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Surveys carried out in conifer stands in the Azores and on the Portuguese mainland identified fungi causing serious new damage to pines and other conifer species. The most important are Dothistroma septospora found on needles of Pinus spp., Seiridium cardinale causing stem and twig canker of cypress and a new pathogen of the genus Elytroderma infecting needles of Pinus pinea with a subsidiary effect on stem and branches. After fires, new pathogens appeared in P. pinaster stands in North Portugal. Surveys in burnt plots showed the presence of the two very important root parasites, Rhizina undulata and Heterobasidion annosum , as well as species of the Ceratocystis complex producing not only blue stain, but also a wilt disease. Forest fires are often also associated with scolytid attacks on P. pinaster , specially by Tomicus piniperda, T. minor and Ips sexdentatus.  相似文献   

Sharka disease does not occur in Australia and is recognized as the most serious disease threat to Australia's stone fruit industry. Strategies are in place to minimize the risk that exotic diseases like sharka should establish in Australia. These are achieved by implementing: (1) pre-import measures to reduce the threat of entry; (2) controls at the point of entry and (3) response and contingency planning to contain or eradicate any incursions into Australia. An active and on-going awareness programme within the Australian stone fruit industry is aimed at early detection of sharka disease in the orchard.  相似文献   

杨勤民  朱国亮 《植物保护》2014,40(4):161-165
分析了山东农业2000-2012年国外引种数据,结果表明:近年国外引种呈现出数量阶段性增长变化、种苗来源全球化、作物种类全面化、引种单位多元化、引种用途多样化、种植区域分散化、引种渠道复杂化等7大新特点,存在着入境包装材料及类别增多、入境检疫检验业务量增大、植物疫情来源广泛、风险分析要求更高、有害生物传播载体增多、同一起源中心的有害生物传入机会增大、监管对象多元、种植栽培管理模式多样、种苗逃逸变害可能性增加、监测区域范围增大和逃检漏检现象普遍等11项潜在的检疫风险点,需要采取有针对性的限制或防范措施,防患于未然。  相似文献   

辐照作为一种检疫处理方法的发展和现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高美须 《植物检疫》2003,17(2):91-94
本文简要回顾了辐照作为一种检疫处理方法的历史 ,介绍了推动辐照检疫发展的国际食品辐照咨询小组 (ICGFI)所作的工作 ,辐照检疫的国际组织和国家的认可状况 ,辐照检疫在美国的发展 ,辐照检疫研究议定书及辐照检疫的认证等辐照检疫的发展现状。  相似文献   

J. Hedley 《EPPO Bulletin》1999,29(1-2):11-21
The situation regarding the resolution of phytosanitary disputes has changed considerably with the introduction of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on SPS Measures and the approval of the 1997 revised IPPC by the 29th FAO Conference. In understanding the issues involved in dispute settlement, it is helpful to consider: a general outline of dispute resolution procedures; the problems inherent in the mechanics of dispute settlement and the technicalities of phytosanitary measures in resolving phytosanitary disputes; the current means of resolving phytosanitary disputes, including the use of consultation and a committee of experts, as described in the 1997 revised IPPC, and the dispute settlement body of the WTO; the ways of dealing with the problems, including consideration of the level and nature of the dispute, the international character of such disputes, the nature of the decision (recommendatory or binding), the organization of the resolution system and the systems available. It is suggested that the Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures could take a role in this area, with a committee on dispute resolution that considered dispute resolution procedures, to aid parties in dealing with the difficulties involved in the resolution of phytosanitary disputes.  相似文献   

我国辐照检疫处理的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辐照检疫处理是继化学熏蒸处理之后兴起的一种物理处理技术,将其用作水果检疫处理已成为一种国际趋势.本文主要概述了我国辐照检疫处理的研究现状,旨在为进一步推动辐照检疫处理的商业化运作提供技术参考.  相似文献   

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) provides the background for National Plant Protection Organisations (NPPOs) to regulate and control invasive alien species that are harmful to plants. This subject was specifically discussed for the first time 10 years ago at IPPC level, and further explored by an IPPC open‐ended working group. The resulting concept was considered at EU level, and the EU Council supported the suitability of the plant health framework for these species, requesting the EU Commission to further analyse the needs for regulatory work in the EU plant health regime. Subsequently the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) started a new working programme. The international conference ‘Invasive alien species and the IPPC’ set a signal for IPPC contracting parties to encourage their NPPOs to enforce actions on invasive alien species. IPPC standards on pest risk analysis (PRA) were adapted so as to include invasive alien species harmful to plants, and a memorandum of cooperation was adopted between the Secretariats of the IPPC and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). At present, the EU Commission, DG Environment is developing a European strategy on invasive alien species. The EU Plant Health Regulatory System is currently subjected to a major evaluation process in which a clearer inclusion of invasive alien species into the system is one of the strategic discussions.  相似文献   


Informal training in plant protection and public health, particularly that aimed at non‐graduates, is often poorly planned and sometimes irrelevant due to the inaccurate identification or total disregard of real training needs. Such training usually leads to poor job performance and, where pesticides or machinery are involved, to dangerous working practice. A method is described for identifying training needs through job and trainee analysis, and it is shown how to develop training programmes based on these needs. The importance of behavioural objectives in training is explained. Emphasis is given to the planning of training in plant protection and public health with special reference to pesticide management, but, because a systematic approach is adopted, the methods used are appropriate to training situations in other disciplines. Guidelines on the selection of visual aids and on methods of presentation are also given.  相似文献   

植物健康是经常在植物科学尤其是植物保护领域被使用的术语,但迄今仍然没有一个明确并普遍被认可的概念。通过梳理和总结不同哲学思想下植物健康概念的探讨和争论,试图在分析现有成果的基础上,获得植物健康概念的科学内涵,同时结合中国哲学观念提出了"特定遗传基质的植物(种或品种或生物型等)生长在适宜的环境中(土壤、水分和气候),没有受到其他生物和非生物(环境)因子侵扰和伤害,各种生理功能平和或平衡的自然状态,植物的这种状态就是植物健康"的概念,明确了植物健康的动态性质及阐述了植物健康下的植物种群健康,并对依据这个概念从事农林生产进行了剖析,供大家商榷。  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out in the main stone-fruit growing areas of Lebanon to assess the phytosanitary condition of commercial orchards. The presence of virus and virus-like diseases and their identification was ascertained through: (i) field surveys, (ii) sap transmission to herbaceous hosts, (iii) graft transmission to woody indicators; and (iv) ELISA and IEM tests. The mean infection level was 25%. ranging from 5% in apricot to 45% in cherry. The following viruses were identified: apple chlorotic leaf spot trichovirus (ACLSV), prunus necrotic ringspot (PNRSV) and prune dwarf (PDV) ilarviruses. Plum pox potyvirus (PPV), apple mosaic ilarvirus (ApMV), and six nepoviruses tested for (SLRV, TBRV, RRV, CLRV, ArMV and ToRSV) were not encountered.  相似文献   

This paper describes a protocol developed within the PRATIQUE project for applying cost/benefit analysis to select appropriate phytosanitary measures for use against quarantine pests. The protocol consists of nine steps, each underpinned by clear guidelines for collating and structuring the relevant data, to assist risk managers with the challenging task of assessing the benefits and costs of phytosanitary measures in a consistent, transparent and reproducible manner. Together with the decision‐support scheme that generates contingency plants and prioritizes action during pest outbreaks, it provides a framework for decision making on phytosanitary measures and helps to provide economic justification for selecting appropriate measures. The practical application of the protocol is demonstrated using two examples: cost/benefit analysis of eradication measures against Anoplophora glabripennis in Northern Italy; and eradication and containment measures against Diabrotica virgifera virgifera in Germany.  相似文献   

我国植物保护工作的形势和任务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>我国是农作物生产大国,同时也是病虫灾害多发国家,常见农作物病虫害种类有1600多种。这些病虫害的频繁发生,对农作物生长造成的不利影响日益突出。特别是蝗虫、稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟、小麦条锈病等迁飞性、流行性重大病虫呈加重发生态势,严重威胁粮食稳定发展。受异常气候和农业生态环境  相似文献   

2014~2015年中国进境植物疫情截获情况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对2014~2015年中国进境植物疫情截获情况进行数据统计,重点分析不同检疫业务类型、有害生物类别、来源地的疫情截获数据和检疫性有害生物截获情况。分析表明:进境植物疫情截获数据持续增长,疫情主要来源渠道为进境货物,废纸携带有害生物风险增高,昆虫、杂草、真菌为截获次数最多的有害生物类别,美国、巴西、澳大利亚是截获有害生物次数最多的来源国。  相似文献   

在全国农业技术推广服务中心和河北省农业厅的指导下,我们从 1998年开始在隆尧县创办县级植保协会试点,并在部分市、县进行示范推广.在总结市、县级植保协会经验的基础上, 2004年 7月在全国率先成立了省级植保技术推广协会.目的是适应新形势、新阶段的需要,促进植保技术推广,推进植保事业的发展.  相似文献   

The European Phytosanitary Research and Coordination network (Euphresco, www.euphresco.net ) is a network of organisations which were initiated as EU funded ERA‐NET projects in 2006 and 2010. The goal of the network is to strengthen the networking of research activities carried out at national or regional level and the mutual opening of research programmes. In 2014, having received EU funding twice, Euphresco members decided to continue to work together as a long‐term and self‐sustaining network. The coordination of Euphresco is now hosted within the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO), and in addition to consolidating the network and its procedures, it is also preparing the ground for future developments.  相似文献   

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