotational grazing system were examined. Seventy-six cows were allocated to two grazing treatments: a normal rotation treatment (20-d rotations for the first 60 d) and a short rotation treatment (12-, 8-, 8-, 8-, 12- and 12-day rotations). Thereafter, both treatments had the same grazing interval and over the season as a whole both treatments received the same amount of nitrogen fertilizer and were stocked at the same rate. The short rotation treatment significantly reduced pre- and post-grazing sward heights and pre-grazing herbage mass in May and June. Total herbage production was significantly lower on the short than the normal rotation treatment as a result of a significant reduction in the growth rate of herbage in May and June. The short rotation treatment had a significantly lower milk output per cow. Grazing shorter swards, as a result of shorter rotations, significantly reduced herbage intake, reflecting reductions in intake per bite, grazing time and total bites per day. Treatment had no significant effect on herbage quality or pre- and post-grazing sward height in August and September, despite the increased grazing severity in May and June with the short rotations. The severity of rotation length in this instance had a detrimental impact on animal performance, whereas a more modest reduction in grazing interval may control herbage production, without reducing animal performance.  相似文献   

The effects of continuous stocking by sheep at sward surface heights (SSH) of 3, 5, 7 and 9 cm in grass/clover (GC) and nitrogen-fertilized grass (GN) swards were examined in relation to herbage mass and quality, clover content, tiller density and rates of herbage production and senescence in two periods in each of three grazing seasons (1987-89). The GN swards received a total of 300 kg N ha?1 each year in six equal dressings from March; GC swards received a single dressing of 50 kg N ha?1 in March each year. Herbage mass measured from ground level increased linearly with SSH with overall mean herbage masses of 0·89, 1·38, 1·78 and 2·12 t OM ha?1 (s.e.m.0·024, P < 0·001) at SSH of 3, 5, 7 and 9 cm respectively. GN and GC swards had mean herbage masses of 1·58 and 1·51 t OM ha?1 (s.e.m. 0·051, NS) respectively. Mean N content of herbage on GN swards was greater than that on GC swards and declined with increasing SSH. Crude, fibre (CF) content of herbage was similar for both sward types and increased with increasing SSH. Clover content of GC swards remained low throughout the experiment, ranging from 0·002 to 0·074 of herbage mass. However, from tissue turnover rates it was estimated that its contribution to herbage production was in the range of 0·049–0·219 of net herbage growth. Total growth increased with increasing SSH in both sward types, with maximum growth rates in GN swards of 143 and 130 kg DM ha?1 d?1 and in GC swards of 88·2 and 85·4 kg DM ha?1 d?1 in Periods 1 (up to early July) and 2 (after July) respectively. Senescence rates ranged between 13·3 and 50·1 kg DM ha?1 d?1 and tended to be higher in Period 2 than in Period 1. Net production increased with increasing SSH in Period 1, while in Period 2 net production declined at SSH above 6·5 cm. The increased net herbage production in taller swards was not associated with greater utilized metabolizable energy production at sward heights above 5 cm.  相似文献   

Four perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars were compared for differences in herbage production, nutritive value and herbage intake of dry matter (DM) during the summers of 2002 and 2003. Two paddocks were sown with pure stands of four cultivars in a randomized block design with three replicates. Each plot was subdivided into fourteen subplots (22 m × 6 m) which were grazed by one cow during 24 h. Twelve lactating dairy cows were assigned to one cultivar for a period of 2 weeks in a 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design; the experiment lasted 8 weeks in each year. Sward structure (sward surface height, DM yield, green leaf mass, bulk density and tiller density) and morphological characteristics were measured. The ash, neutral‐detergent fibre, acid‐detergent lignin, crude protein and water‐soluble carbohydrate concentrations, and in vitro digestibility of the herbage were measured. The sward was also examined for infestation by crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. lolii). Herbage intake of dairy cows was estimated using the n‐alkane technique. Cultivar differences for all sward structural characteristics were found except for bulk density and tiller density in 2003. Cultivars differed for proportions of pseudostem, stem (in 2003 only) and dead material. The chemical composition of the herbage was different among cultivars, with the water‐soluble carbohydrate concentration showing large variation (>0·35). Cultivars differed in susceptibility to crown rust. Herbage intake differed among cultivars in 2002 (>2 kg DM) but not in 2003. Herbage intake was positively associated with sward height, DM yield and green leaf mass. Canopy morphology did not affect herbage intake. Crown rust affected herbage intake negatively. It was concluded that options for breeders to select for higher intake were limited. High‐yielding cultivars and cultivars highly resistant to crown rust were positively related with a high herbage intake.  相似文献   

In two experiments conducted with Ayrshire dairy cows in 1974 and 1975 on swards of S23 perennial ryegrass, four systems of continuous grazing were investigated. The leys received 345 and 370 kg ha-1 fertilizer nitrogen in 1974 and 1975 respectively and were stocked at the rate of five cows per ha. In 1974, a comparison was made between two systems which either integrated silage making with, or separated it from, the continuous grazing. The provision of a silage aftermath in late July increased milk yield after that time, but had no significant effect on milk yield over the 19-week experimental period. In 1975, a comparison between weekly and monthly applications of fertilizer N showed no significant differences between milk yields in a 20-week period. The feeding of supplementary concentrates from late July onwards significantly increased milk yield. The treatments in both years had only small and mainly non-significant effects on milk composition. On average, excluding the concentrate treatment, the annual output of milk was 10,800 kg ha-1 using spring-calved cows.  相似文献   

Growth of grass herbage in Ireland is highly seasonal with little or no net growth from November to February. As a result, feed demand exceeds grass supply during late autumn, winter and early spring. At low stocking rates [≤2 livestock units (LU) ha?1], there is potential to defer some of the herbage grown in autumn to support winter grazing. This study examined the effects of four autumn‐closing dates and four winter‐grazing dates in successive years on the accumulation of herbage mass and on tiller density in winter and subsequent herbage production at two sites in Ireland, one in the south and one in the north‐east. Closing swards from grazing in early and mid‐September (north‐east and south of Ireland respectively) provided swards with >2 t DM ha?1 and a proportion of green leaf >0·65–0·70 of the herbage mass above 4 cm, with a crude protein (CP) concentration of >230 g kg?1 DM and dry matter digestibility (DMD) of >0·700. The effects of autumn‐closing date and winter‐grazing date on herbage production in the subsequent year varied between the two sites. There was no significant effect of autumn‐closing date in the north‐eastern site whereas in the south earlier autumn closing reduced the herbage mass in late March by up to 0·34 t DM ha?1 and delaying winter grazing reduced the herbage mass in late March by up to 0·85 t DM ha?1. The effects of later grazing dates in winter on herbage mass continued into the summer at the southern site, reducing the herbage mass for the period from late March to July by up to 2 t DM ha?1. The effects of imposing treatments in successive years did not follow a consistent pattern and year‐to‐year variation was most likely linked to meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

Reduction of grazing intensity and the use of traditional instead of commercial breeds has frequently been recommended to meet biodiversity and production goals in sustainable grazing systems in Europe. To test the impact of such practices across a range of contrasting grassland types, integrated measurements of foraging behaviour, agronomic production and botanical, structural and invertebrate biodiversity were made over three years on four sites in the UK, Germany, France and Italy. The sites in the UK and Germany were mesotrophic grassland with high productivity and low to moderate initial levels of plant diversity, and were grazed by cattle. The French site was a semi‐natural, species‐rich grassland grazed by cattle. The Italian site contained a wider range in plant diversity, from species‐rich to mesotrophic grassland, and was grazed by sheep. The treatments were: MC, moderate grazing intensity with a commercial breed – this was designed to utilize herbage growth for optimum livestock production; LC, lenient grazing intensity with a commercial breed – this was designed to increase biodiversity by not fully utilizing herbage growth; and LT, lenient grazing intensity with a traditional breed – this was also designed to increase biodiversity. Neither fertilizers nor pesticides were applied. The nutritive value of the herbage and the performance of the livestock were measured. Mean stocking rates were proportionately 0·30–0·40 lower and mean sward heights and herbage mass on offer were 0·30–0·50 higher on the LC and LT treatments compared with the MC treatment. The proportion of live and dead material, and leaves and stems in the herbage, its chemical composition and nutritive value were little affected by the treatments. Individual livestock performance, measured as liveweight gain, showed no consistent response to treatment. In Germany, performance on the MC treatment was slightly lower than on the LC and LT treatments but no such difference was found on the sites in the other countries. Livestock breed did not have a strong effect on livestock performance. In the UK and France the traditional breeds had a lower performance but this was not the case in Germany or Italy. Livestock performance per ha of the LC and LT treatments was up to 0·40 lower than of the MC treatment. It is concluded that biodiversity‐targeted extensive grazing systems have potential to be integrated into intensive livestock production systems because the individual livestock performance reaches a similar level compared to a moderate grazing intensity. Traditional breeds did not have a production advantage over commercial breeds on extensively managed pastures.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) infected with a novel endophyte (AR37 or AR1), Wild‐type endophyte or no endophyte (Nil) was sown with white clover (Trifolium repens L.) in autumn 2005. The pastures were rotationally grazed by dairy cows from 2005–2009. Annual dry matter (DM) yield did not differ but AR37 pastures had a higher ryegrass tiller density, especially after the 2008 summer drought (+130%), and less white clover than did AR1 pastures. Concentrations of alkaloids produced by the Wild‐type association (lolitrem B, ergovaline) followed the same seasonal trends as did the AR37 alkaloids (epoxy‐janthitrems) but summer drought reduced concentrations of lolitrem B and epoxy‐janthitrems to less than half the mid‐summer (February) peak concentrations in the other years. Insect pests were monitored annually between 2006 and 2009. Tiller damage by Argentine stem weevil (Listronotus bonariensis (Kuschel)) was significantly reduced by all endophyte treatments. African black beetle (Heteronychus arator (F.)) populations in soil samples increased during the experiment with Nil > AR1 > Wild‐type = AR37. Root aphid (Aploneura lentisci (Pass.)) infestations followed the pattern AR1 > Nil > Wild‐type = AR37. A lower pest pressure from all insect pests in AR37 pastures is likely to have contributed to this treatment having the highest ryegrass tiller densities.  相似文献   

Twenty-four British Friesian cows were allocated between six grazing treatments (two levels of herbage mass x three levels of daily herbage allowance) in a balanced change-over design with four periods of 12 d each at monthly intervals. Herbage OM mass ranged from 3790 to 5770 kg ha-1 measured to ground level and daily herbage DM allowances were 30, 60 and 90 g per kg animal live weight. Herbage OM intake was lower at high than at low herbage mass (24·6 vs 26·3 g per kg LW), and was 26·9, 26·6 and 22·9 g per kg LW respectively at daily herbage DM allowances of 90, 60 and 30 g per kg LW. Milk yield was not affected by herbage mass but was depressed at the low herbage allowance.  相似文献   

Comparison of white clover varieties under cutting and grazing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seven varieties of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.), of varying leaf size from large to small, were sown with perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) in 1985, at an upland site, and compared over three harvest years under a cutting management (5-6 cuts), and under continuous grazing by sheep. Fertilizer N input totalled 80 kg ha−1 in both the cutting and the grazing trial. The same varieties were included in two official National List (NL) trials sown the same year at a nearby site; these comprised a yield trial with 6-7 cuts and a persistency trial mown very frequently (17 cuts) to simulate intensive grazing.
At the upland site the large-leaved varieties, Milkanova and Blanca, were the highest yielding under cutting (mean 3·3 t DM ha−1), and the small-leaved S184 and Kent the lowest yielding (mean 2·3 t DM ha−1). The rankings were reversed under grazing (corresponding yields 1·1 and 2·1 t DM ha−1). The medium-leaved varieties Donna, Menna and Grasslands Huia behaved similarly to the large-leaved varieties. Ranking order in the cutting trial was similar to that in the NL trial.
Ground covers after three harvest years differed significantly only under grazing, when the small-leaved varieties had a 2-3 times greater cover than the larger-leaved varieties. A poor separation of the varieties in the NL persistency trial suggests that defoliation was not sufficiently severe to simulate intensive grazing.
These comparisons indicate that the performance of clover varieties under the cutting regimes used should not be extrapolated to continuous sheep grazing.  相似文献   

Three contrasting defoliation regimes for dairy cows—four cuts annually, severe rotational grazing and lax rotational grazing integrated with cutting—were compared in terms of herbage production, selection and intake per cow. Lax and severe grazing were compared simultaneously and grazing intensity was characterized by means of changes in herbage mass and sward height during grazing.
Herbage growth and yield were similar under cutting, severe grazing and lax grazing/cutting (120 t organic matter (OM) ha−1). Herbage quality and leaf production were highest with severe grazing, which also had a less marked seasonal pattern of growth. The herbage intake per cow was 111 kg OM d−1 with severe grazing and proportionately (0-20) higher at lax grazing/ cutting. 050 of the herbage yield was harvested by cutting at lax grazing/cutting. Selectivity was described with high certainly by the nutrient content prior to defoliation and by the degree of defoliation. Models to quantify this are presented.
Grazing intensity could be described by the size and degree of utilization of the fouled area, and herbage intake was quantified by means of herbage height before and after grazing. Within the range of 80-240 mm sward height prior to grazing, height measurements led to realistic and more accurate estimates than those obtained by measuring organic matter disappearance.
Herbage utilization was depressed significantly by increasing maturity of herbage due to lower nutritive value, but in particular due to reduced green leaf content and increased reproductive development. If sward height did not exceed 250 mm at any time, good utilization by grazing could be obtained.  相似文献   

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