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Controlling established horsenettle plants is achieved by suppressing shoot emergence from root systems. The seasonal pattern of shoot emergence and its possible endogenous control in horsenettle ( Solanum carolinense L.) were investigated. The shoot emergence period in an undisturbed population was limited to a seven-week period from mid-April, and a little longer in tilled conditions. Detached roots showed very high shoot-sprouting ability under 15–30°C throughout the year. In shoot clipping experiments, new shoots sprouted only from the stem and not from the root when attached to shoots, whether above-ground or underground. On the contrary, new shoots sprouted from the roots when all parts of the shoots were clipped off. From these results, the limited shoot emergence period in horsenettle is thought to be initiated by temperatures necessary for sprouting and is ended by a growth correlation effect between early emerged and matured shoots.  相似文献   

北美刺龙葵(Solanum carolinense L.)是一种多年生恶性杂草,本文报道了在北京药用植物园内首次发现北美刺龙葵,并对其分类、地理分布、形态特征进行了描述,同时给出了相应的防控建议。  相似文献   

Silverleaf nightshade is one of the worst agricultural weeds on a worldwide basis. Improved understanding of its life cycle will be useful for weed management. This research showed that the growth and reproduction of silverleaf nightshade were affected significantly by the time of emergence. Plants (both root‐ and seed‐generated) that emerged early in the growing season, such as in September or November (spring), were significantly taller and produced more biomass and fruit than plants that emerged in January (summer) and March (autumn). Delayed emergence resulted in a shorter vegetative phase and less fruit production. As a result, the silverleaf nightshade plants that emerged in September produced a large amount of seeds, while the plants that emerged later in the season did not flower. Thus, control of early‐emerging plants is important. The dynamics of fruit production indicated that silverleaf nightshade fruit formed in December and peaked in March, which suggests that a control action is required before December to control the soil seed bank.  相似文献   

Nitrate non-utilising (Nit) mutants of six field strains and three single-ascospore strains of Botryotinia fuckeliana were selected by plating mycelial plugs onto a nitrate-containing minimal medium amended with chlorate. Mutants were characterised by growth responses on minimal medium amended with various sole nitrogen sources. For each parental strain two mutants were produced: nit1, defective in nitrate reductase apoenzyme; and NitM, defective in the molybdenum cofactor pathway. Complementation on nitrate minimal medium was observed between nit1 and NitM mutants from the same parent in all instances. However, complementation was not observed between any such combinations when the mutants were derived from different parents. It is concluded that a vegetative incompatibility system operates in B. fuckeliana resulting in multiple vegetative compatibility groups. One of the single-ascospore strains was derived from a cross between two of the field strains, indicating that new compatibility groups can be generated during sexual reproduction. Mycelial interaction zones were formed between all parental strains when they were paired on NaCl-amended medium, indicating congruence between mycelial incompatibility and vegetative incompatibility.  相似文献   

短时高低温胁迫对南亚实蝇生长发育及繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南亚实蝇Bactroceratau(Walker)是一种重要的入侵性农业害虫.主要分布在我国云南、广东、四川和河南等地,南亚实蝇的为害严重降低了蔬菜和水果的品质.短时极端温度是影响南亚实蝇种群的重要因子.为了明确短时高低温对南亚实蝇的影响,通过选择12 h的短时低温(-4、0、4、8℃)及12 h的短时高温(34、38...  相似文献   

Triquetrous murdannia is an annual stoloniferous weed commonly found in wheat‐rice rotation fields in China. Disturbance after wheat harvesting can fragment stolons of triquetrous murdannia, and the regeneration of these fragments may contribute to the spread of this weed. In this study, the regenerate capacity and response to pre‐emergence (PRE) herbicides of stolon fragment of triquetrous murdannia were evaluated in a screenhouse. The experiment consisted of two types of single node fragments (2‐cm stolon node and five‐leaf stolon tips) placed under different floating, flooding and burial depth conditions. Results indicated that floating depth did not influence the survival of the two types of fragments but significantly decreased their growth (stolon length, number of branches, and biomass). The stolon nodes were more sensitive to flooding than stolon tips; no stolon node survived at a flooding depth of 6 cm. The highest survival was observed for fragments placed on the soil surface, and no fragments buried to a depth of 2 cm survived. PRE application of benzobicyclon, butachlor, metazosulfuron, and triafamone significantly decreased the branching and biomass of the stolon nodes; however, only triafamone and metazosulfuron significantly inhibited the regeneration of the stolon tips. These results suggest that stolon fragments with one node are likely to promote vegetative reproduction in triquetrous murdannia, and thus, disturbance may contribute to the spread of this weed. Tillage to bury fragments below their maximum regeneration depth and application of an effective PRE herbicide could serve as important tools for managing triquetrous murdannia.  相似文献   

Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. (Fabaceae) is a spiny, perennial herb. The species grows in the salinized, arid regions in North China. This study investigated the response characteristics of the root growth and the distribution of one-year-old A. sparsifolia seedlings to different groundwater depths in controlled plots. The ecological adaptability of the root systems of A. sparsifolia seedlings was examined using the artificial digging method. Results showed that: (1) A. sparsifolia seedlings adapted to an increase in groundwater depth mainly through increasing the penetration depth and growth rate of vertical roots. The vertical roots grew rapidly when soil moisture content reached 3%-9%, but slowly when soil moisture content was 13%-20%. The vertical roots stopped growing when soil moisture content reached 30% (the critical soil moisture point). (2) The morphological plasticity of roots is an important strategy used by A. sparsifolia seedlings to obtain water and adapt to dry soil conditions. When the groundwater table was shallow, horizontal roots quickly expanded and tillering increased in order to compete for light resources, whereas when the groundwater table was deeper, vertical roots developed quickly to exploit space in the deeper soil layers. (3) The decrease in groundwater depth was probably responsible for the root distribution in the shallow soil layers. Root biomass and surface area both decreased with soil depth. One strategy of A. sparsifolia seedlings in dealing with the increase in groundwater depth is to increase root biomass in the deep soil layers. The relationship between the root growth/distribution of A. sparsifolia and the depth of groundwater table can be used as guidance for harvesting A. sparsifolia biomass and managing water resources for forage grasses. It is also of ecological significance as it reveals how desert plants adapt to arid environments.  相似文献   

近年来,白星花金龟Protaetia brevitarsis Lewis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)已经成为吐鲁番葡萄、桃等果树成熟期的重要害虫。为明确其在吐鲁番葡萄上的发生规律,连续两年调查了新疆吐鲁番亚尔镇白星花金龟成虫的发生时期,并对日活跃高峰期和产卵高峰期进行了分析,同时开展了寄主对白星花金龟成虫繁殖的影响研究。结果表明:白星花金龟成虫在新疆发生时期为5月下旬至10月上旬,发生高峰期为6月中旬;产卵高峰期为7月上中旬;日活跃高峰期有两个,分别为10:00-12:00和16:00-18:00;不同寄主对白星花金龟成虫繁殖的影响不同,该虫单独取食葡萄不产卵,取食番茄、西瓜、桃和杏的成虫繁殖能力高于取食桑葚的试虫。  相似文献   

本研究在6个恒温(18、21、24、27、30、33℃)条件下,观察并记录了白茨粗角萤叶甲Diorhabda rybakowi卵、幼虫与蛹的发育历期和存活率,以及成虫的寿命和繁殖力。结果表明,卵和幼虫的发育历期随温度升高而缩短,发育速率随之加快。白茨粗角萤叶甲的卵、幼虫期、蛹、成虫产卵前期和世代的发育起点温度分别为(10.4±0.8)(12.2±0.7)(8.7±0.9)(16.4±0.8)℃和(8.6±0.9)℃,有效积温分别为(97.9±4.8)(158.2±7.9)(212.1±11.5)(158.6±13.6)日·度和(838.0±43.9)日·度。在低温18℃和高温33℃条件下,白茨粗角萤叶甲幼虫的存活率均降低,成虫的羽化率在33℃高温下显著降低,而卵的存活率高于幼虫期的存活率。白茨粗角萤叶甲生长发育和繁殖的最适温区为21℃相似文献   

Occasional reports linking neonicotinoid insecticide applications to field population outbreaks of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, have been a topic of concern for integrated pest management (IPM) programmes, particularly in apples. In order to shed light on the factors which may contribute to the occasional field population increase of T. urticae following the application of neonicotinoid insecticides, greenhouse experiments have been set up. Four different T. urticae strains, namely GSS (acaricide-susceptible), WI (organophosphate-selected), USA (a largely uncharacterised strain) and Akita (METI (mitochondrial electron transport inhibitor) acaricide-resistant and cross-resistant to dicofol), were compared for their fecundity without insecticide treatment and for their ovipositional response to foliar and drench applications of the field-relevant dose of imidacloprid (100 mg litre(-1)). Without insecticide treatment, strain GSS laid significantly more eggs (162.50 (+/- 5.43)) than the multiple resistant strain Akita (139.90 (+/- 5.54)) during a 16 day oviposition period. With imidacloprid treatment the highest effect was observed with GSS, with a significantly reduced number of eggs in drench (143.40 (+/- 4.22)) and foliar (144.60 (+/- 5.85)) applications. For strains Akita and USA, no significant differences were observed in oviposition between imidacloprid treatments and controls. The proportion of F1 female offspring decreased significantly with drench application for GSS and WI, while no differences were observed among strains in the survival of F1 immature stages, except for strain USA. The viability of eggs was relatively high (from 82.9 (+/- 4.5)% for USA to 95.2 (+/- 1.2)% for GSS) and not affected by imidacloprid treatments.  相似文献   

Interactions between Serratia plymuthica A30 and a blackleg‐causing biovar 3 Dickeya sp. were examined. In a potato slice assay, S. plymuthica A30 inhibited tissue maceration caused by Dickeya sp. IPO2222 when co‐inoculated at a density at least 10 times greater than that of the pathogen. In glasshouse experiments, population dynamics of the antagonist and of the pathogen in planta were studied by dilution plating and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) using fluorescent protein‐tagged strains. Pathogen‐free minitubers were vacuum‐infiltrated with DsRed‐tagged Dickeya sp. IPO2222 and superficially treated during planting with a water suspension containing GFP‐tagged S. plymuthica A30. A30 reduced the blackleg incidence from 55% to 0%. Both the pathogen and the antagonist colonized the seed potato tubers internally within 1 day post‐inoculation (dpi). Between 1 and 7 dpi, the population of A30 in tubers increased from 101 to c. 103 CFU g?1 and subsequently remained stable until the end of the experiment (28 dpi). Populations of A30 in stems and roots increased from c. 102 to c. 104 CFU g?1 between 7 and 28 dpi. Dilution plating and CLSM studies showed that A30 decreased the density of Dickeya sp. populations in plants. Dilution plating combined with microscopy allowed the enumeration of strain A30 and its visualization in the vascular tissues of stem and roots and in the pith of roots, as well as its adherence to and colonization of the root surface. The implications of these finding for the use of S. plymuthica A30 as a biocontrol agent are discussed.  相似文献   

以生长于田间的玉米掖单13(耐旱基因型玉米)和丹玉13(不耐旱基因型玉米)为试验材料,应用ICP对供试玉米的初生根和第一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八和第九层次生根的大量元素氮、磷、钾、钙和镁等项指标进行了测定和比较分析.结果表明:除个别根外,耐旱基因型玉米不同类型根中的全氮含量和速效氮含量极显著低于不耐旱基因型玉米根系(P<0.01);根中的钙元素含量和镁元素含量极显著高于不耐旱基因型玉米根系(P<0.01);根系中磷元素含量和根系中的钾元素含量在两基因型玉米根系之间差异不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   

以生长于田间的玉米掖单13(耐旱性玉米)和丹玉13(不耐旱性玉米)为试验材料,应用ICP对供试玉米的初生根和第一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八和第九层次生根的铁、锰、铜、锌和钠元素含量等项指标进行了测定和比较分析。结果表明:除个别根外,耐旱性玉米不同类型根中的铜含量极显著高于不耐旱性玉米根系(P0.01);根中的锰元素含量和锌元素含量极显著高于不耐旱性玉米根系(P0.05);根系中铁元素含量和根系中的钠元素含量在两品种玉米根系之间差异未达显著水平(P0.05)。  相似文献   

最近,南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)和北方根结线虫(M. hapla)的基因组测序工作已经完成,而大豆孢囊线虫(Heterodera glycines)和马铃薯白线虫(Globodera pallida)的基因组测序工作也在进行之中。截至2008年,Nematode.net数据库中已经有近500 000个表达序列标签ESTs序列和1 200 000个来自30种线虫的基因组序列。如何从众多的序列中筛选出有实际应用价值的信息是线虫学研究面临的一大挑战。对于缺乏有效转化系统的植物寄生线虫来说,RNAi无疑是研究植物寄生线虫基因功能的有力工具。本文介绍了RNAi及其在植物寄生线虫基因功能研究中的应用。  相似文献   

白刺夜蛾Leiometopon simyrides是荒漠植物白刺的重要害虫, 为明确寄主植物对白刺夜蛾生长发育的影响, 以便对其进行科学监测和防控,本研究在27℃下, 利用3种寄主植物(大果白刺、泡泡刺、唐古特白刺)饲养白刺夜蛾, 观察记录白刺夜蛾幼虫的取食量、各阶段的发育历期、存活率、羽化率、雌雄性比和成虫寿命等生物学特性, 同时测定各寄主植物叶片的营养和次生代谢物质含量。结果表明, 白刺夜蛾幼虫取食大果白刺叶片的总量最少, 取食唐古特白刺的量最多。取食唐古特白刺的白刺夜蛾幼虫发育历期最短, 其次为取食泡泡刺, 取食大果白刺时历期最长。取食泡泡刺和唐古特白刺后, 白刺夜蛾幼虫的存活率和羽化率较高, 取食大果白刺存活率最低, 且无成虫羽化。在唐古特白刺上, 白刺夜蛾雌虫占比较高, 成虫寿命较长。大果白刺的叶片总酚含量和简单酚含量最高, 各营养物质含量最低, 不利于白刺夜蛾的生长发育;唐古特白刺和泡泡刺酚类物质含量较低, 营养物质含量较高, 较适宜白刺夜蛾的生长发育和繁殖。唐古特白刺为白刺夜蛾的最适宜寄主植物, 其次为泡泡刺。  相似文献   

Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) was shown to be efficiently transmitted between tomato plants grown in a closed recirculating hydroponic system. PepMV was detected in all plant parts after transmission via contaminated nutrient solution using ELISA, immunocapture RT‐PCR, RT‐PCR, electron microscopy, and by inoculation to indicator plants. Detection of PepMV in nutrient solution was only possible after concentration by ultracentrifugation followed by RT‐PCR. Roots tested positive for PepMV 1–3 weeks after inoculation, and subsequently a rapid spread from the roots into the young leaves and developing fruits was found within 1 week. PepMV was only occasionally detected in the older leaves. None of the infected plants showed any symptoms on fruits, leaves or other organs. Pre‐infection of roots of tomato cv. Hildares with Pythium aphanidermatum significantly delayed PepMV root infections. When mechanically inoculated with PepMV at the 2–4 leaf stage, yield loss was observed in all plants. However, only plants of cv. Castle Rock recorded significant yield losses when infected via contaminated nutrient solution. Yield losses induced by infection with PepMV and/or P. aphanidermatum ranged from 0·4 up to 40% depending on experimental conditions.  相似文献   

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