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A four-year-old cocker spaniel presented with cardiac tamponade due to a pericardial effusion, in addition to pyrexia and peripheral neutrophilia and a recent history of chest trauma. Cytological examination of the pericardial effusion revealed a predominant neutrophilia. The echocardiographic findings were of numerous hyperechoic densities in the pericardial space, due to fibrin, with concurrent thickening and distortion of the pericardium. Postmortem examination, including microbiology, revealed the presence of organising septic fibrinous pericarditis associated with a mixed infection of Streptococcus canis, Citrobacter species, Pseudomonas species and alpha-haemolytic streptococci.  相似文献   

Exercise-induced malignant hyperthermia in an English springer spaniel   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An exercise-induced malignant hyperthermia-like syndrome developed in an English Springer Spaniel. Moderate exercise resulted in pronounced hyperlactacidemia, dyspnea, and hyperthermia. Before exercise, the dog had high activities of serum muscle enzymes, mild reticulocytosis, abnormally increased erythrocyte osmotic fragility, and a positive result from the caffeine-halothane contracture test. This report supports the hypothesis of a canine stress syndrome and indicates a role for exercise/challenge tests in diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility.  相似文献   

Alpha-L-fucosidosis was diagnosed in a 17-month-old English Springer Spaniel with a history of slow development and progressive visual impairment. Lymphocytes and mononuclear cells with vacuolated cytoplasm were seen in a blood smear and in CSF, respectively. A severe deficiency of alpha-L-fucosidase activities in plasma and leukocytes was determined. Histologic examination revealed vacuolation of neurons, macrophages, and epithelial cells in most organ tissues. Canine fucosidosis is a progressive and fatal lysosomal storage disease in English Springer Spaniels. Affected dogs develop a neurologic disorder characterized by progressive motor and mental deterioration. Visual impairment is an unusual primary sign in a dog with alpha-L-fucosidosis.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe a novel case management strategy for a small breed dog diagnosed with septic pericarditis. Case summary: An 8‐year‐old spayed female Yorkshire Terrier presented for evaluation of pericardial effusion and persistent hypoglycemia. The dog had been hospitalized at a primary care facility for acute onset of vomiting, lethargy, inappetance, and painful abdominal distension. Pericardial effusion was detected and upon referral, cytologic examination revealed a suppurative exudate with Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative bacteria. The dog was treated with pericardiocentesis and placement of an indwelling pericardial catheter. Subtotal pericardiectomy was performed and a thoracotomy tube was utilized postoperatively. A penicillin‐susceptible Bacteroides species was cultured from the pericardial fluid and was treated with a 6‐week course of antibiotics. The dog was discharged from the hospital and clinical signs have not recurred in over 2 years. New or unique information provided: Septic pericarditis, an uncommon cause of canine pericardial effusion, has been described primarily in large breed dogs and in association with bacterial infection secondary to Hordeum grass (foxtail) awn migration. This case was unique in that the dog was a small breed with no evidence of foreign body penetration or other precipitating cause for the pericarditis. In a novel management plan, an indwelling pericardial catheter was employed to stabilize the dog before subtotal pericardiectomy.  相似文献   

A dermoid sinus was identified in a springer spaniel that presented with hindlimb neurological deficits. The sinus was continuous with the dura mater at the level of the lumbosacral junction. The presence of hair and debris adjacent to neural tissue had elicited a myelitis. A dorsal laminectomy was required to allow complete surgical resection of the sinus. The dog's neurological status improved after treatment and this improvement was maintained over a five-month follow-up period.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old mixed breed dog was presented with exercise intolerance and syncope. At admission, transthoracic echocardiography revealed myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) associated with severe left atrial (LA) enlargement and moderate anechoic pericardial effusion with a hyperechoic density suggestive of a thrombus. Rupture of the LA free wall secondary to MMVD was suspected, and medical therapy with furosemide and pimobendan was initiated. After one month, recheck echocardiography showed mild anechoic pericardial effusion and an acquired atrial septal defect with a left-to-right intracardiac shunting flow. In light of the dog's history, the latter finding was suspected to be secondary to a further rupture of the LA wall due to MMVD, this time affecting the interatrial septum. The images described here allow us to suspect that sequential LA wall ruptures developed over time in the same subject affected by MMVD, a clinical presentation not previously described in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   



To determine if concentrations of plasma N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) are increased in dogs with cardiac tamponade and if there is a significant increase in plasma NT-proBNP after pericardiocentesis.


Ten client-owned dogs with spontaneous cardiac tamponade.


Prospective clinical study. Cardiac tamponade was suspected from physical examination and confirmed with echocardiography. Blood was collected and plasma NT-proBNP concentrations were measured before and 30–60 min following pericardiocentesis and resolution of cardiac tamponade. Within-subject changes in plasma NT-proBNP were compared by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.


The plasma NT-proBNP concentrations measured within the reference interval in seven of 10 dogs before pericardiocentesis and in six of 10 dogs following pericardiocentesis. Following pericardiocentesis, there was a statistically significant increase in median NT-proBNP concentration (733 pmol/L, range 250–3,297) compared with the values measured before (643 pmol/L, range 250–3,210, P = 0.004). The NT-proBNP concentration increased in 90% of the dogs following pericardiocentesis.


An upper reference limit of 900 pmol/L for plasma NT-proBNP is insensitive for the diagnosis of pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade in dogs. Plasma NT-proBNP concentration commonly increases following pericardiocentesis, perhaps related to improved ventricular filling and stretch.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old, female spayed rottweiler was referred with a history of an acute onset of collapse attributable to cardiac tamponade. Thoracic radiographs revealed an enlarged cardiac silhouette compatible with pericardial effusion, sternal osteomyelitis, and an unusual mineralized lesion determined later to be within the aortic wall. The pericardial effusion was a septic exudate secondary to infection with Staphylococcus species and hemorrhage into the pericardium through a mineralized aortic lesion. The case demonstrates the importance of complete evaluation of thoracic radiographs in a patient with cardiac disease and the potential value of cytopathological evaluation of pericardial fluid.  相似文献   

A case of alpha-fucosidosis in a 2-year-old male English Springer Spaniel presented as a malabsorption syndrome without any clinical neurological abnormalities. The dog had a history of chronic weight loss, diarrhoea, mild anaemia, hypoproteinemia and reduced jejunal absorption of D-xylose. A diagnosis of fucosidosis with intestinal malabsorption was based on these findings, markedly reduced plasma fucosidase levels and the diffuse infiltration of the lamina propria and submucosa of the stomach, small intestine, Peyer's patches and mesenteric lymph nodes by macrophages with finely vacuolated cytoplasm. Cytoplasmic vacuolation was also a feature of cells of the pancreas, thryroid, parathyroid and adenohypophysis and the epithelia lining respiratory airways and the urogenital tract. Neurons of the autonomic plexuses of the gastrointestinal tract and the urinary bladder as well as those of the brain, spinal cord, spinal ganglia and retina were also vacuolated. The profound decrease in sigma-fucosidase activity in the brain, liver and kidney was accompanied by a marked increase in 6 other lysosomal enzymes, especially beta-n-acetyl glucosaminidase.  相似文献   

Background: Ehrlichiosis is a multisystemic disease with the potential to cause cardiomyocyte injury in naturally infected dogs.
Hypothesis: Myocardial injury occurs in dogs infected with Ehrlichia canis .
Animals: One-hundred and ninety-four dogs from Brazil with clinical and laboratory abnormalities indicative of ehrlichiosis. Sixteen healthy dogs served as controls.
Methods: Electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, noninvasive blood pressure measurement, and serum cardiac troponin I (cTnI) concentrations were evaluated. Serologic assays and PCR determined the exposure and infection status for E. canis, Anaplasma spp., Babesia canis vogeli, Bartonella spp., Borrelia burgdorferi, Dirofilaria immitis, Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Ehrlichia ewingii, Leishmania chagasi , and spotted-fever group Rickettsia . Dogs were assigned to groups according to PCR status: E. canis infected, infected with other vector-borne organisms, sick dogs lacking PCR evidence for infection, and healthy controls.
Results: E. canis -infected dogs had higher serum cTnI concentrations than controls (median: 0.04 ng/dL; range 0.04–9.12 ng/dL; control median: 0.04 ng/dL; range: 0.04–0.10 ng/dL; P = .012), and acute E. canis infection was associated with myocardial injury (odds ratio [OR]: 2.67, confidence interval [CI] 95%: 1.12–6.40, P = .027). Severity of anemia was correlated with increased risk of cardiomyocyte damage ( r = 0.84, P < .001). Dogs with clinical signs of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) were at higher risk for myocardial injury than were other sick dogs (OR: 2.55, CI 95%: 1.31–4.95, P = .005).
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Acute infection with E. canis is a risk factor for myocardial injury in naturally infected Brazilian dogs. Severity of anemia and SIRS might contribute to the pathophysiology of myocardial damage.  相似文献   

Pemphigus vegetans is a very rare cutaneous autoimmune blistering acantholytic disease of humans that combines features of both pemphigus foliaceus and mucosal lesions of pemphigus vulgaris. We report here the clinical, histopathological and immunological findings in a dog whose lesions resembled those of pemphigus vegetans of humans. A 4-year old, greater Swiss mountain dog was presented with verrucous papules and crusts on the axillae and inguinal region. Within 3 months, lesions progressed to involve the thorax and ear pinnae, and then became generalized. Ulcers were observed in the oral cavity, anus and prepuce. Microscopic examination of mucosal and cutaneous biopsy specimens revealed a mixed pattern of deep intraepidermal neutrophilic and eosinophilic pustules with isolated and clustered acantholytic keratinocytes, along with suprabasal epidermal clefts leaving rounded basal keratinocytes at the bottom of the vesicles. These dual changes were also observed within the hair follicle epithelium. Dermal inflammation was mixed and perivascular. Direct immunofluorescence revealed IgG deposited around epidermal keratinocytes. Indirect immunofluorescence performed on normal canine gingival substrate uncovered antikeratinocyte IgG autoantibodies with a serum titre of 1:2500. Immunoblotting confirmed that circulating IgG autoantibodies recognized the extracellular segment of canine desmoglein-1 and human desmoglein-3. Treatment with azathioprine and oral glucocorticoids resulted in long-lasting complete remission. In this dog, clinical signs, microscopic skin lesions and immunological findings were deemed analogous to those of human Neumann-type pemphigus vegetans.
Funding: Self-funded.  相似文献   

A five-year-old female English Springer Spaniel was evaluated for chronic episodic anaemia, pigmenturia and icterus. There was increased erythrocyte pyruvate kinase activity, increased in vitro erythrocyte alkaline fragility, decreased erythrocyte 2,3-diphosphoglycerate activity and severely decreased erythrocyte phosphofructokinase activity. The clinical features and haematological values were identical with erythrocyte phosphofructokinase deficiency and resulting nonspherocytic haemolytic anaemia recently described in this breed.  相似文献   

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