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犬免疫介导溶血性贫血是一种与自身红细胞抗体有关的溶血性贫血,发病原因可分为原发性和继发性,论文主要介绍了一例由吉氏巴贝斯虫感染后继发的犬自身免疫溶血性贫血的诊断、治疗和预后。  相似文献   

Hemosiderin granules were identified in blood neutrophils and monocytes of three dogs. The brownish granules were 1 to 4 microns in diameter and stained positively for iron with Prussian blue stain. All three dogs had evidence of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia and received whole blood transfusions prior to observation of hemosiderin. The mechanism of hemosiderin accumulation by blood leukocytes from these dogs was undetermined. Iron overload produced by administration of whole blood transfusions during immune-mediated hemolytic anemia was implicated as a causative factor.  相似文献   

Cytologic evaluation of inflammation in canine liver aspirates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Liver aspiration cytology has been used routinely for more than a decade for the evaluation of canine and feline liver disease. However, the value of liver cytology in detecting inflammatory liver disease is poorly defined. We retrospectively reviewed 51 canine liver cytology reports and compared the conclusions with those from concurrent surgical biopsy reports. Overall sensitivity of cytology for diagnosis of inflammatory liver disease was 93% and specificity was 96%. For suppurative hepatitis (n = 14), the sensitivity of cytologic diagnosis was 100% and the specificity was 95%. For chronic active hepatitis (n = 13), the sensitivity of cytologic diagnosis was 100% and the specificity was 93%. For lymphocytic hepatitis (n = 3), the sensitivity of cytologic diagnosis was 33% and the specificity was 100%. We conclude that canine liver aspiration cytology is a highly sensitive test for the detection of suppurative and chronic active inflammation; however, it is insensitive for the detection of lymphocytic hepatitis.  相似文献   

The bacterial agglutination test (BAT) and the hemolysis inhibition test (HIT) were employed and evaluated.The threshold value between positive and negative antibody titres in BAT and HIT was determined on the basis of titration results for sera from 25 adult goats infected with Corynebacterium pseudotuber-culosis (positive), and sera from 25 adult goats from a herd in which caseous lymphadenitis did not occur (negative).Antibody titres were expressed as logio to the reciprocal value of the highest positive serum dilution in both tests. Positive titre (T) in BAT was stipulated as T ≥ 2.1 and in HIT as T > 0.6. The sensitivity and specificity was 0.96 in both tests in the material used. Twenty-three of the 25 goats infected with G. pseudotuberculosis were positive in both BAT and HIT.The reproducibility in both tests was described by the use of correlation coefficient and coefficient of variation. The values were estimated using duplicate determination of titres of 155 serum samples. Correlation coefficients were 0.87 for BAT and 0.95 for HIT. Coef-ficients of variation were 26.4 % for BAT and 14.1 % for HIT. The coefficient of variation was related to titres. It was highest for BAT at low titres.It was concluded that both tests can be used for seroepidemio-logical investigations of C. pseudotuberculosis infection in goats.  相似文献   

Background: Mammary tumors are the most common neoplasms in female dogs. Malignant tumors may carry a poor prognosis and necessitate surgery. Few data are available on the value of cytologic examination as a diagnostic or prognostic tool for mammary tumors in dogs. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to determine whether cytologic findings in fine‐needle aspirate specimens of canine mammary tumors correlate with histopathologic results and whether the cytologic diagnosis is associated with postoperative outcome. Methods: In this prospective study, fine‐needle aspirate samples were obtained from 50 mammary tumors in 50 dogs. Results of cytologic and histopathologic examination were compared, using the histologic diagnosis as the reference method. Kaplan–Meier log rank analysis was used to evaluate univariate association of the cytologic diagnosis with duration of survival, local control, and metastasis‐free interval. Results: Adequate cytologic samples were obtained in 43/50 (86%) cases. The cytologic diagnosis correlated with the histologic diagnosis for benign and malignant tumors in 40/43 (93%) and 35/43 (81%) cases, respectively. Cytologic examination had a sensitivity of 88% and a specificity of 96% for the diagnosis of malignancy. The cytologic diagnosis had significant univariate association with duration of survival (P=.016), recurrence‐free interval (P=.003), and metastasis‐free interval (P=.014). Conclusions: Cytologic examination of mammary tumors in the dog has satisfactory accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity for the diagnosis of malignancy and is associated with postoperative outcome. Further studies on the diagnostic accuracy of cytology as well as multivariate analysis of its preoperative prognostic value in mammary tumors in the dog are warranted.  相似文献   

Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) occurs less frequently in cats than in dogs. The value of the Coombs' test (CT) has been questioned, but detailed surveys of its use are lacking. The objective of this study was to describe 19 cats with primary IMHA (pIMHA) and to examine the diagnostic value of the direct CT. The CT was performed in 92 cats; it was negative in 5 healthy, in 9 sick nonanemic, and in 55 cats with different types of anemia. The CT was positive in 18 anemic cats (2 feline leukemia virus (FeLV) positive, 1 with cholangiohepatitis, 15 with no underlying disease). Moreover, agglutination persisted after saline washing in 5 anemic cats (1 lymphoma, 4 pIMHA). Inclusion criteria for pIMHA were a positive CT (15) or persistent agglutination (4), and the exclusion of other diseases. The age of the 19 cats ranged from 0.5 to 9 years (median, 2 years); male cats were overrepresented. The PCV on admission was 6-22% (median, 12%). The anemia was nonregenerative in 11 cats. Additional abnormal laboratory results were leukocytosis (2), lymphocytosis (6), hyperbilirubinemia (13), hyperglobulimemia (10), and increased liver enzyme activities (10). Initial treatment consisted of blood transfusions (10), crystalloids (11), prednisolone (19), antibiotics (19), and H2-blockers (11). Four of 17 cats were euthanized 9, 63, 240 and 2,160 days after initial presentation (mortality rate, 23.5%). Relapses were reported in 5 of 16 cases (31%). Thus, pIMHA appears to occur more frequently than recognized previously, with a more favorable prognosis in cats than in dogs. The CT was useful in identifying immune-mediated pathogenesis.  相似文献   

A macrocytic hypochromic anemia, with marked reliculocytosis and large numbers of circulating nucleated erythrocytes, was recognized in a 3 1/2-year-old male Beagle-cross dog. A presumptive diagnosis of erythrocyte pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency was made, even though PK activity from the patient was within the range of activities measured for normal dogs, because the PK activity should have been several times normal in light of the large number of reticulocytes present. The PK activity in a hemolysate from the patient was heat-labile compared to activities in hemolysates from normal dogs, a finding consistent with results from a previous study of PK-deficient Basenji dogs. Seven phosphorylated glycolytic intermediates and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate were measured in protein-free extracts of erythrocytes from the patient. All were present in concentrations above that present in normal canine erythrocytes, further supporting the diagnosis of PK deficiency.  相似文献   

Authors who publish evaluations of dichotomous (yes/no) diagnostic tests often include the predictive values of their test at a single prior probability (eg, the prevalence of the target disease within the evaluation data set). The objectives of this technical note are to demonstrate why single-probability predictive values are misleading and to show a better way to display positive predictive values (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) for a newly evaluated test. Secondly, this technical note will show readers how to calculate predictive values from only sensitivity and specificity for any desired prior probability. As prior probability increases from 0% to 100%, PPV increases from 0% to 100%, but NPV goes in the opposite direction (drops from 100% to 0%). Because prior probabilities vary so greatly across situations, predictive values should be provided in publications for the full range of potential prior probabilities (if provided at all). This is easily done with a 2-curve graph displaying the predictive values (y-axis) against the prior probability (x-axis).  相似文献   

Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves provide a cutoff-independent method for the evaluation of continuous or ordinal tests used in clinical pathology laboratories. The area under the curve is a useful overall measure of test accuracy and can be used to compare different tests (or different equipment) used by the same tester, as well as the accuracy of different diagnosticians that use the same test material. To date, ROC analysis has not been widely used in veterinary clinical pathology studies, although it should be considered a useful complement to estimates of sensitivity and specificity in test evaluation studies. In addition, calculation of likelihood ratios can potentially improve the clinical utility of such studies because likelihood ratios provide an indication of how the post-test probability changes as a function of the magnitude of the test results. For ordinal test results, likelihood ratios can be calculated on a category-specific basis from the empirical data or by using the slope of the line joining adjacent category limits on the ROC curve. For continuous test results, data need to be categorized into intervals for estimation of likelihood ratios, or they can be calculated as the slope (tangent) to the ROC curve at a unique test value. We use ROC analysis and calculate likelihood ratios to evaluate the performance of tests reported in 2 articles previously published in this journal.  相似文献   

Background: The diagnostic value of cytology compared with histopathology varies by tissue, but there is little information regarding this comparison involving canine bone. Objectives: The objective of this retrospective study was to compare primary pathologic processes for cytology and histopathology of canine bone lesions. We adopted a proposed standardized format for reporting studies of diagnostic accuracy. Methods: A computer search of canine medical records at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center from September 2002 through October 2006 identified 52 bone cytology samples that had incisional (IncB) and/or excisional (ExcB) biopsy performed. The primary pathologic process was determined by evaluation of original reports. Cytologic vs IncB and cytologic vs ExcB were compared pairwise for agreement. Agreement was compared for neoplastic and non-neoplastic processes using the combined IncB/ExcB data, which included all ExcB (n=21) and IncB when that was the only biopsy available (n=31). Combined data were used to determine the effect of cytology cellularity on the diagnostic correlation. Results: The correlation in primary process between cytology and IncB was 71%, and for ExcB was 71%. For lesions with a cytologic diagnosis of neoplasia compared with the combined IncB/ExcB data set, cytology and histopathology agreed in 92% of cases, which was significantly greater (P<.0001, chi(2)) than the 27% for non-neoplastic processes. Cytology cellularity significantly affected rates of correlation (P=.026), with high, moderate, and poor cellularity samples having concordant primary processes in 88%, 77%, and 47% of cases, respectively. Conclusions: Cytologic diagnosis of neoplasia for samples collected from canine bone correlates better with histopathology than cytologic diagnosis of non-neoplastic proliferative processes or inflammation. Cytologic diagnoses from highly cellular samples are more likely to correlate with histopathology than those from less cellular samples.  相似文献   

Abstract: D-dimer is a neoantigen formed when thrombin initiates the transformation of fibrinogen to fibrin; it is derived from plasmin digestion of cross-linked fibrin. In human medicine, the usefulness of this analyte in diagnosing disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) has been assessed in patients fulfilling the clinical and laboratory requirements for this disorder. In canine medicine, the use of D-dimer is relatively new. Detailed studies are needed to understand the relationship between D-dimer concentration in plasma and DIC status in dogs. We validated a D-dimer immunoturbidimetric assay (Tina-quant [a] D-Dimer, Boehringer Mannheim) in canine citrated plasma samples. Intra-assay and interassay variability (coefficient of variation) was 5.63% and 8.82%, respectively. The assay was linear, using 2 samples with low and high D-dimer concentrations (r = .996 and .998). Accuracy was 102.2% and 95.7% based on a recovery study in which 2 samples were assessed. Reference values for D-dimer were established using 70 healthy dogs that were assessed clinically and evaluated on the basis of a complete laboratory workup. The reference range was set between 0.02 and 0.28 μg/mL (chi-square test for normal distribution, P > .05).  相似文献   

Background: Certain systemic autoimmune diseases in dogs are characterized by high titers of circulating antinuclear antibodies (ANA), which can be demonstrated by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF). In an earlier study of IIF‐ANA–positive dogs, the Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion (DID) test was used to identify specific autoantibodies. The DID test has largely been replaced with line blot tests in human diagnostic settings. Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate whether the line blot assay Inno‐Lia ANA update test is a useful tool in demonstrating ANA specificities in canine patients with previously diagnosed IIF‐ANA–positive rheumatic disorders. Methods: Serum samples from 3 clinically healthy control dogs and 20 canine patients with clinical signs of systemic rheumatic disease and documented positive results for IIF‐ANA and DID tests were included in the study. The Inno‐Lia ANA update assay was performed with an anti‐canine detection antibody. Results: Six serum samples that had DID positivity with anti‐spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNP) reactivity showed reactivity to multiple snRNP proteins in the Inno‐Lia test. Samples from 2 dogs that had other types of DID positivity also had clear SmB reactivity and 1 had weak reactivity to RNP‐70K. The other serum samples, including controls, were negative. Conclusions: Using the Inno‐Lia ANA update test, multiple snRNP specificities were demonstrated in some canine patients with autoimmune rheumatic disorders. Other canine autoantibodies may exist that are not detected by this test. Further studies are necessary to characterize the target antigen(s) of these remaining autoantibodies in canine sera.  相似文献   

In 66 dogs of various races consulting the veterinary clinic for skin problems suspicious of atopic dermatitis, parallel skin tests with two commercial brands of allergens and serological tests with the CMG IMMUNODOT system and with an ELISA assay using monoclonal anti-IgE antibodies were performed. The most frequent sensitivities found were towards house dust (44%) and storage mites (50%). Depending upon the cut-off point chosen, the CMG IMMUNODOT test was shown to have sensitivity, in respect to the skin test, varying from 54 to 100%, in an inverse relationship to specificity. The ELISA assay was found to be slightly less sensitive. These investigations also revealed some major discrepancies in skin test results among allergen extracts of different origins, confirming that skin test results should no longer be considered as the sole 'gold standard' in diagnosis of IgE-mediated allergy. The experience gained confirms that modern serological tests using monoclonal anti-IgE antibodies for detection of allergen-specific IgEs in the dog are useful in the diagnosis of dog allergy.  相似文献   

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