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正中国气象专家称,今年造成暴雨、冰雹、沙尘暴、龙卷风等极端天气背后的共同主角是——大风!根据今往年极端天气对养殖业造成的巨大损失,我们需要及时了解今年和当地气候,做好养殖业日常预防和管理工作。(1)防雷雨与防潮无论哪个品种的鸡都很怕潮湿,鸡更喜欢在干燥的环境中生活,下雨天要特别注意不要让鸡直接淋雨,淋雨容易让鸡感冒,引起流感。  相似文献   

为了加强适应气候变化特别是应对极端气候事件能力建设,降低气象灾害风险,利用辽宁省朝阳地区2013年气象资料,通过气候统计方法,分析了降水气温和日照变化情况。结果表明,2013年春季气候出现异常变化,发生了温度极端冷气候事件和降水极端偏少事件。降水偏少时空分布不均,作物生长发育关键期干旱较重,热量和光照条件比常年偏差;极端低温、干旱、局部暴雨、冰雹等气象灾害给农业生产造成了较大的经济损失。  相似文献   

利用高空和地面实况、物理量场及雷达资料,对内蒙古通辽市2016年7月28日的暴雨和冰雹天气过程进行了分析,结果表明,该次暴雨和冰雹天气过程是由高空槽、低空急流及地面辐合线共同影响造成的。同时发现,大气层结稳定度、水汽条件、动力条件是造成该次暴雨和冰雹天气发生的主要条件,另外,雷达产品对该次暴雨和冰雹天气预报也有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   

本文着重分析了西北地区沙尘暴天气产生的原因,包括地形和气候等诸多要素,以及伴随沙尘暴而来的大风,低能见天气对航空活动的影响,提出了在沙尘暴天气条件下进行航行管制的方法及采取的措施,让相关人员近一步了解沙尘暴天气特征,以便能够更有效地利用天气条件,保障飞行安全。  相似文献   

2010年度(2009年11月~2010年10月)内蒙古自治区的主要气候特征是年平均气温接近常年,前半年偏冷,后半年偏暖;年总降水量全区大部地区正常到偏多。冬春季全区出现罕见的持续低温天气过程;夏季全区大部地区出现高温、局部地区出现暴雨、雷暴、冰雹、病虫害等灾害,部分地区出现较严重干旱,给农牧业生产带来不利的影响。  相似文献   

利用常规气象观测资料、卫星遥感监测图和地面自动气象站资料分析了2017年春季发生在内蒙古通辽地区的一次强沙尘暴天气。分析结果发现,该次沙尘暴的主要影响系统是地面冷锋和蒙古气旋,高空急流及地面较强气压梯度有利于大风、沙尘暴的加强,散度场以及假相当位温分布特征分别为强沙尘天气提供有力的动力条件和热力条件,地形特征、前期气候条件和具有沙尘源的下垫面是形成沙尘暴的物质基础。卫星遥感和地面自动气象站的实时监测对沙尘暴具有指示意义;大风和沙尘暴对农业及生产生活造成一定影响,也破坏了草原生态环境和畜牧业生产。  相似文献   

北海市位于广西南端,北部湾东北岸,地处低纬度,属亚热带海洋性季风气候.台风、暴雨、干旱、雷暴、冰雹等灾害性天气连年不断,主要气象灾害是台风,10级以上的每10年就有6次,几乎每年都受到周边地区的台风气候影响.2008年9月22日,受14号超强台风(黑格比)暴雨的袭击,造成沿海堤防出现塌方、漫顶,部分低洼地区受淹严重.全市畜牧业损失合计939.44万元.其中洪涝冲走和淹死的生猪1608头(其中母猪13头),价值125.6万元;损失耕牛8头,价值3.4万元;家禽损失24.14万只,价值539.15万元;冲毁栏舍1.98万平方米,价值265.58万元;冲毁围墙1765米,价值5.71万元.  相似文献   

气候是发展农业最重要的环境条件之一。农业面临着全球变暖和极端天气气候频繁出现的现实,如何适应气候环境变化,是农业可持续发展的重要课题。受大气环流调整等因素影响,辽宁省朝阳地区2012年11月的天气气候出现异常,降雪特多创历史极值,日照偏少和持续低温,对设施农业、畜牧业和交通运输等造成较大影响。  相似文献   

本文以近年来四川和重庆养猪业受灾情况为例,从统计数据和实例分析两方面评估极端气象事件对养猪业的影响,结果表明以暴雨和飓风为代表的强对流天气,及其次生的洪水和泥石流灾害是目前极端气象带给养猪业的主要威胁,山区及山地平原交界地带靠近主要河流的养猪场较易受到灾害侵袭。科学选址,优化圈舍规划设计,加强与气象、地质、水利等部门的联系,建立应急处理预案等措施,是今后养猪业防灾、减灾要考虑的重点。  相似文献   

北方地区进入7月份以后,天气开始炎热,同时也预示着雷电大风等强对流天气会逐渐增多,强对流天气产生的雷电、大风或冰雹以及连阴雨对养殖业影响较大,每年全国各地都有强对流天气,雷电、冰雹、连阴雨对规模奶牛场破坏造成巨大损失的报道。因此,  相似文献   

以内蒙古鄂尔多斯市杭锦旗为例,利用1960-2009年气象数据及牧户家庭调查问卷,研究当地气候变化情况及牧户家庭对气候变化及其影响的感知与应对策略。结果表明:过去50年中,该地区气温显著升高(P<0.01),气温变化曲线线性拟合倾向率为0.413℃·(10 a)-1,降水总量呈降低趋势 (P>0.05),降水量变化曲线线性拟合倾向率为-12.29 mm·(10 a)-1;牧户对气候变化的感知存在差异,对气温感知的准确度高于降水;极端天气灾害中,干旱和沙尘暴对牧户生产生活的影响最大;而牧户的适应措施以圈养、适量购买饲料和处理家畜为主;在现有草原政策实施过程中,牧户希望得到畜种改良、人工草地建植和防疫等方面的技术支持。  相似文献   

Climate change is already impacting species around the world. Although most focus has been on the effect of temperature, changes in climatic variables other than temperature are also expected to drive biological change. Current models suggest that ectotherms, such as reptiles, will be strongly affected by climate change; however, data from natural populations are rare. Here, we use extensive data from 2 populations of a viviparous lizard (Niveoscincus ocellatus Gray, 1845) at the climatic extreme of the species distribution. We examine the effects of climate at a local, a regional and a global scale (thus, integrating a suite of variables at different spatial and temporal scales) on 2 key life history traits: offspring date of birth and size at birth. Overall, our results show that across 9 years of study, local temperature had strong effects on the offspring date of birth but not on the size at birth. Therefore, a rapid increase in local temperature throughout the species range (as predicted under global warming scenarios) is likely to affect phenological processes with potential concomitant effects on offspring fitness and survival.  相似文献   

A significant research focus is placed on identifying animal species and areas at future risk to human-induced alterations of the environment and long-term changes in climatic conditions. Yet, the extent to which exposure to extreme climatic events and intense human pressure can increase the risk of harmful impacts on species remains poorly investigated. Focusing on terrestrial mammals in China, one of the world's megadiverse countries, we investigated patterns of contemporary exposure to floods and human pressures and determined their taxonomic representation and distribution across three major area-based conservation schemes, namely, national nature reserves (NNRs), priority areas for biodiversity conservation (PABCs), and key biodiversity areas (KBAs). Among the 440 species assessed with moderate or high exposure to floods, 327 (∼75%) also qualified as moderate or high in exposure to intense human pressure. These species mainly belong to the orders Chiroptera, Eulipotyphla, and Rodentia. Likewise, there were 305, 311, and 311 species with moderate or high exposure to flood and intense human pressure represented across NNRs, PABCs, and KBAs, respectively. Our findings support the prioritization of KBAs for expansion of site-based protection efforts such as NNRs in China, considering threats to species from exposure to adverse effects from both extreme climate and human pressure.  相似文献   

Shrubs are important plant species in grassland ecosystems worldwide, and their density and cover have been gradually increasing globally. However, the interaction effect of grazing and aridity on population recruitment and population growth of shrub species in grasslands has not been examined explicitly. We examined sapling establishment, sexual recruitment, population mortality, and population growth of Caragana stenophylla along a climatic aridity gradient and a grazing intensity gradient in the Inner Mongolia Steppe, using manipulative field experiments. Sapling establishment, sapling height, and sexual recruitment of C. stenophylla decreased as climatic aridity and grazing intensity increased. The negative effects of grazing on sapling establishment and sexual recruitment gradually increased as climatic aridity increased. The effect of climatic aridity and grazing on population mortality was influenced by sexual recruitment. In the combined treatments of climatic aridity and grazing, population mortality was relatively high when sexual recruitment was relatively high, while population mortality increased as climatic aridity and grazing increased when sexual recruitment was relatively low. C. stenophylla population increased under relatively low drought stress and mild grazing but declined under strong drought stress and/or severe grazing. Our results suggested that to maintain viable Caragana populations, appropriate grazing policies must be made according to climate aridity gradient.  相似文献   

桑树三倍体杂交组合果实生长的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
两年来在不同气候条件下,查明了桑树三倍体杂交组合的果实生长期长短与气候、品种有关.其对积温的要求.品种之间有差异,但年份之间基本上一致.不良气候对种子的结实性和质量有影响,特别授粉期遇低温袭击.影响更大.  相似文献   

The capacity of climatic conditions to modulate the extent and intensity of parasitism is well known since long ago. Concerning helminths, among the numerous environmental modifications giving rise to changes in infections, climate variables appear as those showing a greater influence, so that climate change may be expected to have an important impact on the diseases they cause. However, the confirmation of the impact of climate change on helminthiases has been reached very recently. Only shortly before, helminthiases were still noted as infectious diseases scarcely affected by climate change, when compared to diseases caused by microorganisms in general (viruses, bacteriae, protozoans). The aim of the present paper is to review the impact of climate change on helminthiases transmitted by snails, invertebrates which are pronouncedly affected by meteorological factors, by focusing on trematodiases. First, the knowledge on the effects of climate change on trematodiases in general is reviewed, including aspects such as influence of temperature on cercarial output, cercarial production variability in trematode species, influences of magnitude of cercarial production and snail host size, cercarial quality, duration of cercarial production increase and host mortality, influence of latitude, and global-warming-induced impact of trematodes. Secondly, important zoonotic diseases such as fascioliasis, schistosomiasis and cercarial dermatitis are analysed from the point of view of their relationships with meteorological factors. Emphasis is given to data which indicate that climate change influences the characteristics of these trematodiases in concrete areas where these diseases are emerging in recent years. The present review shows that trematodes, similarly as other helminths presenting larval stages living freely in the environment and/or larval stages parasitic in invertebrates easily affected by climate change as arthropods and molluscs as intermediate hosts, may be largely more susceptible to climate change impact than those helminths in whose life cycle such phases are absent or reduced to a minimum. Although helminths also appear to be affected by climate change, their main difference with microparasites lies on the usually longer life cycles of helminths, with longer generation times, slower population growth rates and longer time period needed for the response in the definitive host to become evident. Consequently, after a pronounced climate change in a local area, modifications in helminth populations need more time to be obvious or detectable than modifications in microparasite populations. Similarly, the relation of changes in a helminthiasis with climatic factor changes, as extreme events elapsed relatively long time ago, may be overlooked if not concretely searched for. All indicates that this phenomenon has been the reason for previous analyses to conclude that helminthiases do not constitute priority targets in climate change impact studies.  相似文献   

在春夏之交沙尘暴多发季节,为初步了解沙尘暴对奶牛的影响,在沙尘暴期间和前后随机抽取6头荷斯坦牛,用经典红、白细胞计数、白细胞分类计数及红细胞黏附免疫功能检测方法,检测红、白细胞数及红细胞黏附免疫功能的变化。结果表明。沙尘暴期间红、白细胞总数有所增高;中性粒细胞极显著增多;淋巴细胞却显著下降;C3bR和ICR的受体花环率略有减少。说明沙尘暴所导致的环境低氧使奶牛增加红细胞数以应付缺氧的环境;中性粒细胞为吞噬沙尘颗粒清除异物极显著提高,而具有特异性免疫作用的淋巴细胞却显著下降;同时红细胞黏附免疫功能也有所下降。可见沙尘暴使炎症细胞聚集,特异性免疫细胞显著下降,很可能导致炎症发生。  相似文献   

通过测定采自天山和阿尔泰山草原的17个白喉乌头居群的叶绿体DNA片段序列,调查了其遗传多样性和空间遗传结构,并计算出每个居群的遗传多样性;运用分子变异方差(AMOVA)分析计算发生在居群内和居群间的遗传变异比例;利用错配分析来检验该物种是否发生了历史居群扩张;最后,基于最大熵方法模拟其物种在不同时期的分布区。结果表明:白喉乌头具有较低水平的遗传多样性(单倍型多样性±SD=0.343 7±0.048 8),所有居群均共享一个单倍型;遗传变异大致均等分布于居群间和局群内(58.25%vs.41.75%);两个不同谱系的分化发生在第四纪冰期(1.816~2.280百万年以前)末次盛冰期时期,该物种的避难所存在于天山西部,而在未来气候变化条件下其分布区不会发生变化。研究认为白喉乌头这种空间遗传结构与其克隆繁殖、长的生活周期、异交繁殖等生活史特征,以及第四纪气候变化影响相关。  相似文献   

Seven experiments with four calves each were conducted in which the calves spent at least four days of adaptation in an environmental chamber and then were subjected to climatic stress in the form of a number of constant ambient temperature and humidity combinations. On the second day of climatic stress the calves were individually exposed to measured numbers of infectious units of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV1, virus of infectious bovine rhinotrachetis) in aerosol. The calves were killed seven or eight days later. Mycoplasma were found in some nasal swabs and in one lung. Certain bacteria but no Pasteurella were often isolated from the lungs. Bovine herpesvirus 1 was isolated from chamber air and from most postinoculation nasal swabs, tracheas and lungs. The number of macro- and microscopic lesions did not appear to be influenced by the climatic conditions of the experiments. The histopathological changes in epithelium at all levels of the respiratory tract were described in detail.  相似文献   

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