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4PU—30[N—phenyl—'N—(2—chloro—4—pyridyl) urea] is a new type of plant growth regulator with cytokinin properties. It has been confirmed to delay rice leaf senescence effectively. In order to elucidate the physiological role of 4PU—30 in delaying senescence, the changes of protein, nucleic acid contents, and the related activities of degradative enzymes were studied. Shanyou 63, an indica hybrid rice was used for this experiment. In the in vitro experiment, two full—developed leaves from the top during heading stage were collected and cut into 5.0cm segments, They were floated on the surface of distilled water containing 0.1mg/14PU—30 and incubated in darkness at 30 C. The leaves floated on distilled water were used as control.It was observed that chlorophyll content in controlled leaves declined rapidly started from the second day and dropped by 93.4% on the 6th day while that in leaves treated with 4PU—30 declined by 41.4% only. During senescence, specific activities of hemoglobin—digesting  相似文献   

-carotene in leaf protein extracted from some species is destroyed in a few days when incubated with salt as a preservative. Its shelf-life can be greatly extended by pretreatment with oxalate, ascorbate mercaptans, phenolic substances, extracts made from leaves in which carotene is more stable, and by tight compaction. Treatment with alum reverses the protective effect of these chemical pretreatments, it also increases the lability of carotene in leaf protein extracted from species which usually give a relatively stable product. In these preparations of leaf protein, which were heated to 90 °C during preparation, carotene is only partially extractable into some solvents which are miscible with water. It seems therefore to be present in more than one state, but differences in extractability could not be correlated with differences in lability.  相似文献   

The effect of pre‐grazing herbage mass (HM) on herbage intake and milk production of strip‐grazing dairy cows is usually studied at the same herbage allowance (HA). In the literature, the effect of HM seems to be affected by the cutting height above which HA is estimated. The aim of this 2 × 3 factorial study was to determine whether the effect of HM (low vs high HM) on herbage intake, milk production and grazing behaviour of dairy cows is affected by the HA estimation height (ground level vs 2·5 vs 5 cm). Two HMs were compared in three different ways: at same HA above ground level (SHA0), at same HA above 2·5 cm (SHA2) and at same HA above 5 cm (SHA5). During two consecutive years, twenty‐four Holstein‐Friesian dairy cows in mid‐lactation were assigned to one estimation height in an incomplete switchback design, with two 14‐d periods. There was an interaction between HM and estimation height for herbage intake and milk production. The effect of HM on herbage intake was positive, null and negative when HMs were compared at SHA0, SHA2 and SHA5, respectively. This study may have practical implications on future research for studying, directly or indirectly, the effect of pre‐grazing HM under strip‐ or rotational‐grazing management, and on modelling herbage intake at grazing.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate color Doppler sonographic findings in carotid arteries in RA patients under pharmacological treatments and to compare them with normal population. Forty nine patients with late RA and 48 healthy age and sex-matched controls were recruited. The two groups were matched for other known risk factors of atherosclerosis including serum lipid abnormalities, smoking status, diabetes mellitus and hypertension. High resolution B-mode color Doppler ultrasound with a 7 MHZ transducer was used for measuring the Common Carotid Intima-Medial Thickness (CCIMT) in both sides in all subjects. Presence of atherosclerotic plaque was also investigated. The mean left and maximum CCIMT was significantly higher in the case group (0.72 vs. 0.62 mm for the left artery; p < 0.01; 0.72 vs. 0.64 mm for the maximum reading; p = 0.01). No atherosclerotic plaque was found in common carotid arteries. There were 3 (6.1), 7 (14.3) and 9 (18.4%) plaques in left internal carotid artery, right carotid bulb and left carotid bulb in the case group, respectively with no atherosclerotic plaques in the controls (p = 0.24, 0.01 and < 0.001, respectively). Comparing the findings by gender in the case group with the controls, the mentioned significant differences were only between the male patients and the controls. The process of atherosclerosis in RA patients is similar to that in normal population. However, it is apparently accelerated and more advanced in these patients.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2004,89(1):49-57
On-farm seed priming (seed soaking) has been reported to improve crop establishment, growth and yield. However, the physiological processes leading to these benefits are not well understood. In this paper, we report how priming affected emergence and growth of maize in semi-arid Zimbabwe. In both the 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 growing seasons, primed and non-primed maize was sown on eight consecutive days into an initially moist seedbed, and soil moisture, crop emergence and growth were monitored. Plants that emerged on the same day from primed and non-primed seeds were tagged, so that any effect of priming on crop growth could be tested independently of the effect of priming on timing of emergence. In the 1999/2000 season, priming increased final emergence in all eight sowing occasions, leading to a 14% increase in crop stand. In the 2000/2001 season, priming increased final emergence in six sowing occasions but decreased it in the other two, so that the overall effect of priming was not significant. Priming decreased mean time to 50% emergence by 12 h in the 1999/2000 season and by 24 h in the 2000/2001 season. The differences in the effect of priming between sowing occasions were interpreted in terms of the soil physical conditions. There was little effect of priming on growth, time to flowering and maturity, or yield of plants that had emerged on the same day from primed or non-primed seed. It was concluded that priming benefits result from improved crop stand and from advancement of germination and emergence.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):242-247

We examined the genetic variation in the callus performance of the Al–tolerant and Al–susceptible genotypes of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) on Al–containing medium. Addition of Al to the medium with a low pH, low Ca and low phosphate resulted in a severe decrease in the percentage of callus formation (GF) in both Al–tolerant and Al–susceptible genotypes. However, the percentage of callus formation in the expiants from Al–tolerant genotypes was higher than that from susceptible genotypes on Al–containing medium. The genotypic difference in the relative growth of calli on Al–containing medium and in the suppression of callus formation by Al was in agreement with that in the hematoxylin staining score. Al might have been considered as a limiting factor that affected the callus growth. There was a significant correlation (r= –0.664*) between the percent relative suppression of callus formation by Al and the percentage of callus formation on Al–containing medium. The callus growth in fresh weight and size on Al –containing medium relative to that on Al–free medium (relative growth on Al–containing medium) was greater in Al–tolerant genotypes than in the other genotypes. The relative growth of callus in fresh weight and size on Al–containing medium significantly correlated (r=–0.820** and r=– 0.956**, respectively) with the percent relative suppression of callus formation by Al. The tissue culture is considered to be a useful tool for selecting Al–tolerant haploids at the callus stage.  相似文献   

Eight marine cyanobacteria strains of the genera Cyanobium, Leptolyngbya, Oscillatoria, Phormidium, and Synechococcus were isolated from rocky beaches along the Atlantic Portuguese central coast and tested for ecotoxicity. Strains were identified by morphological characteristics and by the amplification and sequentiation of the 16S rDNA. Bioactivity of dichloromethane, methanol and aqueous extracts was assessed by the Artemia salina bioassay. Peptide toxin production was screened by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry. Molecular analysis of the genes involved in the production of known cyanotoxins such as microcystins, nodularins and cylindrospermopsin was also performed. Strains were toxic to the brine shrimp A. salina nauplii with aqueous extracts being more toxic than the organic ones. Although mass spectrometry analysis did not reveal the production of microcystins or other known toxic peptides, a positive result for the presence of mcyE gene was found in one Leptolyngbya strain and one Oscillatoria strain. The extensive brine shrimp mortality points to the involvement of other unknown toxins, and the presence of a fragment of genes involved in the cyanotoxin production highlight the potential risk of cyanobacteria occurrence on the Atlantic coast.  相似文献   

Background: Data shows vanadium protects pancreatic beta cells (BC) from diabetic animals. Whether this effect is direct or through the relief of glucose toxicity is not clear. This study evaluated the potential effect of oral vanadyl sulfate (vanadium) on glycemic status and pancreatic BC of normal and diabetic rats. Methods: Rats were divided into five groups of normal and diabetic. Diabetes was induced with streptozocin (40 mg/kg, i.v.). Normal rats used water (CN) or vanadium (1 mg/ml VOSO4, VTN). Diabetic rats used water (CD), water plus daily neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin injection (80 U/kg, ITD) or vanadium (VTD). Blood samples were taken for blood glucose (BG, mg/dL) and insulin (ng/dL) measurements. After two months, the pancreata of sacrificed rats were prepared for islet staining. Results: Pre-treated normal BG was 88 ± 2, and diabetic BG was 395 ± 9. The final BG in CD, VTD, and ITD was 509 ± 22, 138 ± 14, and 141 ± 14, respectively. Insulin in VTN (0.75 ± 0.01) and VTD (0.78 ± 0.01) was similar, higher than CD (0.51 ± 0.07) but lower than CN (2.51 ± 0.02). VTN islets compared to CN had larger size and denser central core insulin immunoreactivity with plentiful BC. CD and ITD islets were atrophied and had scattered insulin immunoreactivity spots and low BC mass. VTD islets were almost similar to CN. Conclusion: Besides insulin-like activity, vanadium protected pancreatic islet BC, and the relief of glucose toxicity happening with vanadium had a little role in this action. Key Words: Vanadium, Rats, Diabetes, Protection, Beta cells  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(1):109-115

We examined the effects of seeding rate, 50 or 150 seeds m-2, nitrogen (N) application rate at active tillering and jointing, 4 and 2 g N m-2, respectively, or none, and N application rate at anthesis, 0, 2, 4, or 6 g N m-2, on grain yield and protein content of a bread wheat cultivar, ‘Minaminokaori’, during the 2004–2005 crop season in southwestern Japan. Grain yield was similar at a seeding rate of 50 and 150 seeds m-2. It was higher when 4 and 2 g N m-2 were applied at active tillering and jointing, respectively (4–2N), than when no N was applied at these stages (0–0N). However, it was not influenced by N application rate at anthesis. Grain protein content was similar at 50 and 150 seeds m-2. It was higher in 4–2N than in 0–0N. It was the highest when 6 g N m-2 was applied at anthesis, followed by 4, 2, and 0 g N m-2. The SPAD value at anthesis was higher at 50 than 150 seeds m-2, but leaf area index (LAI) at anthesis was similar at 50 and 150 seeds m-2 and protein content of grain was nearly the same at 50 and 150 seeds m-2 irrespective of N application rate at anthesis. LAI and the SPAD value were higher in 4–2N than in 0–0N and the protein content of grain was also higher in 4–2N than in 0–0N irrespective of N application rate at anthesis. Therefore, both LAI and the SPAD value may be important traits related to the N application rate at anthesis suitable for yielding wheat grain with a high protein content.  相似文献   

Higher harvest index, widely reported as a main trait supporting major improvements in rice yield potential, also supports the higher performance of hybrids over inbreds. Although higher sink size is generally claimed for being the driver of higher grain filling in hybrid rice, it is relevant to question whether efficient sink regulation, that is timing and magnitude of the successive sink activities over crop growth from early stage, plays a role in supporting higher harvest index and is a key feature ensuring higher performance of hybrid rice. The partitioning coefficient (PC), as the increase in dry matter of one single organ over that of shoot, was calculated over short and successive periods to quantify the dynamics of dry matter partitioning. Four hybrid and four inbred genotypes of similar crop duration were grown under the same cropping management on the IRRI farm during a wet and a dry seasons. While PC to blade and sheath was similar for both plant types in both seasons at the early stage, PC to culm of hybrids was higher than that of inbreds, and PC to blade was lower, in the late vegetative and early reproductive phases. During the late reproductive phase, PC to panicle of hybrids was higher than that of inbreds, and PC to culm was lower whereas culm elongation was similar for both plant types. During grain filling, PC to culm was significantly more negative with hybrids which indicated stronger remobilization with hybrids. Specific culm length before anthesis, as low as 40 cm g−1, accounted for storage ability, and at maturity, as high as 130 cm g−1, for remobilization ability. Sink strength index, as a better indicator of dry matter partitioning efficiency than harvest index, and unfilled grain size, as an indicator of assimilate wastage, were suggested as key indices to account for the better sink regulation in hybrid rice and to improve screening protocols for increasing yield potential and tolerance to lodging.  相似文献   

Crop genotypes with root traits permitting increased nutrient acquisition would increase yields in low fertility soils but have uncertain effects on soil fertility in the long term because of competing effects on nutrient removal vs. the soil conserving effects of greater crop biomass. This study evaluated the relative importance of phosphorus loss in crop extraction vs. phosphorus loss in soil erosion as influenced by genetic differences in root shallowness and therefore phosphorus uptake in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Six recombinant inbred lines of varying root architecture and two commercial genotypes of bean were grown in unfertilized, steeply sloped (32%), low phosphorus (5.8 mg kg?1, Fe-strip) Udults in Costa Rica. Fertilized (60 kg total phosphorus ha?1) plots of commercial genotypes were also included in the study. Runoff was monitored throughout the bean growing season in 2005 and 2006, and in 2006, monitoring continued through the maize growing season. Phosphorus removed in plant biomass at harvest through the 2006 bean–maize crop cycle averaged 7.3 kg ha?1 year?1, greatly exceeding phosphorus loss due to erosion (0.15–0.53 kg ha?1 year?1) in unfertilized plots. In fertilized bean plots, total biomass phosphorus averaged 6.32 kg ha?1 year?1 and total eroded phosphorus averaged 0.038 kg ha?1 year?1, indicating rapid sorption of fertilizer phosphorus. Shoot growth of several recombinant inbred lines under low phosphorus was comparable to that of fertilized commercial genotypes, illustrating the effectiveness of selection for root traits for improving plant growth in low-phosphorus soils. Genotypic differences in root architecture of recombinant inbred lines led to 20–50% variation in groundcover by shoots, which was associated with 50–80% reduction in sediment loss. This study demonstrates that root architecture traits can affect nutrient cycling at the agro-ecosystem level, and that integrated nutrient management strategies are necessary to avoid soil nutrient depletion.  相似文献   

Sex pheromone trap catches, galling damage, yield and growth were recorded over up to three successive seasons (2010–2012) in large replicated plots treated versus untreated with synthetic pyrethroid (SP) insecticides for blackcurrant leaf midge Dasineura tetensi control in eight established commercial blackcurrant plantations in southern England. The aim was to determine whether or not the current practice of spraying insecticides against the pest in commercial fruiting plantations is justified. In two separate small plot replicated experiments (in 2010 and 2011, respectively) in plantations which had been cut down in the previous winter, galling damage and shoot growth were recorded in the vigorous regrowth in plots treated versus untreated with SP insecticides against 1st, 2nd or both D. tetensi generations. Cutting down bushes to ground level in this way is a common way of regenerating plantations.In the experiments in the established fruiting plantations, applying sprays of insecticides led to substantial reductions in numbers of adult D. tetensi caught in sex pheromone traps (by 72% on average) and reductions in galling damage (by 75% on average) but did not result in increases in yield or statistically significant increases in shoot growth. Multiple possible mechanisms of yield compensation are discussed. In the experiments in the cut-down bushes where the galling was intense, the D. tetensi damage resulted in severe (59%) stunting and multiple branching of the regrowth which was weak and thin. Sprays against the 2nd generation only partially reduced stunting (to 24%).The results of this work call into question the current commercial practice of controlling this pest in established commercial plantations with sprays of insecticides: as significant increases in yield or growth did not result in these experiments, the effects of the sprays was largely cosmetic. Further, broad spectrum synthetic pyrethroid insecticides are likely to have persistent adverse effects on the natural enemies of D. tetensi. However, the work showed that control in re-growing cut-down plantations, and by analogy in young establishing plantations, is vital, as well as the value of the D. tetensi sex pheromone traps for timing sprays of insecticides.  相似文献   



Root-knot nematodes (RKN) are major pest of olive tree (Olea europaea ssp. europaea), especially in nurseries and high-density orchards. Soil samples were collected from main olive growing areas of Morocco, to characterize Meloidogyne species and to discuss the contribution of biotic and abiotic factors in their spatial distribution.


RKN were found in 159 soil samples out of 305 from nurseries (52.1% occurrence) and in 11 out of 49 soil samples from orchards (23.2% occurrence). Biochemical and molecular characterisation (PAGE esterase and SCAR) revealed the dominance of M. javanica both in nurseries and orchards with minor presence of M. incognita only in nurseries, and M. arenaria in only one nursery. RKN were distributed on aggregated basis. Frequent presence of M. javanica in orchards might have come from nurseries. In contrast, the detection of M. incognita in nurseries alone suggests that this species could not reproduce in orchards because of either the competition with other plant-parasitic nematodes or unfit local habitats. The impact of environmental variables (climate, habitat origin and physicochemical characteristics of the substrates) on the distribution of Meloidogyne species is also discussed.


Olive nurseries in Morocco are not able to guarantee the safety of rooted plants. As a result, olive production systems are exposed to strong RKN invasion risks. Consequently, the use of healthy substrates in nurseries may prevent plant-parasitic nematode induction in orchards.

Removal of diseased plants (roguing) is commonly practiced in seed potato production. Diseased plants left to desiccate in fields could possibly serve as sources of Potato virus Y (PVY). PVY acquisition by three aphid species (Myzus persicae, Rhopalosiphum padi, Aphis fabae) was evaluated with leaflets from rogued plants for seven days. Results showed greater PVY acquisition rates in non-colonizing aphids species compared to colonizing ones. The proportion of aphids leaving leaflets increased with time (i.e. days after plants were uprooted) and some aphids were carrying PVY in their stylets on each of the seven days of the experiment, suggesting that aphids were able to probe and acquire PVY even when plants wilted. These results confirmed that diseased plants left in fields can serve as a source of PVY for aphids even after they wilted and emphasises that proper actions must be taken to efficiently remove diseased plants from fields.  相似文献   

The contents of starch and catechins in the fresh leaf of 'Huang Zhi Xiang' Oolong tea trees girdled at the bottom, middle (on the big branches) and top (on the small branches) were determined. The study demonstrated that the starch contents from girdled trees were significantly higher (p<0.05) than that from non-girdled ones. Furthermore, the contents of (-)-epicatechin (EC), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), total catechins (TC) and simple catechins (SC) from girdled trees were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those from non-girdled ones. Especially, the contents of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG) and catechin gallate (CG) from girdled at the middle were also significantly higher (p<0.05) than those from the non-girdled. The starch contents were negatively correlated with the contents of (-)-gallocatechin (GC), EC, SC, TC and EGC, while positively correlated with the contents of EGCG and CG in fresh shoots.  相似文献   

The peer-reviewed marine pharmacology literature from 2009 to 2011 is presented in this review, following the format used in the 1998–2008 reviews of this series. The pharmacology of structurally-characterized compounds isolated from marine animals, algae, fungi and bacteria is discussed in a comprehensive manner. Antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antituberculosis, and antiviral pharmacological activities were reported for 102 marine natural products. Additionally, 60 marine compounds were observed to affect the immune and nervous system as well as possess antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory effects. Finally, 68 marine metabolites were shown to interact with a variety of receptors and molecular targets, and thus will probably contribute to multiple pharmacological classes upon further mechanism of action studies. Marine pharmacology during 2009–2011 remained a global enterprise, with researchers from 35 countries, and the United States, contributing to the preclinical pharmacology of 262 marine compounds which are part of the preclinical pharmaceutical pipeline. Continued pharmacological research with marine natural products will contribute to enhance the marine pharmaceutical clinical pipeline, which in 2013 consisted of 17 marine natural products, analogs or derivatives targeting a limited number of disease categories.  相似文献   

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