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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the likely geographical distribution and flock-prevalence of ovine Johne's disease (OJD) in Australia. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study design was used. PROCEDURE: The results of abattoir surveillance for OJD carried out during 2000 were analysed to estimate the prevalence of infected flocks in three regions of New South Wales and in other States. A Bayesian approach was used to adjust apparent prevalence estimates for the assumed flock-sensitivity and flock-specificity of abattoir surveillance, and to allow for uncertainty about the true values of these measures. RESULTS: The 95% probability limits for flock-prevalence at 31 December 2000 were 0.04%-1.5%, 8%-15% and 29%-39% for low, moderate and high prevalence regions of New South Wales respectively. The other States generally had an upper 97.5% probability limit of about 1% or less. Based on these estimates about 6 to 10% of flocks in New South Wales and 2.4 to 4.4% of flocks Australia-wide are likely to be infected. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that OJD has a highly clustered distribution in Australia, and provides estimates of the prevalence of infected flocks by State or region. Based on this analysis there were probably between 2000 and 3700 infected flocks in Australia at 31 December 2000, with more than 80% of these in a relatively small geographic area of central and southern New South Wales. Some States, such as Queensland and Western Australia, may have a prevalence equal or close to 0%, however the technique used was unable to demonstrate the absence of infection in these States with the intensity of surveillance undertaken to date.  相似文献   

As flocks of laying birds are seldom sold in situ, it is necessary to value such flocks by estimating the sum for which a rational farmer would sell. It is argued that this is the sum for which the farmer would exchange the future consumption increments flowing from possession of the flock. The valuation method which follows the acceptance of this argument is applied to a standard (British) flock to derive a set of standard values for birds of different ages.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The proportion of wool bale brands with a positive test for sheep lice in baled wool decreased from 29.5% in 1987/88 to 23.2% in 1990/91 before increasing to 38.2% in 1992/93. Changes in the proportion of wool bale brands with a positive test for lice were highly correlated with changes in the Wool Market Price Indicator. The increase in the proportion of positive lice tests since 1990/91 was associated with an increase in failures to eradicate lice from flocks. These failures were partly a consequence of the reduced use of lousicidal treatments, the development of resistance to synthetic pyrethroid chemicals and an increase in the transmission of lice between flocks.  相似文献   

Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) was used to identify, examine genetic relationships and look at disease associations of a collection of 53 intestinal spirochaete isolates previously recovered from the faeces of adult hens on 14 farms in Qld, Australia. The MLEE results were compared with those previously obtained using species-specific PCR amplifications. The isolates were divided into five Brachyspira species groups by MLEE: Brachyspira murdochii (n=17), B. intermedia (n=15), B. pilosicoli (n=14), B. innocens (n=2) and "B. pulli" (n=1). Three new MLEE groups each containing single isolates also were identified. The results of the PCR assay for B. pilosicoli were concordant with the MLEE results, but the 23S rDNA-based PCR for B. intermedia had failed to detect 8 of the 15 isolates. The B. innocens/B. murdochii nox-based PCR had correctly identified all the isolates of B. murdochii, but did not identify either of the two B. innocens isolates. Using MLEE, isolates from two farms (14%) were identified as B. murdochii, whilst the pathogenic species B. intermedia and B. pilosicoli were present in hens from eight (57%) and five (36%) farms, respectively, and were identified together in four (29%) farms. All seven of the farms with production problems or wet litter were colonised with B. intermedia and/or B. pilosicoli. Six farms had multiple spirochaete isolates available for examination. Two broiler breeder farms both had five isolates of B. pilosicoli that shared the same MLEE electrophoretic type (ET), whilst one laying hen farm had three isolates of B. intermedia that all belonged to the same ET. Hence on each of these farms a predominant strain of a pathogenic species was present. On the other farms isolates of the same species were more diverse and belonged to different ETs. These results show that the epidemiology of intestinal spirochaetal infections in broiler breeder and laying hen flocks can vary considerably between farms, although the reasons for these differences were not established.  相似文献   

The contamination of poultry in the Netherlands with Salmonella enteritidis was tested. For this, different methods (detection of S. enteritidis in faecal samples of 25 g; detection of S. enteritidis in cloacal swabs; detection of S. enteritidis by serological testing of antibodies in serum) were compared for their efficiency to detect S. enteritidis in flocks of poultry. Testing of faecal samples clearly yielded the best results. This method was used in a transmission study, in which 14 flocks descending from a contaminated primary mother flock were screened for the presence of S. enteritidis. The method was also used for screening 49 flocks of laying hens and 52 flocks of broiler chickens throughout the Netherlands. From the transmission study it became clear that S. enteritidis, phage type 2 (Dutch phage set) was isolated both from the mother flock and from five of the descendent flocks. Screening of poultry flocks for the presence of salmonella revealed that salmonella was present in 47% of the layer flocks and in 94% of the broiler flocks. S. enteritidis was isolated from 15% of the flocks screened.  相似文献   

The carry-over of Campylobacter strains from one flock to a subsequent flock in the same broiler house has been studied using molecular epidemiological techniques. In all, 524 Campylobacter strains, isolated from two sequential broiler flocks from 60 broiler houses, were typed by restriction fragment polymorphism of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product of the flaA and flaB genes (fla typing). Selected strains were also typed using pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). By fla typing, 15 (21%) of the 60 houses with Campylobacter-positive sequential flocks had identical genotypes. In 10 (16% overall) of these houses the strains were also identical by PFGE. The difference in PFGE patterns in the strains from the three remaining houses may be indicative of genetic instability. Overall, these results suggest that carry-over from one flock to a subsequent flock in the same house is a relatively infrequent event and, therefore, that routine broiler house cleansing and/or disinfection is largely adequate to eliminate Campylobacter contamination. An alternative explanation of the low level carry-over is a persistent source or reservoir, external to the environment of the broiler houses.  相似文献   

Low‐pathogenicity avian influenza (LPAI) viruses have caused illness in poultry and humans with poultry contact. To determine whether there is evidence of exposure to avian influenza viruses (AIV) among backyard poultry in Minnesota and their human caretakers, 150 flocks of backyard birds were sampled for antibodies to AIV from August 2007 through December 2008. One hundred flocks were tested through routine slaughter surveillance by the Minnesota Board of Animal Health and an additional 50 flocks were contacted and sampled by study investigators. Blood was collected from 10 to 13 birds from each flock and a survey of biosecurity and management practices was administered to the flock owner. Blood samples were tested by agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) for influenza A antibodies. Tested flocks had a median flock size of 100 birds (range: 12–800 birds), and were most commonly owned for meat for personal use (81% of respondents), fun or hobby (58%) and eggs for personal use (56%). Although 7% of flock owners reported that their birds had shown respiratory signs in the previous 3 months, only 1 of 150 flocks tested positive for influenza by AGID. Antibodies to LPAI H6N1 were detected in the positive flock. The owner of the positive flock did not have antibodies to H6 or other common AIV. Based on the findings of this study, the risk of transmission of LPAI viruses from backyard poultry to owners in Minnesota appears to be low under current conditions and management practices.  相似文献   

The backyard chicken (BYC) movement in the USA has increased human contact with poultry and subsequently, human contact with the pathogen Salmonella. However, to date, there have been few studies assessing prevalence of Salmonella in backyard flocks, despite the known public health risk this zoonotic bacterium poses. The objective of this study was to characterize human‐BYC interactions and assess the prevalence of Salmonella among BYC flocks. We interviewed 50 BYC owners using a structured questionnaire to determine flock and household characteristics that facilitate contact with BYC and that may be associated with Salmonella in the BYC environment. Composite faecal material, cloacal swabs and dust samples from 53 flocks housed on 50 residential properties in the Greater Boston, Massachusetts area were tested for Salmonella using standard culture techniques and confirmed using Matrix‐Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization‐Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer. Microbroth dilution and whole genome sequencing were used to determine phenotypic and genotypic resistance profiles, respectively, and sequence results were used to determine multilocus sequencing type. No owners self‐reported a diagnosis of salmonellosis in the household. Over 75% of a subset of owners reported that they and their children consider BYC pets. This perception is evident in how owners reported interacting with their birds. Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serotype Kentucky ST152 (serogroup C)—a strain not commonly associated with human infection—was confirmed in one flock, or 2% of tested flocks, and demonstrated resistance to tetracycline and streptomycin. We detected Salmonella at low prevalence in BYC. Further study of the health effects of exposure to zoonotic gastrointestinal pathogens such as Salmonella among families with BYC is warranted.  相似文献   

A survey of dogs and cats in the Perth metropolitan area revealed a high prevalence of Giardia. Overall, 21% of 333 dogs and 14% of 226 cats were infected. More dogs and cats from refuges and breeding establishments were infected than household pets, although among the latter a significant number of dogs (9%) and cats (8%) was infected. Giardia did not show any breed or sex predisposition but prevalence was higher in young animals. The species of Giardia present in dogs and cats was identified as G. duodenalis, which is the same as that affecting man. The potential significance of this animal reservoir of infection to man is discussed in the light of increasing evidence that Giardia is a zoonosis.  相似文献   

Diarrhoea is a widespread problem for sheep enterprises worldwide. A cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted using a questionnaire to determine the prevalence of diarrhoea and associated risk factors where there was evidence of recent diarrhoea (active diarrhoea or fresh faecal soiling of breech fleece) for meat lambs on farms in southern Western Australia during 2010. The response rate was 41.4% (139/336). Evidence of recent diarrhoea was reported on 64.8% of farms, with a mean of 6.9% lambs affected per farm. Location of a farm and a higher annual rainfall were associated with an increased diarrhoea prevalence. Binary logistic regression analysis suggested that the drinking water source was associated with the incidence of diarrhoea, since lamb flocks supplied with dam water were 117 times (95% CI: 18.2, 754.8) more likely to have observed diarrhoea or fresh breech fleece faecal soiling than lamb flocks supplied with other sources of water. Faecal worm egg counts were used by 65% of respondents to determine whether an anthelmintic treatment was warranted and 74% of respondents administered a treatment to their meat lambs. In response to a range of diarrhoea scenarios presented to respondents (5%, 25% and 50% of the flock with evidence of recent diarrhoea), 15.1% would have elected to administer an anthelmintic treatment regardless of differences in prevalence.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted on a commercial egg-producing farm with a history of wet litter. A total of 600 fresh caecal faecal samples were obtained from under cages of laying hens in three sheds each containing flocks of approximately 5400 hens. Samples were cultured for intestinal spirochaetes, and growth on the primary isolation plate was observed under a phase contrast microscope and subjected to PCRs specific for the intestinal spirochaetes Brachyspira intermedia and Brachyspira pilosicoli. Spirochaete isolates obtained in pure culture were assessed for their ability to cause haemolysis on blood agar and to produce indole, and were typed using pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). A 1250 base pair portion of the 16S rRNA gene of three B. intermedia and five unidentified isolates was sequenced, and the sequences compared with those of other Brachyspira species. Overall, 121 (20.2%) of the faecal samples contained spirochaetes as determined by growth on the plate and microscopy. Using PCR on the primary growth from these positive samples, 43 (7.2% overall) were shown to contain B. intermedia, 8 (1.3%) to contain B. pilosicoli, and 70 (11.7%) were PCR negative. Only 24 isolates of B. intermedia and five isolates of unknown species were obtained in pure culture. Comparative analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence identified the non-B. intermedia isolates as belonging to the proposed species "Brachyspira pulli". PFGE analysis of the B. intermedia strains identified them as having four major banding patterns. Individual patterns were found in hens from different flocks, suggesting cross-transmission of strains between flocks. No environmental sources of infection were identified. The youngest flock had a significantly lower level of colonisation with B. intermedia than the flock of intermediate age (P = 0.004), suggesting that following initial infection of individual young hens on this farm there was amplification and transmission of infection amongst members of the flock.  相似文献   

Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) causes respiratory disease in chickens all over the world. IBV has many serotypes that do not confer cross protection against each other. Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test has been used to determine the serotypes of IBV as a substitute to the more laborious virus neutralization test and the more sophisticated restriction endonuclease digestion or sequencing of the S1 gene. In Jordan, no previous studies have been carried out to determine the involvement of IBV in respiratory disease in chickens, or the serotypes of IBV that possibly exist. In this study, serum from different chicken flocks (n = 20) that suffered from respiratory disease were tested for IBV antibodies using commercial IBV antibody ELISA at time of the initial signs of the respiratory disease and repeated on serum samples from the same flocks 10–14 days later. ELISA titer for IBV increased in 14 out of 20 flocks (70%) after 10–14 days of the initial signs of the respiratory disease and this indicates a recent exposure to IBV. The second serum samples from these 14 flocks were further examined against a panel of five IBV antigens (Ark, Conn, DE-072, JMK, and Mass) by HI test to determine the serotype(s) of IBV they have been exposed to. The HI test results indicated that the exposure of some of these flocks were to Ark, DE-072, and Mass like serotypes. However, the HI titers against the antigens used in this study were relatively similar in 10 out of the 14 flocks (71%) and the serotype of IBV that these flocks were exposed to could not be determined and the possible causes of this are discussed.  相似文献   

The author analyses the interrelationship between the hygienic prerequisites of reproduction and performance in poultry farming, with regard to their impact on human health. The main factors influencing the hatching rate of poultry eggs are reviewed along with their epizootiological and economic aspects, and the possibilities of the prevention of egg-transmitted diseases are discussed.  相似文献   


Madam:– Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is recognised as a serious economically significant disease of poultry. N.H. Christensen in his letter to your Journal (1) has summarised the ways in which IBD causes such economic loss.  相似文献   

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