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Striga hermonthica (striga) weed is a major threat to crop production in sub-Saharan Africa, and short duration improved fallow species have recently been found to reduce the effects of this weed because of their ability to replenish soil nitrogen. The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy and profitability of coppicing improved fallow species (Gliricidia sepium [gliricidia], Leucaena trichandra [leucaena] and Calliandra calothyrsus [calliandra]) and non-coppicing species (Sesbania sesban [sesbania], Mucuna pruriens [mucuna], and Tephrosia vogelii [tephrosia]), in controlling striga. Natural fallow and a sole maize crop were included as control treatments. The fallow treatments were split into two and either fertilized with N or unfertilized. The results showed that coppicing fallows produced higher biomass than non-coppicing fallows. For example, Callindra (coppicing fallow species) produced 19.5 and 41.4 Mg ha−1 of leafy and woody biomass, respectively after four cumulative harvests as compared with Sesbania (non-coppicing species), which produced only 2.3 and 5.9 Mg ha−1 leaf and woody biomass, respectively. Improved fallows reduced striga population in proportion to the amount of leafy biomass incorporated into the soil (r = 0.87). N application increased cumulative maize yield by between 15–28% in improved fallow systems and by as much as 51–83% in the control treatments. Added total costs of the coppicing fallows did not differ significantly from those of the non-coppicing fallows and control treatments. However, the added net benefits of the coppicing fallows were significantly higher (US$ 527 for +N and 428 for −N subplots; P < 0.01) than those of the non-coppicing fallows (US$ 374 for +N and 278 for −N), and the least for the control treatments. The most profitable fallow system was Tephrosia with net added benefits of US$ 453.5 ha−1 season−1 without N, and US$ 586.7 ha−1 season−1 with added N.  相似文献   

Managed short-duration fallows may have the potential to replace longer fallows in regions where population density no longer permits slow natural fallow successions. The purpose of fallows is not only to improve subsequent crop performance but also to restore soil fertility and organic matter content for the long term. We therefore evaluated the soil organic matter and nutrient flows and fractions in a short fallow experiment managed in the western Kenya highlands, and also compared the experimental area with a 9–12-yr-oldadjacent natural bush fallow. The factorial agroforestry field experiment with four land-use and two P fertilizer treatments on a Kandiudalfic Eutrudox showed that 31-wk managed fallows with Tithonia diversifolia(Hemsley) A. Gray and Crotalaria grahamiana Wight &Arn. improved soil fertility and organic matter content above those of a natural weed fallow and continuous maize (Zea mays L.). Post-fallow maize yields were also improved, although cumulative three-season increases in yield were small (0–1.2 Mg ha−1) when the yield foregone during the fallow season was accounted for. Improvements in yield and soil quality could be traced to quantity or quality of biomass recycled by the managed fallows. The non-woody recycled biomass produced by the continuous maize, weed fallow, and tithonia treatments was near 2Mg ha−1, whereas crotalaria produced three times more recyclable biomass and associated N and P. Increases in topsoil N due to the fallows may have been attributable in part to deep acquisition and recycling of N by the fallows. Particulate macro-organic matter produced by the fallows contained sufficient N(30–50 kg ha−1) to contribute substantially to maize production. Organic Paccumulation (29 kg ha−1) similarly may play a significant role in crop nutrition upon subsequent mineralization. The effect of the P fertilizer application on soil properties and maize yield was constant for all land-use systems (i.e., no land-use system × P fertilizer interactions occurred). There was an indication that tithonia may have stimulated infestation of Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth., and care must be taken to evaluate the full effects of managed fallows over several seasons. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Farmers' adoption of improved technologies is the ultimate measure of the success of any agricultural innovation. In a joint project of the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) and the Department of Research and Specialist Services of Zimbabwe, the potential for adoption of the improved planted fallow technology using Sesbania sesban was assessed in the Mangwende Communal Area. The study was based on experimental data of maize (Zea mays) yields following 1-, 2- and 3-year improved fallows at Domboshawa Training Center, northern Zimbabwe where the improved fallows were promising. The data indicated that maize yields were higher after S. sesban fallows than after Cajanus cajan and Acacia angustissima fallows. A five-year linear programming model sensitive to the diversity within households was developed to simulate the livelihood system of households in the Mangwende Communal Area. Improved fallows of S. sesban were incorporated into the model to determine the potential for their adoption. Model results indicated that there is potential for the technology to be adopted by 80% of the farmers. According to the model, the new technology on average occupies 60% of the area under maize. Nevertheless, households continue to use fertilizers and cattle manure. One-year improved fallows are planted every other year; three-year improved fallows are also planted. Farmers who adopt the fallow technologies realize an increase in the cash available for discretionary spending. Factors such as composition of the household in terms of fulltime workers, size of the arable land owned by the farmer, and whether the household differentiates activities by gender, determine the adoption of the improved-fallow technology. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Planted-tree fallows (syn. improved fallows) have demonstrated great biophysical potential for improving soil fertility on smallholders' farms but efforts to scale up their adoption to more farming households are constrained by lack of permanent ownership rights over land, incidence of bush fires and browsing of tree biomass by livestock. To resolve these institutional bottlenecks, some traditional authorities in Zambia enacted bylaws to prohibit these incursions. Using a combination of village workshops, expert opinion surveys and structured questionnaires, this study assessed the effectiveness of the bylaws across the major cultural communities in eastern Zambia, identified factors that influence the effectiveness of the bylaws and the lessons emanating from the bylaws in the scaling up of improved fallows. The results indicate that fire poses greater risks to the scaling up of agroforestry than does grazing in terms of the risk of occurrence and the extent of damage. Respondents identified mice hunters and `jealous' neighbors as main causes of fire outbreaks. The effectiveness of the bylaws is influenced by many factors such as ambiguous interpretation of the bylaws, relying exclusively on moral persuasion to enforce the bylaws and lack of well defined responsibilities for enforcing the bylaws, conflict of economic interests among different stakeholders within the communities. Formal documentation of the bylaws will be helpful, but that would not be an exclusive panacea to solve all the constraints. The pattern of distribution of benefits (or costs) of an agricultural technology among various sectors of a community may be important factors that affect widespread adoption of a technology. Technological characteristics are important but not exclusive condition for sustained widespread adoption of soil fertility management options. Privatizing seasonal commons is an important issue in the development of institutional regulations within communities. Policy dialogue among community members, increased awareness and diversification of options appear to be the way forward to improve the effectiveness of the bylaws. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In eastern Zambia, nitrogen deficiency is a major limiting factor for increased food production. Soil fertility has been declining because of nearly continuous maize (Zea mays) cultivation with little or no nutrient inputs. The use of short-duration tree fallows was one of several agroforestry options hypothesized to restore soil fertility. Sesbania sesban, an indigenous N2-fixing tree was the most promising among species tested in screening trials. Several studies since 1987 have demonstrated the dramatic potential of two- or three-year sesbania fallows in restoring soil fertility and increasing maize yields. Analyses showed that these improved fallow systems were feasible, profitable, and acceptable to farmers. Results suggest that high maize yields following fallows are primarily due to improved N input and availability by the fallows. The potential to increase maize production without applying mineral fertilizers has excited thousands of farmers who are enthusiastically participating in the evaluation of this technology. The number of farmers who are testing a range of improved fallow practices has increased from 200 in 1994 to over 3000 in 1997. Presently, a strong network of institutions comprising government, NGOs, development projects, and farmer organizations is facilitating the adaptive research and expansion of improved fallow technology in eastern Zambia. Key elements in the research process that contributed to the achievements are effective diagnosis of farmers' problems, building on farmers' indigenous knowledge, generating several different fallow options for farmers to test, ex-ante economic analysis, farmer participation in on-farm trials, and development of a network for adaptive research and dissemination.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Improved fallow is a technology that can help to raise agricultural productivity in systems of poor soil fertility and low financial capital. Models, once calibrated, can be used to investigate a range of improved fallow systems relatively quickly and at relatively low cost, helping to direct experimental research towards promising areas of interest. Six fallow crop rotations were simulated using the WaNuLCAS model in a bimodal rainfall setting in Kenya over a 10 year period: (A) alternating fallow and crop seasons, (B) one season fallow followed by three seasons crop, (C) one season fallow followed by four seasons crop, (D–F) 1–3 seasons fallow periods followed by 3–5 seasons crop. The strategies were tested using a number of fallow growth rates, soil clay contents, and rainfall amounts to determine the interaction of fallow rotation and biophysical variables on maize (Zea mays (L.)) yield and sustainability (organic matter, N2 fixation, leaching). The best simulated fallow strategies doubled maize yield compared to continuous maize over a 10 year period. Across all biophysical treatments strategy A and B of no more than three consecutive cropping seasons and of one consecutive fallow season yielded the most maize. This was because fallow benefits were largely due to the immediate fallow soil fertility benefit (IFB) rather than the cumulative benefit (CFB). The difference in yield between the two strategies was through a balance between (1) their interaction with the biophysical variables affecting accumulation of organic matter, hence increasing soil fertility and (2) the extra intrinsic soil fertility used for maize productivity by the inclusion of more cropping seasons within the rotation. We propose the following conceptual framework to manage fallows for maximum maize yield: when environmental factors are strongly limiting to fallow and crop growth then fallow strategy A would be the best strategy to employ (less risk but more labour) and when factors are less limiting then strategy B would be the best to employ.  相似文献   

Most agroforestry-adoption studies are based on surveys of "non-adopters." An understanding of the circumstances that have led to a change of attitude of the adopters will be valuable in our efforts to enhance adoption rates. This study was undertaken to provide such knowledge based on a large agroforestry extension project involving 200,000 farm families and covering 25% of all rural households in Haiti. A questionnaire-based survey of the project participants was conducted covering 1,540 households and 2,295 fields in four regions of Haiti. Information was recorded about each farm and family member through interviews with farmers and visits to their farms. The results confirmed that farmers make decisions about tree culture based on household- and field characteristics. Different farmers consider trees differently depending upon how they fit into their farm-family strategy. In general, farmers installed tree hedgerows on fields of less secure tenure, of lesser fertility, and steeper slope, while on closer, more fertile fields of greater tenure security, tree seedlings and fruit trees were more common and there was a greater density of mature trees (>10 cm DBH). More money was realized from sale of tree products on actively cropped fields in more secure tenure and having more fertile soil. Older farmers managed a greater density of trees, especially when the land was in secure tenure status. This broad-based study shows that agroforestry implementation strategies in poor countries such as Haiti should be based on a thorough knowledge of how farmers use household and field characteristics to make adoption decisions. It also suggests that agroforestry-adoption studies should account for the dynamic changes occurring during extended time periods.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The extension strategy used by the CARE International in Kenya Agroforestry Extension Project (AEP) is described. This strategy is evaluated in terms of documented changes in farmer's agroforestry practices and the importance of AEP relative to other changes in economic incentives, institutional support, and land use and tenure rules for agroforestry. The project served mainly to increase awareness of the multipurpose potential of agroforestry, expand available technical options, and strengthen local institutions. Its community-based extension approach was more suitable for local conditions than commodity-based, training-and-visit, farming systems, or media-based extension. Projects are encouraged to tailor extension design to local circumstances, use community participation to guide extension priorities, and use extensionists as catalysts and information brokers.Research undertaken while the author was a Principal Scientist at the International Council for Research in Agroforestry, Nairobi, Kenya.  相似文献   

Traditional shifting cultivation systems can no longer be sustained in West Africa because of rapid increases in human and livestock populations. Short-duration, improved fallows are among the alternative land-management strategies that have evolved. This paper reviews how velvetbean or mucuna (Mucuna pruriens) and stylo (Stylosanthes hamata and Stylosanthes guianensis) management systems were developed and disseminated in West Africa. Mucuna was first adopted by farmers in southwestern Benin between 1988 and 1992, and the number of testers of the innovation rose to 10,000 farmers throughout Benin by 1996. Suppression of spear grass (Imperata cylindrica) was perceived as the main benefit of mucuna fallows. The stylo technology was introduced in the late 1970s, and it was primarily targeted to livestock production in the subhumid monomodal rainfall zone. The uptake of stylo has been relatively slow and modest in West Africa in contrast to the faster rate of adoption of mucuna in southwestern Benin. Some of the contributory factors to the slower adoption of stylo than mucuna include rainfall regime, lack of motivation of livestock keepers, insecure land tenure, limited capability and facilities of extension staff, poor communication among scientists, and unsatisfactory establishment of the crop. Recommendations to increase the adoption of improved fallows include the use of a participatory approach in problem identification, expansion of the genetic base of cover crops for use in fallows, optimization of the multiple benefits of cover crops, management of the improved system, promotional strategies, and appropriate policies.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Poor establishment, due to loss of soil fertility, weeds and lack of appropriate shade, is a major constraint to replanting cacao on previously used land. Spathodea campanulata, Newbouldia laevis and Ricinodendron heudelotii planted as monospecific improved fallow and Terminalia ivorensis, T. superba and Antiaris toxicaria planted as a multispecies improved fallow and a natural tree fallow were assessed for their potential to facilitate cacao replanting in a randomized complete block design experiment. Simpson and Shannon diversity indices and species richness in the natural tree fallow were 0.6, 1.6 and 20, respectively, at 4 years after trial inception. The Multispecies and the R. heudelotii improved fallows had better height growth, crown development and light transmission characteristics, which are desirable for cacao shade. However, these were not comparable to S. campanulata or the natural tree fallow in terms of improving microsite topsoil pH, % organic carbon and % total nitrogen and site capture. Since optimum fallow period is shortened by growing fast-growing trees, the height growth rate >2.0 m per annum in all the treatments except N. laevis indicates the suitability of these species for improved fallow. The trees species showed different and complementary characteristics and from a standpoint of biodiversity conservation and the future floristic composition of the landscape the natural tree fallow with its diversity of tree species may be recommended as a rehabilitation technique to facilitate the replanting of cacao with a diverse overhead shade.  相似文献   

The article presents a critical evaluation of agroforestry systems as regards their potential to increase primary production in the Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa. The suggestion that trees would always and everywhere be profitable for the region will be counterproductive, the basis for disappointments and a waste of money. One has to consider carefully which properties of woody species could serve which objective, where and under what circumstances.Primary production is limited by water availability in the north Sahelian zone only, elsewhere in the region nutrient availability is critical. Woody species influence the water balance via rainfall interception, the influence on evapotranspiration and the influence on water infiltration. The ultimate result for grasslands and crops depends upon local conditions; positive effects of windbreaks should be particularly attributed to protection against mechanical stress. Processes that influence nutrient availability under trees are those acting via redistribution, those reducing nutrient losses and those increasing soil fertility. Of the latter processes, serious limitations exist in the region concerned: nitrogen fixation is limited by phosphorus shortage mainly and deep rooting is very limited and so is possible uptake of minerals from deep soil layers.The positive influence from woody species on soil fertility and primary production varies with average annual rainfall and soil type; its importance increases more than proportionally with rainfall going south. This positive influence is basically linked to the redistribution of nutrients and water, the internal nutrient cycling and the related enlarged plant-litter-soil nutrient cycle. Taking advantage of its effects is difficult and risks further depletion of soil fertility. Moreover, since woody species generally compete with the herb layer, it will be difficult to develop agroforestry in such a way that the positive influences are not overridden by negative ones. The potential to increase nutrient availability by agroforestry systems is limited and windbreaks are more beneficial under conditions which are rare in the region.More research is needed to determine under which conditions introduction of woody species may be beneficial.
Le potentiel de l'agroforesterie pour augmenter la production primaire dans les zones sahélienne et soudanienne de l'Afrique de l'Quest
Résúme Une évaluation critique de l'agroforesterie est présentée, en ce qui concerne la possibilité d'augmenter la production primaire dans les zones sahélienne et soudanienne de l'Afrique de l'Quest. La supposition que dans cette région des arbres seraient toujours et partout avantageux, n'est pas productive, mais plutôt une cause de déceptions et un gaspillage de ressources. Il faut se demander quelles propriétés des espéces ligneuses pourraient servir quels objectifs, oú et sous quelles conditions.Seulement dans zoneone nord-sahélienne la production primaire est limitée par la disponibilité en eau; ailleurs c'est la disponsibilité des éléments nutritifs qui est la plus déterminante. Des espéces ligneuses influencent le bilan d'eau par l'interception de la pluie, par des modifications de l'evapotranspiration, et par une amélioration de l'infiltration d'eau. La conséquence pour les pâturages et les cultures dépend des conditions locales; les avantages de brise-vents dépendront notamment de la protection contre le stress mécanique. Des processus influençant la disponibilité des éléments nutritifs souls les arbres sont ceux agissant par la redistribution, par la diminution des pertes et par l'augmentation de la fertilité. Les derniers processus ont des limitations sérieuses dans la zone: la fixation d'azote est surtout limitée par le manque de phosphore et l'enracinemment profond paraît limité et ainsi la possibilité de profiter d'une disponibilité éventuelle de minéraux en profondeur.L'influence positive des espéces ligneuses sur la fertilité du sol et la production primaire varie avec la pluviosité annuelle et le type de sol; son importance accroît plus que proportionnelle avec la pluviosité vers le sud. Cet influence positive est liée à la redistribution des éléments nutritifs et de l'eau, au recyclage interne des éléments nutritifs et le cycle agrandi y en être la conséquence, de ces éléments en plante-litière-sol. Pour profiter de ses effets est difficile et on risque l'épuisement supplémentaire des éléments nutritifs. En plus, suite à la concurrence entre les espéces ligneuses et la strate herbacée, c'est difficile à développer l'agroforesterie d'une telle façon que les avantages ne seront pas surpassés par les inconvéniences. Des brise-vents sont avantageux sous des conditions qui sont rares dans la zone.Plus de recherche est nécessaire pour déterminer les conditions sous lesquelles l'introduction des espéces ligneuses peut être profitable.

Based on farmers’ knowledge and laboratory studies, the nutrient accumulation in the topsoil (0–20 cm) under Cordia africana Lam (Cordia), Millettia ferruginea Hochst (Millettia) and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnhardt (Red gum) managed under two agroforestry practices on different farms at three sites was evaluated. The number of these trees on individual farms has increased during the last two decades. The number of stems ha−1 of Red gum was higher on farms of wealthier households than on farms of poor and medium households at two of the sites, but, at one site the number of stems ha−1 on farms of poor households was higher than on farms of wealthier households. Apart from the concentration of Na in the topsoil, there were significant variations in the analysed soil nutrients between the tree species. At all study sites, significantly higher concentration of P was observed under Millettia and Cordia than under Red gum. At one site, concentrations of available P under Cordia were nearly two-fold, and four and half-fold greater than under Millettia and Red gum, respectively. At one site, total N under Red gum was 14% and 24% lower than under Cordia and Millettia, respectively. In contrast, organic C content under Red gum was 11.6% greater than under Millettia and 23.8% greater than under Cordia. The pH under Millettia and Cordia were significantly higher than concentrations under Red gum at one site. Topsoil under Millettia and Cordia also had significantly higher levels of exchangeable Ca and Mg than Red gum.  相似文献   

Throughout the southeastern United States, Rhus and Rubus species are common associates of the southern pines on a wide array of upland site and stand conditions. Because of their ability to overrun disturbed sites, these species are categorized as competitors to pine during stand regeneration. Since prescribed burning is often used for site preparation in advance of pine regeneration, this study investigated the effect of fire on the germination of seeds from three pine competitors (Rubus argutus Link, Rhus copallina L. and Rhus glabra L.). During dormant-season burns, sumac seeds were located 45 cm above litter, within the F layer of a reconstructed forest floor, and at the interface of the forest floor and mineral soil. During growing-season burns, fresh blackberry fruits were placed at heights of 0, 15, 30, and 45 cm above the surface litter of a reconstructed forest floor. In subsequent germination tests, sumac seeds from within the F layer of burned litter had significantly higher germination rates for smooth sumac (31%) and shining sumac (42%) as compared to unburned control seeds (1–5%). In general, germination rates for sumac seeds placed in the air or on mineral soil during burning were no better than control seeds. Seeds from blackberry fruits that were located at heights of 15, 30, and 45 cm had germination rates that were comparable to unburned control seeds (18%), but seeds from fruits placed on the litter during burning had <1% germination. Results suggest that sumac seed germination may be enhanced by the heat from prescribed burning, whereas blackberry seeds showed more germination response to multiple germination cycles which indicated a potential for long-term storage in the soil seed bank.  相似文献   

Steps leading to the biosynthesis of syringyl lignans and tetrahydronaphthalene and naphthalene lignans, especially the formation of the C2–C7′ linkage, have not been elucidated. Lyoniresinol is a typical syringyl lignan, as well as a tetrahydronaphthalene lignan found in Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica. To demonstrate the biosynthetic pathway for (+)-lyoniresinol, three putative biosynthetic intermediates of lyoniresinol, syringaresinol, 5,5′-dimethoxylariciresinol, and 5,5′-dimethoxysecoisolariciresinol, were isolated from wood. The identity of the putative intermediates was confirmed by spectroscopic analyses, as well as by comparison of spectral and chromatographic data with those of authentic samples previously synthesized. The stereochemistry (enantiomeric composition and absolute configuration) of the isolated lignans were determined as (±)-syringaresinol, (8S,8′S)-(−)-5,5′-dimethoxylariciresinol [46% enantiomeric excess (e.e.)], (8S,8′S)-(+)-5,5′-dimethoxysecoisolariciresinol (91% e.e.), and (8R,8′R)-(+)-lyoniresinol (42% e.e.). The absolute configurations of (+)-and (-)-5,5′-dimethoxylariciresinols, and (+)-and (-)-5,5′-dimethoxysecoisolariciresinols were determined by their synthesis (catalytic reduction) from (8R,8′R)-(+)-and (8S,8′S)-(-)-syringaresinols and by subsequent chiral high-performance liquid chromatography analysis. This report was presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kyoto, March 2005  相似文献   

On the basis of nine Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and ten European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) thinning experiments in Germany, for which both residual and removed stock had been registered first during 1870, I scrutinize how moderate and heavy thinning from below (B-, C-grade) affects the production of merchantable volume compared with light thinning (A-grade). In relation to A-grade, cumulative merchantable volume (CV) of B- and C-grade amounts in average to 103–107% in juvenile and to 97–102% in mature Norway spruce stands. The corresponding findings for European beech are 101–106% and 94–102%. CV of individual stands varies between 89% and 130% for Norway spruce and 73% and 155% for European beech (CV of A-grade = 100%). These findings are substantiated by the relation between stand density (SDI) and periodic annual increment (PAI). On the B- and C-grade plots of spruce and beech, respectively, SDI was reduced down to 41–91% and 31–83% of the A-grade. When SDI is reduced in young stands, PAI follows a unimodal curve. Norway spruce’s PAI culminates in 109% if SDI is reduced to 59%; European beech’s PAI culminates in 123% when density is reduced to 50%. Whereas Norway spruce’s growth reacts most positively on thinning under poor site conditions and with increment reduction on favourable sites, European beech behaves oppositely. With stand development the culmination point of the unimodal relation moves towards maximum density, so that in older stands PAI follows the increasing pattern, which is the left portion of a unimodal curve. A model is presented which apparently unifies contradictory patterns of stand density–growth reactions by integrating relative stand density, average tree size and site fertility effects, and makes the findings operable for forest management.  相似文献   

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