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The effects of dormancy‐regulating chemicals (DRCs) on alleviating innate and salinity‐induced dormancy (SID) were assessed in seeds of four perennial forage grasses (Pennisetum divisum, Sporobolus spicatus, Coelachyrum brevifolium and Centropodia forsskalii). These grasses have the potential to be used for restoration or rehabilitation of degraded rangelands of the Arabian Gulf deserts. The four species showed various levels of innate dormancy. Germination of seeds stored for 2 months was not enhanced by any of the five studied DRCs in both C. brevifolium and P. divisum, but significantly improved by thiourea, fusicoccin and gibberellic acid (GA) in C. forsskalii and by thiourea, fusicoccin and nitrate in S. spicatus. Salinity had a significant negative effect on all the studied grasses. Sporobolus spicatus was more tolerant to salinity, compared with the other species. The effect of DRCs on alleviating SID depended on species. Whereas DRCs had little effect on alleviating SID in C. forsskalii and P. divisum, they greatly alleviated it in S. spicatus and C. brevifolium. Partial alleviation was observed by fusicoccin in C. brevifolium and by GA, kinetin and thiourea in C. forsskalii. Nitrate, fusicoccin and GA resulted in a complete alleviation in S. spicatus seeds in 200 mm NaCl.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of different additives on fermentation quality and aerobic stability of Leymus chinensis silage. Treatments included (i) no additive, (ii) 3 mL kg?1 formic acid (FA), (iii) 6 mL kg?1 FA, (iv) 5 mL kg?1 acetic acid (AA), (v) 10 mL kg?1 AA, (vi) 2 mL kg?1 propionic acid (PA), (vii) 4 mL kg?1 PA, (viii) 5 mL kg?1 butyric acid (BA), (ix) 10 mL kg?1 BA, (x) 1.0 g kg?1 potassium sorbate (PS), (xi) 1.0 g kg?1 sodium benzoate (SB), (xii) 1 × 108 colony‐forming units (cfu) kg?1 Lactobacillus (Lb) plantarum LP (LP), (xiii) 1 × 108 cfu kg?1 Lb. brevis LB (LB) and (xiv) 1 × 108 cfu kg?1 Lb. buchneri NCIMB40788 (Fresh). Each additive treatment was based on fresh matter (FM). Results showed that all additives decreased pH values. All additives except Fresh decreased ammonia‐N content (< .001). Both LP and LB increased lactic acid content (< .001). Butyric acid content increased with FA (3 mL kg?1) and BA, but decreased with PA, PS, SB, FA (6 mL kg?1), AA, LP, LB (< .001). FA (3 mL kg?1), AA (10 mL kg?1), PA, BA, PS, SB and Fresh improved aerobic stability (< .001). After 8 days exposure to air, the pH value and yeast count were lower in FA (3 mL kg?1), BA (10 mL kg?1), SB treatments than in other treatments. Overall, AA outperformed all other additives in improving fermentation quality. Sodium benzoate and AA could be used as an effective additive to improve aerobic stability of L. chinensis silage.  相似文献   

A two‐year small‐plot field experiment was carried out to investigate the competitive relationship between seedlings of two important forage grasses, Leymus chinensis and Bromus inermis, under three levels of gap size (distance between seedlings and their neighbours) of 10, 20 and 40 cm in diameter, with neighbouring roots present or absent. Seeds of the two species were sown into artificially created gaps, in either monoculture or mixtures at equal rates. Results indicated that gap size had significant effects on seedling emergence, seedling survival and the growth performance of the two species, grown alone or in a mixture. Excluding the roots of neighbouring plants enhanced all the measured attributes and had significant effects on both the number of inflorescences and the biomass of B. inermis and on the biomass of L. chinensis. The performance of the two species differed significantly, both alone and in mixtures, with B. inermis outperforming L. chinensis consistently. The number of inflorescences of B. inermis was 2·6‐fold higher than L. chinensis when grown in a mixture, and L. chinensis displayed a large and significant reduction in biomass when grown in a mixture with B. inermis (5·7 g plot?1) as compared with a monoculture (25·9 g plot?1). The relative yield (RY) for B. inermis exceeded 0·5, but for L. chinensis, it was below 0·5 in all treatments, and aggressivity (A) in all treatments was above 0. In addition, the relative competition intensity (RCI) of B. inermis was less than that of L. chinensis in all treatments, both separately and when averaged across treatments. We conclude that B. inermis is a superior competitor to L. chinensis in gaps, whereas the performance of L. chinensis was greatly suppressed in mixtures. This indicated that under similar conditions, B. inermis outcompetes L. chinensis during early growth stages. The results have practical implications for the restoration and revegetation of grasslands in northern China.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of different combinations of added lactic acid bacteria and cellulase applied at two growth stages on chemical composition and in vitro rumen digestibility of Leymus chinensis silage. Fresh grass was harvested at early heading stage (S1) and late heading stage (S2), respectively, and ensiled with five additives: 200 U cellulase (C) kg?1 fresh matter (FM), 1 × 105 colony‐forming units (cfu) Lactobacillus plantarum (LP) g?1 FM, 1 × 105 cfu Lb. casei (LC) g?1 FM, LP+C, LC+C and a control (CK). Four replicates of each treatment were weighed into 5‐L plastic buckets, and the mini silos were stored at ambient temperature (~30°C) for 60 d. Leymus chinensis harvested at S2 showed relatively higher neutral detergent fibre content, coliform bacteria count and lower crude protein content than S1. All additives decreased the pH and ammonia nitrogen (NH3‐N) content of L. chinensis silage (< 0·001) except C. LP+C and LC+C decreased fibre content and increased water‐soluble carbohydrate content (< 0·001). The silages were further anaerobically incubated in vitro at 39°C for 48 h with buffered rumen fluids of lactating cows. Leymus chinensis harvested at S2 showed lower in vitro dry‐matter disappearance, NH3‐N, total volatile fatty acid (VFA) content and higher average gas production rate (< 0·05) than S1. In conclusion, Leymus chinensis should not be harvested too late. Compared with other treatments, a combination of Lb. casei (LC) with cellulase resulted in better fermented silage, but further testing is needed to confirm its efficacy.  相似文献   

Studying the seed production of herbaceous species can help to conserve grassland habitats and re‐create new high‐value grassland surfaces. Studies on grassland seed production have focused mainly on individual species and traits, without characterizing their relative importance at the plant community level. The aim of this study was to investigate the entire seed production process of the main species in a temperate grassland. Fertile shoots (FS) of twenty‐nine grasses and forbs were collected over 4 years and analysed for sixteen traits that determine inflorescence size, seed production and seed quality. The per cent viability played a predominant role in determining the total production of viable seeds. Forbs showed a range of reproductive strategies, including variable distribution of flowers among growth periods, number of inflorescences per FS and relationship between seed size and FS density in the grassland. The flower production for grasses was concentrated in the first growth period, but this limitation was mitigated by a higher seed dormancy. The number of viable seeds per FS and seed size were important components of the reproductive strategy of forbs, with heavy‐seeded species being characterised by high individual densities in the community, but producing few seeds per FS. Light‐seeded species showed an opposite pattern. The results suggest that when using seeds from semi‐natural grasslands for ecological restoration, special attention should be paid to the seed amount, germinability and viability of forbs, as they seem to depend more on seed reproduction and have a lower ovule to seed transformation efficiency.  相似文献   

Non‐structural carbohydrates (NSC) are the primary energy available for growth and dry‐mass production in forage grasses. They are also associated with tolerance to environmental stresses, including drought. Soluble carbohydrates, especially fructans of temperate forage grasses, have been extensively studied; however, little is known about NSC of tropical grasses. These plants are abundant in the Cerrado, a savanna‐like vegetation with a definite seasonality in rainfall distribution. Such an environment presents an ideal condition for the occurrence of fructans. However, the present analysis of carbohydrates in aerial parts of twenty‐four tropical grass species, mainly from the Panicoideae subfamily in the Cerrado, shows a distinctively different NSC profile when compared with temperate grasses. Free glucose and starch are common NSC found in most plant organs. However, free fructose and sucrose‐based oligosaccharides were only found in very low amounts. Sucrose was detected in higher amounts only in stems. A linear series of malto‐oligosaccharides was found in leaf blades, sheaths and stems of most of the Cerrado grasses, except for those from the Andropogoneae tribe. These results indicate a diversity of regulatory pathways of NSC metabolism in tropical forage grasses from the Cerrado.  相似文献   

The effects of boron (B) application on flower development, nectar production, germination and seed yield were investigated in organic seed crops of white clover grown in soils with <1 mg B kg?1. Application techniques of a liquid B product were studied in two field experiments in 2009–2011. Three rates of B application to the soil at sowing and three rates of B as a foliar application in the harvest year were compared with untreated control plots. None of the B treatments had a significant effect on seed yield, relative to the control. In one experiment, with a dense crop stand, the results indicated a small (10%) yield increase with B applied to the soil. Seed germination and B concentration of shoots, roots and seeds were unaffected by B application, although the soil concentration increased. In seeds with an average B concentration of 22 mg kg?1, 73% germinated as normal seedlings and 14% were assessed as hard seeds; corresponding values for seeds with an average B concentration of 17 mg kg?1 were 60 and 38% respectively. The results indicate the need for further studies of factors determining B uptake in white clover .  相似文献   

Perennial forage legumes may be pivotal for improving the sustainability of Mediterranean rainfed farming systems. This study summarizes the outcomes of a study aimed at characterizing morphological and agronomic traits of new germplasm of Bituminaria bituminosa and B. morisiana in Mediterranean environments. Five B. morisiana and three B. bituminosa native populations were evaluated in a small‐plot field experiment in Sardinia (Italy) and compared with seven Spanish accessions of B. bituminosa. The two Bituminaria species differed greatly in morphological traits and the beginning of the flowering stage, and remarkable variations between species were found for forage production and its seasonal distribution, seed yield and persistence. Average cumulative dry‐matter yield was higher in B. bituminosa than in B. morisiana (+7.6%; 297 vs. 276 g per plant). Average 3‐year seed production varied greatly between accessions (from 0.3 to 141 g per plant). Differences for these traits were also found between Sardinian and Spanish germplasm of B. bituminosa. Four clusters were generated by K‐means clustering. Accessions included in cluster III exhibited a positive combination of favourable forage production, high seed yield and satisfactory persistence. Nonetheless, the cluster analysis did not highlight a sharp discrimination between Bituminaria species. The overall results revealed the potential role of Sardinian accessions of B. bituminosa and B. morisiana in extending the forage season and for increased resilience of grasslands in Sardinia and other Mediterranean regions under rainfed conditions.  相似文献   

Alpine bluegrass (Poa alpina L.) is common in mountain areas, where it represents a valuable forage resource and is widely used for ecological restoration of disturbed landscapes. This study assessed the variation of germplasm from the Rhaetian Alps, Italy. Both seed production and morphology were examined for potential use in restoration projects and for conservation and selection purposes of local genetic resources. The effects of the ex situ growing site were also assessed in two altitude‐contrasting sites. Individual populations harboured great phenotypic diversity for all traits, including seed yield, while variation among valleys of origin was less manifest. Noticeable site‐specific population yield responses were observed, suggesting that the environment adopted for seed production may steer the choice of materials to be multiplied. The longer vegetative period in the lowland site, combined with environment‐tailored agronomic practices, contributed to better plant growth, seed yield and survival compared to the mountain site, suggesting that seed production of this Alpine species could be feasible in a lowland environment when adequate inputs were provided. One valley (Valchiavenna) displayed high average levels of seed yield and plant vigour across growing sites, indicating its possible value as a source of germplasm suitable for resowing at high altitude.  相似文献   

Four‐species mixtures and pure stands of perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, white clover and red clover were grown in three‐cut and five‐cut systems at Ås, southern Norway, at a low fertilization rate (100 kg N ha?1 year?1). Over a three‐year experiment, we found strong positive effects of species diversity on annual dry‐matter yield and yield stability under both cutting frequencies. The overyielding in mixtures relative to pure stands was highest in the five‐cut system and in the second year. Among the possible pairwise species interaction effects contributing to the diversity effect, the grass–grass interaction was the strongest, being significant in both cutting systems and in all years. The grass–legume interactions were sometimes significant, but no significant legume–legume interaction could be detected. Competitive relationships between species varied from year to year and also between cutting systems. Estimations based on species identity effects and pair‐specific interactions suggested that the optimal proportions of red clover, white clover, perennial ryegrass and tall fescue in seed mixtures would have been around 0·1, 0·2, 0·4 and 0·3 in the three‐cut system, and 0·1, 0·3, 0·3 and 0·3 in the five‐cut system.  相似文献   

In vitro direct plant regeneration of lucerne was achieved by simultaneous application of thidiazuron (TDZ) and 6‐benzyladenine (BA) in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. Seedlings were germinated and grown for 6 d on growth regulator–containing MS medium. The shoot tip, consisting of the apical meristem along with parts of the cotyledonary leaves and hypocotyl, was then cultured on a medium containing the growth regulator(s). Adventitious budding of the shoot tip was promoted synergistically by treatment with TDZ and BA, and a maximum of thirty‐five shoots per explant was obtained on a medium supplemented with 2 mg L?1 TDZ and 1 mg L?1 BA. Plant regeneration frequency varied from 67 to 93%, and five Indian lucerne cultivars responded well to the regeneration protocol. The Agrobacterium‐mediated transformation frequency from co‐cultivated explants was 13% following multiple shoot induction. Southern analysis of the T0 plants and T1 progenies confirmed stable inheritance of the hpt marker gene. Agrobacterium infection of the explant caused a significant reduction in the plant regeneration frequency (23%) and the number of shoots induced (11) when compared with uninfected explants. A single shoot tip provided sufficient material to regenerate and establish twenty‐seven lucerne plants, whereas only nine plants could be regenerated from an Agrobacterium co‐cultivated explant. This transformation protocol could represent a valuable improvement over existing ones for lucerne.  相似文献   

Vicia villosa Roth is a forage legume with the capability for biological N fixation and natural reseeding, which could contribute to sustainability in semi‐arid regions. This study aimed to determine (i) the relationship between vetch density, seed production and spontaneous seed dispersal; (ii) the impact of the post‐dispersal tillage treatment over the soil seedbank dynamics; and (iii) potential predation of the seedbank by feral pigeons. A density range between 50 and 200 plants m?2 did not influence seed production or seed dispersal. Shallow disc tillage (SDT) clearly favoured self‐regeneration, resulting in higher amount of emerged seedlings during autumn compared to no tillage (NT). Based on observed emergence data, the percentage of emerged seedlings under SDT and NT were 38 and 6% of the seedbank, respectively, during 18 months after plot harvest. The lowest emergence values registered under NT could be associated with higher pressure from natural predators, soil‐borne pathogens, seed decay by ageing and false breaks. The feral pigeon (Columba livia var.) might be considered the main cause of vetch seedbank depletion in this study. Under controlled conditions, a single pigeon is able to consume, on average, between 184 and 768 seeds per day, depending on seed exposure and alternative food sources availability.  相似文献   

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale agg.) is a common forb species in grasslands in Europe. Although sometimes regarded as a valuable forage herb, it may become a weed, especially in arable land. There is limited information on the response of Taraxacum to long‐term grassland management practices. Therefore, we analysed cover and dry‐matter standing biomass of Taraxacum in a long‐term (1998–2012) grazing experiment on an Agrostis capillaris grassland. The following treatments were laid out on formerly abandoned grassland: (i) intensive grazing (IG); (ii) extensive grazing (EG); (iii) first cut followed by intensive grazing (ICG); (iv) first cut followed by extensive grazing (ECG); and (v) unmanaged grassland (U). During the first 10 years, all defoliation treatments (i–iv) supported the presence of Taraxacum, and the lowest proportion was recorded in the unmanaged treatment (U). During the final 7 years of the study, combined cutting and grazing promoted Taraxacum cover more than that of grazing only (ICG > IG > ECG > EG). Cover of Taraxacum was negatively affected by increasing sward height where Taraxacum plants had lower fitness. Due to the relatively strong relationship between percentage cover of Taraxacum and its dry‐matter biomass, percentage cover could be used as a simple method for the assessment of biomass of Taraxacum in a sward. Results are discussed in the context of adapting the management of A. capillaris grassland as a simple method for control of Taraxacum abundance, particularly in situations of extensification or abandonment.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of silage consumed by cattle can influence the subsequent rumen microbial fermentation patterns and methane (CH4) emissions. The objectives of this study were to (i) evaluate the effect of ensilage on the in vitro rumen methane output of perennial ryegrass and (ii) relate the silage fermentation characteristics of grass silages with in vitro rumen methanogenesis. Three pre‐harvest herbage‐conditioning treatments and seven silage‐additive treatments were used in a laboratory‐scale silo experiment to produce a diversity of silage fermentation characteristics. Ensilage reduced (< 0·01) the in vitro rumen CH4 output (mL CHg?1 dry matter (DM) disappeared). This reflected differences in the direction of rumen fermentation (lower acetic (< 0·05) and higher propionic (< 0·001) acid proportions in volatile fatty acids) rather than major changes in the extent of in vitro rumen fermentation (i.e. mmol VFA g?1 DM). The magnitude of the decrease in CH4 output (mL g?1 DM incubated) owing to ensilage increased as the extent of silage fermentation, and in particular the lactic acid concentration, increased. In contrast, among silages with relatively similar extents of silage fermentation (i.e. total fermentation products), an increase in the proportion of lactic acid in silage fermentation products led to a more extensive in vitro rumen fermentation and thus to a greater CH4 output (mL g?1 DM).  相似文献   

Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) is a putative turf and forage plant characterized as mainly outcrossing in which the extent of self‐fertilization and its consequences has not been investigated. In this study, selfed and half‐sib family seeds were obtained from ten clonally propagated ryegrass plants among which two were endophyte‐free (EF) and eight were endophyte‐infected (EI). Then, 20 seed populations plus two commercial varieties of Speedy and Vigor were sown and evaluated in a biennial experiment for their turf and forage characteristics. Selfing caused significant inbreeding depression for plant fresh and dry weight and leaf length and width in the first year for both EI and EF genotypes. In the second year, only leaf length remained depressed among these characters. Also, for the most growth, turf and reproductive traits, EI populations showed less depression. The presence of endophyte in self‐pollinated populations made an increasing effect for the number of seed per spike and days to heading, although seed weight was reduced. Some of the populations derived from self‐pollination and infected with fungal endophyte including S9 and S10 were even superior to the two commercial varieties in terms of both seed production and turf characteristics. However, for seed‐related characteristics including number of spikes per plant, seed weight and seed yield, EF populations including Speedy and Vigor were more reproductive than EI populations. It is concluded that selfing may increase the discrimination between EI and EF ryegrass plants because endophyte infection may mitigate the negative consequences of inbreeding depression in prone populations.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to use diurnal and temporal changes in herbage composition to create two pasture diets with contrasting ratios of water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and crude protein (CP) and compare milk production and nitrogen‐use efficiency (NUE) of dairy cows. A grazing experiment using thirty‐six mid‐lactation Friesian x Jersey cows was conducted in late spring in Canterbury, New Zealand. Cows were offered mixed perennial ryegrass and white clover pastures either in the morning after a short 19‐day regrowth interval (SR AM) or in the afternoon after a long 35‐day regrowth interval (LR PM). Pasture treatments resulted in lower pasture mass and greater herbage CP concentration (187 vs. 171 g kg?1 DM) in the SR AM compared with the LR PM but did not affect WSC (169 g kg?1 DM) or the ratio of WSC/CP (1·0 g g?1). Cows had similar apparent DM (17·5 kg DM cow?1 d?1) and N (501 g N cow?1 d?1) intake for both treatments. Compared with SR AM cows, LR PM cows had lower milk (18·5 vs. 21·2 kg cow?1 d?1), milk protein (0·69 vs. 0·81 kg cow?1 d?1) and milk solids (1·72 and 1·89 kg cow?1 d?1) yield. Urinary N concentration was increased in SR AM, but estimated N excretion and NUE for milk were similar for both treatments. Further studies are required to determine the effect of feeding times on diurnal variation in urine volume and N concentration under grazing to predict urination events with highest leaching risk.  相似文献   

The common forage grass Lolium perenne has evolved with the systemic fungal endophyte Epichloë festucae var. lolii. The endophyte provides herbivore resistance to the grass due to defensive alkaloids, some of which are toxic to grazing livestock. In this field study, we determine whether distribution of the endophyte‐grass association changes along a land‐use intensity gradient on 87 managed grasslands in three German regions. Endophyte infections were detected in 66% of the studied sites and infection rates within infected sites ranged from 1% to 95%. Alkaloid concentrations of lolitrem B (vertebrate toxin) exceeded the toxicity thresholds in 50 (14%) of 351 infected plants and of peramine (invertebrate deterrent/toxin) in 12 (3%) of 351 plants. Infection rates and alkaloid concentrations were not significantly affected by land‐use intensity and region, but alkaloid concentrations were higher in summer compared to spring. We conclude that risks for livestock intoxication are currently low, as (i) average alkaloid concentrations per grassland were always below toxicity thresholds and as (ii) none of the grasslands was dominated by L. perenne. We suggest avoidance of grass monocultures in Europe to keep intoxication risks for livestock low; we also recommend regular examination of seeds and grasslands, as seed producers might accidentally distribute infected seeds, and as climate warming might further enhance the distribution of Epichloë endophytes in European grasslands.  相似文献   

Shrubs can provide an important contribution to the fodder resources for small ruminants in Mediterranean areas, but there is limited information on their feed value, including secondary metabolites and their seasonal differences. This study evaluated the effect of seasonal variation in chemical composition, in vitro digestibility and antioxidant activity of the aerial parts of plants of Cistus ladanifer of two age groups [young plants vs. older ones (2–6 years old)]. Aerial parts of C. ladanifer plants of both age groups were characterized by moderate cell‐wall content [321–410 g NDF kg?1 dry matter (DM)], high levels of phenolic compounds (55·1–106 g gallic acid equivalents per kg DM) and condensed tannins (CT) (32·1–161 g kg?1 DM), low protein content (55–100 g kg?1 DM) and low digestibility (249–315 g of digestible organic matter per kg DM). During autumn and winter, C. ladanifer showed higher protein levels and lower cell‐wall content than in the other seasons. The highest values of phenolic compounds, CT and antioxidant activity were achieved during summer. Young plants showed higher levels of phenolic compounds during spring, summer and winter, and higher CT contents in summer (more than 54 g kg?1 DM) compared to old plants. Aerial parts of C. ladanifer of both age groups may be used as a component of ruminant nutrition, but only as a supplement and associated with other feeding resources to complement its nutritional imbalances.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):304-310

We examined the mechanism of reserve mobilization in Japanese yam seed tubers and eddo seed corms on and after sprouting. The decomposition of starch in pith parenchyma cells of Japanese yam tubers and eddo corms progressed from the region distant from vascular bundles to that adjacent to vascular bundles. In eddo corms, the starch also decomposed from the proximal to the distal region adjacent to the sprout or regenerate plant body. In the yam tubers, the decomposition process was similar in the proximal, middle and distal regions. The first step in the reserve mobilization in pith parenchyma cells was the decomposition of the amyloplast envelope. Subsequently, starch granules decomposed. In Japanese yam tubers, the envelope and starch granules started to decompose from the peripheral regions of the amyloplasts. The observation of soluble polysaccharides, which was the decomposition product of starch granules, was made possible by the quick freezing-vacuum freeze-drying method. By this method, we demonstrated that the soluble polysaccharides in the parenchyma cells decomposed and decreased in density. In addition, the mucilage in the mucilage duct started to decompose and decreased in density from the proximal to the distal part of the corm and also from the periphery to the center of the duct. It was shown that not only starch mobilization but also mucilage mobilization mainly supported sprouting and the growth of the regenerate plant body during about the first half of the vegetative stage.  相似文献   

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