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Coccidia in cows and calves on pasture in north Georgia (U.S.A.)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The prevalence and abundance of coccidian oocysts were determined in a herd of beef cows and calves on fescue pastures in the Piedmont area of Georgia during 4-consecutive grazing seasons. Twelve species of Eimeria were found in the feces of the calves and 10 species were found in the feces of the cows. Eimeria bovis was the most prevalent species found in both the calves and cows. It occurred in 72.5% of 1090 samples from the calves and 10.2% of 719 samples from cows. Eimeria bovis also comprised the majority of oocysts present in the fecal samples from the calves and cows. The greatest number of E. bovis in a sample was 45 800 oocysts per gram of feces (OPG) from a calf and 1900 OPG from a cow. No cases of clinical coccidiosis were seen in any of the animals sampled during the survey.  相似文献   

An epidemiological investigation was conducted during a 1-year period on a permanent pasture naturally contaminated with Dictyocaulus viviparus and grazed by a varying number of yearling cattle. Seasonal variation in pasture infectivity to cattle was monitored by monthly slaughter of tracer calves, slaughter of pairs of resident yearlings at 30-60-day intervals, herbage larval recovery and by counts of first stage larvae in feces (modified Baermann technique) of resident cattle. A clinical outbreak of dictyocauliasis occurred during January-March 1986 and was associated with peak levels of pasture infectivity. Carrier animals were considered responsible for the survival of infection over summer. Although soil samples were taken regularly on a monthly basis to study the epidemiological importance of the soil as a source of infection, infective larvae were not recovered at any time. The epidemiological pattern observed in the present study provides basic information on the factors involved in infection and diseases outbreaks under sub-tropical conditions.  相似文献   

Heartworms, Dirofilaria immitis, were recovered from 17 out of 24 (71%) coyotes, Canis latrans, 38 out of 46 (83%) coyote × red wolf hybrids and all of 8 (100%) red wolves, Canis rufus gregoryi, collected from the Gulf coastal prairies of southeast Texas and southwest Louisiana. Intensities of infection ranged from 1 to 176 (x=25) worms per host. There was a significantly (P<0.05) higher intensity of infection in red wolves. Prevalence of heartworms increased significantly with increasing age. There were no significant differences between coyotes, hybrids and red wolves or between different host sexes in terms of prevalence. The female to male ratio of heartworms was close to unity (1.2:1) and was not correlated with worm burdens. Nematodes were primarily localized in the right heart, frequently extending into the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary arterial tree in the lungs. In 13 instances, 1–4 adult heartworms were recovered from the venae cavae. Pathological responses in the right heart were variable, depending on the intensity of infection. In severe infections, there were small areas of infarctive necrosis with mild to severe interstitial edema in the myocardium. Lesions in the pulmonary artery and pulmonary arterial trunk varied from mild focal hyperplastic intimal changes to extensive exudative villous endarteritis. The latter was characterized by a hyperplastic collagenous stroma with numerous histiocytes, plasma cells and eosinophils. Lung pathology varied from patchy to extensive areas of congestion, edema, hemorrhage, interstitial pneumonitis and infarction. In cases with heartworms in the venae cavae, hepatic changes were minimal and associated with liver changes such as passive congestion and centrolobular necrosis seen in cases without adult worms in the venae cavae. In heavily infected animals, hemosiderosis of the liver, spleen and kidneys was pronounced. A microfilaremia was noted in 46% of the infected wild canids. Microfilariae were observed in tissue sections of the myocardium, lungs, liver, kidney, spleen, lymph nodes, pancreas and appendix. Wild canids from this area are regarded as natural definitive hosts and primary reservoirs for heartworms and it appears that this infection is an important factor in the morbidity and mortality of these hosts.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were: (i) to investigate the prevalence of Escherichia coli producing F5 (K99), F41, or F165 fimbriae and STa enterotoxin; (ii) to determine serum antibody levels against these fimbriae; (iii) and to examine the association between bacteriological and serological results and the presence of diarrhea, in beef calves from northwestern Quebec. A total of 373 live three to four week old calves and 27 dead calves were sampled between January and March 1991. No isolates positive for F5 were detected in live calves, and only one E. coli producing STa and F41 was isolated. Escherichia coli producing F41-like surface antigens or F165 fimbriae were isolated from 17.43% and 5.63% of live calves, respectively. Antibodies against F5, F41 and F165 were low. Escherichia coli isolates positive for F41-like surface antigen were most often observed in calves born between January and March. No association was found between bacteriological and serological findings, nor between these findings and diarrhea. Calves born from dams vaccinated against E. coli had higher median antibody levels than those born from unvaccinated dams. No E. coli positive for F5 or F41 fimbriae were isolated from dead calves. Escherichia coli with F41-like surface antigen or F165 were found in 55.56% and 11.11% of ileal samples; 4% and 16% of cecal samples, and 0% and 7.4% of colon samples, respectively. Escherichia coli positive for F41-like surface antigen were detected significantly more frequently in the ileum (chi (2)2df = 31.01, p < 0.001).  相似文献   

The integrated commercial poultry system is a highly connected network in which routine activities keep farms within a geographic area in constant contact. Consequently, biosecurity practices designed to minimize the transmission of infectious diseases between and within farms are an important component of modern flock health programs. A survey of Georgia poultry growers was conducted in order to assess the level of adoption of standard biosecurity measures by farm personnel and visitors. The results showed that compliance with recommended biosecurity practices did not significantly vary by company, farm size, or number of farms owned by the same grower. However, biosecurity was higher in the northern part of the state, where the density of farms is higher, and where there was an ongoing outbreak of infectious laryngotracheitis at the time of the study. The survey found that growers place more emphasis on biosecurity measures targeting farm visitors than those targeting farm personnel. Most growers reported that all visitors to the farm were required to wear shoe covers, although visitors were not typically required to park outside the farm entrance or to wash tires on their vehicles. No visitor type was reportedly excluded from poultry houses during grow out on all farms. The results highlight the need to evaluate the comparative efficacy of specific biosecurity measures in order to set priorities and attain feasible rates of implementation of targeted biosecurity practices.  相似文献   

An audit of supermarkets in eight U.S. cities was conducted to characterize retail beef loin steaks with respect to grade, postfabrication aging, and tenderness and to provide an interim measure of progress in industry efforts to improve retail beef tenderness. Top sirloin steaks (n = 819) and strip loin steaks (n = 827 paired steaks) were purchased at retail markets in Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Francisco, and Seattle and shipped to Colorado State University for measurement of shear force (both cut types) and evaluation by a trained sensory panel (strip loins only). Approximately 80% of the steaks originated from beef plants in Kansas, Texas, Nebraska, and Colorado. Postfabrication aging periods ranged from 2 to 87 d (mean = 20.8 d) for top sirloin steaks and from 2 to 91 d (mean = 19.2 d) for strip loin steaks, although most top sirloin (85%) and strip loin (91%) steaks were available for purchase 7 to 35 d after fabrication. The mix of quality grades was similar for both cuts: 60% Select, 31% "commodity" Choice, 6 to 7% "Certified" Choice, and 2 to 3% Prime. Shear force averaged 3.46 kg (SD = .74) for top sirloins and 3.05 kg (SD = .95) for strip loins; 75% of both steak types had shear force values between 2 and 4 kg. Postfabrication periods shorter than 7 d were associated with reduced (P < .05) tenderness, especially for top sirloin steaks. Higher quality grades were associated with greater (P < .05) tenderness (Prime > Choice > Select) for both cuts. Based on panel tenderness ratings, the approximate odds of obtaining a "slightly tough" or tougher strip loin steak at a retail supermarket were: 0 for Prime, 1 in 10 for "Certified" Choice, 1 in 5 for "commodity" Choice, and 1 in 4 for Select. Audit results suggest that tenderness characteristics of loin steaks have not changed materially since the National Beef Tenderness Survey was conducted in 1991 and that two primary focal points of the beef industry's efforts to improve tenderness should be 1) to prevent short-aged (< 7 d postfabrication) product from reaching consumers and 2) to identify methods for enhancing tenderness of Select and "commodity" Choice beef.  相似文献   

肉用犊牛在转至育肥场会出现一系列的应激反应,对肉牛育肥产业带来极大损失,本文通过对犊牛运输应激及断奶应激全面剖析的基础上,对产生犊牛应激综合征提出了新的看法,并提出要从犊牛的心理、断奶、环境改变、饲草料变化和运输等方面所产生的一系列应激叠加角度上考虑,综合预防犊牛过渡应激的横发,降低犊牛应激综合征给肉牛生产造成的损失。  相似文献   

Information on the serologic and parasitologic prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in domestic and wild animals of the U.S.S.R. is reviewed. Although complement-fixing antibodies to T. gondii were widely prevalent in animals, little information is available on the presence of viable T. gondii in tissues of animals. Reports of epizootics in which T. gondii was suspected to be the causative agent of toxoplasmosis are summarized. Also, the strict economic impact of toxoplasmosis on agriculture in the U.S.S.R. needs evaluation.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic survey of young bulls in the U.S.A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Variances and covariances for birth weight, gain from birth to weaning (ADG), and 205-d weight were obtained from a sire-dam model and a sire-maternal grandsire model for a herd of Angus and a herd of Hereford cattle. Estimates of direct additive genetic variance (sigma 2A), maternal additive genetic variance (sigma 2M), covariance between direct and maternal additive genetic effects (sigma AM), permanent environmental variance (sigma 2PE), and residual variance (sigma 2e) were obtained both with and without the inverse of the numerator relationship matrix (A-1) included. Estimates of heritability for direct genetic effects (h2A), maternal genetic effects (h2M), and the correlation between direct and maternal effects (rAM) for birth weight were .37, .18, and -.01 in Angus and .53, .23, and -.19 in Herefords, respectively, for the analyses without A-1. For the analyses with A-1, estimates of h2A, h2M, and rAM were .42, .22, and -.12 for Angus and .58, .22, and -.13 for Herefords, respectively. Estimates of h2A, h2M, and rAM for ADG were .43, .15, and -.44 in Angus and .52, .38, and -.03 in Herefords, respectively, without A-1. With A-1, estimates of h2A, h2M, and rAM were .57, .15, and -.32 for Angus and .58, .39, and -.05 for Herefords, respectively. Estimates of h2A, h2M, and rAM for 205-d weight were .49, .15, and -.46 for Angus and .58, .43, and -.06 for Herefords, respectively, without A-1. With A-1, estimates of h2A, h2M, and rAM were .63, .16, and -.36 for Angus and .66, .43, and -.08 for Herefords, respectively. Estimates of h2A were higher with A-1 than without A-1, but estimates of h2M were similar. Using variances and covariances obtained from analyses including A-1 generally gave higher estimates of direct breeding values than using variances and covariances obtained from analyses not including A-1. Both Pearson product-moment and Spearman rank correlations were high (.99) between estimates of breeding values from the two analyses, although some changes in rank did occur.  相似文献   

Quantitative composition of gastro-intestinal-flora was determined in 23 clinically healthy calves and the course of germ spreading was followed up. In comparison with these healthy animals in 25 diarrhoea affected calves at the age of 4 to 17 days there could be observed signigicant differences only in few parts of the gastro-intestinal-tract concerning the quantitative composition of germ flora. Only in 3 animals enterotoxin producing E coli strains could be detected.  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了美国奶牛群退计划(Herd Retirement Program,以下简称HRP),即生产合作社通过奶牛群退计划资助奶农宰杀奶牛,控制奶牛数量,进而控制牛奶产量,提高牛奶价格,最终达到增加奶农收益的目的。从该计划运作7年来的实际情况看,这种非政府的调控方式快速有效,且具有可持续性。本文通过介绍这一计划,希望为国内相关产业依靠非政府的力量调控市场提供一种新思路。  相似文献   

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