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Characteristics and host range of tomato powdery mildew   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The anamorphic state of a powdery mildew, which first appeared on tomato in the UK in 1987, currently listed as Erysiphe orontii (anamorph Oidium violae ), was examined microscopically on both tomato and alternative hosts. Host range studies were also carried out. In 1993–95, species and cultivars of plants from 26 of the 30 families listed as hosts of E. orontii were inoculated with tomato powdery mildew in the glasshouse and assessed for susceptibility on a 0–3 scale based on degree of sporulation and growth. Thirteen families contained species or varieties that were susceptible and a total of 80 varieties, including many economically important Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae, supported sporulation to some extent (susceptibility score 1–3). Necrosis was not a constant feature of plants exhibiting resistance, as it could accompany sporulation on some susceptible varieties. Microscopic measurements showed that conidial size, conidiophore length, conidiophore foot-cell length and width, and the number of cells distal to the foot-cell were remarkably constant between samples of powdery mildew taken from tomato each year and from the various alternative hosts. Based on the production of conidia singly, the presence of nipple-shaped to moderately lobed appressoria, and occurrence of straight conidiophores, it is concluded that this fungus on tomato should more correctly be named Oidium lycopersicum until the sexual stage is discovered. The highly polyphagous nature of this powdery mildew would suggest that it represents a potential risk to UK agriculture and horticulture, but the failure to recover any powdery mildew from 120 samples of potato, including varieties Cara and Maris Piper, on which the tomato powdery mildew could sporulate in the glasshouse, suggests that environmental factors may play a key role in preventing establishment of this powdery mildew on alternative hosts on a commercial scale in the field.  相似文献   

Xu 《Plant pathology》1999,48(4):462-471
A model developed to simulate epidemics of powdery mildew on vegetative shoots of apple generates two types of output. Firstly, it forecasts disease severity (percentage of host tissue infected) by incorporating effects on disease development of the amount of healthy susceptible tissue and current infectious (sporulating) disease, the level of initial inoculum (overwintered 'primary' mildew) and weather conditions. The effects of weather variables are considered on only two aspects of the fungal life cycle: initial spore germination and the subsequent development during the incubation period. Secondly, the model generates indices of the relative favourability of weather conditions on disease development by incorporating effects of weather on conidial production/dispersal and germination. On each day, forecasts of the (relative) severity of new infection and total current infectious disease are given for both types of output. The model was evaluated by comparing its predictions with the mildew epidemics observed in two unsprayed orchards over four years. In all the years, the temporal patterns of the predicted and the observed disease were generally similar. The pattern of the disease severity forecasts was marginally closer to the observed than that derived from two weather indices. Potential roles of the model in practical management of apple powdery mildew are discussed.  相似文献   

番茄白粉病田间扩展流行规律与药剂防治试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过2年对番茄白粉病田间扩展流行动态调查和药剂防治试验研究,结果表明:番茄白粉病菌首先由中心病株下部叶片向上部作垂直扩散,随后进行水平传播,且顺垄传播快;在甘肃省张掖市一般7月中旬至下旬开始出现,田间蔓延快;环境条件适宜时,从植株上部叶片显症到发病率达91.5%仅需5 d。田间防治试验表明,喷药7 d后,24%噻呋酰胺悬浮剂1 200倍液、15%三唑酮可湿性粉剂750倍液、30%苯醚甲环唑•丙环唑乳油2 000倍液和62.25%代森锰锌•腈菌唑可湿性粉剂600倍液防效达到最大,依次为83.4%、81.4%、81.3%和68.7%,而喷药10 d后40%氟硅唑乳油3个浓度梯度(3 000、5 000倍液和7 000倍液)的药效均达到最高值,依次为72.2%、73.3%和78.5%,表明40%氟硅唑乳油持效期较长,药效稳定。  相似文献   

The present study aimed to explore the possibility of using the type I trichomes of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) to monitor the infection processes of powdery mildews by microscopy. Individual trichome cells of two tomato genotypes were inoculated with pathogenic and non-pathogenic powdery mildew species, Pseudoidium neolycopersici, Erysiphe trifoliorum and Podosphaera xanthii. On the trichome cells of the tomato cultivar Moneymaker, hyphae of the pathogenic Pseudoidium neolycopersici (isolates KTP-03 and KTP-04) grew vigorously; whereas hyphal growth of the non-pathogenic Erysiphe trifoliorum and Podosphaera xanthii ceased after appressorium formation, which was associated with papilla formation and hypersensitive cell death, respectively. Similar infection processes of the tested powdery mildews were seen in Moneymaker epidermal cells. Therefore, tomato trichomes are suitable for analysing, at individual cell level, the infection processes of different pathotypes of powdery mildews and for observing the cytological responses of plants by non-pathogenic powdery mildews. On the other hand, it was observed that both isolates KTP-03 and KTP-04 failed to produce conidiophores on the hyphae elongating on Moneymaker trichomes. Similarly, no conidiophores were produced on the hyphae elongating on trichomes of Solanum peruvianum LA2172, which is resistant to KTP-03 and susceptible to KTP-04. Interestingly, delayed cell death occurred in LA2172 epidermal cells, which were attacked by KTP-03 hyphae elongating from trichomes and conidiophores were formed on new hyphae growing from the leaf epidermal cells. Thus, leaf trichomes and epidermal cells of the wild tomato species LA2172 reacted differently to the avirulent isolate KTP-03.  相似文献   

番茄白粉病的病原菌鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 作者在吉林省长春市温室中发现了番茄白粉病,对其病原菌进行了形态学和分子生物学鉴定。根据分生孢子形态和萌发特性将该菌鉴定为新番茄粉孢菌(Oidium neolycopersici Kiss)。分生孢子椭圆形,无色,单生于分生孢子梗顶端。分生孢子梗直立,简单不分枝,无色,脚胞圆柱形,有时略弯曲,上面通常有1~2个细胞。分生孢子侧面萌发,芽管末端产生裂片状或直筒状附着胞。附着胞乳突状或浅裂片状。未发现有闭囊壳。采用分子生物学方法,对该病原菌rDNAITS区进行了PCR扩增和序列测定,测得序列与O. neolycopersici同源性为100%。由O. neolycopersici引起的番茄白粉病国内未见报道。  相似文献   

番茄与白粉病菌互作反应中活性氧的积累   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
番茄白粉病菌Oidium neolycopersici是一种产生单生分生孢子的真菌,主要分布在欧洲、非洲、南北美洲和亚洲的一种世界性植物病害的病原菌~([1]).已有研究表明,受病原菌侵染的植物体内活性氧的积累与植物抗病性密切相关~([2]).目前关于番茄与番茄白粉病菌互作中活性氧进发与抗病性关系的研究,国内外很少报道.  相似文献   

 A single conidium of tomato powdery mildew was isolated from heavily infected leaves of tomato (cv. Moneymaker) grown in the greenhouse of Kinki University, Nara Prefecture, Japan. It was successively multiplied so the morphological and taxonomic characteristics of the pathogen and its host range under high humidity conditions could be analyzed. The isolate KTP-01 of the tomato powdery mildew optimally developed infection structures at 25°C under continuous illumination of 3500 lx. More than 90% of the conidia germinated and developed moderately lobed appressoria. After forming haustoria, the pathogen elongated secondary hyphae from both appressoria and conidia. The hyphae attached to leaf surfaces by several pairs of appressoria and produced conidiophores with noncatenated conidia. In addition to its morphological similarity to Oidium neolycopersici, the phylogenetic analysis (based on the sequence of internal transcribed spacer regions of rDNA) revealed that KTP-01 could be classified into the same cluster group as O. neolycopersici. In host range studies, KTP-01 produced abundant conidia on the foliage of all tomato cultivars tested and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), and it developed faint colonies accompanied by necrosis on leaves of potato (Solanum tuberosum), red pepper (Capsicum annuum), petunia (Petunia × hybrida), and eggplant (S. melongena). The pathogen did not infect other plant species including Cucurubitaceae plants, which have been reported to be susceptible to some foreign isolates. Thus, the present isolate of the tomato powdery mildew was assigned as O. neolycopersici, a pathotype different from foreign isolates of the pathogen. Received: December 5, 2002 / Accepted: December 26, 2002 Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid (12660050) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan. We express our deepest thanks to professor Dr. Y. Sato, Toyama Prefectural University, for his kind and valuable suggestion on taxonomic analysis of the powdery mildew pathogen described in the present study.  相似文献   

黑龙江省番茄白粉病病原鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过收集东北农业大学日光温室中的番茄白粉菌,并对其进行形态和分子鉴定及分析,明确了该白粉病的病原种类及其分类地位。根据分生孢子的显微形态观察初步确定为新番茄粉孢菌(Oidiumneolycopersici L. Kiss)。进一步根据真菌rDNA-ITS序列检测分析后发现该病原菌与新番茄粉孢菌(O. neolycopersici)的相似性为100%,并对与其相似性较高的序列构建进化树分析发现,本试验研究的白粉菌与其他国家和地区的白粉菌相似性不高,这可能是由于哈尔滨地区白粉菌自身小种进化的原因。  相似文献   

Wheat yield losses caused by powdery mildew were computed based on effects of the disease on leaf photosynthesis. Powdery mildew was introduced in a crop model of wheat by quantification of five parameters, taking the vertical and horizontal distribution of mildew in the crop into account. The most important parameters were those of the mildew intensity, the distribution of mildew in the crop, and the effect of mildew on assimilation at light saturation. Measured mildew epidemics in field experiments in three different years, were used to compute yield losses. Computed losses were compared to measured losses. On average, computed yield loss approached measured, but measured yield loss was underestimated, especially in early mildew epidemics due to the computation of partitioning and reallocation of assimilates. Other processes which may cause an underestimation are described. The use of crop models as a method to upgrade disease management systems is discussed.Samenvatting Opbrengstderving van wintertarwe werd berekend aan de hand van het effect dat meeldauw heeft op de blad-fotosynthese. Een rekenmodel voor de gewasgroei van tarwe werd uitgebreid met meeldauw. Met inachtneming van de vertikale en horizontale verdeling van meeldauw in het gewas, werd meeldauw in het model gekwantificeerd door vijf parameters. De belangrijkste parameters waren die van de meeldauwintensiteit, de verdeling van meeldauw in het gewas en het effect van meeldauw op de assimilatie bij een overvloed aan licht. Epidemieën van meeldauw, gemeten in veldproeven in drie verschillende jaren, werden gebruikt om opbrengstdervingen te berekenen. Gemiddeld kwam deze redelijk overeen met de in de veldproeven gemeten opbrengstderving. De gemeten opbrengstderving werd echter onderschat, vooral bij vroege epidemieën van meeldauw door de wijze waarop de (her)verdeling van assimilaten wordt berekend. Andere mechanismen, die een onderschatting van opbrengstderving kunnen veroorzaken worden besproken. Of deze modellen als methode gebruikt kunnen worden om systemen voor de geleide bestrijding van ziekten te verbeteren wordt bediscussieerd.  相似文献   

番茄白粉病(tomato powdery mildew)是一种世界性植物病害,最早发现于意大利,之后迅速蔓延到世界各地,严重影响番茄的产量和质量。因此,各国从未停止过对番茄白粉病的研究,并多集中在病原菌的鉴定上,但均未发现其有性阶段,这也给病原菌鉴定带来了很大困难。甘肃省河西地区种植加工番茄,随着栽培面积的扩大,以及种植结构的调整,为白粉病病原菌提供了良好的越冬场所,  相似文献   

V. Rossi  S. Giosu 《EPPO Bulletin》2003,33(3):389-396
A system dynamic model for epidemics of Blumeria graminis (powdery mildew) on wheat was elaborated, based on the interaction between stages of the disease cycle, weather conditions and host characteristics. The model simulates the progress of disease severity, expressed as a percentage of powdered leaf area, on individual leaves, with a time step of one day, as a result of two processes: the growth of fungal colonies already present on the leaves and the appearance of new colonies. By means of mathematical equations, air temperature, vapour pressure deficit, rainfall and wind are used to calculate incubation, latency and sporulation periods, the growth of pathogen colonies, infection and spore survival. Effects of host susceptibility to infection, and of leaf position within the plant canopy, are also included. Model validation was carried out by comparing model outputs with the dynamics of epidemics observed on winter wheat grown at several locations in northern Italy (1991–98). Simulations were performed using meteorological data measured in standard meteorological stations. As there was good agreement between model outputs and actual disease severity, the model can be considered a satisfactory simulator of the effect of environmental conditions on the progress of powdery mildew epidemics.  相似文献   

Yang X  Yang L  Wang S  Yu D  Ni H 《Pest management science》2007,63(5):511-515
The extract of the plant Rheum officinale Baill, mainly containing the anthraquinones physcion and chrysophanol, is highly active against plant powdery mildew. Experiments were conducted in the laboratory and greenhouse to determine the interaction of the two compounds on cucumber powdery mildew [Sphaerotheca fuliginea (Schlecht.) Poll] and on wheat powdery mildew [Blumeria graminis (DC.) Speer f. sp. tritici Marchal]. Physcion was much more bioactive than chrysophanol against these powdery mildews. There was a significant synergistic interaction between the two compounds on the diseases when the ratios of physcion to chrysophanol ranged from 1:9 to 5:5. The synergistic degree increased with increase in the chrysophanol proportion in the combination. The findings indicate that, in order to ensure constant efficacy of the extract on the disease, both the contents and the proportion of the main active ingredients physcion and chrysophanol have to be determined.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew infection of barley with the mlo5 barley powdery mildew resistance gene was examined, using near-isogenic barley lines, with and without mlo5 resistance, and two near-isogenic powdery mildew isolates, HL3/5 and GE3 with high (virulent) or low (avirulent) penetration efficiency on the resistant barley line. In all isolate–host combinations (except GE3 on the resistant barley line), frequency of haustorium formation increased significantly from zero at 11 h after inoculation to a maximum by 13 h, and there was no subsequent increase up to 24 h. In the susceptible barley line, 27% of appressoria from both isolates formed haustoria. Although this was significantly higher than the frequency of haustorium formation (18%) of HL3/5 on the resistant barley line, HL3/5 was much more successful than GE3 (frequency of haustorium formation less than 1%). The fact that HL3/5 did not possess a generally higher ability to penetrate successfully to form haustoria on the susceptible barley line, indicates that HL3/5 did not overcome the mlo5 resistance by being generally more vigorous. In the resistant barley line, papillae were larger than in the susceptible line; however, both isolates were associated with papillae of the same diameter at the time of penetration. We suggest that the mlo5 resistant barley line confers two different forms of resistance: isolate-specific and isolate-nonspecific.  相似文献   

Oidium neolycopersici causes severe powdery mildew on all aerial parts of tomato, excluding the fruit. The objective of the present work was to examine factors that influence the development of O. neolycopersici on tomato and to identify potential methods for managing tomato powdery mildew. Under controlled conditions, the highest rates of conidial germination were observed at 25 degrees C, 99% relative humidity (RH) and minimal light, and the lowest on leaves adjacent to fruits. Optimal conditions for appressoria formation were 25 degrees C, RH ranging from 33 to 99%, and 1,750 lux light intensity. More conidia were formed at 20 degrees C, 70 to 85% RH, and 5,150 lux light intensity than at 16 and 26 degrees C, 99% RH, and 480 to 1,750 lux, respectively. Conidia survived and remained capable of germination for over four months when initially incubated at lower temperatures and higher RH, as compared with their fast decline under more extreme summer shade conditions. In growth chamber experiments, disease did not develop at 28 degrees C. Within the range of 70 to 99% RH, disease was less severe under the higher RH than the drier conditions. Disease was also less severe at lower light intensities. Data collected in three commercial-like greenhouse experiments involving various climate regimes were used to draw correlations regarding the effects of temperature and RH on the development of epidemics. Severity of powdery mildew was positively correlated with the duration of the range 15 to 25 degrees C, 1 to 4 weeks before disease evaluation (BDE), RH levels of 60 to 90% at 2 to 4 weeks BDE, and RH of 50 to 60% during the week BDE. Conversely, disease was negatively correlated with the duration of temperatures in the low and high ranges (5 to 15 degrees C and 35 to 40 degrees C) at 1 to 4 weeks BDE, with the duration of RH levels of 40% and below at 1 to 4 weeks BDE, and with 50 to 60% RH during the third week BDE. High (90 to 100%) RH was also negatively correlated with disease severity. These results suggest that the combination of high temperatures and low RH may help reduce O. neolycopersici powdery mildew severity in greenhouse tomatoes.  相似文献   

European Journal of Plant Pathology - The cultivation of grape varieties with partial resistance to disease may become an important component for disease management in the future. The impact of...  相似文献   

防治西葫芦和黄瓜白粉病的生物制剂的筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
瓜类白粉病是蔬菜上的重要病害之一,为加大对该病害的生物防治力度,本研究采用课题组研发的1×109cfu/g玫瑰黄链霉菌水剂和10亿芽胞/g枯草芽胞杆菌悬浮剂以及市场上常用的枯草芽胞杆菌、哈茨木霉菌、寡雄腐霉、武夷菌素、多抗霉素等多种生物制剂进行田间药效试验,比较几种生物制剂的防治效果。结果表明,供试生物制剂对西葫芦白粉病的防效为57.65%~84.98%,其中3%多抗霉素水剂600倍液的防效最好,为84.98%,且具有明显的促生长作用,增产率达12.65%。其次为1 000亿芽胞/g枯草芽胞杆菌可湿性粉剂(武汉天惠)400倍液、2%武夷菌素水剂600倍液和3×108 cfu/g哈茨木霉菌可湿性粉剂300倍液,可作为西葫芦白粉病防治的选用药剂。1×109 cfu/g玫瑰黄链霉菌水剂对西葫芦和黄瓜白粉病均具有较好的防效,分别为78.68%和73.59%,具有开发和应用的市场价值。  相似文献   

采用不同接种方法、不同接种苗龄、不同接种浓度三因素三水平正交试验设计对番茄白粉病苗期抗性鉴定方法进行筛选。结果表明,番茄苗期接种白粉病最好的方法是喷雾法,接种苗龄为四叶期,接种的最适浓度为106孢子/mL。在此基础上,对东北农业大学番茄研究所提供的54份番茄材料进行白粉病苗期接种鉴定,结果表明,54份材料中,有抗病品种4份、中抗品种16份、感病品种17份、极感病品种17份。  相似文献   

为探索强酸性电生功能水对番茄白粉病和番茄细菌性叶斑病的防治效果,分别以1×10~6孢子/g寡雄腐霉菌可湿性粉剂和46%氢氧化铜水分散粒剂为对照药剂,采用不同浓度的强酸性电生功能水在番茄缓苗期和发病初期进行叶面喷施。结果表明,在缓苗后用50 mg/L强酸性电生功能水进行预防,在病害发生初期改用80 mg/L浓度进行防治,对番茄白粉病和番茄细菌性叶斑病均有较好的防治效果,防效分别为64.10%和66.14%,而且可使番茄增产2.80%;仅在病害发生初期开始使用80 mg/L强酸性电生功能水进行叶面喷施,对番茄有一定增产效果。但是,对番茄白粉病和番茄细菌性叶斑病的防治效果与对照差异不显著。  相似文献   

室内模拟塑料大棚黄瓜白粉病流行预测模型的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内人工气候箱内,通过人工接种和模拟高温高湿环境的方法研究了黄瓜白粉病的发生和流行趋势,采用SAS统计软件对试验数据进行相关和回归分析,建立了黄瓜白粉病始病期与流行程度的预测模型。始病期预测模型的RMSE值在2以下,流行程度预测模型的RMSE值在6以下,表明模型可对塑料大棚黄瓜白粉病始病期和流行程度进行定量预测。  相似文献   

新疆泽普县小麦白粉病流行的时间动态及预测模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012年-2019年对泽普县春季小麦白粉病田间发生情况进行了系统调查, 并对数据进行了分析和模型拟合, 明确了当地白粉病春季发生和流行的特点?其病害春季流行曲线为典型的单峰S形曲线, 符合Logistic或Gompertz模型?在此基础上, 通过Pearson相关系数法分析了多年来该地小麦不同生育期白粉病病情指数与66个主要气象因子之间的相关关系, 筛选出影响小麦白粉病发生流行的关键气象因子为1月下旬平均日照时间?2月下旬平均气温?1月上旬-3月上旬平均气温和10月下旬-4月中旬平均日照时间, 并采用多元回归分析法建立了基于关键气象因子的小麦扬花期?灌浆初期和灌浆中期的病害预测模型?此研究结果可为当地小麦白粉病的防控提供技术支撑?  相似文献   

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