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The aim was to study the effects of white clover cultivar and combinations with perennial ryegrass cultivars on seedling establishment in autumn‐sown swards and on winter survival of seedlings. Large‐leaved white clover cv. Alice and small‐leaved white clover cv. Gwenda, and an erect and a prostrate perennial ryegrass cultivar were sown in autumn in pure stands and as four binary grass‐clover mixtures. Mixtures of white clover cv. Huia and Aberherald with perennial ryegrass were also sown. Companion grasses had no significant impact on the establishment of white clover. The number of seedlings of white clover cv. Alice in mixtures (335 m?2) was higher than cv. Gwenda (183 m?2) and pure swards had similar white clover population densities as mixed swards. White clover cv. Huia tended to have more seedlings than Aberherald (355 and 205 m?2 respectively). No stolons were produced prior to a severe winter, because of the late sowing date. Winter survival of clover seedlings was 0·56 in mixtures and 0·69 in pure stands, irrespective of white clover or companion grass cultivar. Stolon development of white clover in autumn is often considered essential for overwintering survival and spring growth. In this study, there was considerable survival of the non‐stoloniferous tap‐rooted seedlings of all four clover cultivars despite a severe winter.  相似文献   

Changes in the crude protein (CP) concentration of white clover and perennial ryegrass herbage from a mixed sward were determined on six sampling dates from May to October in each of 2 years. The swards were grown without fertilizer N in an organic farming system and continuously grazed by dairy cows during the grazing season. The annual mean contents of white clover in the dry matter (DM) of the sward were 272·3 and 307·0 g kg−1 in Years 1 and 2. The mean CP concentrations of the white clover and perennial ryegrass herbage were 251·6 and 151·9 g kg−1 DM in Year 1 and 271·9 and 174·0 g kg−1 DM in Year 2 respectively. The CP concentration of the white clover increased significantly during the grazing season from 220·0 to 284·1 g kg−1 DM in Year 1 and from 269·0 to 315·5 g kg−1 DM in Year 2. In the perennial ryegrass herbage the CP concentration increased from 112·2 to 172·6 g kg−1 DM in Year 1 and from 142·7 to 239·5 g kg−1 DM in Year 2. The rate of increase during the season in the CP concentration of the perennial ryegrass herbage was similar to the rate of increase recorded in the white clover herbage.  相似文献   

A practical method for predicting seedling emergence dates of red and white clovers, and lucerne is proposed. The germination response at seven different constant temperatures ranging from 5 to 35°C was examined. Germination rate, which is a reciprocal of the duration for 50% germination of seeds, was linearly regressed against temperature to calculate the base temperature and thermal constant of seed germination. The calculated values were 3·9°C and 15·8 degree days for red clover, 4·2°C and 13·6 degree days for white clover, and 2·9°C and 17·7 degree days for lucerne. Using the base temperatures, thermal constants, and the daily mean air temperatures at the study site, the seedling emergence dates of the three forage legumes were predicted. At the same time, in an outdoor pot experiment, seeds of these legumes were sown approximately every 3 weeks and seedling emergence dates were determined. The predicted dates of seedling emergence generally fitted the observed dates. Another prediction was attempted using the base temperatures, thermal constants, and normal daily mean air temperatures recorded over more than 30 years in the study site. This prediction showed that the seedlings of the three forage legumes began to emerge at the beginning of April and could continue to emerge until the beginning of November when their non‐dormant seeds were present in the site, and that when the seeds were sown from mid‐November of one year to late March of the next year, the emergence of seedlings was delayed until the beginning of April.  相似文献   

Seven varieties or advanced breeding lines of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.), all of small leaf size, were grown separately in mixtures with perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) in an experiment encompassing three harvest years. Harvestable dry-matter (DM) yield measurements were taken of these mixtures and of perennial ryegrass monocultures under two management regimes: cutting and continuous sheep grazing. Considerable differences were observed in the harvestable DM yields of white clover, perennial ryegrass and total yields of the mixtures between plots containing different white clover varieties. White clover yields were generally higher under cutting, and perennial ryegrass yields were higher under grazing. The difference between perennial ryegrass yield in monoculture and in mixture was variable. In the second harvest year, a significant interaction effect was seen between management and white clover variety for white clover yield but not for perennial ryegrass yield. The relationship between clover yield and grass yield differed between the two management regimes. Under cutting, a negative correlation was observed, indicative of competitive effects. However, under grazing, no such correlation was seen. Possible mechanisms underlying these outcomes are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The dry matter (DM) production of Trifolium repens, T. ambiguum and the backcross 1 (BC1) and backcross 2 (BC2) hybrids with T. repens as the recurrent parent were compared in mixtures with an intermediate heading variety of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) under a cutting‐only management over 3 harvest years. Plots of parental legume species and backcross hybrids were established from small plantlets and oversown with the companion grass. In the first harvest year, the DM yield of clover in T. repens plots was greater than that in the BC2 plots and both greater than in the BC1 plots, whilst in the second and third harvest years differences between the DM yield of clover in the T. repens and the BC1 and BC2 hybrid plots were small. Similar results were obtained for the DM yield of total herbage. There were also differences in seasonal growth in the first harvest year, when yield of clover in T. repens plots was greater than in the BC1 and BC2 hybrid plots at early cuts but not at later cuts. Few differences in seasonal growth were observed between parental species and hybrids in subsequent harvest years. Comparison of above‐ and below‐ground biomass showed more DM in roots and rhizome of clover in the backcrosses than in the T. repens plots in the second harvest year but differences were less evident in the third harvest year. The clover in the backcross hybrid plots also had fewer stolon growing points per quadrat than the T. repens plots, but the BC2 had more than the BC1 plots. The exploitation of these hybrids in breeding programmes as a strategy to improve the persistence and drought tolerance of white clover is discussed and implications for forage production considered.  相似文献   

Infestations of pastures by species, such as creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera), may compromise the white clover (Trifolium repens) content in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) mixtures. However, the interactions between white clover and species other than perennial ryegrass are not well understood. Strategies to prevent creeping bentgrass infestations require an understanding of its interactions with white clover, as the exclusion of white clover from infested pastures could be the result of either direct interaction or niche‐differentiation in response to management. A methodology is presented which enables the segregation of the effects of direct interaction and niche‐differentiation, based on existing dry‐weight‐rank measurements of a number of experimental pastures, subjected to a range of management strategies. Only between the two management extremities, i.e. permanent cutting of silage and lax grazing for long periods, did niche‐differentiation occur between white clover and creeping bentgrass. The white clover content was enhanced under the cutting regime, whereas lax grazing for long periods stimulated the content of creeping bentgrass. White clover was actively excluded from creeping‐bentgrass‐dominated patches by direct interaction, whereas it showed a high compatibility with perennial ryegrass. This direct interaction presents challenges to the prevention of creeping bentgrass by management, as creeping bentgrass and white clover showed nearly identical requirements in terms of environmental conditions and grassland management.  相似文献   

The effect of the initial N-supplying capacity of soils (SoilN, 90–230 kg N ha–1 year–1) was tested on the dry-matter and N yields of pure or mixed white clover and perennial ryegrass swards, managed under simulated grazing over a 5-year period. The cumulated N harvested in the mixed swards was similar, both for white clover and perennial ryegrass, but the proportion of white clover showed oscillations over a 2-year period. In the first year, the SoilN effect was similar to that of fertilizer N. During the course of the experiment, the effect was always positive on the pure perennial ryegrass sward, alternately negative and nil for the white clover in the mixed sward and alternately positive and nil for the perennial ryegrass in the mixed sward; the period of these oscillations was 2 years. From the third regrowth period after sowing, the ratio between the actual N concentration and the concentration non-limiting to growth for the perennial ryegrass in the mixed sward, increased above that of the pure perennial ryegrass sward. It was in turn greater in the soils that were initially poor and then greater in those that were initially rich in soil N. The periodic oscillation of the initial SoilN effects implies that the initial SoilN gradient was alternately compensated and restored. It was concluded that N fluxes are partly responsible for the temporal oscillations in the proportion of white clover in mixed swards.  相似文献   

Effects of timing and rate of N fertilizer application on concentrations of P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn in herbage from perennial ryegrass/white clover pastures were studied at two sites in south-western Victoria, Australia. Nitrogen fertilizer (0, 15, 25, 30, 45 and 60 kg ha–1) was applied as urea in mid-April, early May, mid-May, early June and mid-June 1996 to pastures grazed by dairy cows. At Site 1, N fertilizer resulted in a linear increase in P, K, S, Mg and Cl concentrations in herbage and a linear decrease in Ca concentration. For all times of application, concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg and Cl in herbage increased by 0·0048, 0·08, −0·010, 0·0013 and 0·053 g kg–1 dry matter (DM) per kg N applied respectively. For S concentration, maximum responses occurred in mid-May (0·012 g kg–1 DM per kg N applied). At Site 2, N fertilizer resulted in a linear increase in P, S and Na concentrations in herbage, a linear decrease in Ca concentration and a curvilinear increase in K and Cl concentration. The maximum responses for P, S and K concentrations in herbage occurred for the N application in mid-June and were 0·015, 0·008 and 0·47 g kg–1 DM per kg N applied respectively. For Cl concentration, the maximum response occurred for the N application in early June and was 0·225 g kg–1 DM per kg N applied. Overall, applications of N fertilizer up to 60 kg ha–1 did not alter herbage mineral concentration to levels that might affect pasture growth or animal health.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in inland northern New South Wales (NSW) to assess the response of tropical perennial grasses Chloris gayana (Rhodes grass) cv. Katambora and Digitaria eriantha (digit grass) cv. Premier and annual forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor ssp. bicolor × S. bicolor ssp. drummondii hybrid) cv. Sweet Jumbo fertilized with five rates of nitrogen (N; 0, 50, 100, 150 and 300 kg N ha?1) and defoliated every 2 or 6 weeks over two growing seasons. Tropical perennial grasses were highly responsive to N fertilizer, while there was no significant response by forage sorghum. Herbage production of Rhodes grass increased linearly whereas digit grass had a high response at 50–100 kg N ha?1. Nitrogen‐use efficiency was highest during the growing season when rainfall was higher. During this season, digit grass had the highest N efficiency (148 kg DM kg?1 N applied) at 50 kg N ha?1, and Rhodes grass (66 kg DM kg?1 N applied) at 100 kg N ha?1. Plant frequency of both perennial species increased and then stabilized at high levels (>84%, cell size 0·1 by 0·1 m) during the two growing seasons. Plant frequency of Rhodes grass declined over the winter period, but recovered within 6 weeks of commencement of the growing season. Soil nitrate levels indicated that unused nitrate moved down the soil profile during wet winters. Implications of leaching below the rooting zone are discussed.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N), accumulating in stubble, stolons and roots, is an important component in N balances in perennial ryegrass–white clover swards, and the effects of cutting frequency on the biomass of above‐ and below‐harvest height were studied during two consecutive years. Total dry matter (DM) and total N production, and N2 fixation, were measured at two cutting frequencies imposed in the summers of two years either by cutting infrequently at monthly intervals to simulate mowing or by frequent cutting at weekly intervals to simulate grazing. Total DM production harvested was in the range of 3000–7000 kg DM ha?1 with lower DM production associated with the frequent cutting treatment, and it was significantly affected by the different weather conditions in the two years. The higher cutting frequency also reduced the biomass below harvest height but the different weather conditions between years had less effect on stubble and, in particular, biomass of roots. The biomass of roots of white clover was significantly lower than that of roots of perennial ryegrass and remained at a relatively constant level (200–500 kg DM ha?1) throughout the experiment, whereas the biomass of perennial ryegrass roots increased from 2400 kg DM ha?1 in the year of establishment to 10 200 kg DM ha?1 in the infrequent cutting treatment and 6650 kg DM ha?1 in the frequent cutting treatment by the end of the experiment, giving shoot:root ratios of 4·7–16·6 and 0·5–1·6 for white clover and perennial ryegrass respectively. Annual N2 fixation was in the range of 28–214 kg N ha?1, and the proportion of N fixed in stolons and roots was on average 0·28. However, as weather conditions affect the harvested DM production and the shoot:root ratio, care must be taken when estimating total N2 fixation based on an assumed or fixed shoot:root ratio.  相似文献   

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