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在甘肃中部引黄灌区及井灌区连续多年多点对春小麦氮磷钾土壤养分丰缺指标开展田间试验研究,建立本地灌区春小麦土壤有效养分与缺素区相对产量及氮磷钾最佳施肥量之间的函数模型,确定土壤氮、磷、钾养分丰缺指标和推荐施肥指标。结果表明:现阶段当地灌区小麦相对产量50%(极低)、50%~60%(低)、60%~70%(较低)、70%~80%(中)、80%~90%(较高)、90%(高)6个肥力等级的土壤氮、磷、钾养分丰缺指标划分为全氮0.35、0.35~0.5、0.5~0.8、0.8~1.3、1.3~2.0、2.0 g/kg;有效磷(P)5、5~10、10~15、15~25、25~45、45 mg/kg;速效钾(K)65、65~90、90~130、130~185、185~265、265mg/kg。在正常年份降水及灌溉条件下,对应推荐施N量分别为285、255~285、235~255、200~235、170~200、170 kg/hm~2,施P_2O_5量分别为140、110~140、95~110、85~95、65~85、65 kg/hm2;施K2O量分别为70、65~70、45~65、35~45、25~35、25 kg/hm2。试验研究表明,当地灌区土壤氮素养分仍处于低水平;磷素养分处于中等水平;而钾素养分与以往相比有所下降,但依然处于中等较丰富水平。生产中春小麦应当合理增施氮肥,适度施用磷肥,适当增施钾肥。 相似文献
南安县域甘薯的土壤养分丰缺指标研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
应用"3414"田间肥料试验设计的试验结果,旨在了解南安甘薯产区的N、P、K肥料施用效果,建立县域土壤的甘薯养分丰缺指标,并通过多元二次肥料效应函数寻求甘薯最高产量和最佳经济施肥量。甘薯施用N、P、K肥增产增效较为显著,其增产增收效果NPKNKP,单位肥料效益PNK。南安县域内甘薯的土壤养分丰缺等级指标划分为3级,即当土壤碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾养分含量分别为75 m g/kg、20 m g/kg、65 m g/kg时为低,在75~177 m g/kg、20~40 m g/kg、65~135 m g/kg时为中,177 m g/kg、40 m g/kg、135 m g/kg为高。甘薯推荐施肥量随土壤碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量的提高而减少。全市平均,甘薯最高产量施肥量为N 197.43 kg/hm2,P2O563.84 kg/hm2,K2O 226.32 kg/hm2;最佳经济施肥量N 179.74 kg/hm2,P2O561.10 kg/hm2,K2O 212.50 kg/hm2。 相似文献
为了解重庆市不同地貌甘薯种植区土壤肥力差异,对2007~2010年重庆市甘薯"3414"试验结果进行分析,并根据测土配方施肥技术规范建立各地貌甘薯种植区土壤养分丰缺指标,利用肥料效应函数法确定各地貌甘薯种植区推荐施肥量。结果表明,山地甘薯种植区土壤肥力高于丘陵甘薯种植区,将丘陵甘薯种植区土壤碱解氮分为5个等级(62、62~83、83~112、112~152、152 mg/kg),对应的氮肥推荐施用量为137.4、109.35~137.4、81.3~109.35、53.1~81.3、53.1 kg/hm~2,将土壤有效磷分为3个等级(6.3、6.3~16.7、16.7 mg/kg),对应的磷肥推荐施用量为64.2、50.25~64.2、50.25 kg/hm~2,将土壤速效钾分为4个等级(49、49~73、73~110、110 mg/kg),对应的钾肥推荐施用量为128.1、99~128.1、70.05~99、70.05kg/hm~2;将山地甘薯种植区土壤碱解氮分为4个等级(55、55~82、82~122、122 mg/kg),对应的氮肥推荐施用量为162.15、123.75~162.15、85.2~123.75、85.2 kg/hm~2,将土壤有效磷分为4个等级(3.4、3.4~9.3、9.3~25.9、25.9 mg/kg),对应的磷肥推荐施用量为87.75、73.95~87.75、60.3~73.95、60.3 kg/hm~2,将土壤速效钾分为5个等级(53、53~77、77~114、114~169、169 mg/kg),对应的钾肥推荐施用量为151.5、126.3~151.5、101.1~126.3、75.9~101.1、75.9 kg/hm~2。 相似文献
甘肃中部地区水砂田玉米土壤养分丰缺指标研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用"3414"完全试验设计,对甘肃中部地区水砂田玉米土壤养分丰缺指标和推荐施肥指标进行了研究,因地制宜选择最优施肥方案。通过比较分析历年来土壤普查结果,得出当地水砂田玉米土壤养分的变化趋势;通过对不同肥力水平下土壤速效养分与缺素区相对产量及氮、磷、钾最佳施肥量的趋势拟合,分别导出了函数模型,划定土壤养分丰缺区间,进而演算出丰缺指标和推荐施肥指标。当地水砂田玉米土壤养分的变化趋势为:1983年以来,碱解氮、有效磷均呈逐渐提高趋势,速效钾在整个过程中则总体处于明显下降趋势。从丰缺指标可以看出:当地水砂田土壤氮素养分缺乏,磷素中度较缺,而钾素养分相对较为丰富,玉米要实现高产,既要合理增施氮、磷肥,且应根据土壤钾素丰缺状况适当补施钾肥。 相似文献
大蒜土壤养分丰缺及推荐施肥指标体系研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
2006~2012年在临沂市共设置了24个大蒜3414田间试验,分析土壤养分测定值和相对产量关系建立了大蒜养分丰缺指标体系。利用养分平衡法建立了氮推荐施肥模型;根据肥料效应确定了磷、钾最佳施肥量与土壤养分的关系,建立了磷和钾推荐施肥模型;初步构建了大蒜的推荐施肥指标体系。结果表明,当土壤碱解氮含量处于极高(>234 mg/kg)、高(200~234 mg/kg)、中(125~200 mg/kg)、低(57~125 mg/kg)和极低(<57mg/kg)等级时,氮肥推荐用量分别为150.0~193.5、193.5~228.0、228.0~330.0、330.0~499.5和499.5~525.0 kg/hm2;当土壤有效磷含量处于极高(>105 mg/kg)、高(84~105 mg/kg)、中(43~84 mg/kg)、低(14~43 mg/kg)和极低(<14 mg/kg)等级时,磷肥推荐用量分别为90.0~115.5、115.5~127.5、127.5~165.0、165.0~228.0和228.0~255.0 kg/hm2;当土壤速效钾含量处于极高(>328 mg/kg)、高(257~328 mg/kg)、中(124~257 mg/kg)、低(37~124 mg/kg)和极低(<37 mg/kg)等级时,钾肥推荐用量分别为180.0~216.0、216.0~238.5、238.5~301.5、301.5~406.5和406.5~450.0 kg/hm2。 相似文献
根据2009—2014年在长江中下游薯区实施的68个氮、磷、钾肥料用量田间试验结果,建立了基于养分丰缺指标法——肥料效应函数的甘薯氮、磷、钾施肥指标体系。结果表明:施用氮肥、磷肥、钾肥均对甘薯具有极显著的增产效果(P<0.01);植薯土壤水解性氮含量的“高”、“低”指标分别为170 mg/kg和100 mg/kg,有效磷含量的临界指标为17 mg/kg,土壤速效钾含量“高”、“低”的指标分别为110 mg/kg和30 mg/kg;高产田块甘薯的氮、磷、钾肥最佳经济推荐施用量分别为N 125 kg/hm2、P2O5160 kg/hm2和K2O 182 kg/hm2,中低产田块的氮、磷、钾肥最佳经济推荐施用量分别为N 155 kg/hm2、P2O5120 kg/hm2和K2O 220 kg/hm2。 相似文献
褐土区甘薯氮磷钾配比试验与应用 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为了提高褐土区甘薯产品、品质及施肥效益,1996-1999年以氮、磷、钾平衡施肥进行了为期三年的试验应用,探讨化肥不同配比地甘薯产量、品质的影响。取得了甘薯氮、磷、钾化肥的最佳配比和适宜用量。 相似文献
陕西关中灌区冬小麦施肥指标研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为建立关中灌区冬小麦施肥指标体系,对关中灌区2008年95个冬小麦“3414”大田试验数据进行整理、分析,以相对产量70%、80%、90%和95%划分土壤养分丰缺指标,并利用一元二次模型对各试验点施肥量与产量关系进行模拟,确定各试验点最佳经济产量施肥量,最终建立了关中灌区冬小麦基于土壤碱解氮(AN)、有效磷(AP)和速效钾(AK)测定值的氮、磷、钾推荐施肥模型,确定了不同肥力水平下的推荐施肥量:当碱解氮含量处于极低(< 50 mg kg-1)、低(50~80 mg kg-1)、中(80 ~ 120 ng kg-1)和高等级(>120 mg kg-1)时,氮肥(N)施用量分别为190 ~230 kg hm-2 、150~190 kg hm-2、110~ 150 kg hm-2和0 ~ 110 kg hm-2;有效磷含量处于极低(< 10 mg kg-1)、低(10~20 mg kg-1)、中(20~ 35 mg kg-1)和高等级(>35 mg kg-1)时,磷肥(P2O5)施用量分别为130~ 160 kg hm-2、110 ~ 130 kg hm-2、90~110 kg hm-2和0 ~90 kg hm-2;速效钾含量处于低(<90mgkg-1)、中(90~150mgkg-1)、高(150~190 mg kg-1)和极高等级(>190mgkg-1)时,钾肥(K2O)施用量分别为120 ~150 kg hm-2、90~120 kg hm-2、70 ~90 kg hm-2和0~70kghm-2.示范试验证明推荐施肥处理较农民习惯施肥处理平均增产789 kg hm-2,增收1 227元hm-2,肥料贡献率提高8.2个百分点,每kg氮磷钾肥小麦增产量提高1.7 kg. 相似文献
内蒙古河套灌区春小麦推荐施肥指标体系研究 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
为建立河套灌区春小麦施肥指标体系,指导科学施肥,20062008年在河套灌区分高、中、低土壤肥力水平设置春小麦3414肥料肥效试验141个。结果表明,河套灌区春小麦N、P2O5、K2O的农学效率平均分别为64、60、54 kg/kg; N的增产率为252%409%,平均335%; P2O5增产率为159%211%,平均184%; K2O增产率为72%90%,平均80%; 增产作用大小依次为氮肥 磷肥 钾肥; 随着土壤肥力水平的降低,施肥增产率升高,但单位养分增产量下降。根据土壤养分测定值和相对产量的关系建立了河套灌区春小麦的土壤养分丰缺指标: 全氮,极低(063 g/kg)、低(063085 g/kg)、中(085115 g/kg)、高(115156 g/kg)、极高(156 g/kg); 有效磷,极低(59 mg/kg)、低(59118 mg/kg)、中(118238 mg/kg)、高(238480 mg/kg)、极高(480 mg/kg); 速效钾,极低(906 mg/kg)、低(9061291 mg/kg)、中(1291184 mg/kg)、高(184262 mg/kg)、极高(262 mg/kg)。根据肥料效应确定了氮、磷、钾养分最佳施肥量与土壤养分的关系,建立了河套灌区春小麦基于土壤全氮、有效磷和速效钾测定值的氮、磷、钾推荐施肥模型,初步构建了内蒙古河套灌区春小麦的推荐施肥指标体系。 相似文献
垄膜沟灌马铃薯测土施肥指标体系——以甘肃省张掖市山丹县为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
[目的]确定施肥指标体系,为垄膜沟灌马铃薯提供精确的施肥配方。[方法]2007—2010年在甘肃省张掖市山丹县进行马铃薯"3414"田间肥效试验,分析不同土壤肥力水平下马铃薯土壤有效养分含量与相对产量的相关性,并依此确定土壤养分丰缺指标和推荐施肥量。[结果]将山丹县马铃薯田间土壤碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量等级划分为低、较低、中、较高、高5级,对应推荐施氮量分别为>225.7,193.3~225.7,117.2~193.3,161.0~177.2,<161.0kg/hm2;推荐施磷量分别为>164.3,146.5~164.3,137.6~146.5,128.6~137.6,<128.6kg/hm2;推荐施钾量分别为>166.8,149.7~166.8,141.1~149.7,132.5~141.1,<132.5kg/hm2。经过150个示范点的调研分析发现,利用测土配方施肥技术增产率达9.8%,节约化肥67.5kg/hm2,节本506.3元/hm2,节本增效3 286.5元/hm2。[结论]垄膜沟灌马铃著测土配方施肥技术可以实现普遍增产和增效。 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(1-2):176-189
A potato field experiment was conducted for 2 consecutive years to determine the effects of nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) fertilization rates on the yield and quality of potato cv. Spunta cultivated on soil low in N and K. A 3?×?4 complete factorial experiment was used with three rates of nitrogen (330, 495, and 660 kg N ha–1) and four rates of potassium (112, 225, 450, and 675 kg K2Ο ha–1). An additional treatment without fertilization was used as the control. On soils low in N and K, potatoes showed low yield response to K fertilizer. The greatest tuber yields for both years were achieved at 495 kg N ha–1 and 112 kg K2O ha–1 (29.81 t ha–1) and 225 kg ha–1 (27.13 t ha–1), respectively. Differences in mean fresh weight due to treatment application were not significant. Application of 495 kg N ha–1 significantly reduced harvest index (the ratio of tuber dry weight to the total dry weight at harvest) compared to 330 kg N ha–1, but at 660 kg N ha–1 harvest index achieved the greatest significant value. Potassium fertilization had no significant influence on harvest index. Nitrogen rates positively influenced the number of tubers. The addition of 450 kg K2O ha–1 significantly enhanced the number of tubers compared to the lower K rates, and the number was significantly decreased by the application of 675 kg K2O ha–1. Tuber dry-matter concentration was significantly promoted by N fertilization in both cultivation years, but it was negatively affected by K fertilization in the first year of cultivation. There was no change in tuber N with N application, but N application strongly increased nitrate (NO3) concentration, which fluctuated between 360 and 1382 mg kg–1 wet mass. Tuber NO3 was negatively correlated with tuber yield, indicating that high levels of NO3 in tubers can adversely affect yield. Tuber response to K fertilization was not in accordance with the rate of applied nutrient. 相似文献
D. Mattos Jr. J. A. Quaggio H. Cantarella A. K. Alva D. A. Graetz 《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(8):1371-1385
The majority of the citriculture in Brazil is located in the state of São Paulo, with a total production area of 700,000 ha. Trees are grafted mostly on ‘Rangpur’ lime (RL; Citrus limonia Osbeck) rootstock. Despite its good horticultural performance, use of other rootstocks has increased with the search for disease-tolerant varieties to improve grove productivity and longevity. Furthermore, there is a lack of information on young tree response to fertilization, and optimal nutrient requirements of different scion/rootstock combinations for maximum fruit yield. A network of field experiments was conducted to study the differential response of young sweet orange trees on selected rootstocks to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) fertilization. The application of soil and leaf analyses to develop optimal fertilizer recommendations was evaluated. Experiments were conducted in three locations using fractional factorial design of one-half (4 × 4 × 4) type with four rates of N, P, or K calculated to be applied for five years after tree planting. Fruit yield response was evaluated during the last two years and correlated with soil and leaf analyses data. The trees on RL rootstock demonstrated increased efficiency of nutrient use and fruit production compared with those on ‘Cleopatra’ mandarin (CL; C. reshni hort. ex Tanaka) or ‘Swingle’ citrumelo [SW; Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. × C. × paradisi Macfad.] rootstocks. The trees on SW rootstock appeared to require greater N and K rates than those on RL rootstock. Phosphorus requirement was greater for ‘Natal’ or ‘Valencia’ trees on CL than on RL rootstock. These results will become the basis for revising current fertilizer recommendation guidelines for young trees in Brazil. 相似文献
ABSTRACT Two field experiments were used in 2005–2006 to study the effects of nitrogen (N) on light interception, weed biomass, and yield of white and orange-fleshed sweet potato varieties in southeastern Nigeria. Treatments comprised four N levels (0, 40, 80, 120 kg N ha?1) and four varieties of sweet potato (White-fleshed TIS 87/0087 and TIS 8164, orange-fleshed Ex-Igbariam and CIP Tanzania), arranged in randomized complete block design with three replications. Nitrogen application up to 120 kg N ha?1 increased light interception, leaf area index and shoot dry matter. Regardless of rate, N application reduced weed growth at 12 weeks after planting. On average, the storage root yield increased with N application up to 80 kg N ha?1 when the background soil N was 0.056% in 2005, but not beyond the rate of 40 kg N ha?1 when the background N was 0.104% in 2006. The white-fleshed TIS 87/0087 followed by orange-fleshed Ex-Igbariam out-yielded other varieties and intercepted over 70% of the incident radiation. 相似文献
马铃薯氮磷钾养分吸收规律及施肥肥效的研究 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
整理分析了内蒙古2002—2011年进行的15项次马铃薯施肥田间试验结果,发现:马铃薯氮磷钾吸收积累量呈"S"型生长曲线变化规律,即前期慢、中期快、后期又慢,吸收积累的高峰期在出苗后60天左右,之后积累量逐渐放缓,到收获时日积累量有小幅下降,特别是磷和钾的积累。吸收的氮磷钾前期主要供给叶片的生长发育,在收获时70%~80%的氮素,80%~90%的P2O5和K2O转移到了块茎中。出苗后60天是马铃薯水肥需要关键期,此时期保证水肥供应是获得高产的关键。马铃薯施用氮、磷、钾肥分别增产26.3%、22.8%和20.1%,每千克N、P2O5、K2O增产马铃薯40.7、70.4和44.7 kg。施肥增产效果:氮肥磷肥钾肥。施用氮磷钾肥的N、P2O5和K2O的养分利用率分别为35.9%、15.6%、50.4%。生产1 t马铃薯块茎吸收N、P2O5、K2O分别为5.32 kg、1.42 kg、6.01 kg。缺素区全株马铃薯吸收N、P2O5、K2O养分量分别为126.3、38、152.1 kg/hm2。马铃薯可采用基于产量反应和农学效率的方法进行推荐施肥,尤其是氮肥的施用,而对于磷、钾肥的推荐,除考虑肥效外,还要考虑土壤养分平衡,主要基于产量反应和一定目标产量下作物的移走量给出推荐施肥量。 相似文献
K. Mokrani K. Hamdi N. Tarchoun 《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2018,49(11):1314-1330
Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) management are critical in optimizing potato yield, which is also influenced by environmental factors, and crop response to these factors may vary with cultivars. Application doses and times of NPK fertilizers and use of tolerant genotypes are the most commonly employed strategies for the amelioration of potato yield. The objective of this work was to assess the response of two potato cultivars distinct by their earliness characters concerning tuber maturation (mid-early and mid-late), to different NPK regimes. Experiments were carried out with Spunta and Daifla cultivars. The impact of deficiency, optimum and excess NPK rates was tested for different tuberization stages. This study has emphasized the importance of the cultivar in potato plants response to NPK fertilization doses. Spunta showed a higher production performance compared to Daifla. Daifla was distinguished by a good vegetation throughout the development cycle but gave a very low tuber yield.Abbreviation: NPK: Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), DAP: Day after planting, I2KI: Potassium Iodide, HCl: Hydrochloric acid, P2O5: Phosphorus pentoxide, K2O: Potassium oxide, FW: Fresh weight, OM: Organic matter, C: Carbon, RS: Reducing sugar 相似文献
氮磷钾肥料对魔芋产量的影响效应研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
试验结果表明,平均1 kg N素增产鲜芋6.77 kg,平均1 kg K2O增产鲜芋8.0 kg。磷钾配合优于氮磷配合,氮磷钾配合最好。1 hm2施N量216 kg、施K2O 280 kg时,鲜芋产量最高。氮钾配合与磷钾配合都能提高魔芋生产的经济效益,但差于氮磷钾配合。1 hm2配合施用N 122 kg、P2O572 kg、K2O 147 kg的经济效益最佳。种植魔芋后各处理的土壤养分状况发生了重大变化,土壤有机质、碱解氮各处理均降低,施用钾肥较多的处理速效磷和速效钾增加。 相似文献
以钾高效品种徐薯28和低效品种济薯22为材料,采用室内土培试验研究了不同施钾量下,甘薯钾的积累与分配及利用规律。结果显示:不施钾显著促进甘薯地上部生长,抑制块根膨大,但品种间变幅不同,钾高效型徐薯28具有更强的根系膨大能力。徐薯28苗期地上部钾浓度显著高于济薯22,叶片和叶柄钾含量分别比济薯22高33.1%、33.9%;但收获期徐薯28植株钾含量为8.7 g/kg,显著低于济薯22的9.8 g/kg。施钾或不施钾下,收获期徐薯28钾分配系数分别为4.2、3.2,济薯22分别为2.0、1.5,表明徐薯28将钾更多分配到块根部分,而济薯22更多分配到茎叶部分。各处理的块根钾利用效率(KIUE-T)为65.1~135.9,施钾及不施钾下,徐薯28块根钾利用效率都显著高于对应的济薯22处理。甘薯植株内钾含量高低是决定济薯22及徐薯28钾利用效率高低的关键因素。因此,两甘薯基因型间钾的利用效率差异主要体现在:徐薯28即使在不施钾下,苗期地上部尤其是茎叶能维持较高的钾含量,为后期块根膨大奠定基础,而收获期维持较高的钾分配系数及植株较低的钾浓度,而济薯22则相反。 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(5):996-1010
Based on correlations calculated from the database of long-term fertilization experiments carried out in Hungary between 1960 and 2000, a new, cost-saving, and environmentally friendly fertilizer recommendation system was developed. The aim of the new system is to apply the lowest possible nitrogen (N)–phosphorus (P)–potassium (K) rates required to achieve good yields and maximum income per unit area. The World Phosphorus Institute (IMPHOS) agreed to finance a 3-year program to test various Hungarian fertilizer recommendation systems (the new RISSAC-RIA [Research for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry‐Research Institute for Agriculture] system, the Talajer?gazdálkodás integrated soil fertility management system, and the intensive MÉM NAK [Department of Plant Protection and Agricultural Chemistry of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture] system) when applied to three major crops grown on three characteristic Hungarian soils. The first five treatments in the experiment represented a classical deficiency experiment, aimed at checking the correctness of the NPK supply categories determined by the various systems. On all three soils and for all three crops the IMPHOS experiments confirmed the basic principles of the new cost-saving, environmentally friendly fertilizer recommendation system and the correctness of the methods used for calculating fertilizer rates. In this article, diagnostic plant analysis, soil analysis data, and NPK balances obtained in the different recommendations are discussed. In most cases the plant NPK contents of all the recommendations exceeded the lower limits of the good NPK supply category for wheat and barley shoot as well as for corn leaf. Crop NPK contents in Talajer?gazdálkodás and MÉM NAK treatments (with greater recommended NPK doses) were most cases better than in the RISSAC-RIA treatments; however, the better crop NPK status did not result in extra grain yield in the former treatments. Taking into account that similarly high yields were obtained using the RISSAC-RIA system and the Talajer?gazdálkodás integrated system with much smaller NPK doses than those recommended by the intensive MÉM NAK system, it was more advantageous from agronomic, environmental protection, and economic points of view. Differences in PK balances correlated well with the differences in the measured soil ammonium lactate (AL)–PK contents after the third year of the experiment. 相似文献