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ABSTRACT The genetic structure of populations of Phytophthora cinnamomi, a pathogen of an enormous variety of woody plants, was investigated using microsatellites. Three intensively sampled disease sites in southwest Australia were analyzed along with a large culture collection of Austra-lian isolates and some isolates from elsewhere in the world. The mutation in the four microsatellite loci analyzed revealed spatial patterns at the disease sites that correlated with the age of the infestation. Only three clonal lineages were identified in Australian populations and these same clonal lineages were present in worldwide populations, where it is suggested that a limited number of clonal lineages have spread in most regions. No evidence for sexual reproduction between these clonal lineages in Australia has been found even though the pathogen has the opportunity. Instead, mitotic recombination is frequent within the clonal lineages. The implications of this are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects were examined of plant-response signaling compounds, salicylic acid (SA) and methyl jasmonate (MeJA), on resistance to pill-bugs (Armadillidium vulgare) attack in lettuce plants. Foliar SA and MeJA applications were made at weekly intervals from the emergence of the plant until one week before harvesting. SA and MeJA induced detectable levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at least during 5 days post-application in these plants throughout their cultivation. On the whole, SA and MeJA in the concentrations and application scheme evaluated in this research did not significantly influence the dry and fresh weight matter of plants, or the chlorophyll and nitrate contents. In addition, both signal elicitors significantly diminished lettuce mortality due to pill-bugs, which was positively correlated with phenolics and flavonoids contents. Our results suggest that SA and MeJA, especially in low concentrations, should be further evaluated in lettuce production and priming resistance.  相似文献   

Phytophthora root rot (PRR) of avocado, caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi, is a significant threat to sustainable production wherever the crop is grown. Resistant rootstocks in combination with phosphite applications are the most effective options for managing this disease. Recently, the mechanisms underpinning PRR resistance have been investigated by the avocado community. Here, biochemical assays and confocal and scanning electron microscopy were used to investigate early defence responses in PRR resistant and ‐susceptible avocado rootstocks. Zoospore germination and subsequent hyphal growth for the pathogen were significantly inhibited on the surface of resistant avocado roots. When penetration occurred in the resistant R0.06 rootstock, callose was deposited in the epidermal cells, parenchyma and cortex of roots. In addition, β‐1,3‐glucanase was released early (6 h post‐inoculation, hpi) in response to the pathogen, followed by a significant increase in catalase by 24 hpi. In contrast, susceptible R0.12 roots responded only with the deposition of lignin and phenolic compounds incapable of impeding pathogen colonization. In this study, PRR resistance was attributed to a timely multilayered response to infection by P. cinnamomi.  相似文献   

Monthly inoculations of both intact plants and excised shoots of Quercus suber with the pathogenic species Botryosphaeria stevensii and Phytophthora cinnamomi were performed to investigate seasonal changes in susceptibility of this forest tree species in relation to environmental parameters and plant water status. Infection symptoms were mainly detected on seedlings inoculated from spring to autumn (April through October) with either pathogen. Mean canker sizes also showed a seasonal pattern, the higher values being recorded in the same period as above. Lesion lengths were significantly ( P  < 0·001) related to environmental minimum temperature. Mean daily minimum temperatures within the range of 5–12°C clearly inhibited lesion development of P. cinnamomi , whereas B. stevensii showed a less pronounced decrease in canker expansion at the same temperature range. In excised shoots of Q. suber inoculated monthly with B. stevensii , a negative linear relationship was found between the studied range of plant relative water content (81–91%) and canker length. In contrast, the lesions caused by P. cinnamomi were not significantly ( P  = 0·32) related to any seasonal change in water content. Some control measures for the diseases caused by both pathogens are discussed on the basis of the seasonal changes in host susceptibility observed in this study.  相似文献   

Causes of current severe declines of the deciduous oaks Quercus robur and Q. petraea in northern and central Europe and of the evergreen Q. ilex, Q. suber and other Quercus spp. in the Mediterranean area are reviewed. Factors implicated include drought, pollution, winter cold, flooding, and stress-related attacks by insects and fungi. Additional factors in Mediterranean oak declines include changing land-use patterns and root disease caused by the aggressive, exotic oomycete root pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi. Under conditions of global warming the survival and degree of root disease caused by this fungus seems likely to be enhanced, while the host range of the organism might also be increased. Application of the CLIMEX climate-matching program suggests that with a mean increase in temperatures of 1.5–3°C the fungus might considerably increase its disease activity in its existing locations, and to some extent spread northwards and eastwards. However, it seems unlikely to become significantly active in areas of Europe with colder winters such as parts of Scandinavia, Russia and the central Danube. The predictive value of research on major environmental problems such as oak declines could be enhanced by more highly coordinated European forestry research programmes.  相似文献   

South Africa holds the greatest diversity of Encephalartos species globally. In recent years several reports have been received of Encephalartos species in the country dying of unknown causes. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of, and identify the causal agents of, diseases of Encephalartos species in the Gauteng and Limpopo Provinces of South Africa. Plant material with symptoms and insects were collected from diseased plants in private gardens, commercial nurseries and conservation areas in these regions. Insects collected were identified based on morphology, and microbial isolates based on morphology and DNA sequence data. Insect species identified infesting cultivated cycads included the beetle Amorphocerus talpa, and the scale insects Aonidiella aurantii, Aspidiotus capensis, Chrysomphalus aonidum, Lindingaspis rossi, Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli, Pseudaulacaspis pentagona and Pseudococcus longispinus. Fungal species isolated from diseased plants included species of Diaporthe, Epicoccum, Fusarium, Lasiodiplodia, Neofusicoccum, Peyronellaea, Phoma, Pseudocercospora and Toxicocladosporium. The plant pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi was identified from E. transvenosus plants in the Modjadji Nature Reserve. Artificial inoculation studies fulfilled Koch's postulates, strongly suggesting that P. cinnamomi is responsible for the deaths of these plants under field conditions.  相似文献   

The ability of metalaxyl-M, phosphonic acid in the form of phosphonate, and copper hydroxide to inhibit different stages in the life cycle of Phytophthora ramorum , the causal agent of sudden oak death (SOD), was tested in vitro using 12 isolates from the North American forest lineage. In addition, experiments were conducted in planta to study the ability of phosphonic acid injections and metalaxyl-M drenches to control pathogen growth on saplings of California coast live oak ( Quercus agrifolia ), and of copper hydroxide foliar sprays to control infection of California bay laurel ( Umbellularia californica ) leaves. Phytophthora ramorum was only moderately sensitive to phosphonic acid in vitro , but was highly sensitive to copper hydroxide. In planta experiments indicated the broad efficacy of phosphonic acid injections and of copper hydroxide sprays in preventing growth of P. ramorum in oaks and bay laurels, respectively. Finally, although metalaxyl-M was effective in vitro , drenches of potted oak trees using this active ingredient were largely ineffective in reducing the growth rate of the pathogen in planta .  相似文献   

Phytophthora cinnamomi is an aggressive pathogen on Lupinus luteus (yellow lupin), causing root rot, wilting and death of this crop, common in oak-rangeland ecosystems ('dehesas') in south-western Spain. The oomycete, the main cause of Quercus decline in the region, was isolated from roots of wilted lupins in the field. Artificial inoculations on four cultivars of L. luteus reproduced the symptoms of the disease, both in pre- and post-emergence stages, recovering the pathogen from necrotic roots. These results suggest the potential of yellow lupin as inoculum reservoir for the infection of Quercus roots. This is the first report of P. cinnamomi as root pathogen of L. luteus.  相似文献   

组蛋白修饰调控植物水杨酸信号转导的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
真核生物中组蛋白翻译后共价修饰直接影响染色质空间结构变化,调控相关基因表达,在植物胁迫应答过程中起重要作用。水杨酸(salicylic acid,SA)作为植物中关键信号分子,诱导多种病毒、真菌及细菌病害抗性。本文简要介绍了植物细胞对病原菌的感知、转导信号产生与防御系统激活机制,着重阐述了组蛋白甲基化、乙酰化、SUMO化修饰、组蛋白变体H2A.Z等如何参与调控水杨酸转导途径应答基因的转录表达。  相似文献   

Phytophthora infestans is the causal organism of potato late blight, the most important disease in potato, the second most important arable crop in Europe. The P. infestans population in Europe is well known for its sudden changes in composition. Currently it is composed of a wide variety of genotypes, some of which are dominant clonal lines while others are rare or even unique to a year or location. Fungicides play a crucial role in the integrated control of late blight. Since its introduction in the Netherlands in 1992, fluazinam has been used in late blight control strategies in ware and starch potatoes. It has a broad spectrum of activity and is effective against a range of diseases including potato late blight. Fluazinam interrupts the pathogen cell’s energy production process by an uncoupling effect on oxidative phosphorylation. It is considered to have a low resistance risk. Until recently, reduced efficacy against fluazinam was not detected in P. infestans surveys in Europe. In this paper we present the finding of a new clonal lineage (EU_33_A2) of P. infestans in the Netherlands and the reduced efficacy of fluazinam to control one of the EU_33_A2 isolates in field experiments carried out in 2011 and 2015 under high disease pressure. The potential effects of this finding on practical late blight control strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Five models of general epidemics, spatially homogeneous, were all shown to fit well to disease progress data forPhytophthora infestans on a susceptible potato cultivar. The models were: the logistic equation, the paralogistic or Vanderplank equation, two models from medical epidemiology with similar complexity, and a slightly more complex model with explicit treatment of lesion expansion. The use of the models for analysing the sensitivity of disease progress to changes in resistance components is discussed. Sensitivity analysis of the most complex model, by varying components within their range of genetic variation, indicates lesion expansion and infection efficiency as the components offering the best perspectives for resistance breeding. Improving two components simultaneously reduces disease progress slightly more than additively, but not enough to add other components to the list of breeding objectives. Pitfalls in using models for component sensitivity analysis, in the form of erroneous model initializations, are discussed, including implications for the role of components in the development of natural epidemics and in resistance breeding trials.  相似文献   

 本文探讨了辣椒疫病生防菌普城沙雷菌A21-4在辣椒根际的定殖能力及其对辣椒的促生长和诱导抗病性影响。以108cfu·mL-1A21-4菌液处理辣椒苗,A21-4能够有效地定殖在辣椒根际土壤和辣椒根部,移栽第30 d在根际土壤和辣椒根部均保持106cfu·g-1以上定殖密度。辣椒根际土壤中A21-4的定殖密度和病原菌存在与否无显著差异,而辣椒根部A21-4的定殖密度在病原菌存在时显著高于没有病原菌的;A21-4处理有效促进了辣椒地上部和根部的各项生育指标,同时,显著提高了辣椒叶绿素含量和根系活力。A21-4处理的辣椒苗叶绿素含量和根系活力比对照各提高86.1%和481.8%;经A21-4处理后,辣椒根部和叶部的SOD、POD和PAL活性明显提高,辣椒根部的SOD、POD和PAL活性峰值分别比对照提高44.7%、64.2%和77.0%,辣椒叶部SOD、POD和PAL活性峰值分别比对照提高27.9%、134.9%和87.0%;此外,A21-4浸根处理还能够提高辣椒叶部对辣椒疫霉菌的抗性。  相似文献   

The results of field surveys carried out in citrus groves of Apulia and Basilicata in Italy to clarify the etiology of a decline condition associated with root and foot damage of citrus are reported. Field observations and laboratory tests have shown that the most frequent causes of citrus decline are root and foot infections by Phytophthora spp. The species isolated were P. nicotiunae var parasiticu and P. citrophthora; the former was the species most often isolated from both the soil and the feeder roots. Less frequently, ArmiNuria sp., frost damage and rodents were identified as additional causes ofdecline. Finally the role ofcultural factors in the decline caused by Phytophthora spp. is discussed.  相似文献   

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