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黄河一级支流长城边沟流域属干旱风沙草原区,水资源奇缺。为了开发利用长城边沟流域的雨洪资源,灵武市在主沟道内建设6座水土保持治沟骨干工程和相应的提(灌溉机井)、引(引洪漫地渠道和建筑物)、截(截潜流)工程,取得了良好的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

从可持续发展的战略角度出发,分析和阐述了公路建设中破坏土地的形式和原因,提出了土地复垦公路建设中运用的思路,探讨公路土地保护在项目建设中应该克守的原则和要求,保证和促进沿线经济的发展,对公路建设和土地保护具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

陕西省横山县塔湾乡墩渠村,地处长城沿线风沙区,地多人少,土地资源十分丰富,全村共有155户,621人,204个劳力,总土地面积7.5万亩。其中耕地970亩,林地10,775亩,草地13,710亩。人均土地117亩。这样广阔的土地资源。过去却是一个人缺粮,畜少草的穷地方。 1979年在靖边县九县滩收白沙蒿籽2万斤,收入1.6万元的事例启发下,本村种沙蒿1,000亩.封沙封山育草.植被逐步开始有所恢复。此  相似文献   

榆林地区地处陕北长城沿线,是陕西省重要的牧业基地,发展草业具有重要的战略意义和广阔前景。本文从宏观上就如何提高人们的草业意识,正确认识草业的地位与作用和在“八五”期间,启动建立新型的草业科研、生产,推广体系及工作运行机制两个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

“自然友好式”的欧盟有机农业“禽类动物生产规程”   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
冒乃和  刘波 《中国家禽》2003,25(19):37-40
在相对封闭的有机农业生态系统内,动物生产通过饲料和肥料把种植生产和动物养殖合理地结合在一起,对建立系统内良性物质循环、保持和发展土壤肥力意义重大.  相似文献   

韩天虎  俞联平  张贞明 《草业科学》2012,29(6):1013-1016
河西走廊日趋严重的土地荒漠化威胁着当地的经济发展和欧亚通道的生态安全。本研究分析了河西走廊生态安全面临的危机,提出草业因其强大的生态功能,可遏制河西走廊土地荒漠化,促进生态环境改善。并指出草业生态工程主要包括三方面内容:1)以保护现有草地植被为重点,构建风沙沿线生态保护草带;2)以调整种植业结构为重点,构建绿洲草畜转化生态产业带;3)以实施草畜平衡为重点,构建沿山农牧互补生态置换带。  相似文献   

<正> 引言在同一地段上将家畜和针叶松[主要是辐射松(Pinus radiata)]生产结合在一起已在新西兰和澳大利亚付诸实施(Borough,1980;Percival和knowles,1983)。研究发现,这种土地利用方式预期将在澳大利亚得到推广。有关木材和牧草产量、绵羊生产和一系列管理实践的报道,表明了某些系统的生产能力和可行性(Anderson和Batini,1983;Knowles和Percival,1983;  相似文献   

根据陕西南北不同自然区气候特征和多年桑树品种栽植的表现和新推广良种桑的特性,提出了以秦巴山地、关中渭北、陕北丘陵沟壑区和长城沿线风沙区发展蚕桑的桑树品种选择的对象;根据蚕种生产用桑的特性和春伐区对桑品种的要求提出了选栽桑品种的原则.  相似文献   

宁夏中部干旱带是我国土地荒漠化最严重、生态系统最脆弱的地区之一,也是我国沙尘暴源区之一。土地面积30347平方公里。占全区总土地面积的52%;有草地205万公顷,占全区草地面积的63%,为宁夏经济社会发展的重要组成部分。这一区域年均降水量不足300毫米,长年干旱少雨、风沙频繁、植被稀疏、生态条件恶劣。长期以来,这一地区经济发展滞后,农业生产结构单一,是灾害频发地带。因此,探讨这一地区畜牧业的可持续发展对策,显得极为重要。作者对制约宁夏中部干旱带发展因素进行了分析,从而提出发展对策。  相似文献   

沙漠沿线风大、冬季寒冷,是制约设施畜牧业发展的重要因素。利用新型透光保温材料-万通板,在暖棚畜舍采光处扣棚,即可采光保温,也可经久耐用。本文就暖棚畜舍建设、万通板的安装设计以及改造后暖棚畜舍的保温效果做了总结和评价。认为利用万通板扣棚改进后的暖棚畜舍建设,不仅为沙漠沿线风沙大的甘肃、新疆、内蒙、宁夏等地修建暖棚畜舍提供技术支持,也为西部地区冬季风大、寒冷地域提供了技术参考。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地1990-2014年景观格局变化及驱动力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地利用的改变受自然环境和人类活动影响,土地利用变化又会影响景观格局,本研究应用3S技术和景观指数相结合的方法,分析了毛乌素沙地1990、1995、2002、2008、2014年25年来土地利用动态过程与景观格局变化,并选取自然和人类活动等10个因子分析了其变化驱动力.结果显示,25年来固定沙地面积增加7.5%,半固定沙地增加3.8%,流动沙地减少42.95%,农田面积增加4.6%,低湿地和水体面积基本不变,城建用地面积增加.其中,增加的固定沙地主要由半固定沙地和流动沙地转变而来;增加的半固定沙地主要由流动沙地和固定沙地转变而来;减少的流动沙地主要转为固定沙地和半固定沙地.景观结构趋于复杂,类型斑块数增加,平均斑块面积减小,破碎度上升,呈现破碎化态势.各类型斑块数和分离度变化非常显著.研究区土地利用和景观格局变化主要是人为活动中的农牧民人均纯收入、人口、GDP和农林牧总产值因素所致,气候因素贡献不是很大.  相似文献   

Two on-farm experiments and one on-station observation were conducted between July 1994 and September 1995 to study the effect of supplementation with fresh fodder of Calliandra calothyrsus on milk production from grade Friesian and Ayrshire cows in the second trimester of their lactations. The cattle were kept under zero-grazing systems on small farms in the coffee-based land use system at altitudes of 1500 to 1800 m on the slopes of Mt Kenya. These cows form a pivotal part of the farming system since they produce both milk for sale and manure for crop production. Milk production is normally in the region of 10 kg/cow per day when the animals are fed on a diet based on Napier grass and crop residues, together with 2–4 kg/day of commercial concentrate. In terms of milk production, 3 kg of fresh calliandra had the same effect on yield as 1 kg of additional dairy meal and, at normal production levels, the effects of the two supplements were strictly additive. Calliandra had a marked positive effect (about a 10% increase) on the butterfat content of the milk, a factor that was highly valued by farmers, even though institutional buyers as yet offer no premium price for milk quality. The average small farm can produce enough calliandra fodder to supplement two dairy cows and some additional small stock from relatively underutilized niches along the farm perimeter and terrace risers, without any adverse effect on current levels of crop production.  相似文献   

陇中干旱区草粮兼顾型生态农业模式构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陇中黄土高原丘陵区具有旱灾频繁、地形破碎、水土流失严重等特点,是我国主要的生态脆弱区。在国家生态文明建设的时代背景下,如何实现生态保护前提下的绿色经济发展之路,这不仅是技术革命,更是理念变革。分析了陇中干旱农业系统面临的传统粮草牧轮作方式多样性遗弃、农业生态环境持续变差、年轻农业劳动力外流等问题,提出将传统农耕文明与现代科技文明有机融合,深度挖掘区域自然禀赋,探索了人与自然和谐的草粮兼顾型生态农业的发展理念、基本思路和发展模式:1)坚持环境生态化、农产品商品化、农村文化现代化的系统性理念;2)奉行让餐桌指挥农田,农田为餐桌服务,企业带动农民合作社,使生产、加工和销售融合发展的理念;3)在农业土地经营中,坚持生态保护与生态建设优先,田园综合经营管理,通过粮改饲和旱作农业技术革新,实现杂粮与牧草轮作种植,建立粮、草、林、畜、禽协同发展的农作制度,保障社会对农产品多元化和食品安全;4)依托乡土食材消费需求拉动,加工企业与农民合作社联营,农产品标准化订单种植生产,市场信息反馈,促进农业要素的重组耦合,实现农产品的增值提效;5)培训扶持懂技术、会管理的能人,牵头领办农民合作社,组织土地流转,设计田间生产。  相似文献   

内蒙古锡林浩特市水浇地青贮玉米施肥指标体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青贮玉米是饲养牲畜的优质饲料,能够为畜牧业养殖提供饲料保障。在内蒙古锡林浩特市3个具备水浇地条件的饲草料基地上种植青贮玉米品种——“长城9904”,并采用测土配方施肥技术,选择高、中、低肥力水平的地块进行“3414”肥料肥效试验,同时对试验结果进行了分析和研究。该试验初步制定了锡林浩特市水浇地青贮玉米土壤养分丰缺指标体系,旨在为该市青贮玉米种植过程中科学、合理地施肥提供依据。  相似文献   

欧亚温带草原东缘生态样带研究探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示全球变化与欧亚温带草原东缘生态系统的关系,提出沿着从中国长城至俄罗斯贝加尔湖设置一条经向样带,主要表征欧亚大陆东缘经向热量梯度,反映受大陆性气候控制下的草原地带的生态系列.沿样带开展生物地球化学过程、能量交换、植被结构动态、气候—植被、放牧—草地—牧草驯化、土地利用格局与管理、模型模拟等研究工作,对于加深气候变化和人为影响对草原生态系统的发生、发展、利用及演变规律的影响的认识,增强对气候变化的减缓和适应能力,具有非常重要的意义.  相似文献   

农田当量是把单位面积标准传统农田一年一熟种植水稻的食物产出作为标尺,来衡量一切农用土地相对食物生产潜势的计量单位。它是适于衡量草地农业系统的评价土地资源食物生产能力的新量纲。本研究在界定了农田当量内涵的基础上,指出ALEU是运营模式(m)和核算尺度(T)的函数,是食物当量的“面积”表述,农田当量可以评价任何农业系统的食物生产潜力。对我国现行农业运营模式下的食物生产能力进行了实证分析,结果表明,我国现存农用土地的食物生产能力仅利用了生产潜力的43.59%,还有巨大的食物生产潜力有待开发。以此为依据对我国农业进行结构性调整,将现有耕地的20%实行草田轮作,以全国现有可用草地的3%建立丰产栽培草地,对全国草地农业的食物资源潜力做出估算,其食物生产潜力相当于新增0.52亿hm2农田当量,全国实行草地农业系统,其食物生产能力将是现行系统的1.23倍。  相似文献   

This overview is mainly focussed on the clay area forming the northern half of the province. It is the wealthiest and most characteristic part, being cultured since the Middle Ages as testified by the many churches that even small villages were able to construct. About 1700 the province of Groningen enjoyed already a modern economy, fitting in with that of the other coastal areas of Friesland, Zeeland and Holland (the last mentioned was the richest region of the world in the 17th and 18th century). As aspects of modernity at that time can be considered: 1) the use of modern agricultural methods with higher yields per hectare and higher milk yields per cow than produced in the land provinces on the sandy soils; 2) Agriculture was aimed at earning money by selling of hte products. In opposition to the farmers in the land provinces, who mainly produced for subsistence farming, the farmers in the coastal areas produced for the trade; 3) A high degree of specialization was found in the rural areas. 30-40% of the families had own farms, 25% of the population were labourers, owing only small pieces of land and the rest of the working population had occupations outside agriculture (craftmen, shopkeepers, shipmasters, merchants etc.). Whereas on the sandy soils practically every family owned a farm, be it mostly a very small one. After reviewing the changes in the distribution of land in use of the production of fieldcrops or for meadows-always in function of the market value of the products-and after a discussion of type of cattle husbandry (breeding, fattening, dairying) it is concluded that a relative decrease of the importance of cattle husbandry in the clay region during the 18th - 19th century can be observed. Intensification of land use had a positive effect on crop-production. The much-heard opinion that the cattle plague epizootic of 1768-1786 caused a transition in land use through a switch from animal husbandry to arable farming, is not held by the author. Economic factors were of prime importance here. The introduction of fertilizer in the 19th century took away the necessity to keep cattle for manure. And mechanization did the same for the horse in the 20th century. In some parts of the clay region, however, cattle husbandry returned in the second half of the 20th century, due to the low prices of the fieldcrops. The arable land is then transformed again in meadows. Attention is given to the role of veterinary care given by the farmers themselves and in a later phase by veterinary professionals.  相似文献   

Nomadic pastoralism has been practised in Leliefontein for centuries. In 1984, the area was formally divided into 47 so‐called ‘economic units’ on the assumption that this agricultural approach would (a) promote development in the region and (b) introduce conservation management to these areas. The communal land tenure system was effectively abolished. We relate potential income from livestock farming in the region to costs of production and show that most of the 47 farming units of Leliefontein are, in fact, not economic farming units. Furthermore, there is little evidence to indicate that it has been the communal system per se that has been responsible for land degradation in the area. We point out that the change in land tenure, was based on technical considerations only, that the hidden costs were not adequately investigated and that the social ramifications were ignored.  相似文献   

对六种饲料作物在民和县河谷川水地区进行了复种栽培试验,结果表明:覆膜对饲料作物的植株高度、产量都有显著的作用。覆膜比不覆膜平均鲜草产量高28 206.0~56 202.0kg/hm2,增产51.4%~127.6%,经济效益明显,甘露2号高丹草和科青1号饲用玉米综合性状表现最优,是适宜该地区二茬复种的优良饲料品种。  相似文献   

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