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China has a large population of 1.2 billion.To solve the housing problem of middle_low income families and realize a condition,under which people can live in peace and work contentedly,a policy housing financial system(PHFS)with Chinese characteristics must be established.PHFS is a special financial area.The combination of financial relationships,forms and methods related to the purchase,construction or rehabilitation of housing for middle_low income families,is the core of policy housing financial system.It has real meaning for studying theory and practice of PHFS,its role in development of housing industry,and promoting economic growth of the country,civilization and progress of the society.  相似文献   

摘要:根据调查记录到深圳市观澜森林公园有野生哺乳动物30种,隶属于6目15科,占广东省兽类总数(124种)的21.19%,占全国兽类总数645种的4.65 %。其中东洋界物种有26种,占绝对优势。森林公园内因无原生性植被,故兽类物种多样性较低,且缺乏国家重点保护物种。但有广东省重点保护动物1种,以及国家三有保护动物11种。有2种濒危动物被列入中国濒危动物红皮书。  相似文献   

Abstract: As the most populous country on earth with 10 per cent of its rare species of flora and fauna, China's environmental practice is of great importance. Already the country is one of the most polluted places in the world. At least seven out of the ten of the world's most polluted cities are located in China. It is the second largest producer of greenhouse gases after the United States, inflicting heavy, long‐term casualties on its own public health and economic development as well as on those of its close neighbours in the Asia‐Pacific region. How to strike a proper balance between environmental protection and fast economic growth will have an important impact on China's modernisation outcome and its international standing. The country began to pay serious attention to environment problems in the 1970s. Since the adoption of the reform and opening‐up policy in the late 1970s, it has signed or ratified many international treaties dealing with environmental issues. By now, it has entered into most international environmental regimes. But how compliant is China with respect to commitments made to these regimes? How willing and capable is it in complying with international environmental norms and rules? What does sustainable development mean to China? How do red tape, fear, inexperience, and ignorance affect China's efforts to protect its environment? And how do inter‐ministerial wrangling and the growth of green NGOs within China affect its compliance? This paper tries to answer these questions.  相似文献   

生物育种是深圳因地制宜发展农业的最优选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物育种指运用生物学技术原理,培育所需要的生物种子的技术、方法、行为过程。育种的根本目的是培育具有优良性状(抗逆性好、品质优良、产量高)的新品种,以便更好地为人类服务。  相似文献   

As a result of combination of microsensor technology,low power computing and wireless networking,wireless sensor networks become an active branch in scientific territory of computer science at the moment.The recent reserch work on data management of wireless sensor networks is mainly introduced. In order to achieve high performance of the data-center network system,and supply an effective sensor database administration processing system in the interest of observing person or consumer,Separately proposed valid settlement schemes for the two key problems in database technology: data model and query processing.  相似文献   

In order to consider the effect of non-coincidence of torsion center and gravity center,the rectangular variable-curvature-box girder with vertical symmetrical axis is studied. Considering the influence of shear deflection and non-coincidence of torsion center and gravity center, the elastic equilibrium formulas are established. Based on deformation equations of the girder and the relations of inner forces and deformations,the flexure-torsion differential equations are developed. The equilibrium differential equations and Galerkin methods formulas for clothoid curved box girder are presented.  相似文献   

After the second world war pedestrian streets began to be built in European cities, at the age of seventies pedestrian street became very popular in western countries.In the nineties our country started into the planning and construction of pedestrian streets.On the basis of analysing the reasons for the development of pedestrian streets at home and abroad and the typology of pedestrian environment,this paper presents the main points of planning and design of pedestrian space in city center.  相似文献   

The non tendency processing has ben gone on to share price index,afterwards the power spectrum of share price index processed by non tendency method has been verified in order to calculate the correlation dimension and Lyapunov exponent later,and then forecast and study stock market effectively.  相似文献   

基于无线传感器网络的精准农业研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无线传感器网络是集传感器、微处理器和无线通信等技术为一体的多学科的综合性技术,是当今信息领域中的一个研究热点。通过简述无线传感器网络的国内外研究现状,概括其特点与结构体系,重点分析了其在精准农业中的应用,并展望了其发展趋势。认为以无线传感器网络技术为基础的农业物联网是精准农业的发展方向。  相似文献   

Due to the increasing man-made activities,the vegetation landscape in the rapidly urbanized areas has changed dramatically.Based on the theory of landscape ecology and the evaluation method of ecosystem service function,this study took the vegetation of Shenzhen City as the research object,and used TM image as the main data source in 1985,1995,2005 and from Vol.4 of 2015 with the support of remote sensing and GIS technology to analyze the variation of vegetation landscape fragmentation and its ecological change.The results showed that the vegetation landscape fragmentation in Shenzhen City was significant in the past 30 years,and the vegetation landscape was the main characteristic in the fluctuation trend.The change trajectory of the vegetation landscape was the main focus,and the woodland land area was the largest land for construction.The fragmentation of vegetation landscape reduced the overall value of ecosystem services and hindered the function of life support systems.  相似文献   

李烁 《种业导刊》2009,(6):12-13
随着我国种业逐步进入市场轨道,种子产业体系已初步建成,种子市场主体逐步实现多元化,企业开始成为种子科技创新的主体,种子企业在体制、经营理念、生产方式上都发生了很大的变化,传统的模式已不能适应现代种业的发展要求。种子企业必须加快企业体制创新,使企业真正成为“产权明晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学”的市场主体。财务管理作为种子企业管理的重要组成部分,  相似文献   

中等职业教育计算机专业的学生,应该是社会对计算机应用人才需求比例中最大的一部分。专业设置和专业课程的内容以及教育方法,应该得到足够的重视,并进行必要的调整和改革。  相似文献   

研究深圳市城市绿地土壤水分入渗性能及其相关影响因素,以期为海绵城市建设,深圳市城市绿地水土保持提供参考。针对绿地不同植被类型(草地、乔木、灌木)及不同土层深度(0~30 cm、30~60 cm),利用Guelph入渗仪现场测定土壤饱和导水率,并分析土壤理化性质对土壤水分入渗的影响。结果表明:深圳绿地土壤入渗性能较差,饱和导水率不良及以下等级高达63.42%;乔木上层土壤及灌木上层土壤饱和导水率较高,均显著高于各自下层土壤饱和导水率(P<0.05);绿地土壤砂粒含量较高,平均达52%以上,土壤容重偏高,平均为1.62 g/cm 3。土壤质地可显著影响土壤入渗特性,砂粒含量越高,土壤渗透性越好(P<0.01),容重、含水率、砾石含量与土壤饱和导水率显著负相关(P<0.05)。深圳绿地土壤入渗性能较差,未来可考虑降低压实程度、提高土壤砂粒含量来改良土壤渗透性。  相似文献   

The cognition of the image of China in the West during the Middle Ages is a historical base map for the formation of China's image in the eyes of Western travelers in China since the 19 th century. During the Middle Ages, with the Crusades and the Eastward March of the Mongol Empire, the exchanges between China and Europe were frequent. For political and religious purposes, Western missionaries gradually increased in China. From the expansion of the concept of time and space, Western travelers came to China to explore the world outside the Mediterranean. For the needs of literary creation, Western writers began to write Chinese travels while traveling to China. The texts about China's images created by missionaries, travelers and writers are intertwined, depicting a vivid China's national image.  相似文献   

以西部地区两个农村社区作为案例调查对象,试图了解西部地区农户金融需求与农村金融供给的一般状况。两村调研结果表明,农户金融需求非常强烈,而农村正规金融供给存在区域差异性,资金有限,品种单一,不能充分满足广大农户的资金需求。在这种情况下.农户从非正规金融途径的融资活动就非常普遍。从用途上讲,正规金融贷款主要用于农户生产性投入.农户的生活性支出主要依靠非正规金融供给,即私人信贷。  相似文献   

Gymnasium in Harbin Normal University Sports Center is a large-scale gymnasium. This paper analyzes unfavorable factors in its acoustics and illustrates different kinds of intention of the design. At the same time, the questions about the project operation and technique are pondered one by one, it is expected that these thinking can provide some experience to the similar project.  相似文献   

Application of BP Neural Networks in Inventory Dynamic Modeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors establish an original inventory model based on BP neural networks in dynamic environment using the inventory history data, and overcome the net overfitting problem occurred with insufficient samples by using early stopping method. After a simple-relation inventory model training is attained, they get inventory model and analyze it dynamically by reconstructing the model after getting new sample data. An example is provided to illustrate the model. The theoretical evidence is provided for the inventory system to make management decision.  相似文献   

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